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Approved Tech DSDT Program - #419420-1129391-418525

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DSDT Program
Direct Surveillance of Domestic Threats



Intent: To establish listening posts across the territories of the Empire for acts of surveillance in nearby towns, cities, spaceports, vehicles, ships or other points of interests across a multitude of planets belonging to the Empire.

Image Source: [Link] [Link] [Link]

Canon Link: Lianna, Ruisto, Galidraan, Ossus, Desevro, Tion, Folende, Voss, Rhen Var, Stygeon Prime, Nam Chorios, Aargonar, Centares, Anzat, Chad, Jomark, Belderone, Nespis VIII, Chandaar, Dellat, Minntooine, New Alderaan, Cophrigin V, Jabiim, Iego, Mortowa, Gand, Mon Calamari, Pammant, Lothal
Permissions: Imperial Military Protective Services (IMPS)
Primary Source: Empire of the Lost, Lakonia, Mortowa


Manufacturer: New Imperial Security Bureau
Affiliation: New Imperial Security Bureau, Empire of the Lost, Order of the Sith Lords, Alicia Drey Alicia Drey , Velran Kilran Velran Kilran
Market Status: Closed-Market
Model: N/A
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-Produced

Mass surveillance of nearby populaces of varying degrees and sizes i.e ecumenopolis, city, town, spaceport, vehicle, ship.

  • A DSDT Listening Outpost has the capability of conducting wide surveillance of nearby ecumenopolis, city, town, space, vehicle, or ships. Operators working in these outposts can listen to a wide array of conversations, transmissions, or broadcasts happening in nearby vicinity to the station.
  • A DSDT Listening Outpost has the ability to store many terabytes of data in it's vaults and is fitted with technologies designed to churn that data into information.
  • A DSDT Listening Outpost blends in with it's environment. For example, if one were built inside an ecumenopolis then it would look like the surrounding architecture, and if one were built on a remote world then it would fit the surrounding environment. These buildings are supposed to be difficult to recognise or spot out.
  • A DSDT Listening Outpost operates with the ideas of compartmentalization, clandestine, covert and secrecy. Only a rare few know of their existence, and those who operate in these outposts are unaware of the existence of outer outposts across the Galaxy.
  • A DSDT Listening Outpost is fitted with a self-destruct protocol. If the protocol is engaged then it will result in the destruction of the facility with a large-yield explosion designed to kill all of it's occupants; destroy all technology stored in the facility; and erase data, or information compiled by the outpost prior to it's self-destruction.
  • A DSDT Listening Outpost possesses very little in the form of weapons, security or defence. If an outpost were attacked by a well equipped force they would succeed in overwhelming such facilities.
  • A DSDT Listening Outpost is suspect to a leak. If the existence, whereabouts and/or location of a facility were leaked to a hostile entity then it's ability to conduct it's designated functions would be severely affected.
  • A DSDT Listening Outpost is reliant on surveillance technology. If a camera were destroyed, or a listening device was sabotaged, or if an informant were discovered in the act of espionage then it's surveillance functions would be severely affected, and in most cases, stopped.
  • A DSDT Listening Outpost is equipped with no vehicles, starfighters, transport or ship of any design, class or distinction.
  • A DSDT Listening Outpost is operated by groups of Humans. As a result it is suspect to Human error, and mistake.
  • A DSDT Listening Outpost is heavily reliant on being supplied with foodstuffs, technology and other necessitaties to function. As a result this makes a clear and obvious security flaw in it's ability to remain secret.
  • A DSDT Listening Outpost cannot listen, monitor or follow something, or someone that it is unaware of. A cloaked ship, hidden base constructed without their knowledge: this weakness is self-explanatory.

The Direct Surveillance of Domestic Threats (DSDT) was an initiative launched by the New Security Imperial Bureau at the turn of the century. Allocated funding by the Imperial Moff Council under Emperor Velran Kilran Velran Kilran construction of listening outposts across the territories of the Empire of the Lost begun in earnest. Designed to blend into several different environments these buildings are difficult to distinguish in any difference to surrounding architecture, or land that they inhabit. For example, many of these outposts are located in the ecumenopolis that is Lianna's Capital City and so it's design matches the architecture of the buildings that surround it. Conversely, one of these outposts can be found on the saline ocean world of Ruisto after the Ruisto system was annexed by the Empire of the Lost in the 900s ABY, and operates without the local populace of fishermen (made up a wide array of species) knowing about it.

If one of these outposts are located on your world then you are under mass surveillance by a Police state. Whether it is the ecumenopolis of Lianna City, or the remote fishing villages of Ruisto, a hierarchy of spies are listening to what you have to say, think and believe about the Empire. In the privacy of your own home to the places you work through to public functions the New Imperial Security Imperial Bureau knows where you are, what you are saying, what you are thinking and where you are going next. All recordings of conversation, talk, speech, broadcasts, transmissions or private information is suspect to the NISB. This surveillance operates everywhere.

There is no escape.

Reliant on using technology to conduct surveillance on such a large populace requires acts of espionage that are conducted by the men and women who crew these outposts. Senior Officers run the day-to-day functions of the outpost and are responsible for the Agents who work there. Trainees looking to join the ranks of the New Imperial Security Bureau often start in a DSDT Listening Outpost in a remote system before being moved and allocated to a more serious posting when their training is complete. Teams of Investigators operate within the nearby populace and work with their fellow spies while conducting business on behalf of the NISB. Consequentially it is not a rare thing to see Senior Investigators using their respective outpost for long periods of time.

Staff Agents working within the New Imperial Security Bureau's Headquarters are in often contact with a wide array of outposts across the Empire. Data compiled by outposts are usually turned into information on sight, but it is not uncommon for vast swathes of data on the nearby populace (under surveillance) to be transmitted to the upper branches of the NISB when certain things come to their interests. This data is then converted into useful information, which benefits the NISB in it's business and acts of espionage across the Empire. From the bottom levels of the organisation through to the top office of Staff Director the usefulness of these outposts cannot be understated.

In summary the DSDT Program is made up of several hundred outposts located across the Empire who have dedicated teams of spies conducting mass surveillance of citizens. Conversations, broadcasts, transmissions and everything in-between is being listened too, recorded and stored so that the New Imperial Security Bureau has the data and information it requires to monitor, survey, follow, stalk, coerce, bribe, blackmail, threaten or dismantle the citizens, organisations, groups or individuals found within the Empire of the Lost.

While the mission status of the DSDT Program (and the listening outposts which make up the infrastructure of the organisation) is to monitor domestic threats which threaten the Empire's mission to bring control, order and stability to the sector, star systems and planets which make up the Empire of the Lost it is not uncommon for foreign threats to become an interest to an outpost. For example, if a known criminal were to enter Lianna from another faction then they would instantly fall under the surveillance net of the NISB and this the same in similar function to even the most remotest of systems under the control of the Empire.

If you are in a sector, star system or planet belonging to the Empire of the Lost then chances are that they know about it. Only the most extremely gifted individuals trained in the act of espionage would escape the notice of the New Imperial Security Bureau, or in the case of space, a cloaked ship would likely go undetected by an outpost if it's pilot took the necessary precautions to avoid detection. Transmissions, and broadcasts across the Empire are of particular interest to these outposts, while listening devices and cameras serve as useful avenues for surveillance.

By 902 ABY every sector, star system and planet belonging to the Empire of the Lost had at least one listening outpost in operation. In that same year Darth Ayra, colloquially known as Alicia Drey Alicia Drey , had infiltrated the New Imperial Security Bureau so as to use the organisation and it's reach to benefit her own ulterior motives. As a follower of the Rule of Two Ayra had set her goals towards the construction of a network of spies, informants, politicians, entrepreneurs, and organisations so that she would have the influence, and power to affect events on a galactic scale.

The DSDT Program and the listening outposts which made up the infrastructure of this intelligence arm of the New Imperial Security Bureau consequentially became an important resource of the Order of the Sith Lords: a clandestine organisation made up two Sith, and their loyal followers who operated in the shadows and who sought to use organisations (like the NISB) to benefit their own agenda.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Alicia Drey Alicia Drey

Very cool technology. Just please keep it in mind, If a player says that the system couldn't observe them, then they couldn't because it's always the user's decision. So please do not abuse it.
  • The image source link is not good, you have to link where you found the picture (probably where the creator posted) and not the image itself.

I understand and will comply with this. As for the original image source, unfortunately, when I reverse image search on Google it does not provide a source for the images. I spent like an hour trying to find one to link in the submission but I was unable to find one.
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