Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Drinking on Christophsis

Undisclosed Cantina, Christophsis

So far, the experience that Gaila'Rae had had on Christophsis had been very sub-standard, with nothing really standing out from any other planet other than almost everything being crystalline, but over time it had started loosing it's affect on the woman, and the color was becoming less and less liked with each passing hour. Staring at her combat helmet, Gaila'Rae reached for her glass of alcohol, bringing it up to her lips before taking a sip from it, slowly shifting her vision from the helmet to the table behind it, progressively getting more an more zoned out. At the current time, it had been eight hours since Gaila'Rae left company of the mandalorians that she had spent most of her life living with, and she was drinking while trying to figure out what she wanted to do now that she was away from the mando's.

Twitching suddenly, Gaila'Rae brought herself out of the trance she'd entered, sucking in a breath of air, the woman started to scan the cantina for anyone that may have entered while she was zoned out, spotting no one initially, the woman returned her gaze to the table in front of her, she then picked up the glass of alcohol again, taking another sip of it, finally finishing it off, but the woman kept the glass in her hand, deciding wether she should order a refil or not.

[member="Sheila"] [member="Zoya"] [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] [member="Arkov Lyrandis"] [member="Quinn Michaels"] [member="Alyssa"]
[member="Sheila"] [member="Zoya"] [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] [member="Arkov Lyrandis"] [member="Quinn Michaels"] [member="gaila'rae"]

Alyssa had entered the cantina while Gaila'rae had been zoning out. Outfitted in her simple, armorweave body suit (ala Back Widow) with a gun holstered in the small of her back and a simple whip coiled on her hip, Alyssa sauntered up to the bar and ordered a drink. The sudden movement of Gaila'rae when she suddenly looked up and around caught her eye. The woman looked fairly down in the dumps, alone and not knowing what to do. Alyssa was waiting for the ship she had chartered on to arrive before she could get on and go back to civilization. She had more than a day to wait, and the mission she had come here on had been completed. Being bored was never fun, and it was less likely that they'd be bored together, so Alyssa turned her saunter on to full and brought her tall drink of swirling blues in every hue over to Gaila'rae's table.

Alyssa slipped into the chair next to Gaila'rae. She sipped her very blue drink and placed the drink on the table with a soft, satisfied sigh. Her amber eyes were locked on to Gaila'rae's eyes and a soft smirk played on her lips.

"You look far to blue to not try my drink..." She said, taking another sip, then offering it to Gaila'rae.
"Yes success" The doors were opened long enough for her to fly in as she couldn't set off the motion sensor to open them herself. Sheila looked at the bar and the people in there while she raised an eyebrow and flew over to the bar leaving a small trail of golden light. The little As-Aki landed on the counter as one of the jawa's squeaked looking at her and she cocked her hands on her hips giving the best peter pan pose while she hovered just a little bit over the sticky counter. "Oh yeah.... you and what army?" She said it while the hooded rat backed away with its large drink and went to another table with more of its kind and she touched down on the counter getting some looks from the others there. Her boot sticking in a glop of alcohol for a moment as she looked down and pulled her leg up then moved over to a napkin. "Tinks titties, you humans are flithy." She got some looks and there was a shot glass nearby while she went over to it.

[member="Alyssa"] [member="Gaila'Rae"]
[member="Sheila"] [member="Alyssa"] [member="Gaila'Rae"]

Jaster walked into the bar with an escort of 3 men, "What do you mean they just quit?" Jaster turned in the door way one of the men, "they can't, we need them if we are to continue on," Jaster crossed his arms in anger, "Commander, you get those explorers back on this mission and I don't give a Kark on how you do it, we need people to explore the Unknown Region if we are to move on with the project, don't return until you get them back or find replacements."

The three men saluted and rushed out of the door way leading to the bar. Jaster shook his head, he was not in his armor, but his company attire. Black trench coat with only a green and white umbrella logo for his company, along with a black undershirt and black pants with leather black military boots. He walked on thinking of how he could recover from this annoying development. His company invested billions into the project and now they would have to delay.

He walked up to the bartender, "What's your strongest?"

"Corillian Sunrise, if you can stomach it." Responded the bartender.

He could, he wished they had Zorilian Ale, poison to humans, "Sure, pint, not the tiny glasses." Jaster layer a larger amount of credits on the table for exchange of the drink.

The drink was a layer of bright orange on the bottom and slowly mixing with the yellow on top, the fog emerging from the top of the drink just showed it was not for the weak stomached. That what Jaster ordered it, hopefully the bartender mixed it wrong and could kill him to end the annoyance.
Arkov gave a sigh of defeat as he let the disassembled revolver fall to the counter with a heavy thud, he wiped away several beads of sweat that had formed on his forehead while looking over the damaged weapon. The revolving cylinder that fed ammunition to the weapon had taken a round directly through it rendering the gun next to useless, unless of course he decided to throw it at someone. The thought of a heavily armed merc performing such an action made Arkov chuckle as he took a sip of a bitter overpriced drink while making a mental checklist of list of parts he would require in order to fix the gun. Setting the glass down next to his helmet he glanced to his side as someone took the spot next to him, the man wore an aggravated look on his face as he ordered a drink quickly and without missing a beat set a pile of credits on the counter, "Rough evening?" questioned Arkov with a dry voice, barely even looking up from his own drink.

[member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] [member="Sheila"] [member="Alyssa"] [member="Gaila'Rae"] [member="Zoya"] [member="Quinn Michaels"]
The Stark Contrast at his side, Quinn stopped. He didn't exactly want to enter this Cantina, but he had to. He needed to finish a supply run he'd offered to do for some independent contractors. Granted he really didn't look anything like a Jedi, trading out his Sasori robes for some plain civilian robes and a cloak to hide his lightsaber. He wasn't exactly looking to advertise the fact he was a Jedi, and underpowered one at that. Yeah, he was learning force heal, but you know. He still really only knew Levitate, Push and Pull. That was hardly anything.

Smiling, he walked into the Cantina, closing his eyes. He called out upon the force and he couldn't exactly sense any Sith round here. That was always a start. No Sith meant less chance of ending up in a fight, though knowing bars and Cantina's, there'd be a brawl or something. Drunk people have a tendency to start fights. Just one of the reasons Quinn hated the Hutts really.

Ordering a regular juice and handing over his final package, Quinn walked over to a small stall in the corner, dropping down into it. Sipping his juice, he looked around. He hated this place, and he planned to finish his drink and get out of here. That was the basic plan, though plans never really work out well do they.

[member="Arkov Lyrandis"]
[member="Jaster of clan Awaud"]

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
[member="Quinn Michaels"] [member="Arkov Lyrandis"] [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] [member="Sheila"] @Alyssa @Gaila'Rae

Leaned up out of the other side of the stall that [member="Quinn Michaels"] had sat in and yawned loudly. She had fallen asleep as the transport she arrived on was being refiled and repaired, giving her a good two day's to rest and relax, though in such a cantina that was hard to do. Moving out of the stall, as if in a trance, she stretched a little up into the air while her tail shot straight out into the stall she had come from. Comping her waist long, straight white hair away from her face, she walked towards the bar and ordered a strong caffeinated drink to wake up faster.

To her regret she got bad coffee instead as she leaned against the counter between [member="Sheila"] and [member="Arkov Lyrandis"] as she turned her neck a little, a series of pops and cracking could be heard as the stiffness was forced out of her neck. Two swords were hanging at her hip, a long sword and a scimitar, that clanked as the sheaths hit one another as she walked. She wore a tank top that was covered with an open hoodie, she had forgoten her coat on board the ship, and black cargo pants with combat boots around her legs. A pair of night-vision goggles rested around her neck which she then moved to make rest on her forehead against her horns, to hold her hair back.
Placing her empty glass back onto the table, Gaila'Rae let out a short dissatisfied sigh while leaning back in her seat, deciding to not have anymore drinks for the moment, but as [member="Alyssa"] started approaching the woman's table, it seemed it would most likely be more difficult than just that. By the time that Gaila'Rae noticed someone sitting directly next to her, it was probably already too late to stop the person, as almost instantly the other woman started speaking, mainly offering her drink to the woman clad in an armored undersuit. Slowly raising an eyebrow when the woman's sentence was over, Gaila'Rae replied slowly "Uh, is that supposed to be a joke?" Studying the blue drink offered to her, she started speaking again, shaking her head at the start "No, I'm going to have to turn down that offer for the moment. You see I'm feeling a little fuzzy right now and I don't want to drink anymore for a bit." While it wasn't the only reason Gaila'Rae had said no to Alyssa's offer, it was one of the less rude ways to do it.

"If you want to stay and chat though, then that's fine, I can definitely do that." She spoke again, placing her head in her right hand, before exhaling slowly.

[member="Sheila"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Arkov Lyrandis"] [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]
Leilani sat quietly alone very unusual for her she often had company of some type to chatter about and keep her mind occupied. She had asked something of one of her assets and now she wondered would he come through.

She toyed with her drink in front of her she toyed in her mind with thoughts of Zander she tried hard to forget their last mission but how could she forget any night that they were not following the designer they engaged in....intimacy. Her zeltron nature had overwhelmed her usual calm demeanor, sithspawn.

She pushed her glass from one side to another, there was another mission coming up and Zander was training so arrangements were made for her to meet [member="Kurogan"] she did not recognize the name so she hoped he had her description and would know her. Each time the doors opened or a new customer came in her eyes went to the door searching.
[member="Arkov Lyrandis"]

Jaster looked over at the fellow Mandalorian, interesting to see them so close to the Rebel Space. He wasn't suppose to be this close either, the rebels were looking for mercs for their war with the Union. Politics was Jasters strong suit, and he was constantly on the look for political connections and information. For Jaster information was worth more then any rare metal in his posistion as an independent medical company. These situration a were interesting, Mandalorians were often looking for work in the battlefields.

"You have no idea," Jaster sipped on his drink, it burned and Jaster liked it, "what is a trooper like you doin this far from the mother-world?"

Jaster was an exile himself, according to law he was not allowed to speak with another true member of Mandalore. He was exiled over 10 years ago, these didn't matter anymore, he was the head of the Awaud Clan, exile or not, he had some authority.
The mercenary was confused momentarily by the question, he certainly could be considered a trooper in a sense due to his allegiance to the Omega Pyre but to his knowledge the faction did not have a "mother-world" akin to what he thought the man spoke of. Pausing for a moment Arkov ran it through his mind a few times, trying to find a link with anything of note, then it hit him. 'He thinks I'm a Mando' thought Arkov, proud of the fact that he could be mistaken for one. Arkov could of laughed, not at the man of course but about the case of the mistaken identity itself, "I apoligize sir but I'm afraid you have me mistaken for something I'm not" said Arkov smiling, "Though my ego does appreciate it" he joked, Arkov extended his hand to the other man as a friendly gesture, "Arkov Lyrandis, I'm afraid I'm just a mercenary passing through on the lookout for some employment opportunities, need to keep the bills paid and food on the table" he said before tilting his head towards the ruined weapon sitting on the bar he continued, "So far no such luck in the search" he deadpanned.

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
[member="Gaila'Rae"] [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]

Sheila looked up as she saw someone she actually knew. Flying up and buzzing a little as she moved to sit on one of the horns and looked down at the woman with wide eyes. A smile on her face and glow she she secured a small red sash onto her arm. "Hey its you... that horny woman thing who likes to glow in the dark.... I don't remember your name but I am fairly certain we were having fun." The grin remained on her face while she was looking at the ones there and motioning. "So ah think you could be a friend and get me a drink... he doens't have glasses my size and your credits are a bit large for me."
[member="Arkov Lyrandis"]

Jaster looked at his drink before looking at the mercenary again, he couldn't have already been buzzed to mistake him. Though he was, the bartender must have mistaken the poring of the toxic drink and Jaster body tried to compensate for it. He was use to drinking near deadly concoctions as he was a heavy alcoholic, but even the heavy weights were no competition for the mix ups. So Jaster was loosed, the poisons from the drinks would fade eventually, though Jaster didn't care.

He took another drink from his beverage of choice, yup, he's karked. Looking to the bartender he lifted his drink, "Cheers," he said with a slight buzz.

He then looked to his new conpanion, "Names Jaster Awaud," he extended his arm and shook the mans hand, "Job huh? I wish the damed exploration researchers kept their job," Jaster sighed before drinking again, close to finishing, "sorry about the whole mando mix up, been awhile since seen a kinsmen around."


Padawan Fluffaluffagous!
Walking through the open door a Shistavanen stood there looking around seeing what was around him and the other occupants who were having chats and drinking. Kurogan was ask to come here tonight why? He wasn't sure the one who ask him just said to be and to look out for someone who's skin was different color then normal humans, seeing that he had nothing else plan this evening and that he was interested to know who would want to be with a Shistavanen he decided to go.

He continue to look around the place and notice that it was completely different from the last bar he went to.. clean, better company.. can't smell the any thing coming from the restrooms in all an extremely better place, he nod slightly to himself in satisfaction. Kurogan continue to look around then his light blue eyes stop on a Zeltron, her skin was different then the humans that's for sure but that wasn't what caught his attention it was in his opinion her stunning beauty..

Kurogan begin to walk over to the zeltron table he begin to wonder if she truly was the one who sent the messenger asking him to posibly meat her here tonight? If she was then why did she want to have drinks or even be near a Shistavanen, this was completely new for him. Fixing his leather coat he stop in front of the zeltron table and gave her his best smile he could manage "You shouldn't have a drink alone.. you're to good for that."

[member="Leilani Paaie"]
Alyssa quirked an eyebrow at the rebuff. Her smile never wavered, though, as she slid the drink back to herself and took a sip while she watched the other woman.

Gaila'Rae said:
"If you want to stay and chat though, then that's fine, I can definitely do that." She spoke again, placing her head in her right hand, before exhaling slowly.
"Sure, chatting is harmless." There was a slight wry note to her voice, followed by a soft chuckle. "What's got you so wound up?"

He could sense something. Something quite, odd. He'd felt it once, when Jardo Snow had found himself on Voss. It was a Sith presence, and for some reason she or he was here. Nodding lightly he finished his drink, heading back to the bartender. If he could feel the Sith, then the Sith could sense him, no doubt about it.

He only planned for one drink, but he ordered another none the less. He wanted to wait around, see where this Sith was going, follow this Sith almost. He wanted to make sure the Sith wasn't going to make any issues or start any fights. It was basically his duty as a Jedi to do that.


Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
When [member="Sheila"] sat on her horn she giggled a little. "Sure I'm sure I can do that what'll be your poison?" She said with a slight chuckle before turning her head slowly to see the large wolf walk into the bar and away from her towards a Zeltron. She could feel other force-users around her but she didn't much care, she was no-one's side so there wasn't anything to worry about anyway. A motion towards the bartender and an order of what Shiela wanted as well as a shot of something good. With her hand she moved it up to Sheila in a gesture for her to sit on her hand before moving it down to the counter again as she found the little woman quite an interest. "So what have you been up to goldie?" She said with a teasing tone at how she glowed when she flew around.

[member="Quinn Michaels"] [member="Alyssa"] @Kurogan @Jaster of Clan Awaud [member="Arkov Lyrandis"] [member="Leilani Paaie"] [member="Gaila'Rae"]
[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]

Sheila was looking at the different drinks when she got the nod to get what she wanted... A smirk on her face as she got something neon pink and it was there in front of her for a moment before she was drinking some of it. A small scoop made from a shell while listenign to what else was happening as she spoke. "Oh you know, flying around, seeing the sights... wondering what all those flashing lights in the on district are talking about with live girls?"

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
Zreame nearly choked on her drink as she heard [member="Sheila"] speak. "Wait what?!" she said looking at the little As-aki with a wide eyed and dumbfounded look on her face. "Uh they are talking about the adult industry that most of the sentient's seem to enjoy so much, me just give me something interesting to make or someone interesting to talk to and I'm good." She said with a smile as she nudged Sheila's shoulder gently with her little finger.
[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]

Sheila thought about it for a moment and mouthed the worlds to herself. 'Adult district?' She was wondering what she meant but didn't worry about it to much as she was lightly nudged and laughed with the sound of silver bells coming out. She took another sip of the drink and there was a whole lot of it.. Enough for a day of drinking and enjoying yourself. She jumped up and sat on the rim of the glass while watching the people that were there. "Oh this stuff is good."

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