Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dreaming of Home

The being known as Briar stared at her mortal enemy, the tension palpable, as she tried to find a way to overcome the most tenacious of adversaries. The small redheaded woman was staring at a set of see through, automatic double doors, the kind found all over the galaxy. Ice blue eyes were wide, as she walked towards it, only to hit her nose on the door and bounce off it. She repeated this several more times, before waving her arms in front of it and trying once more. Once more she bounced off. The girl rubbed her nose a bit, as it hurt a little from the repeated bangings, a pout on her lips. This one would require more finesse and cleverness to overcome.

Standing off to the side, she waited as patiently as a feline stalking its prey. Finally someone else walked through. NOW WAS HER CHANCE! She rushed to the door but was slightly to slow, and the doors closed firmly ONTO her. The girl began to squeak and flail about, trying to pull herself out. It was uncomfortable, and tight, but it didn't honestly hurt. This stuff always happened, automatic sensors had no clue what to make of her, and it made it difficult to deal with them. A being came over, and opened the door, asking if she was alright, wondering if she was hurt. Honestly, she wasn't paying attention, so she turned and nodded her head. “Okay. Alright. Thank You.” Finally free, she walked quickly through the crowds in the space port, trying to get away from the dreadful thing as fast as possible.

As she did, several of the spirits she had sent out to check on things returned to her. Almost instinctively her right hand rose, and she spoke out. “Find? Ah. Good. We leave.” These entities returned inside her, and she felt a bit more awake. However her stomach was grumbling. Food was needed, but she could get some on the ship. Zero and Tone were really good at keeping everything ready for her. Placing a badge upon the door to her hanger room, they swung open and she entered it, gazing happily upon her ship. It had taken her all over, and was her hope. It was the promise of being able to save her master. Of being able to eat, and sleep, and be happy. But mostly of saving the one being in the galaxy that had shown her love and acceptance.

Entering the ship, she greeted her wonderful droid friends with open arms. “Tone! Zero! Home!” Her voice was overly loud, a bit monotone however. The squat little astromech droid Zero comes up, beeping. Whatever is said, makes Briar giggle and hug the droid. “Good boy. Got stuck. Fixed. All good. Hmm....” She looks at the wed-treadwell droid, Tone. “All good?” The droid whistles out an affirmative and the woman nodded. “Good. Traveling. Kashyyyk. Make ready.” The droids whistled happily and rolled out to get the ship prepared for take off, while Briar made for the center of the ship. Inside was a perfectly created cantina scene. Moving to a refridgeration unit, she got some food, and chowed down on it. Then promptly fell asleep on one of the benches.

Awhile later, she was nudged to wakefulness by Zero and she smiled, fingers reaching out and caressing the head of the droid. “Morning.” Sitting up, and yawning, stretching, the small woman looked around. “Ready?” The droid whistled an affirmative. “Alright.” Standing up, Briar moved to the cockpit and slid into the ever so comfy pilot chair. “Rawr. Okay.” Reaching out, she pressed the controls, sending out the proper signal, and the doors opened. Getting clearance she shot out of the hanger and into the atmosphere. Mind wandered, as she went through all the motions on autopilot. Zero would help make sure they got there in one piece. He was amazing.

Soon, the ship was in hyperspace, and her eyes closed once more, drifting off into the sleep her body so badly needed. It was a strain on the mortal form, to be what she was. It wasn't a natural development, and so it had great consequences for her. Almost always hungry, almost always tired, it was just the logical consequence for having so many things in one body. However, she was okay with the cost.

She woke up many hours later, or was it days? It didn't matter. Getting up, and she went to the cantina again, to get more food. Eating, eating eating. Then, the alarms sounded, letting her know it was time to exit hyperspace. Food was all over her face, as she ran energetically back to the cockpit. Tone was there, with a napkin in one of his many arms, and wiped the food off of her face. She went crosseyed as he did. “Why?” The droid beeped. “Oh. Okay.” She pulled them out of hyperspace, and let Zero take over for a bit.

Humming, the girl went to take a shower, and did so quickly, changed her clothes, dried off, but never bothered to brush her hair. Soon, she was ready as the ship began to approach the planet. Finally, she plopped back into the chair, and asked for permission to land, she had to use her words carefully. It was always so hard, words didn't make much sense most of the time. Clicking her tongue she hoped it would work. It seemed to, they brought her onto a landing pad, on the planet of giant trees. It was difficult for Briar to see here for now. Exiting the ship, she was approached by welcoming guards. And of course, more words. And some of the hardest ones to properly answer.

“What is your purpose here?”

Taking a deep breath, Briar began to talk, making a lot of arm and hand gestures as she said them all. “Trapped. Cold. Dark. Took in. Brought. Ship. Find. Fly. WILD BALDO! Treasures. Bring. Save! Help.” The guards looked so confused, and the girl had the biggest frown on her face. Through the force she began to speak, so desperately. The guards may not understand, she wasn't sure anyone would, but her words were failing. “My master is trapped. I miss him. I can't save him. I need help. Please. Help me save him! I beg you! I can't do it myself.” The force echoed around her, and the little monster tried to see if the Jedi would help her. She was running out of options.
The stubbled face of one Kei Amadis had been limping all over the temple today, paperwork, datapads, reports about the rim, he’d been giving a rundown to the situation on fifty different worlds to the temple seniors. Which to be honest, was one big headache, but it had to be done. After that, he’d had a busy day fixing up the ship just to keep her flying. So he had civvies on. Jacket, jumper, pocketed jeans with his sleeves rolled up. Far from any indication Kei was a Jedi. He’d been on the rim for long enough on missions, he half looked like a visitor himself, which wasn’t far wrong. There was, of course, a saber on his hip, but that was about it.

On his way back to the ship, Amadis placed a hand on one of the guard’s shoulders and whispered in his ear. “Ease off a bit,” with that, they nodded and took a step back to clear space. He tapped the guard reassuringly before moving, “but stay around.” Something felt off. The stranger in front of them didn’t feel like a frightened young girl, more like a mystery or an echo. Yet here she was, a frightened young girl, messy hair, panicked and needing help. Shouting like she was in shock.

There had never been much backstep or pause for reflection in Kei. So with the smallest of limps, the Epicanthix walked right up with a grin on his face, one of the many different grins the Jedi Master had for different occasions, this one was, it’s alright, you are safe here. Amadis had long developed a technique the opposite of most Sith’s ability to project fear, terror or unease, he had a naturally calming aura when he projected it, which is exactly what he did here outward now toward everyone and everything.

The stranger looked clearly panicked, and rather than stand over her to add to that, he crouched down to make himself shorter and less threatening in any way. He was not completely letting his guard down, because she felt like something that wasn’t all there. At the same time, he was right there with her, whatever that unease about her was, he squatted down like he’d been in that uncertainty many times. Because he had.

“Hey,” an older Amadis placed his hands on his knees to steady himself crouching and nodded. “Take your time, we are here.” Though the obvious scar across his cheek was clearly noticeable, other than that he didn’t clean up too bad for new arrivals, hoping the rougher look he sometimes gave off to the younglings these days didn’t spook her too much.

“Where did you last see him? And what was his name?” Simple, practical questions. No great thinker, the greater mysteries about the newcomer Taiden or Glade could have answered better than him, which was the trade-off for a friendlier if perhaps uglier Amadis face meeting her here.

[member="Briar Sulvi"]​
Those large ice blue eyes look up into his eyes. This close to her, the force would be practically buzzing, as the spirits inside her would be producing a massive amount of force energy. Whispers would emanate in the mind, as he got even closer to her. They were unintelligible, unable to be made out, always just in the back of the mind, making it impossible to know if it was real, or just something the mind was making up. It was like a SONG. It was clear she was not all she appeared, but it also seemed like she wasn't trying to hide this fact. There was no deception, no attempt to cover it up. Nor was there any hint of hostility or danger. She was honestly sad, honestly wanting to save someone, and it flowed through the force, like the thousands of words she was trying to speak.

Communication was a trouble, when you had so many minds. Taking a deep breath, and slowly letting it out, she performed a Jedi meditation, taught to her by her master, calming her heart. The spirits that made her up bound up more tightly inside her, rather than hovering around the surface of her being, and much of the whispering stopped. However, the song remained. It always remained. “Master Gentu. Good. Saved. Taught. Miss. Last on um....” Hands gesture a bit, as she struggles to express the words. There was a soft smile given to the Jedi before a thoughtful frown crossed her face.

Foot tapped a bit, and she made more hand gestures, through the force, he would hear a word from a voice not her own, one of the many spirits inside her helping the group out. TETH. Nodding Briar spoke out. “Teth. Trapped. Darkness. Can't go home.” Large eyes began to tear up, and she wiped it off. Her face had trouble making out what expression it should have, but the tears showed regardless of if she could express properly, she felt properly.

The girl yawned, and her stomach grumbled loudly. Blinking off the tears, a hand came to wipe them off, and she looked back at the ship. Always hungry. The symbiotic creature made it hard to not be. But he was her master's friend, she had to keep him safe. “Oof. wooshy doors?” She spread her arms wide, and shivered thinking of the automatic doors she hated ever so very much.
Icey blue would see coffee brown, sympathetic eyes look up at her from his crouch. He’d seen a few friends lose their mind, or worse. Didn’t feel like that here, but the sentiment he felt was the same. Hands-on, it was in his nature to reach for someone to reassure them, but she looked frightened enough and the fact she didn’t know him, it would probably make matters worse. Maybe age brought even a stubborn old soldier a drop of wisdom or pause.

Kei’s mind, like most Epicanthix, was a blank wall. Both a blessing and a curse. He heard the song but dimmed, very faintly as if behind that same mind wall. The noise, song, and whispers were there but were more easily bearable for him when he sat with her, than she might be used to. He listened, he actually got a fraction closer and tried to hear all he could, focusing and breathing out. The Jedi Master picked up on the sense of her intent through the force like a freight train, “it’s okay, we’ll find them,” he said firmly, still listening for those inside the chorus. The many voices, and the many whispers. “we’ll find Master Gentu, you have my word.” He said honestly, determined, with no deception on his part either, he was committed.

“Teth?” Amadis took a moment, he’d been around plenty but he wasn’t a repository of knowledge like Taiden, sadly he knew hutt space and its surroundings well. “Baxtel?” Amadis began to understand. He didn’t know, but he assumed he must talk to the whispers, and all of them at once, otherwise, she could fade in and out. At the moment he assumed she had a very fragmented personality, he didn’t know the truth. There might be more, a presence inside of her, it was hard to tell. “First I will check you all are not hurt.” His voice didn’t slow down, instead, he was speaking to all her personalities at once and in a clear voice. “Then we can save Master Gentu, at Teth?”

Doors. There was a back way to avoid any crowds or automatic doors. He was still assessing her, and would rather carry the risk alone than risk any padawans “I can have food brought out. Nice day to eat outside.” Kei called over to one of the distant guards. “Get a medic immediately. Bring us some choices of food, some cushions, and a blanket to eat it on, please. Then cordon off this area until I say otherwise. Thank you.” That made the most sense. He was certainly looking over her for visible injuries, he’d seen plenty of them sadly and helped plenty in the field. When the medic cleared her to go in, that’s what they’d do.

“Don't worry. It’ll be alright. Saved a few before.” As she was crying the sympathy he felt grew another notch, he pulled a clean handkerchief from inside his belt pocket and reached forward very slowly to dab her cheek, offering it over.

[member="Briar Sulvi"]​
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Briar Sulvi"] [member="Kei Amadis"]

"I don't know about a medic but you get me." Her voice came out as she stood there. Hands behind her back. She had been relaxing in her room. A small Hapan group here around it for Hanna who had visited and required one for herself on the planet. It wasn't always ideal but the jedi master had mentally shrugged not turning down the visitation or surprise a few days before she was set to go back home and see her. A smile still on her face as she wore less ornately designed garments. White skylar tank top exposing the tattoo's of her arms, star dragons, aurobesh script and jedi runes. Her hair in a long ponytail tightly pulled then almost whip like with its length and tip of crystal bells.

She knew Kei but offering her services as a healer went a little more when she produced a hand wearing one of the golden bands gauntlets. A healing crystal sliding into place where she could use it and in the other she had some of the food with a canteen they had designed. The ability to makes its own water so you wouldn't have to keep refilling it, just wait a few moments in a warm place and the super cooled internal rod would produce enough droplets quickly to refill. ... but there was also some of the jakobeast bacon for meat, space cake for blood sugar and the enhancer for the water to restore the body of vitamins.

"I do come bringing supplies though." SHe had in the small satchel on her thigh a kojie bag of holding... dimensional space that connected to a pocket dimension and let her carry around more then enough supplies. Her pants were shorter, coming to mid thigh with emerald bands exposing scarred and tattooed legs as it went to running shoes. Matsu did like to run around sometimes to work out and the aged jedi master tried to keep herself in shape for that purpose when she walked over rolling her shoulder with the small sounds of popping bones where it felt amazing aas the pressure went away, the tension of her muscles gone now in a fresh wash of adrenaline at there being a situation.

Her mind a wide array of mental blocks in the form of almost useless thoughts about things that would make the master seem more superficial or even ditzy compared to her eyes that looked with intelligence and amusement at most of the world. SHe practiced for a reason to project all that she could and even with the pale skin of her face a little tighter she could check out a few parts. Her voice coming out. "Just tell me what the situation is Master Amadis, I was clearing my head as it were and saw you then heard the request... so I came over to see what I could offer in assistance." Her warm smile though was directed towards the girl to try and keep her calm and relaxed so they could get answers.

Briar looked up with those large blue eyes, and tilts her head a bit. Two of them now? Oh, no, more. Eyes look to the side of her, and she waves. “No. There.” She pointed in a direction, then went back to the two in front of her. Her body seemed to have no injuries at all. However, she didn't look right either. Her skin was far more pale than it should be, she moved in odd ways, like every so often she forgot how to move at all. Her eyes flitted about, as if she was watching people behind the two every so often.

As the other jedi came up, the feeling of something off should be apparent. Something not.....normal. Not right. As the Jedi male talked to her, she got the feeling he was trying to talk to all of her. Oh, okay. If he wanted to talk to them all, he could. Through the force she spoke, it would be the sound of many voices speaking at once. Perhaps it would be barely a whisper to those who learned to close off their minds, or those who were predisposed to it. “Am fine. Friend protects.”

Then the male made a mistake, he touched. The physical contact caused a panicked feeling to emanate from her. He didn't ask, she wasn't sure what to do. And anytime the precious one wasn't certain what to do, the spirits acted. For them, time was a strange concept. In a mere moment, an entire war was waged. The spirits leapt from her, acting to protect their precious one, trying to wrap around the man, to possess him, to stop the threat. However, a voice came from deep within.

“Briar, you must use your powers to protect, never to attack. It's okay to be afraid, but you must not let fear guide your actions. You are better than that.” Master.....She had to keep him happy, to make sure he was proud of her when she finally found a way to save him! The Spirits were quickly pulled back, and the temperature around Briar cooled down tremendously, her breath coming out in wisps.

In an instant, with that brief physical contact, Kei should understand exactly what he was dealing with. A monster. He should be completely aware of what just happened, what could have happened. Perhaps he would feel confused, or cold, or hear voices in his mind for a brief moment. Or perhaps his Jedi past would protect him completely. However, what wouldn't be mistaken....her skin was cool to the touch. Far cooler than it should be.

“Sorry. Startled. No harm. Okay now. Promise.” She stuttered out the words, she tried to regain control over the agitated spirits inside her. A deep breath, and those large eyes fluttered closed, and she began a crude Jedi meditation trance. The agitation grew less, and soon, it was still inside her once more. “Phew. Cranky. Hurt?” She asked, her voice turning quite worried as she looks over Kei. This time her own hands touched his cheeks, and she looked at his eyes, one then the other. “Okay. Fine.” Once more, her hands were cool. Head tilts to the side, and she nearly toppled over, after letting go of his face. “Ahhhh!” She stumbled to the side before she caught herself. “Hard.”

The girl then shared a sheepish look with the female jedi. “Sorry. Um. Good. See? All good. Everyone good. All fine. How are?”

[member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Kei Amadis"]
Cold. Freezing and biting. Kei had been hit a few times by spirits, especially netherworld bound ones. Those types were usually dead, departed or lingering in places waiting to pass on. Not living ones bursting to get out and protect a person. He didn’t react with fear, there was calm again as he was assault by the presences. A Jedi Master’s calm earned over a lifetime or two. He leaned back, sensing them in the force trying to leap out. The calming aura he had initially given seemed to reinforce around him, closing his eyes. Although he was straining, he continued that grin, a grin that was clearly struggling against the assault.

The Epicanthix felt them attack him, wrapping around his body like a chord squeezing to get in. He didn’t recoil or lash back out. He calmly nodded and said. “It’s alright,” again, it was not comfortable, the sensation was just shouldered and carried as was his way. Amadis understood as they recoiled back into her. “That was my fault.” The Jedi Master assured her, eyes opening. His grin still not leaving, even as the sweat of exertion to maintain himself was on his brow beneath her hand.

Kei might understand Briar had many spirits inside of her, that she was a danger, but Amadis had never called anyone a Monster. Not yet, and he’d met a lot more deserving of that judgment. Squeezing and flexing his hand to ward off the now numb sensation. As Briar stumbled, she’d be steadied in the force. Not by his physical hand, but by a firm sensation holding her steady. “Rest easy Miss. All will be well.” When she was steadied, safe, she was released.

Matsu. Good. “I get you.” Recovering slowly from the onslaught and relieved to see Matsu of all the Jedi that could have come, she was an expert in things beyond him. “Well alright then,” he chuckled. Turning to Matsu more fully, still while staying crouched. “This young miss,” and he made a point of calling her a person, not a monster or just a collection of spirits. “Has several presences inside,” that much might be obvious, “and has lost her Master Gentu, on the planet of Teth.”

Amadis looked back over to Briar, there was still sweat on his brow from the struggle. “Also she doesn’t like woooshing doors,” he tried to make light, to let her know that he wasn’t overly hurt. It had taken the aging Jedi Master by surprise, and he breathed in the force deeply, out through the lungs, like it was another day.

[member="Briar Sulvi"] | [member="Matsu Ike"]​
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Briar Sulvi"] [member="Kei Amadis"]

"Afraid of doors..." THe jedi master said it more curious then anything... it was by far the strangest thing she had heard of but she wasn't making a joke of it more.... curious then anything and thought about it but would ask if and when she had a better time. For now as she was listening to the girl in the force and Kei as he was speaking about her. Trying to determine what to make of her... she wasn't exactly normal... but then none of them were entirely.. if anything she seemed to be much more then was on the surface as the jedi master crouched down. She was looking at the girl with a concerned expression mostly then offered her a small flask of water. THe canteens produced their own with moisture evaporation. "Here something to drink might help." She was looking at them both though and motioned. "We should if we are going to speak do so in a less open area. There are open rooms. "She motioned to the sections without doors just doorways leading to more meditation areas.
Even as he was being drained, even as the cold took over, he didn't stop smiling. And his efforts were well rewarded. The mass of spirits inside Allya began to calm, and soon all was at rest. The cold that surrounded the girl dissipated, and a gentle warmth took its place. Her small body seemed far less tense, and more relaxed. It reminded her of her Master, even when she had tried to eat him, he just smiled, and petted her, calm voice, reassuring words and ripples through the force. This place was no different. Home? Her head tilts and she actually smiles back, with the warmth of a thousand suns. It was brilliant, innocent, and pure.

The girl moves closer to them both, a show of gaining trust. Eyes would really look like a feral animal's, a little nervous, but one that had been treated well by some and harmed by others, and wasn't sure exactly what to make of these two. However, the eyes warmed up, and after that display, she honestly didn't feel threatened, and it showed in her body language. “Oof. Doors. Mean. Close. Trap. Block.” She flails about as she pantomimes what happened earlier, with the sliding door, getting caught in it. Briar squeaks loudly as if trying to get free, and she nods. “That. Scary. Enemy! Patient. Overcome.”

With the spirits silent and at ease for the moment, Briar took the canteen and drunk from it. Eyes half closed in joy, taking in the cool refreshing liquid. However, this just caused her stomach to rumble. The girl looks down at her own stomach, before looking back up. “Food.” She points back at her ship. “Food.” It was really hard for her to explain, that her body needed almost constant nourishment, or else it began to eat itself. It was hard holding onto the symbiotic creature, and all these spirits. It took energy, and it was from her food most of the time.

“Or Inside?” She looked for support, figuring out if she should go inside like the one woman said, or go get food from her ship. But, for the time being, she seemed to trust them both, and was just trying to figure out what to do next, and obey.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
[member="Kei Amadis"]
Speaking into his wrist, “Fyor where is the….” Before the droid-head could respond back to him on comms, the food was arriving, with the blankets and the cushions requested. Matsu was right, inside was better. She knew the layout of the doors here better than him these days. Too often away.

After Pantomimes that reminded him of his own two young ones, and a warming Amadis grin. “See a door coming, tell me.” Kei didn’t know which door she meant, spiritual, force based, mental or physical. So he left them all open. “Whatever door is coming, I'm here. Promise you.” Kei nodded again. A promise to all of them inside of her. Amadis didn’t break their word, even the worst ones.

Getting up from the squat by her side, the grizzled Epicanthix nodded firmly to agree with Matsu. “Inside.” Turning around, “we’ve got this,” Kei took the blankets and food from the rangers bringing it over, blankets over one shoulder, cushions under his arm. He placed a handful of small nut bars by Briar to start and then gripped the larger boxes of food in his hands so they could eat properly inside, making his way to the meditation areas. A quiet area might be best, food, and a moment to talk.

For Briar he walked a step closer again, “this is the Jedi you need. Tell her everything. Trust her with my life.” She'd saved it once or twice. Kei grinned reassuringly to Briar and would have patted her shoulder. Today his silver stubbled grin would have to do. Stepping ahead to give Matsu and Briar both room to chat. There wasn’t much Matsu and Kei couldn’t get done between them. Protective spirits and a rescue from certain doom by the seat of their pants. No problem! Maybe he wouldn't even get shot this time. Never know.

[member="Briar Sulvi"] | [member="Matsu Ike"]​​
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Briar Sulvi"] [member="Kei Amadis"]

THe jedi master moved with them and the area they were in had no doors as she listened and looked at the girl. Motioning for food to be brought when she crouched looking at her but she dind't approach and try to touch her. She waited and watched her more friendly and would allow her to move forward towards the jedi master possibly. "I see." She said it and didn't level any judgement... the girl seemed excited maybe or fearful but if doors were the enemy well then they could handle that and make sure there were no doors. 'We won't worry about doors or face them then... but there is this food and I hope you don't mind sharing?"

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