Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A little stretch and tensing of the muscles sent a big dull ache through Connor's body, but he felt every limb and that meant things had gone well under the knife. He started to pick at the bed sheet he as under, tapping a hand gently on the soft material.

"All the better seeing your face again, Doctor, thank you," he croaked.

The tiny smile was there from watching her fumble standing up, and he wondered just what she was still doing here. Usually the doctors came in a good while after the patient had awoken, not to be there during when they did. Looking to the table on his left, he leaned over, aware of the collarbone, and helped himself to a glass of water that was ready for him.

"Everything ok from your end," he said between sips. "No complications or anything to warrant you sleeping on my bed?"

He flashed a grin as he drunk some more. The water wasn't too cold and just perfect on his dry throat.

[member="Irajah Ven"]
Already embarrassed, her cheeks flushed a little deeper at his words.

What in the world, Raj, get a grip.

She cleared her throat, then shook her head.

"Everything went perfectly," she said, a small, chagrin smile (more self deprecating than anything else) curled her lips. "Falling asleep there was an accident. My apologies."

She focused on her job, attempting to banish anything outside of it for this moment at least.

Her eyes cast over him, noting the stiffness (expected), but also how he was already holding the cup on his own (slightly less expected). For a moment, she almost stepped up and took the cup- normally a nurse would be here to help the patient with things like that upon first waking. But the fact that he was handling it fine on his own stayed her action.

His collar bone was covered with a bacta patch, but his hand was wrapped in soft gauze- each finger separately. It cushioned, but didn't prevent motion. It would be kept wrapped for a day or two.

"How's the hand feel? If you can, I'd like you to try moving each of your fingers in turn, and then, slowly, make a loose fist. If any of those movements feels off- beyond stiff and sore, I need to know."

[member="Connor Harrison"]
Nodding, Connor placed the cup down gently, a little hiss at the awkward angle. Settling himself, he brought the hand up and inspected it. The stitches and rawness of the flesh. It DID look better at least.

He moved the thumb. The index finger. The middle finger, which made him wince. The ring finger, a little slower. The pinkie, all fine.

Then came the fist. He closed it slowly and nodded again, but the face contorted a little. The muscles were twitching a little, but it was as if it was stuck. A frown fell, and a confused scoff.

"Middle finger was a bit stiff, but...I can't open the fist." He tried again, each finger quivering a little. Connor looked at Irajah. "Can you help?"

It looked like his fingers were magnets being drawn to the palm.

[member="Irajah Ven"]
Irajah frowned, stepping up against the bed beside [member="Connor Harrison"].

"Let me see," she said softly.

Taking his hand in both of hers, she cupped in, thumbs resting lightly on the edges of his palm. Her fingers, very gently, probed the back of his hand as she spoke.

"There are two sets of tendons responsible for the movements we're concerned with here," she murmured, hazel eyes flicking over to his face for a heartbeat before refocusing on his hand. "The flexor tendons are on the palm side of your fingers. They allow you to make a fist. There was very little damage done to those by and large, and as you can see. However on the outside are the extensor tendons-the ones your hand uses to straighten your fingers again- they were where much of the problems lay. This one, here," she paused to place the very tip of her index finger on the lowest joint of his middle finger, "was the most severely damaged. It was the only one that we needed to actually replace- but it has a significant impact on the rest of the movement of your hand."

Gently, she turned his hand over so that the back was facing up. Moving her thumbs now to either side of the tendon where it ran down the back of his hand to the wrist, she very lightly ran her thumbs from his wrist to the knuckle of his middle finger. Then she repeated the motion, slightly firmer.

"It's going to take some time for your body to adjust to the change, and heal after the replacement. If this is a normal level of stiffness, one that we can work out with certain activities, then everything should loosen up here in a moment," she said, continuing to alternate a light stroke with a firmer one against the back of his hand. "If, however, there's something else going on, a problem with the attachment to your nervous system, well...."

Well. She hoped his fist would relax and unclench. The alternative was.... undesirable.
Connor looked at his hand as the good doctor began to inspect and work her magic. The sensation was there, which meant the nerves were working, which was good.

He looked between the hand, her hand, and her mouth as she spoke. It all made sense, to him at least from a patients point of view. Nothing hurt either, which he also viewed as good. It was was that dull ache and like a really stiff joint that needed to click.

The small smile crept over him again as she turned his hand over, and then if by magic, his fist uncurled and cupped her hand in his.

"Well that IS a miracle - you fixed it! Look at that," he said, lifting her hand in his. "Thank you, Doctor Ven."

He grinned and lowered his head in a mock bow, adding a little grip. He winced, for real. The finger still bore strain.

"When do you think I can be in action again, roughly."

[member="Irajah Ven"]
"Well, that depends a lot on you," she said, looking up at him with a smile.

Clearly pleased that it was a simple fix, her shoulders relaxed slightly from a tension she hadn't even known she'd been carrying.

"If you take it easy while doing the exercises we'll prescribe you, you'll have full use of the hand within the next two weeks, but it may take a little more time to fully build the strength back up. It will feel better, even normal, before that, but I need to stress the importance of continuing the exercises. If you don't give it time to properly heal, well, you'll end up somewhere slightly better off than you were before, but not by much. Especially here," she moved her index finger to the middle of the back of his hand, very lightly tapping the previously offending tendon, "if this heals improperly, or is reinjured before it fully heals, it may very well always give you problems."

Her grin widened slightly, one side turning up in to a slight smirk.

"However, if you're still coming with me, then I'll be able to keep an eye on you and make certain you aren't over doing it."

The smile faded again, her face growing serious.

"You aren't required to- you know that I didn't help you because I expected you to help me. You are under no obligation."

Irajah knew better than to take offers like his at face value- especially when someone was in pain. It wasn't that she was suspicious, or untrusting- simply that she knew all too well how easy it was to make promises when in one state, and then lose the urgency of them once the pain was eased. It was easier, to offer an out, than it was to hope and end up disappointed.

[member="Connor Harrison"]
Taking his newly operated-on hand in his good one, he rubbed gently and inspected it on all sides, taking in what Irajah said.

"I assure you I'll stick to what I need to do. I don't want this getting worse or letting me down when I need full use of my hands."

Settling his hands in his lap, Connor gave a comfy sigh, enjoying the relaxation he was sort of getting.

"I came across the galaxy looking for help. You risked a fair bit to provide me with just that, right? And you're still here, because you care and like me." He smiled, but continued quickly. "Now I have the ability to help you, hopefully, and I like you too, so don't worry - no obligations, no debt, nothing to pay back. I'll help you. Ok?"

He patted the side of the bed closer to him.

"So. When are you going to tell me about this child of yours?"

[member="Irajah Ven"]
She laughed, head tilting back slightly. She perched on the very edge of the bed where he'd indicated, shaking her head.

"We hardly know each other. By the time you actually get to know me, you may be less keen on that 'like' part," she said, but smiling as she did. It was true of course. Just as the reverse was true. Yet, she did like him. Trusted him- at least to a point. And that was more a reflection on her own reservations rather than on him.

"And I'm fairly certain that I haven' agreed to talk about him yet," she said, smile morphing again to a slight smirk. "But, if I *did* decide to, I vaguely remember the original offer being on the way to Panatha or over a drink. So, I guess you'll just have to wait then, hmmm?"

Gosh, Kyle had a big mouth. Not that it was a secret, just not something she talked about to patients usually. Her home life and professional life held a very clear demarcation. So while he was officially her patient? Absolutely not. But, if it was possible for them to be friends? Perhaps.... perhaps then.

[member="Connor Harrison"]
Looking at his hand, Connor flexed and gave a very delicate 'thumbs up' indication.

"Sounds good. And I'll let you dig into some of my super Jedi secrets to be fair. Not that I'm totally Jedi like at the moment," he mused.

He gave a stretch, and turned back for the water and moved to take it. Carefully he wrapped his hand around it, shifting position to be more full on. He took it, and had another good sip, and placed it back down. And relaxed.

"Thank you, Irajah, again. Seriously, I know I hardly know you but you've shown great kindness and taken risk with me here. I really appreciate it." His eyes were sincere. "Thank you. You're one of the good ones."

[member="Irajah Ven"]
Irajah pursed her lips slightly at his not that I'm totally Jedi like at the moment, though the expression softened slightly as he continued.

"I am not entirely enamoured of the Jedi, or particularly impressed by them," she said drily. "But I'm willing to make an exception for you. Regardless of your affiliation, there's an oath that we take in my line of work. Actually, there are rather a lot of them, at least, where I'm from. Which means that I would have helped any patient, even a Jedi."

She paused, studying his face for a long moment.

"That being said.... I think you may also be one of the good ones Connor. And it has nothing to do with your title."

[member="Connor Harrison"]
It was hard for Connor not to let his face soften, a slight pang hitting him when reminded of the coming storm. Hopefully this woman wouldn't be one of the casualties he'd end up losing. Gone was the little smirk, instead in its place a solemn look, hearing how another so selfless was willing to help others. She was simply doing her job.

As she shed a little confidence his way, he looked up and let his head fall back, looking down at her with a tiny glint in his eye, but almost working out what faith she was placing in him, and if she would should she know him a little more.

"I, I do hope so." Connor spoke, head lowering, swallow forming. "I many not be doing things in the most conventional way, and it could be the wrong way depending what side of the fence you sit on, but I'm acting for a greater good, whilst wanting to be a better person. To be a person I should have been years ago, before I fell in with the Light." He shot a look to her, moving forward slightly. "Not that I'm a bad person."

His eyes fell again, the internal thought she was bringing out in this quiet, peaceful place a world away from where the trouble lay.

"At least I don't want to be..."

The last few letters trailed off, a little quieter, as the knot formed in his brow again slightly, eyes looking on the sheet for an answer that wasn't there.

[member="Irajah Ven"]

She reached out, putting her hand on his shoulder gently. Irajah didn't know what was going on in his mind- she couldn't possibly. But it didn't take a Jedi or an empath to see how troubled [member="Connor Harrison"] was.

"I don't know much about 'the greater good,'" she said slowly, hazel eyes watching his face. "I'm not entirely certain there is such a thing. Not on a grand scale anyway. Even the best actions can have unintended consequences."

She frowned slightly, gaze flitting down for a heartbeat. Gideon. Simon Ven. But she brought it back to him, smiling- though it didn't reach her eyes.

"I don't think the galaxy, or the Force, or whatever..... gives a damn about the people that live in it. I figure it's hard to have a 'greater good' when that's the case."

Realizing she was starting to ramble, she tried to refocus.

"Anyway. My point here is that we do the right things when we can. The best we can. If that doesn't live up to someone else's idea of what's good. Well. Can't please everyone I figure. But if you do right by yourself, and the people in your life that you care about.... how bad can it be?"

​She blinked, perhaps catching part of what she said a bit belatedly.

"Not that you care about me- you don't know me-" she hurried, then stopped, flustered, and put her other hand on her face. She didn't lower her hand while she spoke around her palm

"Okay, rewind about two sentences and you get what I'm saying, right? I'm not very good at this." Drawing her hand down her face, she looked at him, serious, even if her cheeks were a little red. "Do what you can. And maybe.... maybe that's good enough."

She started to step back, drawing her hand away from his shoulder, suddenly extremely self conscious. He was a Jedi Master. This was what they did, in theory at least. He didn't need any of this from her.

"I'm sorry. I should let you rest."
It was often those not affiliated with Jedi or Sith who spoke the most sense. Almost, they were the real people. Connor understood and found solace with her words. It had been a while...years actually...since someone not on one side or the other talked to him so honestly and openly. It was refreshing, and it was sobering.

As Irajah pulled away, his good hand came up and stopped hers, holding her wrist gently, sliding to her hand.

"It's exactly that. You can't please everyone. Force knows I've spent years trying, and in doing so neglected myself. And you're right about what you say. The galaxy we are in doesn't care about us. We just have to make our own way in it as best we can, doing what we can do for those around us."

He didn't let go of her hand, and noted her slight flush to the cheeks.

"Can you stay?"

Her aura was soothing. Her conversation was light but honest. Her smile was infectious. She as a whole was like nothing he'd experienced before - she came across as if she almost understood him. But, how much of him did she really know? Maybe this was the safe side of knowing Connor - if she knew more, would she still want to hang around? He didn't want to think on that, and in doing so felt a knot in his gut that reminded him of the past.

Those he allowed in always left in time. He didn't let go of her hand.

[member="Irajah Ven"]
She looked down at their hands, then back up to his face. Certain parts of the conversation swirled around in her head. She knew almost nothing about him, but one of the things she did understand was that asking others to do something that he wanted was new for him- an unexercised muscle in its own way.

You can't please everyone. Force knows I've spent years trying, and in doing so neglected myself.

Can you stay?

This was him- not neglecting himself. Whatever that meant beyond that fact was irrelevant- or at least, she tried to convince herself of that. Why he wanted her to stay didn't really matter. It was safest to assume the simplicity of a slightly familiar face in a strange place. Yes. That was enough. Safe.

Slowly, she sank back down, still perched more than sitting, at the edge of the bed.

"For a little while," she allowed, her smile a little self conscious. "If you'll rest."

She didn't take her hand back.

[member="Connor Harrison"]
His eyes closed as she sat - perched - down again, and he reached over with his tender hand and patted hers in his.

"I'll rest this one time but then after I'll get working on getting better. Can't keep you all to myself now can I."

Would he fall asleep? Probably; he was still a little zoned out from the drugs in his system, but he was coherent and aware of everything. Her aura was strong, even without sight she was pure and honest.

"Thank you again." He let his head sink in the pillow a little. He was drifting, but the company and surroundings were the safest and warmest and most welcome he'd had in a long time. He didn't let go of her hand, and noted her slight flush to the cheeks. "What do you want to do with your life, Doctor Ven. Where do you want to be three years from now."

Her talking was comfort enough to send him to sleep, that and her gentle touch.

Maybe it was the drugs making him so carefree? Or maybe it was the change in his destiny? Time would tell.

[member="Irajah Ven"]
She had other patients- work that had to be done. But she sat, quiet for a moment. Irajah wasn't particularly prone to quiet, comfortable moments. So it was no real great surprise when he asked her a question she simply could not answer for him.

Not because she didn't have an answer. But because the answer would have shattered the ease on his face. She already knew him well enough to know that honesty, in this case, would mean the Jedi Master part of him turning back on. And the part that was just [member="Connor Harrison"] being buried again beneath that burden. She knew, because it was what she did every day, burying Irajah Ven beneath the Doctor. So she did the only right thing to do in this situation.

She lied.

"I don't often think that far ahead," she said slowly. That, at least was true. But here she deviated from the rare occasion she did allow herself to consider too far into the future. She did not lie outright, everything she spoke was real. The lie was only in that it was not something she expected to be able to do.

"I try to focus on what's right in front of me, as much as I can. Which, granted, I'm not always good at," she continued, smiling slightly at her own expense. Not always good at? She was terrible at it.

"I'd like to live somewhere with a yard again," she murmured, her voice low and even. "Which sounds strange, I know. Somewhere with more room for Boo.... Maybe with a small studio so I have more space to paint. My mother kept a flower garden- I never had a particularly green thumb, so my father took it up later. I helped him when I could. She spent so much time out there when I was younger- even painting there when the weather was nice. Flowers remind me of her. So, maybe something simple, that even I could take care of. I'm not particularly domestic- which you can tell from looking at my wookie-cakes. My father's.... his looked like actually wookies."

In truth, she could not even conceive of a time when this would be what she returned to. The life she was describing was the life from her childhood. A simpler, warmer time. But it was all she could offer in that moment.
Connor hummed to sign he was listening, and she'd see a lazy smile curl on his lip as the drugs took back over to encourage him to rest and sleep it off. His breathing got heavier, and for a moment his eyes opened gently wanting to ask if Boo was....and if she had....a....

The body fell heavy and sleep took over. For how long? He couldn't be sure.

All he'd experience was a nightmarish vision.

Connor turned over and he was laying on the ground. A ground of ice which was warm to the touch. It was raining. But it was warm. So warm, and very light. Blinding, almost.

He was disorientated.

Cracks appeared in the ground and wind rushed up out of it, as if an immense pressure pushed from the core of this unknown world.

The clouds were sparse and the sky wonderfully clear. He lay on the cracked ground and was engulfed by the wind which felt fresh and cleansing.

However it sucked him down through the cracks, splintering the ice.

It was like Rhen Var - the water clinging to him, numbing his muscles and his body sinking into the icy depths.

Connor exhaled and shouted, but nothing came out, and calmness took over eventually.

The water filled his lungs.

Cold. Ice cold.

Burning. Fire burning.

He saw a distorted face in the water of Doctor Irajah Ven. Which bubbled into Taeli Raaf. Which bubbled into Sith Sorceress Matsu Xiangu.

From behind them all, the roaring face of Grandmaster Thurion Heavenshield came towards him like a canonball through the water right for his face.

His neck snapped and he cried out as Thurion hit him.


Connor gasped out, his body vaulting upwards, almost dragging his head and limbs up into the sitting position. He had a cold sweat, and for a moment couldn't see anything, but felt numb all over.


He was out of breath and kicked of part of the bed sheet before focusing. A sharp pain was flaring in his hand, and his head. He took a hand and pushed against the temple, gritted teeth seething out sharp breaths as he calmed down.

[member="Irajah Ven"]
A familiar voice greeted him, but not the familiar voice he was expecting.

"Oh, no need to apologize. That seemed like a doozy."

Kyle leaned over the bed, brows furrowed in concern. In one hand, he held a small paper cup of water. Just beyond him, a tray with a covered plate on it waited.


She had stayed at the side of his bed, just talking, until he fell asleep. Watching his face relax slowly, she hadn't gotten up right away, just sat there, a small frown curving her lips. Her eyes traced his face, pausing at the wound below his eye, but only for a moment. Slowly, carefully, she slipped her hand out of his and stood up.

As if on cue, Kyle had poked his head in. Making a motion to be quiet with one hand, she stepped lightly out of the recovery room. Once the door was closed behind her, she turned, giving him a look.

Kyle had just grinned.

"You're cute when you're sleeping Doc. But. So's he."

She considered, less briefly than she would ever admit aloud, hitting him with her shoe.


Kyle had brought [member="Connor Harrison"] back to the room he'd been waiting in earlier while he'd been sleeping. The last of the drugs would be out of his system now, and Kyle's concerned face turned toward his IV bag.

"How's the pain? I have something to help with that if you like."
The nurse, Kyle, came into view, and it all came flooding back. Connor fell back into the warm pillow.

"It's fine, but yes, something will be nice, please. That was a rough one, whatever it was."

Letting out a long breath, he held his arm up for Kyle to work on, and glanced around. It was just the two of them. Which was fine. But...he was curious.

"Is Irajah ok? Is she still around? There's some items of mine I still need to recover when she going to sign me out...or has she gone?"

He turned to see he was in a recovery ward, and looking at his hand, everything was still normal except for the drumming in his head. The paper cup was emptied in one long gulp.

[member="Irajah Ven"]
Kyle arched an eyebrow at the casual use of her first name, but otherwise said nothing. Teasing her about it was one thing (and oh, how he would), but a patient? He did have some filter. Removing a syringe from a rolling cart across the room, he headed back over to insert it in to the IV line.

"This might make you a little.... loopy..... but in a way most people like," he said with a smile, patting [member="Connor Harrison"] lightly on the knee. "But you shouldn't be in any pain here in a minute. Doc Ven said that she'd come check back in on you after she'd made her rounds. She should be wrapping that up soon. You've been asleep for awhile. Once this dose wears off, she'll be able to clear you for discharge if everything is looking and feeling okay. And we can make you a follow up appointment with the Physical Therapy department."

Of course, Kyle didn't know the plans the two had already spoken of. Despite the slight oddness, this was just another patient to him.

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