Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Three...." Connor's eyes actually went a little wide at the admission. Three hours ago? He blew his cheeks out. "Ok for that I am VERY sorry!"

He flipped the ball between both hands a little.

"I hope you let your husband, partner or significant other know you'd be a little late."

Looking around the room, bar the bed being a little messy, everything else was in order. He had his belongings, and a fixed hand, even still with his medical ID tag around his wrist. Four and half hours as a long time when one should have been at home. He was either the perfect patient, or a nightmare one.

"Docking bay six-oh-eight. Got it. An hour and a half. I am sure I can walk around for that long."

Rushing forward to get the door for her, eager to get the hour and a half over with, he opened it.

"Don't be too long, Doctor Ven."

The noise came back in from outside, and he remembered that the life of a doctor never really stopped. Tannoy calls, faint alarms, muted conversation. It still was all go, and he prayed nothing else would delay her.

[member="Irajah Ven"]
She shook her hands out in front of her. "No need whatsoever to apologize. It was my own choice-" she fumbled a little bit here. "I- with who you are- I just didn't feel comfortable leaving you here, you know?"

Irajah smiled slightly then, shaking her head. "And Boo is used to my shifts running over. And I left him a message for when he got home from school. It's just the two of us, but he's pretty self sufficient-" sometimes too much so. "But yes, I need to head home and check on him. It's not the first time I've needed to head out on... business.... but there are reasons I don't want to bring him to Panatha."

She realized belatedly how that sounded, and hurried on. "Not you. I mean. In general. It's. It's fine, just. Not a place for kids."

The fact that [member="Boo Chiyo"] had been the slave of a Sith Lord in the past- she wouldn't do that to him now, bringing him to Panatha. He was doing so well, coming out of his shell. She didn't know how he'd react to the news that she was working there, let alone what being there might do to him- what memories it would bring back. He knew that she had work that took her away from Dosuun, that she traveled- but she kept the nature of that to herself. She had to.

Letting him get the door, she slipped out.

"I'll be quick, but, well, you understand."

She paused, looking up thoughtfully at him.

"Be careful. Okay?"

[member="Connor Harrison"]
Connor smiled, and nodded. He understood - as best he could. Watching her go, he backed away, not tearing his eyes from her until he bumped into a green astromech droid. Connor stumbled, but steadied the droid as it gave a flurry of beeps and whistles.

"Sorry, my fault."

She was gone by the time the droid had passed, and he smiled again. She really was a real woman in all sorts of ways.

With a discreet hand to his back to feel the shaft of the saber still there, he tucked the poncho into his trouser on one side to keep it from flapping, and he took a slow, innocent walk from the ward.

In the time he had, he spent most of it in a wonderful diner that took up nearly a whole floor with a stretch of window that looked over the plaza before the centre, and the city it served. It was an awesome sight and put many things Connor had seen to shame. His view had been narrow, and it was being opened gradually. With a few credits on him, he ordered a pitcher of blue milk and some fresh pie. Well, why not. It smelt wonderful. He picked up a local paper and a leaflet of First Order propaganda from a nearby table and sat down to eat, drink and read.

He had leisure time, and it was really nice. He savored the pie, and enjoyed the drink, and took in the paper and the news and announcements. It seemed the Galactic Alliance were the ones to watch and the ones the Silver Jedi could only dream of matching in might and leadership. It didn't make the Alliance and more appealing; if anything, even more foolish.

Time ticked on, but he had plenty of it.

People came, and went, and when two stormtroopers came through, he casually turned to the window and kept his aura low and discreet. He even went back for more pie.

Irajah's docking bay was out the way he came in and to the right, as he had seen a few ships come and go in the time he had been seated.

He had time. He wasn't going to miss this rendezvous for anything. Another sip of blue milk, and another content sigh.

[member="Irajah Ven"]

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