Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Do You Know What I Know? (Siobhan)

[member="Mirien Valdier"], [member="Anya Venari"]

In summation, the duchess was a fool. Then again, this applied to most blue bloods. Siobhan considered simply crushing her throat. But she didn't have the energy for it and so she did not resist when Diyan had guided her to the chair.

Events proceeded apace, but everything was a blur for her. She was sweating strongly, her heartbeat was racing and her breathing was ragged. Then chaos seemed to break out inside the assembly when Angelii closed in and nobles realised what was up. Shouts and protests could be heard, along with effusive declarations of loyalty. She felt a feeling of grim satisfaction when she saw Mirien slam a noblewoman into the ground.

She winced when she felt a spike of pain through their bond when suddenly a traitor tried to choke Mirien. She breathed in heavily, trying to shake it off. Then things turned dark around her eyes and Siobhan passed out.

Aeda Shaytari

We all wear masks....
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Mirien Valdier"]

Again faithful Diyan was there to catch Siobhan as she fell, laying her gently to the floor in the cover of the podium so she would be protected.

The traitor attacking Mirien kept up her attack, calling on her Sciia to aid her. Abruptly the pressure was released though, and the faithless Countess let out a little gasp. An orange bladed lightsabre protruded from her chest, swiftly withdrawn to reveal Aeda Shaytari.

“Are you alright, Mirien?” the masked Eldorai asked.

Around them the last of the traitors were being corralled.
Mirien had felt through her bond the distress Siobhan was in. An 'I told you so' was so on the discussion list. Listen to the Inquisitor because she knows what she is talking about. Or something like that would undoubtedly be said. And then she felt Siobhan slip into unconsciousness. I told you so ... She thought to herself.

The pressure on her throat wasn't letting up and frankly Mirien was bordering on passing out from lack of air but she kept fighting back trying to keep the pressure from tightening and killing her. Then suddenly the pressure released and the brunette turned to see the masked Eldorai.

Panting, with both hands clutching at her neck, Mirien only nodded. Stubborn pride kept her from admitted that she wasn't. The bruises were already beginning to show on her pale skin. She still hadn't been able to speak as she gasped for air. It was a moment or two more before she actually could talk. "I will be alright. Just a little worse for wear. No biggie." She said said in a quiet hoarse whisper.

She glanced to Siobhan, "Get her to a healer, she needs it." Mirien ordered, her voice still raspy and hoarse.

[member="Aeda Shaytari"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Mirien Valdier"], [member="Aeda Shaytari"]

Siobhan was being carried away, the last of the traitors were corralled. Anger and outrage were written across the features of the Duchess of Valdemar when a soldier cuffed her hands. "Unhand me, if you fear the Goddess," she cried out, voice strong with indignation. "My fellow nobles, will you allow this travesty of justice to take place? Do the honour of the peerage and our sacred traditions mean nothing to you? This is tyranny! I will not be treated like a peasant or a monkeigh. The Goddess will find me innocent."

"On the contrary, everything that's taking place is in full accordance with the law. Traditional law. As you are fond of saying, we are nothing without tradition," Tarissa suddenly interjected when she stepped down from the podium with a swirl in her robes. Her eight-hundred credits high heels click-clacked on the stone steps.

"In the spirit of that, I'll be pushing for the revival of a few old punishments that were declared 'cruel and unusual'. Ironically, you've been eager to bring them back. In times of crisis, we should always look to Her Word and the example of the noble ancestors. But you'll have the luxury of a fair trial," The smugness was practically dripping from her voice.

If looks could kill, then the Duchess' death glare would've undoubtedly caused Tarissa to spontaneously combust. "I am disappointed in you, Tarissa. You are the heir to a proud lineage and your mother was a wise woman. Don't you see what you're doing? You're whoring yourself and our people out to the monkeighs and straight into Illyria's hell. If only your mother could see you know she would be..."

"Disappointed? Scold me? There was a time when this would've upset me, but not anymore. I am protecting Her garden by tearing out the weed and removing the rotten apples on Her tree. Take her away. Make sure she's not carrying poison." Her eyes swept over the arrested aristos. Some of them had been her friends, others her hated enemies. She did not flinch from their hate-filled glares. It was all for the greater good.

Aeda Shaytari

We all wear masks....
[member="Mirien Valdier"] [member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]

Aeda’s mask glanced at her, but the Grand Seraph was not going to argue with prideful women. She did that every day.

“Move the Countess out of here! First Squad, report.”
“Eighteen prisoners accounted for, Grand Seraph.”
“Second Squad, report.”
“Nine prisoners captured. One…well…you saw to.”
“I did. Disperse them for processing, then move them to Facility 0867.” The Eagle’s Nest.

Meanwhile the Queen’s eyes narrowed at Tarissa’s speechifying. Tarissa was always pushing for the most severe of punishments. She never had met a bed of spikes she didn’t want used immediately. The Queen would set the record straight here and now.

‘I have not endured civil war, strife and tried to save my people just to return to barbarity,’ she thought to herself.

She rose. “Duchess Cadalthor, thank you. Please see that Lady Kerrigan is seen to by the best healers. You may vette them yourself. Lady Valdier, attend upon me if you are able. Ensure this chamber is secure.”

She turned to the assembled nobles, her face a grim mask. “Is there anything anyone here assembled wishes to say?”
“Good. My Ladies and Lords, Kaeshana is at a critical point. Unity at this time is paramount, and any attempts to destroy this unity will be broken. I am not a tyrant greedy for personal power. I have allowed this body, and others, to assume many duties of state. We are one planet amongst many and we can no longer arrogantly ignore the outside galaxy, nor can we discard allies who have chosen to aid us even when they would profit more by not doing so. The Eldorai need unity, and whilst I never expected to be Queen I will take that role to achieve what is necessary; the continuation of our race.”

“Now I know many of you are angry, many of you are outraged about what happened here today. I assure you though, with my word as Queen that all defendants will have full access to legal counsel and defence, and if they are innocent they will be released. If they are guilty they will be punished according to the current laws of Kaeshana. Punishment must be just and fair.”

“Enough of this though. We have had enough drama for one day. Go, my Ladies and Lords. May Ashira bless you. We will convene again soon.”
Some part of Mirien found the way the Duchess of Valdemar reacted almost amusing. Almost. Figures they will demand such traditions, when it's not their neck on the line. And when it is, my my ... They are so quick to change their minds about such cruelties.

Her neck, still sore, still hurting but that pain Mirien quickly pushed aside. It wasn't something she could afford to deal with right now. Her own attacker's blood still seeped out onto the floor of the council chambers, and for now that was all the brunette needed to feel some sort of comfort.

Tarissa, if I'm not there when Siobhan wakes, make sure to mention 'I told you so...' because someone needs to say it. Might as well be you, if not me. It might also be a good idea to sedate her if she decides she won't suffer to lay in bed and get the rest she needs.

Hearing the Queen's words, Mirien nodded. Her wounds we quite minor. Nothing compared to her past and what she'd endured. She helped check through the remaining council members, making sure all traitors had been removed. And once the remaining women started to disperse, Mirien took her place beside Anya ever vigilant for any attack that might occur after such a disturbance among the nobles. "We'll need to check quickly for any that may have slipped through our fingers here." Questioning those they had was a given at this point. And she did wonder about the quality of counsel these conspirators would receive. Though, in the end it didn't truly matter. Those who could be proved guilty would get their just deserts. "For the moment, the chamber is secure."

[member="Aeda Shaytari"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Valiens Nantaris"]
[member="Mirien Valdier"], [member="Aeda Shaytari"]

Needless to say Tarissa was not particularly happy about liberal niceties such as 'innocent until proven guilty', due process, right to counsel and so on. All of this seemed wholly unnecessary to her. After all, this was not a republic! Before long, some naive Eldorai would think it was and demand political rights and then chaos would break out. Still, she held her tongue, though a number of things the Queen said were displeasing to her.

The Ladies and Lords - it made her blood boil that manlings had been forced upon the council - dispersed. The unconscious Siobhan was carried out. "I will have my personal healers see to her, Your Majesty," Tarissa spoke, bowing her head slightly to her cousin. I'll do that. If she gets uppity, I'll sedate her and take her magazines away. You wouldn't believe how petulant and childish she gets when that happens, she said without any trace of irony, using the telepathic radio to converse with Mirien. That woman seemed to have a good head on her shoulders. She seemed very unlike the annoying humans Tarissa had often dealt with.

The marble floor of the council chamber had been splattered with the blood of conspirators. But the sight did not trouble Tarissa or give her pause as she escorted Siobhan and the Angelii out. This far from her first dance in the game of thrones, nor would it be the last. Soon this hallowed hall would be no more. It would be destroyed, as would all of Santaissa.

Aeda Shaytari

We all wear masks....
[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"] [member="Mirien Valdier"]

The Queen, escorted by the Grand Seraph, left the room. Siobhan was carried away to recover, and Mirien would soon discover that the conspirators had all been caught.

On the whole, quite a successful coup on that day. Soon though the Eldorai would have much bigger issues….

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