Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Do we get to spin tanks now? (Siobhan)

Starleaves n Stimcafs
Focus and relax, listening, her closed eyes never opening, they were her energies. There was just Sio’s voice and her force, my force Nato realised. She’d never thought her force was hers. Her smile was there again, clear as day, that word of advice made everything easier, and would make a world of difference for Siobhan's student.

She felt a tug of something, coming through her force, straight for her barrier, because of what Sio had said, there was no separation. Her thin shield shimmered, different colors of potential, greens and yellow fluxed connecting with Sio’s small rock, Nato’s energy was dancing to and off her Master’s force throw. Okay so far!

Then there were more, Nato didn’t have time to mess about with pretty pictures, she had to turn and fast! Practical, like Siobhan taught, not doubting herself, believing and trusting her Master with her eyes closed. Nato’s shield folded smaller, more compact, denser, and deep pings resounded with impacting rock, forcing her student to adapt, to not think, but do quickly, quicker, and quicker.

For a bit she did really well. Nato’s weakness was not adapting speed, she had plenty of speed! Relax, relax Nato, that was her weakness. She was trying hard but moving energies fast, too fast and skittish, one little rock did nick the edge of her shield, span off and tapped her leg. If Sibby hadn’t been so controlled with her she’d have been hurt by a couple of wayward projectiles that followed.

Her shield was a bit too tight for her sense of freedom, and her focus wasn’t there yet, it was when Sio spoke, because she had her voice to focus to, but inside of herself, she didn’t have that focus all the way yet, “Hmmm had'ta let you get one!” She smirked playfully, but didn't flinch, Sio would want her to stay focused, keeping her barrier up, and so she did.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Siobhan momentarily ceased the onslaught of tiny rocks, wanting to give her student some breathing space. Emphasis on some. Practice made perfect after all. She noted with approval that despite her playful words Nato kept her barrier up. "You have heart, effort, potential. That's good. Where you do wrong is that you're moving your energies too fast and being too skittish. That's natural. Everyone has these problems when they start. But you must keep focus. Goal is not to continuously pour energies into your shield when there's pressure. That'll only exhaust and drain you," she commented. Her tone was still calm and measured.

"The Force is infinite, your ability to absorb its power is not. The key is not to strain yourself all the time, only when the shield is pressed do you hold it up. Keep energy in reserve, pour it into the shield when it's under strong pressure. Chances are that at some point your barrier - any barrier, even a master's - will break. What matters is not keeping it up indefinitely, but being in a position to fight and survive after it goes down. Again."

She would give Nato time with her barrier, allow her to get some breathing space, then the onslaught of projectiles would begin again. The speed and velocity of the tiny rocks would be scaled up a bit, as would their number.
Starleaves n Stimcafs
Nato victory! Well okay, Nato no bruises! She pressed her lips together making a pop, and peeked an eye open, her other following. Her face was glowing, again when Sio told her what she thought, she didn’t judge her or tell her she was wrong, just told her what she needed to do and how it was. Every single bit of praise, was pulling an uncertain girl up to stand on her own two feet.

Her barrier’s energies drifted and spread, she stopped resisting things, and went with them.

She did feel tiredness, she’d been so wrapped up she guessed that after a bit, she would have just flumped over. Not continuously pour energies, “Kinda like all work no play, gotta rest barriers too,” she decided that made sense. If you were all grr, tense, holding barriers up all the time, they’d snap.

Siobhan’s calm certain tone settled her mind, reaching her ears, feeling like experience, and unknown to her almost… parental guidance that she seriously lacked with all her running on freighters and ships. Keep energy in reserve, “So I hold back a little?” Her student asked curiosity peaking, she was getting a real Master’s education here. “Thanks Siobhan,” she smiled brightly tiptoeing up then down, stretching her toes.

Nato sensed her force was about to start pinging rocks! Winking to Sio, she’d got this. Both hands out to her sides, balancing herself, green and yellow energies popped up to meet rocks, not a full shield held all the time, sparks of color appeared when rocks flew towards her, again deep pings resounding when they met. Color and Style, she liked it, she could do this…. She really could! “this is easy peazie!”

Woah, more rocks came this time, faster, really concentrating, focus Nato, focus… Keep focus. It is pivotal. You cannot fully control a wind. Just like this, but she could meet her force when it came. So she did, she met them rocks best she could, missing some, but catching most, just when she needed to, and keeping energy in reserve.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Siobhan gave a nod, pleased with her student's progress. Bit by bit, Natol'ine was learning and finding her own way. It was time to up the ante a bit. This was the way Siobhan tended to teach: Give instruction, throw challenges at a student to test them, see how they coped. Rinse, repeat. Any bruises suffered in training might mean one less limb lost in combat.

As if on cue, more opposition emerged to confront the Kiffar. Rolling across the ground were droidekas, also known as destroyer droids. Rapid-deployment killing machines, droidekas were ancient, but still useful enough to be produced even after almost a millennia.

A combination of sheer momentum and sequeneced microrepulsors allowed the bronzium-armoured automatons to roll like balls then unfurl in a blink as tripoded gunfighters, shielded by individual deflectors and armed with paired, twin-barrelled, high-output blasters. The shields were powerful enough to resist lightsabres and give even heavy blasters and light artillery bolts pause.

Siobhan's usual strategy when it came to dealing with droidekas was to send them flying and crush them with a force repulse - or a whirlwind. Perhaps throw in blasts of lightning after the shockwave had smashed their shields. Fun fact, she had actually done this when being confronted by a horde of droidekas aboard a GTG Star Destroyer. Whilst floating in zero-g. At present, two of the destroyers had rolled into position behind Nato and, naturally, they did not waste time but would immediately unload their blasters upon her. Obviously their guns had been set on stun, since the goal was not to hurt Nato, though if her barriers was penetrated under the massive volume of laserfire it would presumably sting and then numb her.

At the same time Siobhan kept up the bombardment of rocks, peppering Nato, now with renewed ferocity, greater speed and velocity as they battered at her defences. "Defence alone will not slay your enemy. Don't keep it static. Act, fight, use the Force," Siobhan spoke. Of course, this was a reflection of her own combat instincts, which tended to be very aggressive. As for how Natol'ine would react, Siobhan had a number of ideas, but would for now leave it to her.
Starleaves n Stimcafs
The young Kiffar’s natural inclination was to get way out of there! So she did. Dipping her hands to the ground, and somersaulting over these new pesky droids, Nato moved with force enhanced grace, soaring up and over, their weapons unable to keep tracking her fast enough, banging Aurora across the tops of their shields, her lightsaber bounced off, and she hrmmed to herself landing lightly behind them.

Sio’s rocks followed, she spun her barriers into one, spinning all the time, from one foot to the other, too fast for the droids to hit her. Nato’s shimmering shield trailed along, coming to life as rocks bounced, rocks that were bounced everywhere including into those droids themselves. That wasn’t enough, defense alone will not slay your enemy, don’t keep it static, act, fight.

Playful wink given to Siobhan, her technique became a mix of her Masters and her own, blowing her hair aside and out of her eyes.

Rocks were rotated as they came toward her, whipped up and carried by her winds, her whirlwind was filled with stone, and that smashed its way into the droids shields, push her barrier forward, the shields met the barrier and sparked, rocks colliding afterwards.

She chanced once more to jump up over Sio’s droids, getting a sting to her leg, hopefully nothing too bad, ow ow. Aurora lopped off one droid's head before she landed. That just left one battered droid, but her leg was hurting, and she didn’t have her speed. Nato tried deflection with her saber, but she was using Ataru, and it was terrible at deflection, barely covering herself.

Her weakness, what could she do without her speed? Against a machine? No memories to attack, no way to avoid. The young girl needed Sio's advice!

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

It did not escape Siobhan's attention that, to put it bluntly, Nato was probably a lot better with a lightsabre than she was. Truth be told, Siobhan's technique was abysmal. Unless you counted 'stab people with the pointy end' as technique. Well, maybe it was not that bad, but close to it, but then she had not used the weapon in ages. Certainly never in an actual duel. In the old days, when she was younger, Siobhan had favoured Ataru, but now she lacked the mobility necessary for the complex acrobatics that were part and parcel of the form.

She watched Nato's efforts as her student tried to deflect the incoming hail of blaster bolts, though her technique was inefficient since she was using Ataru, which was terrible at defence. Siobhan made a note that Nato could perhaps use some Soresu practice. Unfortunately Siobhan sucked at that sort of thing, though perhaps she could persuade [member="Phylis Alince"] to help out!

One droid down, another to go, but Nato was deprived of mobility and hurt in the leg. No way to dodge, deflection was not working and in any case the droid's energy shield would protect it. However, the girl still had the Force.

"Act. Your power can sent it flying. Summon the Force inside you and launch it at it. Like you unleashed your barrier. Your Force can break it, if you will it," Siobhan spoke, having to raise her voice to make herself heard over the hailstorm of bolts, though she remained calm. Of course, Nato could theoretically also unleash her whirlwind upon the machine, though this seemed like a good moment to introduce telekinesis. Naturally in either case she would have to divert energies from defence towards attack, leaving herself temporarily open to the blasterfire, but that was par for the course.
Starleaves n Stimcafs
Phew, she was tiring, she couldn’t keep Ataru up, she was only a padawan even if she felt like a total badass right now! Quite the change from when Sio started with her! Wide longs sweeps of her beam she moved as best she could on her hurt leg, sending blaster fire away harmlessly, but there were some close calls!

Summon the force inside you, and launch at it. Nato took that literally, that’s what she did, act. Sending her first ever telekinetic attack, weak but there, she knocked the droid off target. She didn’t even think next, Nato just did. Trailing her bad leg behind, using her good one, and her arm, she threw herself like a dart. Saber stabbing out front of her with such speed and pinpoint force, Sio’s droid’s shield all but buckled, and staggered, that would be a handy technique for later! Their impact rolled her away, her force gave her speed, her leg didn’t!

Smallest smile pressed to her lips, her saber was flung behind her, not using force throw, instead carried by her Master’s own telekinetic instruction. Aurora rode Nato’s force energy like a dart behind her wave.

Force Dart!

When her telekinetic drive hit any remaining shield, Aurora pierced straight through the center of her opponent’s torso, toppling the machine over.

Like her Master, but different, she was learning from Sio, but also about herself, a mixture of both. Right now, all she could do was slump down, exhausted, and check her leg. Glancing up to Siobhan, ever hopeful she’d hear the words that she’d done okay, she brushed hair from her face, a bit dirty from their practice.

“Eaaaasy,” she giggled out of breath, wincing from her leg, no not easy, but “fun.”

Mood Music

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Before the force of the...Force Dart - lame pun fully intended - the droid fell and was taken out of commission. Nato had taken her master's instructions to heart. However, more importantly, instead of copying she had put her own spin on things and found her own way. That was precisely the sort of initiative Siobhan was looking for. The Kiffar had done well. She had been faced with hurdles and along the road she had struggled here and there, but that was all part of the growing process. Doubtless there would be more struggles along the way, mistakes, bruises and scars, but one day the girl would achieve greatness.

And so Siobhan quickly crossed the distance between them as a clearly exhausted Nato slumped down. Hearing her student giggle the Countess could not resist chuckling slightly. "That's my little spitfire. You did well. Very well. Initiative, force, action. How's your leg?" the expression on her face indicated pride.
Starleaves n Stimcafs
Spitfire, yay she had a nickname! Every time Sio said it she remember that pat on her shoulder from before. Beginning to be able to sense when Sio was feeling pride in her, without even looking, familiar sensations of happiness pinged, heart lifting and her face looking up with it.

Her leg, “Hmm”, she shrugged lightly, “y’know.” Brave face on. “s’okay.”

Nato remembered controlling pain with Sio before, but her brain wasn’t working right now, so she was about to start wandering through her memories… What did she do, act, not think. She started willing her pain to flutter away into the ground. Kinda working, her leg was sore, looked like she was grazed. Might be painful to walk, but how else could she get about?

“Nobody ever,” she was finding something difficult to admit, and joked instead, “nobody else gave me a nickname I liked,” it was always hey you! “Bump Nose, Boggle feet, Snipper”, or don’t walk on that window ledge! What are you doing in my garbage shute! Okay they weren’t nicknames but people were always yelling at her, Sio didn’t, she told her calmly. “I mean, just kinda nice,” she didn’t know what she meant, but it was nice not to be shouted at or told she was wrong. Maybe her family life had been harder than she let on, that might explain a few things.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

"Take it easy and don't put pressure on it then," Siobhan said as she looked at Nato's sore leg. She felt the ripples through the Force as the girl applied the lesson about stilling her sense of pain.

"Well, now you have a nice nickname! Take your time. I think we could take a break from training for a bit," she spoke as she called a bottle of water into her grasp and poured Nato a fresh glass before handing it to her. Presumably her apprentice could use a drink or two after her exertions.

Siobhan thought for a moment before speaking up again. "I wanted to visit...Adril's cenotaph today. Her memorial. You wanna come?" Part of her did feel a bit silly for asking, but maybe Nato would like to see the monument erected in the honour of her master's teacher. Well, Adril had been a lot more than just a teacher to Siobhan. "I could take you flying," she added. Presumably she did not mean by using a speeder or a low-atmosphere transport.
Starleaves n Stimcafs
“Okaies”, she relaxed her leg, brave face or not, she was thankful to rest it, and taking a break sounded fab. Underneath her smile she was really feeling this, she’d be sore tomorrow, lasers, rocks, darts, nicknames!

Slurping Sio’s water up thirstily, Natol'ine let her shiny hair down, shaking it loose. Longer than she usually had it, she’d been meaning to have her hair shaped, but her old ship wasn’t exactly shopping central. There’d been one stinky old hairdresser who leered at her when she went to him, so no thanks, she’d grown it long.

Did she want to go? Looking at the ground, Nato didn’t answer, picking at a bit of grass.


She was touched that Sio would take her there, ~I would love that Sio,~ she said quietly through the force, moved that she’d ask her to go with her to somewhere so important to Siobhan. That was all she said for awhile, her family back home were great, they really were but, distant not taking her places like this, and well not that great, but great.

Sio wanted to take her with her!


“Yep!” Flying, yep, Nato in the air, yep!!! Yep. Over excited, she didn’t care, flying???? “YEP.” Hobbling to her feet, “what do we have'ta do?” Did she hold on to Sio? Whatever she had to do, she did, without any other thought.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Flying was fun! Or at least Siobhan thought so. Heavy risks...but the awesomeness! Needless to say it was also a great way to show off and impress the ladies by dramatically descending down from the sky in an awfully theatralic manner. Of course, that was totally the sort of thing Siobhan did.

Doubtless Jedi would have complained about how such frivolous use of the Force for personal pleasures and to impress smacked of vanity, but Siobhan was firstly not a Jedi and secondly extremely vain, and so such protests would fall on deaf ears if it were voiced.

Siobhan looked genuinely touched by Nato's telepathic words, then grinned at her reaction when she was told they would go flying. Her eagerness was just...completely and utterly adorable. "You don't have to do anything, dear. Just hold on to me...very tight. I'll manifest a telekinetic sphere to make sure we're not separated and that the wind can't blow us away," at that she stretched out her hand.
Starleaves n Stimcafs
Head bobbed, peeping about, Nato rested her hand in Sibby’s hand. Very tight, okay, erm. She gripped as tight as she could, scooching up so she was closer, pressing her lips together firmly thinly pursed, she wasn’t used to do nothing with herself, so she was fidgety, and very, very excited. Waves of anticipation were coming off of her, she was absolutely giddy.

“Sooo we stand here, erm, like this?” Did she put her other hand on Sio’s arm? Or just hold really tight? She was unsure but followed Siobhan's lead, chancing a beaming smile to her Master, her student’s eyes were shining. Nato was starting to care a lot for Sio, that much was obvious, but she hadn’t realised how much that connection to her friend and Master was starting to mean to her, not until right then.

Thumping hard, her heart was beating in her chest a hundred miles an hour, she would have squealed if Sio wasn’t so close. Looking down, then up to where they were going. Hold on Nato! Here we goooo.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

"Yes, hold on and don't let go of my hand," Siobhan spoke softly...confidently. And so she gripped Nato's hand tight and drew upon the tangled web of the Force to fill herself with power. Such were the Force energies flowing through Siobhan that they would probably be palpable for Nato.

Strength flowed through her muscles and she felt them being amplified by the Force. Until now she had been immobile, crippled and, though she did her best to hide it, in pain due to her disabilities. However, all of this seemed to vanish now. "I'll never let you fall." As soon as Siobhan said these words she and Nato suddenly lifted off ground and took off into the sky, surging upward as they were propelled by the power of the Force.

One could compare it to two human-sized, organic rocket ships lifting off. A strong wind was sweeping towards them and kissed their skin, but it did not drive them off. As Siobhan exerted her telekinetic willpower, Nato would feel what could be described as telekinetic binds manifesting, forming a sphere, a bubble of sorts, that connected them, ensuring that they could not be separated.

And so soon they would have left the training grounds, indeed the whole Firemane headquarters complex, behind them as the ground vanished before them. Doubtless some Firemane employees and guards on their premise would for a few moments cease their duties and look up to watch the show. Admittedly Siobhan flying around was nothing new, but it was always a nice show to see.

Making sure Nato was firmly secured and in no danger of falling, Siobhan used her power to sweep through the sky towards the gleaming city of Santaissa, whose white stone buildings and beautiful, towering spiress, were now coming closer and closer. In deference to the fact that she was not alone this time and felt responsible for Nato, Siobhan was flying at lower altitudes than she was used to and likewise she had considerably reduced her speed. However, this was by Siobhan's standards, so it would probably still be an amazing experience. Concentration was etched over Siobhan's features and she was sweating slightly at the exertion, but clearly enjoying herself.
Starleaves n Stimcafs
“I won’t.” Clasping tightly, frizzy sensation across her skin, energies were pouring off her Master, they were certain and strong, tapping against Nato’s otherwise uncertain aura, until today, today was different.

I’ll never let you fall. That was all Sio need say, any fear went away.

Shining eyes answered, “I trust you Sio,” trust which she really needed! Wooshing up, legs dangling below. “wooooooaaaaa” she glanced either side of their bubble, Nato was about to explode from excitement, her heart hadn’t slowed down at all.

Ground shrinking further away, woah, woah high, she tensed feeling shaky. How her Master carried herself, she wasn’t scared, didn’t doubt herself, and Nato emulated Siobhan, well at least as much as one excited Kiffar girl could!

Relaxing, “Sio! were flying!” Well durr, but were flying! Their bond and bubble, she felt safe again, waaay up here, Sio wouldn’t let her fall. Breeze blowing her hair back, trailing behind her, she traced small shapes within their bubbles edges with her finger, watching wind ripple them.

Beautiful dreamy white shapes, her first time outside of their training grounds. A city! Sio might be taking their trip easy for her, but Nato felt like she was a shooting star. "What's that!" She pointed out excitedly at Santaissa.

Mood Music

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

"That's Santaissa, dear. Kaeshana's capital," Siobhan said, amusement evident in her tone. Now that they were getting closer Nato would be able to get a good view of the city that was the capital of the Eldorai. At this point it was the only city with a major spaceport and where foreigners were allowed to reside. Further ahead they would see high mountain ranges and the Ashira's Crown military bases, whose powerful Tempest defence cannons stood sentinel, aimed at the sky.

White stone buildings and towering spires rose up into the sky, intermixed with less ostentatious buildings like in every city. Santaissa’s centre was dazzling, though the majority of the city was standard, more modest homes belonging to the regular citizens, as in any city. In the far distance an enormous structure, a ziggurat dominated the centre of the city. "That big white thing is the palace and temple of the Eldorai Star Queen. It's a properly called a ziggurat. I'm there a lot," Siobhan spoke, having to raise her voice so that she could make herself heard over the how of the wind and the roar of engines.

Whilst traffic in Santaissa was nowhere near as awful as say on Fondor, progress had come to Kaeshana and this meant that the skies were populated by speeders, skycars and all sorts of other vehicles at this time of the hour. However, Siobhan confidently navigated them through the sky, seemingly untroubled by this. Kaeshana was a stormy place climactically as well as politically, but for now at least they had clear skies.
Starleaves n Stimcafs
Santaissa “Big place,” yep, massive. “Kinda white”, but nice white. Wondering what all the people down there must be thinking, little tiny people spying Nato and Sio zooming on by. Nato couldn’t help waving with her free hand. “Do we have any flight music?” she joked teasing.

Busy though, wow. Ducking her head down, she was never near hitting anything, but kept peeking her head lower, then popping back up, till she got used to zooming around skycars. Big guns ahead too, looked safe this city kind of like Kei would like, he was always goin’ on about guns.

Humming a melody

And I'm far, far away
with my feet above the crowds
Lettin' loose around the world
But the call of home is loud still as loud

She nearly sang muffled words, never sure about singing, her voice wasn't too bad, soft but soothing. She was really enjoying this, she'd relaxed enough to just sing, almost.

Closer toward Santaissa’s center, too busy staring at everything to pay much attention to any one thing, “Ziggurat, sounds like this nightclub I know,” really, really big nightclub. That thing was huge, queenie had her life good. She realised she was almost shouting too over those zooming skycars, she didn't have a loud voice.

Break in their noise, “Sio,” Nato circled her lips around thinking, “you never told me about your mom and dad.” Maybe not the best place to be asking her mid-flight zooming over dreamy white cities, and fancy ziggurats, but that was Nato.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Nato's enthusiasm proved contagious and the melody she was humming made Siobhan smile. However, she visibly tensed and stiffened when her student brought up her parents. It was, of course, a completely innocent question, the sort of thing she could be reasonably expected to ask. But nonetheless this was the reaction it produced in Siobhan.

For a few short moments the smile vanished from Siobhan's face. "They're dead. Happened ages ago," she said simply and left it at that. She had already been dead to them more than a decade ago. Her only family was the one she had made, the one that lived on Kaeshana with her.

Trying to shake herself out of her discomfort and draw attention away from this part of her past, she changed the topic. "Ashira's Mall is over there. Great shopping centre. You can get lost in there for days," she declared, pointing out a massive building. It was undoubtedly the best place to buy fancy shoes if you were a big girly girl.

"Memorial's ahead of us, I'll bring us down," she spoke as they swept through the sky across the street. Lo and behold, an imposing stone structure rose up into the air ahead of them. It consisted of a massive pylon that arose in a series of setbacks towards an imposing statue made in the likeness of [member="Adril Tythorin"]. It was a carefully carved statue of flawless execution done in gold and ivory.

Her face, framed by long raven hair, was hard yet beautiful, her very pose radiating strength and confident, fiery eyes started out at some unseen threat in the distance. One hand held a real sarix blade, which looked ready to cleave enemies of Kaeshana in half. Harshly cut Eldorai runes ran down the length of the ceremonial but still sharp blade. The open palm of her other hand seemed to hold a glowing orange sphere that was probably supposed to represent a fireball, for in life Adril had been a gifted pyromancer. Beneath her was a demonic, utterly disgusting statue whose features and attire identified him as a heinous Sith, who was cowering beneath Adril as her boots stomped upon his throat. A very martial depiction, but then Siobhan would have wanted her lover to be remembered this way as an indomitable heroine.

Wreaths had been laid down at each end and on top of the monument. Words had been engraved upon the pylon. There would be a summation of Adril's deeds and a message from Siobhan, though given the still vast distance the pair would be unable to read them right now.

As they came closer Siobhan significantly decreased the speed at which they were flying and willed the Force to slowly make them drop down from the sky. It would be a controlled, slow descent and they would soon be touching down upon the ground a few metres away from the memorial. The monumet had been constructed during Siobhan's term in office as Exarch, when her 'close friend' Silaqui, sister of the present monarch [member="Anya Venari"], had been Star Queen.

Cynical detractors claimed that Silaqui had been so agreeable to setting up the memorial because of her dalliances with Siobhan. Or perhaps it had simply been a political move to curry favour with someone who at the time had been the second most powerful person in the Protectorate. Or perhaps it had really been meant to honour an Eldorai who had died a heroine, though in life she had been far from perfect. Likewise even Siobhan's relationship with her had been as tempestuous as the fire Adril wielded.
Starleaves n Stimcafs
“Um, sorry Sio.” Nato replied quietly and compassionately, patting her friends arm. Following Siobhan’s example and not saying any more. That was all she did till Sio spoke again.

Lost there “for days!?” Although Nato could not be called a girly girl!... Well she could, okay, shopping! She squeed inside, not letting on too much, apart from not taking her eyes off the place. Oh okay she liked to shop, she liked to steal things and party too, fight Sith! Girls got to have good shoes for all that.

All that fluttering in her mind disappeared when Adril’s memorial came into view, everything else had been fun, or nice to look at. Adril's image was just dazzling. She stood there so powerful, reminding the girl of Siobhan or Kei, like she could take on anything, without flinching, holding a whole world in her hand. Nato sighed softly, blinking, and quietly gazing outward.

Letting go of Sio’s hand only when Sio did, so not to fall, her feet drifted to the ground, barely feeling her landing. Beside her Master she was looking up at how beautiful Adril’s memorial was. For the first time all day she had nothing to say. Adril's memorial said everything. Connection, history, memories, that was what she felt from her Master and where she was, moved to be allowed and trusted to visit this special place.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Anya Venari

Star Queen Tirathana VII
[member="Natol'ine"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Though perhaps it would have been more fun to have an Ozymandius like inscription such as “Look on me, foes of Kaeshana and despair” it had been dismissed.

Instead, the inscription read as a tribute to Adril through a somewhat rose tinted lens. Somewhere in the netherworld, Adril would have been quite pleased with it.

Adril Tythorin
Jedi Knight, Angelii and Defender of the Faith
Brave in life, valiant in death, eternal in memory

A brief list of her accomplishments would follow, but for the most part it was fairly matter of fact.

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