Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

As she spit at his friend he kneeled down, pressing the pistol against her temple harder, his mask giving him a more foreign look. Using his free hand he placed it against her forehead, only to have her bite his wrist.

"Aye! Fething B-" Growling, he unclasped his mask, the golden encasement hissing as it depressurized. Turning his flaming gaze on the woman he pushed the pistol against her skull, while his freehand pressed against her forehead. Using an old trick his master used, he probed her mind, finding the basis for her language and going to add something to it, only to find that she already knew basic. Interesting.

Pulling his hand back, he met her gaze as she opened her mouth to speak again, only this time not knowing how to say anything. "Bingo, little miss snowflake already knows her basic." Looking up at his friends, he turned back to her. "Now, I suggest you start talkin' before you regret it. Because I am on a very tight schedule."

[member="Dax Fyre"], [member="Yula Knezevic"], [member="Anya Loma"]


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Yula realized that the woman's Force-defenses were too strong for what skill she had in Drain Knowledge or power in the dark side she might have to actually use it to extract information out of her. But it would seem that [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] is in a standoff with that woman, in an attempt to extract information about the woman's friends. Also, with [member="Dax Fyre"] around, she'd better not get involved in this mess: already, with the woman biting Nate's wrist, things have started going to feth. May as well just observe, while keeping my eyes open for what could come out: it's hard to tell whether hallucinations or actual items are at stake. They have more power than I do, I can't do anything good other than to watch their surroundings, she thought, while watching with apprehension what would come out of it. Meanwhile, [member="Anya Loma"] has faded from her Force-radar for whatever reason: something was afoot and fishy.

"What do you mean, a very tight schedule?"
The Reaper of Won Shasot
For the moment Dax ignored Yula's question. It would have to be something to ask Nate another time. "I'd do what he says if I were you," he told the silver-haired woman, "He's not nearly as nice as I am." If looks could kill, Dax would certainly be dead from the way the native glared at him. "What's with the hallucinations? What is this place?"
"You killed my Kuskuri." she muttered in an accented voice, a musically lilting tone. Dax turned and looked at the canine creature, lying dead on the ground behind them, "Are those things what cause the hallucinations? Or is that you doing it?" She reverted back to her silence, look away from either of the two men. "Hey!" Dax's shouted violently, voice steeped in anger, the kind that was wholly uncharacteristic of the typically forgiving ma, "I asked you a question!" Her jaw clenched tightly even as she nodded in response. "Well now we know what the hell was going on earlier." Dax said looking back up to the Bounty Hunter.

[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"], [member="Anya Loma"], [member="Yula Knezevic"]
Growling, the barrel of his pistol founds it way to the center of her forehead, his voice coming out low and deadly. "Do you want to end up beside it?" Holding up his hand lightly to silence his friends, he turned back to the pale woman.

"I want you to listen very closely to me, we do not have the time to wait and listen to complain about you poor, poor dead dog. I could very easily put a blaster bolt through that pretty little face of yours after I've torn the information I need out your mind." Pulling her up as he stood, he bound her wrists, nearly dragging her along as he walked, his mask now firmly back in its rightful place.

Pushing through the temple, they came to a cliff, the sounds of roaring water crashing onto jagged peaks being heard as he pulled her closer and closer to the edge, before he finally thrust her out over the edge, holding her suspended over the edge with one arm. "You did not respond to reason, so now, you will know fear... You best choose quickly, my arm will start to get tired."

[member="Dax Fyre"], [member="Yula Knezevic"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax watched as the Bounty Hunter dragged the woman, kicking and screaming to the edge of the cliff, suspending her with ease over the edge of the cliff. Blast, the man knew how to scare the chit out of people sometimes. The woman's eyes searched Nate's frantically, for any hint of a bluff but found none. Her eyes widened with fear and she looked over to Dax, but saw no help would come from him. He knew better than piss off his friend when he was in one his blind rages. "Please! Don't!" she finally cried out, shrill voice riddled with fear, facing her mortality. "Whatever it is you want to know, just get me away from this blasted edge."

Dax looked over to Nate, not yet sure what he was going to do. For whatever reason, there was a hint of a thought that he may actually drop the woman to her doom. The Rogue wasn't exactly very keen on the idea of jumping after her...

[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"], [member="Yula Knezevic"]
Grunting, he pulled her back onto land, dropping her promptly at his feet, staring down at her. "Tell me everything you know." Looking up at Dax, he waved a hand slightly, almost asking what the hell is it we want to know again?

Looking back at the woman, he continued. "I want to know what this planet is, its history, where your people live, and how to get back to your... home."

[member="Dax Fyre"], [member="Yula Knezevic"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
The woman collapsed to her knees, a few panting breaths. She looked up at the two men, clear disdain in her eyes. Dax moved around behind her, drawing a knife from his belt as he did so. The woman tensed for a moment, a snap resounding behind her. Her restraints had been removed.

"War..." she said, rubbing her wrists, eyeing the Rogue curiously, suspiciously. "That is my people's history. We were one a race who'd set out among the stars to discover new life, and see what wonders we could behold. But we brought back only chaos and death." Only the barest hint of melancholy tainted the woman's voice. After all, how could she mourn an era she'd never known. "What do you want with my home? Why have you come here?"

[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"], [member="Yula Knezevic"]
Crossing his arms he scoffed, as she knew anything about war. "Depends on what you want for your home." As thunder rumbled over head, he spoke again. "But I-we would like to speak to your.... leader, whomever is in charge."

[member="Dax Fyre"], [member="Yula Knezevic"]


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
It was natural for the woman beside both [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] and [member="Dax Fyre"], with Anya having chosen to stay behind, to be suspicious of off-worlders after said off-worlders brought destruction to their home. She was finding herself being a bystander in the middle of a standoff that involved an intense questioning period. And now Yula was going to go see the higher-ups of the world - provided, of course, that the native woman would accept their request. Also, they have been a little vague in terms of what exactly they wanted in terms of what they wanted to do on this world; Yula was but a pawn in their plans. She had the impression that she was trapped in some holo or some other such thing.

"It better be good"
The Reaper of Won Shasot
The woman's eyes flitted between the two masks before her. Little was to be done. She nodded in agreement and stood, "Follow me." She passed between the two then past Yula. Where Anya had gone, Dax wasn't sure. Before Nate could begin walking Dax stopped him, "I don't trust her word quiet yet." he said quietly, "Let us two go, have Yula stay with the ships. We can radio if there is trouble."

[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"], [member="Yula Knezevic"]
Nodding, he approached Yula, crossing his arms. The thing was though; she should have been coming with, but Dax had a point. It would've been beneficial to his apprentice to make the trip with them, but if things did go south, he didn't want her getting captured, or worse; killed.

"...We're going to follow her to see if what she say's is true," Looking over her shoulder at the ships behind her, he continued. "With all that ordnance you said you were packing... if you have any sentry droids, I suggest using them." Gaze now back on hers, he spoke softly so Dax wouldn't hear. "If we do not return in one rotation, torch the place."

[member="Dax Fyre"], [member="Yula Knezevic"]


The King of Ergonomic Assessments

With the instructions from the other two masters, she returned back to the ships, hoping that [member="Anya Loma"] was still there; [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] and [member="Dax Fyre"] were to proceed with the woman, and Yula was to stay behind, and for good reason. It was for backup purposes: true, it was a dangerous proposition, and sentry droids are in position, laden with lifeform scanners as used earlier. Because of this, she had to use her fear of being detected by more natives to slip away, using Force-cloak, which was preferrable to using Force-speed. And she may never know what could actually cause the hallucinations she faced before. Not that it mattered that much, just that she had trouble dealing with the hallucinations. But she had to stay alert: if they aren't back within one rotation (whatever that means), torch the place. Perhaps that was a little much to her: she'd rather not do evil things without a clear reason to do so. Was it the kind of fire to light to cover a retreat or something?
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax followed the woman as [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] spoke to [member="Yula Knezevic"]. "You better not be leading us into a trap."
"You asked to be taken to my home. Where I am surrounded by friends. I do not need to set a trap for you. You've done it yourself."
Dax made no response. He already knew full well what he'd asked. But he had no intentions of entering the city quite yet. He wasn't that dumb...well, usually. Turning around he looked at Nate as he whispered something to Yula. Eyes scrutinized the two as they spoke. 'What're you thinking Nate?'
Now behind Dax and the pale woman, he averted his gaze, looking around the trio every few steps, having some sixth sense tell him he was being watched. Not the best feeling in the world, but her shrugged it off as they kept moving. For some odd reason, his saber seemed extremely heavy in his hand, like something was pulling at it.

Looking down, he came to realize something was pulling it down. Before he could act the twine wrapped around his wrist was tore back, immediately pulling him back with it as he was off guard. He didn't know if the same had happened to Dax, but he didn't plan on waiting to see. Effectively landing a back hand spring, the tall man wrapped his unrestrained forearm around the rope, pulling back with all his might. It was then his assailant became visible as he was dragged out the underbrush, right into Nate's closed fist.

Thump.Collapsing, the pale man landed in a heap at his feet, some blood dripping out his nose. Checking his own fist he turned his withering gaze onto the woman, albeit covered. "Friends of your's I presume?"

[member="Dax Fyre"], [member="Yula Knezevic"].
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax's ankle was suddenly jerked, thrown off his feet by the rope. A similar thing happened to the silver-haired woman. The Rogue quickly drew his slugthrower and fired three rounds in the direction from which he was being pulled. A body thumped to the ground soon after. Behind the woman was shouting something. Another pale man was atop her attempting to bind her hand and feet.

The woman sent a firm kick up into the man's jaw, a crack echoing through the forest, followed by a crack of thunder. He fell onto his back, an opportunity the woman quickly jumped upon. She scrambled atop him and began to pound his head into the ground, punch after punch landing on his face. Deciding the man was dead she stood up looked at his bloody form and spat on him. "No...not my friends...we have to hurry."


Elsewhere, others crept through the forests. They too had heard and seen the vessels descend from the sky. They wanted whatever it was those ships had brought...

[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"], [member="Yula Knezevic"]
[member="Yula Knezevic"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] [member="Dax Fyre"]

Anya had went To guard the ship, she slowly walked around them as she kept her saber within her hand, she focused on not letting this planet get to her was intoxicating, the dark side she felt was evident. Each time she let a breath out she felt the dark side licked at her lips, offering a sweet taste she hadn't tasted in a month. But she refused to even take a little of the dark side

She looked as she saw yula approaching, yes someone to talk to that would keep her mind busy, she looked out and around sighing

I'm guessing they went off with that woman?

She said as she sat down and rubbed her eyes, she felt tired from having to focus on not breaking down at all...but she would persevere through it


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
"Yes, but they insisted we stay behind in case something happened to them"

[member="Anya Loma"] was more or less where she expected her to be, patrolling around the ship with lightsabers in hand, while Yula did the same with her assault rifle in hand. But Yula, too, was struggling with the allure of the dark side, even though she used it on multiple occasions while falling prey to hallucinations. The dark side sounded sweet, but there she was. She had to realize that Anya was relying on her to limit the extent the dark side could grip on to her, but that [member="Dax Fyre"] and [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] instructed Yula (and also, Anya by extension) to "torch the place". Initially it would mean covering their retreat with fire, but that might take another meaning entirely. While it was obvious to her that fatigue settled in, and also Yula was pretty fatigued as well, Then again, Yula didn't take any caf for a while, so it might be a good idea for both ladies to go drink some before they would fall asleep, and yet, it was a good idea to ask first.

"Also Nate and Dax both requested that, if they do not return within one rotation, we either leave this place or try to look for them on this world. Oh and perhaps you would like some caf? Or you would like to go to sleep before I do, and once you awaken I go to sleep?"
The causality she did such an act made him raise a brow, a little surprised she didn't try the same thing with him when he was talking to her. None-the less, he was at least considered fortunate. Igniting his saber, he slashed at a nearby tree, the thick trunk toppling to the side to show a similarly severed torso.

At that moment he wasn't even looking really, he was letting the force guide him. Pulling his pistol out of his holster, he blasted over the woman's shoulder, a thump being heard soon after. Moving closer to her, he held out the pistol, his visor reflecting the lighting overhead. "Here, you might need this. But If I see you look once at me or Dax with that thing pointed right at us, I will not be so kind to throw you back onto land."

[member="Yula Knezevic"], [member="Anya Loma"], [member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
The girl ducked, expecting the Bounty Hunter to be aiming at her. When she found that she hadn't been shot and heard the body drop behind her she shot a glare at the man, the kind that said 'you coulda shot me'. Dax snickered, knowing better.

The woman took the weapon from Nate gingerly. Holding it with both hands, a finger on the trigger she examined it, barrel moving this way and that. "Blast it." Dax said pushing the barrel down towards the ground and taking it from the woman. "You might shoot us on accident instead..." he growled as he handed the weapon back to Nate. Instead, he pulled his knife from his belt and handed it to the woman. "Let's be honest, if they get close enough to you that you have to use it you're fethed."
"I know how to fight, thank you very much." she said as she snatched the blade away.
"I know you do, I just watched you bash a dudes head in." The Rogue shouldered his way past the woman and started to walk in the direction they'd previously been walking in. "Now c'mon, you're supposed to be leading the way."


The other group of native crept closer, their kuskuri stalking along just behind them, their heads jerking to look from one direction to another. They could feel the women talking off in the distance. The hunting dogs led their handlers towards the two unsuspecting woman.

[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"], [member="Anya Loma"], [member="Yula Knezevic"]
Taking the pistol and promptly blasting a leaping Kuskuri, he scoffed at the Dax and the woman and their conversation. "For her sake, she best pray she doesn't. Because if she does, I get to throw her off a cliff for real this time."

placing his hand on the woman back he pushed her to the side a a spear whistled towards them. Only to be plucked out of the air by Nate, who promptly spun it around and threw it back. A scream could be heard, while he casually turned to look down at the woman.

"After you."

[member="Dax Fyre"], [member="Yula Knezevic"], [member="Anya Loma"]

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