Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Destroyer of Dreams (OS Dominion of Ragoon VI)

Location: The Shooting Gallery
Objective: Prove my Independence - Take down the Sniper
Allies: [member="Darth Azurea"]
Enemies: [member="Draco Vereen"]​
It was a beautiful metaphor. Mullarus stood, staring into Azurea's determined, almost desperate stare as she persuaded him. It was as if Mullarus were still a cub, vying to leave the nest and conquer land of his own, establish himself as the new alpha. To surpass his father before him. It was the dream of all Sith to become the most powerful. That goal was not lost on Mullarus. It never was, and it likely never will.

Now, the gate stood before him. He was urged forward. Was he ready to take on what lay on the other side? There was only one way to find out. He has to take the first steps to begin a new journey. The climb to the top of the mountain would start now.

"...For me, Mullarus?"

Mullarus face, full of concern and stress, seemed to melt to one of vengeance. It dripped from his teeth. "I'll be back." was all he said as he made his way around the tree, leaving Darth Azurea alone and wounded to her own fate. He did not activate his lightsaber. Not yet. Slugs couldn't be deflected like energy bolts anyway.

His taunts echoed, one by one. His arn twitched, anger beginning to cloud his vision. This time, he would want to see blood fall from the sky like rain. Revenge unsheathed Mullarus like a sword. He called for blood tonight

He closed his eyes as he walked from tree to tree, observing high up in the trees. He saw the small, faint auras of the Ragoon natives scurrying along the branches.

Funny, there seemed to be a branch one stepped on that didn't seem to move much when he jumped onto it. Not like the rest...come to think of it...

Is that a Force Signature I see?
Objectives: Hunt
Prey: [member="Darth Azurea"] [member="Mullarus"]

He was a quick one, and so when he darted around the tree, I slung my rifle over my shoulder and drew my swords. Good luck kid. I sat and I waited, watching him move from tree to tree. I waited until he was right beside me, and then he took notice at last.

<Yes it is... but not anymore.>

And with that I pressed upon his mind with all my might on that little spot in the brain that makes us special. That let's us use the Force. Around it I erected a wall with the force of my Will like stone holding back a tide. Cutting someone off from the Force was one of my signatures,even if focusing on it took all my concentration and kept me from using the Force in other ways, it let me fight my opponents on even ground, and because of everything I carried and used in combat, it was hardly even ground.

Facing him, me against the trunk him hanging out in space, white hot flames burst from my shoulders with shards of metal hidden among them. Burn everything and everyone was a staple of my style of combat. Behind the flames I surged forward with incredible speed, time moving slowly for me, the furious chaos of combat in slow motion, I could see the white hot cone of flames sent at my prey drifting through the air. The light from the flames bathed my form's outline clearer than it otherwise would have been, but no bother.

Swords in hand, I followed up, more than willing to fight him on a tree. I had every advantage right now. The ostrine blade in my right hand hacked low for his left calf while the other I kept held defensively, ready to parry or block whatever attack he could produce. End quickly and brutally.
Objective: Getting frazzled some moar, getting his block knocked off
Location: Forest of Ragoon
Allies: [member="Vrag"], [member="Sage Bane"], One Sith
Enemies: [member="Einar Shadowmane"]

Just with Sage in almost striking range, he heard the crack through the woods and the kick away from the tree. Ygdris was free from his grasp, just when things were getting interesting and he let out a growl in response. But just then, she released the tool from her belt. He didn't need to see it or even know she threw it. It was Reebas, long lost since Kashyyyk and the twin blade to the Roecnar. Both carved from rancor teeth, pulled from the beast in the gladiatorial combat of Tattooine. He pulled it to him, the force unabated by any sense of self preservation.

It hit his hand with a snap hiss of red plasma, pouring out from the fountain of the emitter, blood running across scorched earth. With a roll and the aid of the force in speed, he crashed out of the way of the beast as it lumbered into their playground. "Oh..." He spit blood, the pain of his beating giving him the oomph he needed. "Good..." He stepped back and twirled his saber, head snapping to Ygdris.

Looking up to the beast, the coursing force running through it's body and mind. If he looked close enough, he thought he could see irradiated veins, coursing florescent with the hue of the force. The corrupting taint. He switched Reebas over to his left hand, igniting the chom-huun beam in his voxyn hand and announced himself. "Come to daddy!" Taking in a big ole whiff of the marsh gases, he whipped the blades out to his side before launching Reebas at the assailing hand, heading towards the Hand. Running forward, he would engage this beast, first trying to sever the tendons of hand with a telekinetically charged lightsaber. As he neared, he would wrap the force around him, sending him speeding around it's feet and lower body, looking to sever the Achilles like a rubber band pulled too taught.

But he wasn't there yet. Just his lightsaber. Old tried and true Reebas. Maybe after this, Reverance might ask Ygdris how she came about his weapon.
Objective: Join the party
Location: Somewhere in the Jungle
Allies: [member=Darth Azurea], and either [member="Draco Vereen"] or [member="Mullarus"]
Enemies: I don't know, I'm so confused!
Post 2

The acolyte cursed inwardly. Where was Azurea, and what had happened to her? He had heard nothing, which indicated that they had strayed further from one another than they ought to have. Judging by the pain he felt through their telepathic link, her situation was dire, but he had no idea of what had befallen her. Presumably, the Malia were now on the prowl--the hunters had become the hunted. So much for the plan.

As the two Sith had gone off in opposite directions when they split up, Assadar doubled back, hoping that both he and Azurea had followed roughly opposing paths through the forest and that he would be able to meet up with her by retracing his own steps. Finding her would only become more difficult as time went on, as twilight was now setting in, and the small amount of light that did penetrate through the thick jungle canopy was fading fast. He was about to call out to her, but thought better of it, remembering that he, too, was prey for the Malia.

Of course, he was generating more than enough noise as he hurried on his way through the pathless jungle, searching wildly for his injured companion, and soon enough, the hunters found him. A pair of yellow orbs peered at him through the dusk; eyes that held no emotion save for malice and no desire other than an insatiable hunger. Assadar froze on the spot.

For a moment, the two of them simply stood there, predator and prey sizing one another up. Then, each made his move: the beast leaped forward, charging towards his quarry, while the young Sith took aim with his stun gun. He fired, and an arc of electricity struck the Malia, which collapsed to the forest floor. Assadar let out a sigh of relief, but his relief was immediately consumed by an overwhelming sense of impending danger; his force-heightened senses were all that saved him from the second Malia, which came diving at him from behind. Assadar rolled out of the way, barely dodging the beast, and came up at a crouch, stun gun raised. He pulled the trigger once more, but nothing happened. Assadar gritted his teeth, letting the un-charged weapon fall out of his hands and drawing his lightsaber, making a mental note that the beastmasters would pay doubly for supplying him with inadequate equipment to clean up their mess.

The Malia skidded along the forest floor after missing its target, but quickly recovered and turned to face the Sith, its features contorted with primal rage. With a threatening growl, it sprinted forward and pounced once more, propelling itself high into the air. Assadar swung his lightsaber in a wide arc to strike the Malia while stepping quickly to the right, before turning left and slashing downwards to slay the beast as it hit the ground.

He stood there for some time before deactivating the lightsaber and stowing it once more in his belt. He picked up the discarded stun gun, judging by the lights on the barrel that the weapon was now ready to fire once more.

Cautiously, he made his way over to the Malia he had stunned, with the weapon trained on its flank. Thankfully, the beast appeared to be out cold, and so Assadar knelt down next to it and began to hurriedly collect the samples he had come for, momentarily forgetting the plight of his Sith comrade. After a couple of minutes, he decided that he’d better not push his luck any further—he needed to find Azurea, and, more importantly, he didn’t want to be around when the Malia woke up. Come to think of it, he didn’t want the Malia to wake up at all. Activating his lightsaber once more, he put the creature out of its misery with one swift strike.

He set off again in roughly the same direction he had been travelling before, surprised if anything to have come out of the encounter unscathed. He made an effort to move more quietly now, walking briskly instead of running as he continued his search for the other Sith.

Suddenly, a shot rang loud and clear, the unmistakable sound of a high-powered slug thrower reverberating through the densely packed trees. As far as Assadar knew, Azurea had been carrying no such weapon, which meant that there was someone else out there, most likely shooting at her. Assadar froze once more, grateful that he had refrained from running through the forest after his encounter with the Malia. Slowly and much more carefully than before, he began to make his way towards the source of the noise.

As [member=Draco Vereen] was momentarily illuminated by the blast of fire he aimed at [member=Mullarus], a surprised Assadar spun around to see the sniper for the first time, only a short distance away. He quickly took aim with his stun gun as one black-robed figure charged the other, but as of yet he knew not whether either of them were friendly. He reached out through the force, hoping to determine their identities, but both signatures were unfamiliar to him; he knew only that both were male and unmistakably dark. Filled with frustration, he resolved to remain hidden, waiting for some sign that would distinguish friend from foe...
Objective: Validify vilification
Location: Forests of Ragoon VI
Allies: None.
Enemies: [member="Darth Pyrrhus"].
She had seen enough. Her nails dug into the palms of her hands. They shook and shivered as the young girl was trying to keep her anger in check. Sena wasn’t one for emotional outbreaks, she wasn’t one for disobeying orders, but all that she had seen today was a miserable reminder of what she had been. Everything was the same, all of it. She knew the Ragoon population’s ultimate fate, she couldn’t change that. She couldn’t turn the misery around, and not that she would, but part of her most certainly wanted to. Slavery, a fate far worse than death. A fate that few ever returned from and a life that nobody should have to be faced with.

The scars on her back, the deep marks in her forearm where she had long since tried to cut the tormenting slave markings away. The wounds on her psyche, the insufferable memories and flashbacks. She was a Sith, but she wasn’t without a heart. Her free hand clinged to the holoprojector on her belt. She shakingly raised it in front of her and stared at the orders she had been given. In no way had she arrived expecting to see what she did, or perhaps she had. In the end such trivial details didn’t matter, just this once she was fully willing to not follow through, just this once she was willing to rebel against the better judgement of those her superior.

If such could be said about the name in front of her.

“Pyrrhus.” Lassiter hissed as her irises were set ablaze in a brightly glowing orange fire. “Darth. Pyrrhus.”

Darth Pyrrhus of Glee Anselm. Darth Pyrrhus who had contacted Sena to clean said academy out from the hands of rebel forces. Darth Pyrrhus who had risen through the ranks of the One Sith faster than she could seem to remember, but most importantly; Darth Pyrrhus who was a dead man walking.

Her hands clenched into fists once more. The piece of plastic and circuitry in her hand quickly crumbled to pieces and she discarded it all by her side. Her boots spun around on her heel and just as quickly as she had arrived Sena was setting off again. The walk to the ship provided enough time for the young woman to get it all under wraps.

How long ago was it since she had visited Glee Anselm?

No, that wasn’t right. She had to bide her time. Retribution wasn’t a meal to be rushed. It was a meal to be savored, primed and delivered at the right time at the right place. The only thing Sena had to figure out now was when.


And he would be expecting her at that point.

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god

Objective: A little bonding…
Allies: None
Enemies: Not just yet

"It's time for some amusement," she had said. It was not a word she used often.

Only an hour later they found herself on a ship headed to Ragoon-6. She set down on a high, windy plain. Melori knew that she would be testing her survival and tracking skills, while also seeing some of the most astonishing scenery in the galaxy. Or at least she planned to.

That was a week ago.

Now she sat on a flat rock overlooking the valley below. It was mid-morning, and the sun had already warmed the rock underneath her. She pressed her bare hands against it. Below her she could see a sea of bright yellow wildflowers in a mountain meadow. The sky here was very blue. At night it turned purple. During one storm, it had streaked yellow and green. She had never seen such deep, clear colours in the atmosphere. There were no cities on Ragoon-6, no industry or transports to give off emissions to cloud the pure air.

She heard the crunch of her newly completed protocol droid's footsteps over the snow. "My first Master and I would often do training missions like this one. It was long, long ago," she said. There was a hint of melancholy in her voice.

"We are here now and gone in a moment of time," she said quietly. “I realised too late that I must be sure of what I want and believe.”
Objective: B. Monster Hunting.
Location: Smouldering Wasteland.
Enemies: One Big Beast.

As the acolytes were on their way, Ophidia marched to the top of the hill. On the other side, there were bodies littered across the burnt soil. Some dead, some injured, some downright broken. Amidst the lot stood a gargantuan ape-like creature with enormous curled horns spiralling around its skull. Its’ maw opened over the torn torso of a beast-keeper and a long, forked tongue grappled the lifeless, mangled corpse and pulled it into the mouth before enormous maulers closed. A set of dark, beady eyes stared at the ground as the monstrosity looked for another tastier corpse to much upon. Its index finger pressed down on the bodies to aggravate some kind of response. This one preferred live food.

“Tut, tut, tut. Someone made a mess of their playthings.”

The Rattataki mused to herself as she slipped her lightsabre into her right hand and her left flicked the hidden switch on her armour. The personal stealth-field in her armour booted up and rendered her effectively invisible to the naked eye. Unless, of course, the creature could see heat-signatures like a serpent or ultraviolet light like a Firrerreo. In any case, it was worth a shot. She darted down the ashen hill towards the monstrosity. Hearing her footsteps and snide remark, it turned to her direction and raised a palm as if about to swat an insect at the table. [/SIZE]
Location: The Shooting Gallery
Objective: Prove my Independence - Take down the Sniper
Allies: [member="Darth Azurea"], maybe [member="Assadar Ilrast"]
Enemies: [member="Draco Vereen"]
Yes it is...but not anymore

Suddenly, an explosion of heat and light erupted from the nearby tree. What appeared empty only a moment ago was now completely illuminated. The armored menace descended from the heavens and down at Mullarus, dual swords in each hand on a course for Mullarus' head.

For a moment, Mullarus felt weaker. It felt like a headache, like something was pushing down on a specific spot on his head. It was a strange, but painful feeling. The pain pissed Mullarus off even more, and now that the sniper was in sight, Mullarus could practically feel his lust for revenge flowing through his veins, in many more areas than just a spot in his brain. It would take much more than that to completely strip the Force out of a Sith's body.

Through passion...I gain strength

Mullarus used both hands to grip his exotic lightsaber and bring it around in a horizontal riposte, knocking the sniper's attack away and taking a few steps back away for some distance.

Now that he had a good look at the man, he recognized him. He was a Mandalorian. Specifically, the Mandalorian he saw on Contruum during the memorial. Why was a mandalorian shooting at Sith out here during a Sith occupation?

"Mandalorian!? What the hell are you doing attacking Sith!?"

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
Objective: B, Clear out Hazards, Not get shot again or eaten
Location: The Forest
Allies: [member="Mullarus"] [member="Assadar Ilrast"]
Enemies: The Beast [member="Draco Vereen"]

There he was! Darth Azurea's Force Sight made it easy to see through the thick and tangled brush of the Ragoon forest. She had just located his form herself by the sudden illumination of the area where the sniper was made her able to pinpoint him.

Her movement hindered by the wound, Azurea limped along, wincing in pain. Flinging her saber away, she gripped the large stun gun - a version used for taking down predators and other large creatures - and aimed it towards the man who appeared as though consumed in flames. Tendrils of fire licked at Mullarus. If he didn't move fast in response, he would be burned and in much more pain than Darth Azurea. But he was able to jump back in time. His saber up in defense, they were in perfect position to take down the gunman.

With the stun gun pointed directly at the assailiant, she squeezed the trigger, firing off a volley capable of stunning the Malia.

A song was almost what Ferus would break out into as he walked. This forest was silent, cold. Well, probably not cold, but that's what he felt like thinking about it. He was alone, and as he closed in on the Light, he couldn't help but feel joy. This was his element, inflicting fear and pain on all around him. It's all he was good for in a way. But suddenly, the forest was filled with the chorus of pain. Of blaster fire and screams. Was the droid beginning without him? He almost felt like pouting, if he wasn't a Sith Lord.

He burst through the woods now, going for the sounds of chaos. And music..? That was.. Odd. But it wasn't something he'd say anything about just yet. Quickly he closed in on the location, finding several already dead, and firing at a.. Corpse? No, wait. The droid was behind it. Smart. He'd have to commend the robot after this was finished. The Sith Lord came in from behind the group, using Six-O as the distraction he was. His lightsaber remained off, to keep hidden of course. Like a shadow Ferus came up behind the man farthest back. A simple soldier, panicking at the sudden and brutal deaths of his allies. A single gloved hand wrapped around his mouth, and the startled boy found the metal blade of the Siths punctured the back of his neck.

The soldier slumped to the ground, blood dripping down his chest. He died chocking on his own blood, forgotten almost immediately. His buddy had turned to see his wide eyed expression, his dying breath. And the Sith Lord.

"We have a Sith!"

Panicked shouts echoed through the group as they all turned to fire upon Ferus, quickly having forgotten there was a deadly droid behind them. Sith had a way of creating even more chaos, just by name alone. They fired where Ferus was, but quickly realized he was no longer there. The Jedi stepped forward then, calm, collected. Just as any Jedi should be.

"Focus on the droid! I will deal with this Sith myself. The Force will not fail me." The sound of a lightsaber activating filled the air, and the blue blade came to life in the Jedi's grasp as he looked about the woods. "Face the light Sith! I will defeat you." There was a chuckle as Ferus stepped out from behind a tree, flicking his golden blade to life. "Very well Jedi. Lets begin."
Objectives: Hunt
Prey: [member="Darth Azurea"] [member="Mullarus"]

The Sith Acolyte would have a lot of trouble recognizing someone based off their outline, so I pressed forward, continuing to suppress his abilities, the shape of my form largely concealed from the camouflage I used. The young one didn't fully understand what was happening here, but then again he didn't need to understand. All he needed to do was be beaten into submission.

He parried the first attack and stepped back, off closer to the edge of the branch. That's good. Right now all I had was my Force Sense and the third party wasn't of concern. Firing into close combat would be difficult and would endanger this little one as well.

I pressed the attack, as the child tried to speak, cutting his sentence off. This wasn't the time to talk, this was the time to fight and die. This time the left hand lashed out as I stepped in on him, both weapons on my wrist firing, an elongated white beam and a bolt of red energy. An Ion beamer and a charric each aimed for his center mass. One meant to paralyze the other meant to knock him out of the tree and plummet to the ground. Without the Force, that would be a painful landing.

The right hand having been batted away twisted, an a beam of its own burst out, seeking to paralyze his left leg while the twin swords remained between the little one and I. I wasn't sure how he dealt with the fire, but he had somehow, so I kept the second set of dragon's breath rounds for later.

The female moved in close, shame. It appears I need to adapt a little bit. Her first bolt went back behind me as I pressed forward on the acolyte. I needed some allies to occupy these little ones. Where were those natives...


ᴅᴇʀᴀɴɢᴇᴅ ᴄʜɪʟᴅ ᴛʏᴘɪɴɢ
Objective: Huntin'
Location: Woods of Some Sort
Allies: [member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Kylath Amadis"]
Enemies: Pesky Malia


Before Gavrriks could even open her mouth to respond to Darth Ophidia, The new acolyte had already spoken for her. Gavrriks only had the chance to muster a respected nod and turned to follow Kylath. Unlike him, Gavrriks was armed with all kinds of blades. Knives, Daggers, Knuckle Spikes, and even a traditional metal shortblade, which was strapped to her back. Her bow and arrow holster were strapped as well. No guns were displayed, for which Gav never trained with them. She didn't like them much either, she always saw spaceman weaponry as a way to cheat. How so? In every way possible. These were only Gav's personal thoughts, and easily shared amongst her people. She didn't consider her lightsaber a piece of spaceman tech. But that was different, she'd grown up with it.

As the duo entered the woods, Gavrriks had already picked up the scent of blood before they'd caught the visual of the massacre. While Kylath had crouched, Gavrriks merely pressed herself silently against the base of a tree. She was quite surprised the acolyte had asked for her input. For a second I thought all sith were strict dictators. she thought. But it appears my judgement is wrong.

"Pack of carnivores mostly stay in the surrounding area of a kill, unless there hunting for sport. Judging by the condition of the carcasses at this range, there hunting for sport." Gavrriks evaluated. The grieakian tribesman stepping out from the side of the tree. "There's no need to hide from a distance, these 'Malia' are probably gone by now. If we move in closer, we can find out more vital information." Gav silently placed her hands in her hunting jacket pockets and started walking towards the clearing. Gav knew little about the native lifeforms on Raggon VI. But this small fact didn't change how Gav and this 'guy' were going to hunt these malia.

At this point, Gav was assuming Kylath was following.

By the time Gav had reached the edge of the clearing, Gav grasped the hilt of her metal hunting sword. Dragging it out of it's holster, the sword' removing sounds were muffled by the holster's fur interior. Alas, with her secondary weapon visible, Gav approached one of the dead bodies.

"The wounds are pretty deep, but they aren't slashes. It's just a series of stabbing and mauling wounds. These men were pounced on." While she spoke, Gavrriks grasped the hem of the corpse's jacked and rolled the body over. Gav inspected the victim's back. "The claws didn't go all the way though. They must claw their victims to get a hold of them.."

Gavrriks picked up her sword and looked to Kylath. Hopefully- by now- he was in the clearing. "Help me search these bodies. Look for some kind of detached claw or hair, anything that may belong to these creatures."
Objective: Antagonize Sith Lords, fight a Rancor

Location: Forest of Ragoon
Allies: [member="Vrag"] [member="Reverance"]
Enemies: [member="Einar Shadowmane"]

An enraged Rancor emerged from the underbrush and charged the Sith Lords, swinging wildly at the first being it happened upon. Unluckily for the Rancor, that being was Vrag. Whatever twisted thing that Reverance and Vrag were up to before the creature appeared would have to wait.

"Just like old times, my Lord," he smirked at Vrag. The ground became stained with Reverance blood as he spat. The Wrath seemed eager to fight, igniting not one, but two weapons and launching himself at the creature with punch drunk glee. With two expert melee combatants assaulting the monster, Sage probably could have simply perched on a nearby stump and watched the show, but the Lord of Thorns was never one to sit idly on the sidelines when there was fun to be had. Studying the creature, there seemed to be a strange intelligence in its eyes, almost as if it were possessed by a being with more sentience. That was curious. He wondered if maybe they should stun the creature in lieu of killing it.

Narrowing his eyes, Sage's body began to surge with threads of tiny branches of electricity as he called the lightning into it. The energy built up and his right arm snapped forward. Growling, he shot a devastating blast of Force lightning at the Rancor. It wasn't enough to kill it (he hoped), but if the bolt of violet lightning struck, it would surely be enough to knock the creature senseless.

It was a bit cruel, yes, but well, that's what the creature got for interrupting a Sith threesome.


The Second Seal, broken.
Objective: Kill?
Location: Forest of Ragoon
Allies: [member="Reverance"] | [member="Sage Bane"]
Enemies: [member="Einar Shadowmane"]

No time to lose, and very little time to think, but that's how it always was, wasn't it? If she'd had a moment to think back to all her past experiences, Vrag would note that the pace had never really changed, only her outlook and perception of it. She used to become flustered and terrified, used to feel the tight grip of fear clutching at her chest whenever blood was about to be spilled. Only natural, you think. And only naturally, after continued exposure to such dangerous circumstances, the woman had adapted, as was her style.

Now? Now the seconds trickled by like lazy minutes, and as the Rancor reared its ugly head, Vrag only grinned at the death leering at her from its blank eyes, stance relaxed and ready. Waiting, breathing, but for what? Hard to tell, unless you knew who she was fighting with.

The Pinky and the Wrath assaulted the distracted beast, and Vrag followed, fluid and smooth and far too fast for what should've been a lumbering beast to rival the Rancor itself. Not quite. That was the catch many of her opponents had hooked themselves on before, and she doubted it would ever stop. It was just too easy to assume that the towering warrior would also be slow. A common misconception that almost invariably resulted in death.

With a lightsaber careening at the creature and a Sith Lord looking to sever its mobility, Vrag was happy to play the obvious bait. The monster would surely fixate on the biggest of its adversaries, foolishly loosing sight of the electrical danger looming at the tips of Sage's fingers.

"Come on, boy. Show me what you've got!"
Objective: Kill!
Location: Rangoon forest
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Sage Bane"] [member="Vrag"] [member="Reverance"]
Post: 4/20​
Experiencing Force Lightning through attuned senses of a rancor was a sensory overload in its own right. A thousand needles protruded into Einar's mind, ominously drilling into his neocortex. Whatever the rancor sensed, be it hunger, pain, fear - Shadowmane felt it thousandfold. The animal lost focus for a moment, stunned by the potent electric pulse that emanated form Bane's lithe lingers. The jade glow in its beady eyes faltered, as if current managed to temporarily disconnect the beastmaster from the feral extension of his will. The Valkyri struggled to regain control of the rancor, his entire body violently shaking in a dismal trance, every yank of chains causing him immesurable pain. His gaze shot upwards, eyeballs milky white as the cloudy sky above him.

The loudest of growls ripped the air, echoing across the forest in a radius of a mile. Einar couldn't care less if they would hear him or not, he simply had to reclaim grip of rancor's consciousness. The animal was disoriented, perhaps even frightened. Shadowmane had to first pacify it before mentally mounting the creature, but there was no time. There was but one place where the Cryshalide could hide and feel safe - Einar's own mind. A complete switch of identities, where the Valkyri would become the rancor, and the rancor would be him, a mental bond of highest form between the rider and the mount. The risks? Neligible, compared to a life of enslavement. The line between man and beast was to be crossed, here and today. Without a flicker of a doubt, he lifted the mental barrier between them, effectively letting the line between their beings blurr.

The sensation that followed could not be described in words; Einar felt the field of the Force, connecting all living matter into an amalgam called reality, where both he and the rancor were made of the same clay. Inhaling deeply, Einar opened the rancor's eyes to behold the three Sith attacking the beast, his gaze fixated on the tallest among them. Pushing himself off the ground, the Cryshalide stood tall, clawed limbs swaying through the air to swat attackers like flies from a turd. Suddenly, its hideous maw opened, saliva dripping from razor sharp incisors. Viridian eyes bore deeply into the very soul of the woman, with one sole intent - to kill.

"Y...ou." the beast bellow, gargling a semblance of a single word though its trachea - "Youuu...."
Location: Woodland forest, Ahead of the main legions

Allies: [member="Gav Arwell"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"]
Mission: Hunt Malia
Posts: 5/20

Watching from the bushes lasted less than a second when Gav moved, the over-eager soldier behind her did exactly the same, keeping the rifle up to check the surroundings, he did a quick sweep of the scope. Even when she spoke to him his weapon was angled just below his chest, ready to be snapped back up.

Blinking through the weathered moisture, and the after effects of the battle he'd come from, Kylath wiped his eyes, and tilted his head over to regard what she was doing. “You're gifted,” he said in no uncertain terms. Honestly Kylath being who he was, he was just karking annoyed this was a hunt, not a straight up fight, but thankfully hunts are far more exciting in the telling!

Listening to her explain the reasoning his eyes seemed to flare, playing with them, controlling his urge to barrel forward into a frenzy of revenge took all his limited training, why might become apparent soon.

“Sure,” the word simple, but the emotion behind it impactive on the tension across his forehead. He pulled the first body around. Wiping the hair and dirt again our of his eyes, the Zeltrix propped up the rifle next to a boulder, struggling to just put it down for a second, and began to turn over their clues ahead of him. He was respectful of the dead troopers and officers, taking a moment to say a word for them, and before looking for anything else, he took their ID tags to return them to the shielded memorial on Coruscant for the 769ths honored fallen.

The act betrayed why he was so angry, these were people he'd known.

Eventually he cut his own finger on a claw, looking down at the offending sight. One of the men had got a lucky or unlucky blow on one of the creatures that had caught him, cutting one of its claws clean off while he was mauled.

“Here, how does this help? Can you track it?” The Novice scout looked up, he didn't remove the claw in case leaving it undisturbed was important, he was clearly compelled to find this beast.

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god

Objective: Reflection
Location: Planet-side
Allies: None for the moment
Enemies: Not just yet

Melori spoke out loud. “Sometimes the way will be confused, but I must allow myself the time to understand myself. Take myself out of my life if you must."
Her gaze was faraway.

Then, in one of the shifts in concentration that marked her character of late, she abruptly stood, her concentration clear now. "Something is tracking us," she said briskly.

"Something?" The droid responded with characteristic clipped tones.

"Animals. No doubt they are tracking us for food. I suspect that it is a pack of malia."


"Fierce beasts that live in the high country. They are not large - they travel on all fours, and come up to your knees, but they are very dangerous. It is said that if you are close enough to hear the cry of a malia, you are already dead."

"And they are tracking us?"

"It has been a hard winter here. It is better to avoid them. Let's go."

She slung her survival pack over her shoulder and began to walk. They spent the next hour hiking over sheer rock, which led them to forest trails. The trail left by the beast they were tracking was difficult to see, but with eyes sharpened by the Force she was able to pick up the minute differences in soil, leaves, and snow that indicated a presence had passed. They were able to move quickly.
Objective: B. Monster Hunting.
Location: Smouldering Wasteland.
Enemies: One Big Beast.

It was times like these Darth Ophidia had to commend the makers of Sithspawn. While she had dabbled in the art herself, she had never truly made an effort to create something gargantuan or especially monstrous. Perhaps one day she would create a true monster for her own keeping, something to make the brave tremble at its power. Indeed, she would have to look into it. Plans, plots and ploys.

The ape-palm came smashing down towards the Rattataki as the horned ape roared. Clearly, it could see her despite her stealth-field. Fingers the size of timbers smashed into the soil, seemingly crushing the Assassin underneath the enormous palm. Then, a flash of scarlet arced through the air. The armoured woman flickered into plain sight as the circuit breakers of her stealth-field deactivated the generator. The sith spawned Warbeast retracted its hand in a furious yell, leaving two of its lumbering fingers behind on the soil. Smoke rose from the cauterised wounds, and a slender figure latched on to the furry fist by way of a dagger buried deep in the Sithspawn’s knuckle. She held on to the dagger with her left, and clutched her bloodshine blade in her right.

Feeling Darth Ophidia latching on like a small, incessant leech, the beast flicked its’ hand around and tried to smash her into the ashen ground or throw her off. However, as the monster’s fist whipped around, she let go. Her scarlet blade arced into a two-handed thrust as she plummeted towards the monster’s torso. She could feel the monster’s enormous eyeballs turn towards her just as the tip of her blade found purchase in flesh. As hair, fat, and flesh cauterised, the scent filled Ophidia’s nostrils even through the filtering system of her helmet. A vicious grin spread over her lips as she clutched on to her hilt, the weight of her body and armour driving the blade downwards like a rending claw through monstrous flesh. Her feet found just enough purchase on the ape’s hip to stop her descent. By then, she had carved a gaping cut into the creature’s side.

Unable to maintain a standing position on the hip, she vaulted back and turned her torso to fall into a roll. It was far; it would hurt, but she would live. Her body made impact with the ground, flinging her into a wild tumble. Her lightsabre flew out of her hand and extinguished its blade. With a grunt of effort, she flung herself around and over on her back, giving herself a better view of the situation. The monster roared in agony, raising its fists high to smash the entire vicinity of Ophidia’s presence.

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
Objective: B, Clear out Hazards, Not get shot again or eaten
Location: The Forest
Allies: [member="Mullarus"] [member="Assadar Ilrast"]
Enemies: The Beast [member="Draco Vereen"]

Darth Azurea's stun bolt missed her target. She was still too far away, but as she trudged along on her wounded leg, it wouldn't be too long until she would close the gap between them.
Suddenly the growls she heard became louder and a pack of roughly eight to ten Malia were in her view coming in from the south. While any other sane person would have ran in the opposite direction, the Sith Knight stopped and with a sweep of her hand towards each Malia as she pinpointed it in her line of vision, shouted, "Attack!" This went on and on until all of the snarling canine beasts were now heading towards the sniper in the tree. Darth Azurea used Mind Control to divert their onslaught from her to the area where Mullarus was fighting.

"Mullarus, watch out! Malia coming your way!"

She had tried to coerce the beings to focus on the sniper's tree, but she wasn't actually convinced the Malia would not attack the Acolyte either. Either way the gunman would be stuck in the tree for an indeterminate period of time while the pack of wild Malia circled below him.
Objective: B. Monster Hunting.
Location: Smouldering Wasteland.
Enemies: One Big Beast.

Fists came crashing down; the Sith Lord knew she could not jump up in time, not from her completely prone position. Therefore, she went the more conspicuous way: Power. Mustering every ounce of power, hatred and survival instinct in her soul, she extended both hands towards the Sithspawn’s falling fists. Torrents of pale blue lightning shot out of her fingertips as she released an elongated roar of anger, which warped inside her helmet.

The lightning made impact and travelled up the hairy arms. Muscle tensed and the fists stiffened in the air as she creature threw back its horned head in another roar of agony. The lightning crackled through Ophidia’s body and sent small fingers out to whatever bits of metal it could reach on the corpses around her. Forcing herself up to a sitting position, the Rattataki pushed more hatred through her body in the form of lightning. The beast flailed and shook as streaks of electrical energy ravaged its form, sending plumes of smoke up from its’ hands in particular.

Then, the torrent broke. Darth Ophidia gasped for air and rushed towards the monster. Her lightsabre flew into her hand and ignited with a furious snap-hiss as she charged. Getting its’ bearings, the monster growled and lifted its’ leg to crush her underfoot.

The Sith Lord strayed to the side of the stomping action, her sabre flashed scarlet as she whirled the bloodshine blade about and made the most powerful cut she could at the beast’s ancle. Her sabre bit deep, and as it came out of the flesh, the leg lifted and the foot remained stationary as the beast tried to take a step to maintain balance. The stump hit ashen ground, and the beast fell forward in loss of balance.

Darth Ophidia pivoted and let the Force surge through her, empowering herself enough to jump to the beast’s neck. Her lightsabre embedded itself in the back of the ape’s shoulder, cripping its arm-movement while she drew the Rudis with her left. Raising it over her head, she brought it down towards the sithspawn’s neck in a downward thrust. The metal edge slipped right inbetween the base of the skull and the vertebrae. With a twist of the blade, the monster tensed and sighed as its lungs emptied one final time. Blood coated the Rudis and a name engraved itself in red upon the black blade. The name was drawn from Ophidia’s own mind and it said Akisi iw Rangoon.

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