Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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TAG: Zinder Tokarache Zinder Tokarache
GEAR: Armour | Service Pistol | Backup pistol | Service Rifle | Knife




What a dump.

But for some reason, some locals thought it wise to hire the Hellions for protection while they still rebuild their areas after the battle that has raged there. And sure enough, there were still some odd Mawites, blending in with the slum-goers in the district, who occasionally thought it wise to challenge the mercs.

For Tammy, it was just like being back in Imperial space. Complete with remnant scumbags plaguing local populace. It's like she never left.
"Take a drink, Tam. It will prevent wrinkles." said Shaddix, one of her squadmates, as they all sat outside one of the shacky taverns, hogging one of the fires.
"How'd you make that math?" she asked, smirking at him.
"Just shut up and drink and stop frowning." he laughed at her before taking a swig of his beer.
"Yes, mom." she teased but took a sip of her whiskey. "Everything here tastes like it comes from a drain." she then added with a grimace.
"You mean to say the slums on Bastion got better?" Shaddix asked.
"Well yeah. Any moonshine tastes better than this shit."
He let out a hearty laugh at that, not knowing the truth of where she was really from.

It was good to have a unit that you could get along with, but Tam still felt like she needed more of a purpose than just floating around from one op to another without any reason other than getting paid. She blamed her parents for raising her right.

All mirth and other thoughts were interrupted, however, when a plasma shot melted fire drum not far from them.

"This time of the day? You gotta be kidding me!" Tamna groaned as she pulled on her helmet and lifted her rifle to her shoulder.
"They pulled the dirty on us! Smoke these Scar Hounds." Shaddix barked.

They all stood waiting for the dam to burst.

There may not have been too many left after initial cleanup of the Alliance after the battle. But for some reason, the groups that still remained, operated as gangs between the other groundpounders in the District - to the extent that said groundpounders had hired the Hellions for backing.

But it wasn't a small, disorganised group that burst out of hiding in a frontal assault against the now-ready Hellions. That which the mercenaries had dealt with in their time on the planet, were mere pestilences. What greeted them now, was something entirely different - much more organised and much larger numbers.

"They'd been holding back on us." Tamna said in disbelief.
"I hated these chicken shits back then and I hate them still. Blast 'em!"
Tammy had been in the field during her time in the Empire, but nothing of this scale. No training could prepare you to stare that amount of terror in the face as it bore down on you. All she could do was hang on to her rifle and let loose with the particle bolts and hope that the golden beams would do the ripping apart.

Some of her mates weren't so lucky as wildly shot plasma hit them squarely every now and again.

"Shaddix, we need reinforcements!" Tam yelled from where she took cover behind an overturned table.
"They won't get here in time!" he yelled back.
"At least try!"

They either needed reinforcements or a miracle.



Objective: Root Out Trouble
Equipment: URBAN COMBAT (Loadout Tab in Bio)
Tags: Tamna Korvan Tamna Korvan

-Distrubance Report in Moridebo District-Possible Maw Forces In AO-Unknown Combatants In AO-
• • • •
-Contacting Local Squad Details-Contact Established-Transmitting Data‐
• • • •
-Nearest Available Squad Deployments In Progress-
• • • •
-Authorizarion of Lethal Force Granted-

The Dropship screamed across the rooftops, carrying four Marines in full gear ahead of another set of dropships that were lagging behind.

Tokarache, Malfen, Vetchik, and Heshel checked and rechecked their equipment as the pilots voice announced their time to destination. Each turned to the next, pulling on plates and gear webbing before making adjustments and getting themselves psyched up with little jabs and taunts to each other.

They'd been doing drills before the call came in. Zinder enjoying the feeling of working in a squad once more as their actions became more and more fluid without speaking.

An easier process when everyone wasn't a fresh recruit.

But a bitter reminder as they stood in the empty bay.

Zinder stood closest to the doors, watching each before letting cold hatred settle in the pit of his stomach.

He had a vibroax to grind with the remnants of the Maw. The ambush on his squad reminding him of what their ilk would, could, and did do to far too many people in the galaxy. The small squads collective voices drowned out by the harsh screech of the engines that carried them to the Slums.

Aside from Zinder, they were in Assault Gear, favoring the rifle as opposed to his scattergun. All similar in armor save for his 222nd helmet.

The slightest hint of Maw activity brining him away from Coruscant to have a look for himself.

They huddled briefly as Zinder stepped in to deliver the basics. Each squarely facing him as he spoke.

Their AO a bar or something close to it, with what had been deemed Mawite forces attacking a local company of mercenaries. Their first move to secure to LZ and local mercenaries before giving the first push against the attackers.

Mawite troops, sympathizers, all held a special place in the back of Zin's head. The white knuckled grip on the scattergun as he spoke alleviated when the pilot called out again and cut off the briefing.

-Sixty Seconds till Drop-

An almost mechanical sound to their voice as the group shifted closer to the door. Zinder pulling a Null Grenade from the crate by the door as Malfen stepped closer.

"Anything extra?" A nod shared between them as the adrenal stimulants settled in. The noise from the dropship filling the air and announcing their impending arrival over the bar.

"Don't get shot." His final words as a another announcement rang out.

-Make Sure to take All Your Luggage With You-We Aren't Making Combat Ressuplies with a Skeleton Crew-Call In Coordinates For Support Fire-

A grin hidden behind his mask as Zinder laughed. The other three shaking their heads before pulling Null Grenades for themselves.

"Let's make some noise." A final order as they cheered, the slow easing stop of the dropship alerting them as the doors hissed and began to open. They were several meters above the ground, a controlled descent as the ground attack ceased in light of the mix of dust and debris being kicked up.

A silent command given as Zinder popped the spoon and tossed the Null Grenade out towards a scathing face. The weapon a plain sign of the aggressor as the dropship halted in mid-air.

-Closest I Can Get Without Landscaping-Good Luck-

The four stepping closer to the edge as the Null Grenades began to let loose. The Maw position beginning to roll and swirl as they dropped down from the ramp. Each making it safely with only slight discomfort from the leap.

Malfen making a choked grunt and limping slightly as they made for the bar.

The dropship rising quickly to report their payload status as the smoke began to thicken. The sound of trigger pulls and Blaster shots short lived in the cloud as the four moved inside.

"Friendlies coming in! Status report?" A few shadows beginning to grow in the smoke as they tried to find cover inside the run down building.


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