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Demonsgate is pretty close to hell. (Demonsgate mission thread/Phrik mining)


Wearing a gas mask, I protected myself against the harsh Arid chemicals created naturally though the process of volcanoes erupting. One of my new assignments as a Disciple, or in other words, a Knight. I was to help in the process of creating a Mineral mine for Phrikite ore. Known to have properties of resistance to lightsabers, and blaster fire. Here I was standing in the middle of a volcanic plain with heat that caused me to sweat more liquid than Kamino had in its oceans. I brought my hand up and looked at a Hologram of the surrounding area around me.

With the amount of geysers in the area, it would be hard to mine here. Currently we were looking for a place to mine, and still be safe with the workers. I let my hand drop as another geyser went off in breaking through the surface. At first glance the planet looked covered in Lava, Volcanic plains, and no life. When truly, there were small animals that lived underground where water was also stored. I was half surprised that the water didn't just all evaporate because of the heat here.

I was getting mad. We had been looking for a place to be for a good hour and a half now, but really In my mind I knew that it would take longer than that to find the right spot. Rubbing the touchable portion of my face, I wiped the sweat from my forehead.

"Kale, Akon, You know anything about landscaping?"

@[member="Kale Xeros"], @[member="Akon Devoda"]
Akon looked around, the heat meaning almost nothing to him. Though he was sweating profusely, he wasn't paying attention to it. Currently, his mind was working overtime to find a way for them to safely and quickly get some phrikite ore from the planet. From what he'd heard, there was in fact water, but it was deep below the ground. Maybe if they could get to it, they would have an wasier time finding some. However, he decided to keep the thought to himself and let Zoey figure it out. "Nope, the tattie's got nothing." He smirked, referencing their first meeting.

@[member="Zoey Marix"] @[member="Kale Xeros"]
Before being sent on this mission I had done as much research as I could on the planet. IT wasn't surprising that there wasn't a abundance of information on it, but there was just enough for me to know about it. As far as I knew I was the leader of this mission. Sweat rolled down every part of my body dampening my clothes, but it wasn't to bad. After working the mines in Kessel I was used to sweating. When Zoey called out if either me or Akon knew anything about landscaping I took charge. "Nah I don't know much about landscaping, but I do think I know what we can do." I yelled as I activated my hologram of the planet though it was more of a graph where it showed potential tunnels as well as spots to mine. I had spents days putting the information together and running multiple tests to get it right.

"We can't stay to low on the surface due to all the seismec activity and geysers! However high ground wouldn't be to much better because of the fumes being produced. It would cause to much trouble for the workers in the future. Our best bet is to head underground! I think I know where the nearest one is, though if its to close to a geiser or volcano it's out of the question." I said approaching Zoey and motioning for her and Akon to follow. "If we set up base in the tunnel would could have it extend above ground so we could have a actual base on the surface." I suggested. Though the designs I had in mind were similar to the ones that had on mustafar in the past.

@[member="Akon Devoda"] @[member="Zoey Marix"]
I nodded my head as Kale seemed to know what he was talking about. Him being an Ex-slave in Mining, he may know more about this than I could. I smiled as I mentally gave myself a pat on the back for reading their files before leaving. Looking to kale as he walked forwards, ​"So, underground where it is somewhat save, yet easy to access." I moved to walk next to him. "Lets go and check out a few of these caverns to see about where we want to start digging."

@[member="Kale Xeros"], @[member="Akon Devoda"]
(OOC: Sorry I didn't get notified)

Akon nodded, taking point behind the group for any potential attack. He had no weapon on him, but he was sure that whatever came, he could still take out easily. "So why did we come here for phrikite again? From what I hear, they're a plenty of other places to get it, other than this hell-hole."

@[member="Zoey Marix"] @[member="Kale Xeros"]
"I think thats the point of coming here. No one actually wants to come here. The heat, the noxious fumes, and the lack of water on the surface would turn most people away. I can't to much blame them because I would to. Most just don't see it as a acceptable place to set up a mine." I said to Akon and shrugging my shoulders. "You got to remember that the Crusade has their reasons behind everything." Looking over to Zoey as she stepped up to my side I decided I should give a warning. "Even though I know about the landscape, I have no clue what type of animals or native fauna if there are even any are on this planet."

@[member="Akon Devoda"] @[member="Zoey Marix"]
I nodded my head as Akon came up and started to speak about why people would even think about coming here. I was going to answer Akon, but Kale had spoke first. saying almost exactly what was on my mind. I smiled this time when I nodded. "Kale is right about that. It would make other people think twice about coming here and mining, But really, all you have to do is power through whatever happens and pray for the best." Then Kale came up to me and spoke about the natives here.

I nodded as well, "There is nothing sentient here that I know of here. However, that doesn't mean that someone else had not been found." I looked around and saw just expansive landscape of the same thing over and over. Looking back at the Holo I smiled. "Looks like we might need to go underground to get the best results, what do you guys think?"

@[member="Kale Xeros"], @[member="Akon Devoda"]
Without much thought, Akon nodded in agreement. It was already blazing hot as it was, he could only imagine how bad it might be underground. However, his two companions were right, there was a reason they had chosen this particular spot. "I agree. Let's go... before I change my mind and head back to the ship."

@[member="Zoey Marix"] @[member="Kale Xeros"]


Togorian Barricade
- One Month Later -

The briefing for this mission had been quite simple. Crusader Marix had been sent to this hell hole called Demonsgate because she had a knack for producing results. Unfortunately the mining operation wasn't proceeding upon original time tables. Piraiba was being sent in to see why.

His legs dangled over the edge of the open side door hatch of his dropship as it flew over the Demonsgate's terrain. He watched as the ship flew over the Moross Crusade's mining outpost. Smoke coming from their smokestack told him that they were either in full mining production, or their equipment was malfunctioning. Either way he couldn't pick up any ground activity from Crusaders. It should have been a lot more lively down there.

The ship flew over the nearby hill and down to the other side where the land was level enough for the dropship to land. Piraiba pulled his legs up and pushed himself to his feet with a hand on a nearby seat to steady himself as the ship rocked upon touchdown. A squad of Morossian soldiers along with a few medical and mining technicians started to make their way out.

The soldiers started to gather their supplies and equipment. A varied team had been sent out to protect, repair, and medicate the facility or its staff. Soon they would scale the nearby hill and investigate. The dropship had radioed out to @[member="Zoey Marix"] @[member="Akon Devoda"] and @[member="Kale Xeros"] when it broke the atmosphere. Hopefully they were alive.
Crystal was securely seated on the dropship with Piraiba as it descended to land near the mining operation. The Sith Princess had agreed to assist with the mission in whatever way that she could. For the time being, she was observing and standing by to assist. She'd let others prove themselves. When the ship touched down, she unbuckled her restraints and stood up.

She was the last to jump off the drop ship, and she reached out with the Force in search of life in the area. Their job would be much easier if the team that had arrived a month ago was still alive. At least then they wouldn't have to start from scratch...
Darkness and pain was all that I knew. I don't know why, but having rememberd that we had gone underground, and hearing crimbling, I started to go down a hall when a cave in came and went. Separating me from Akon and Kale. With the Datapad in Akon's possession, I only had the force, my Beskad, and Echani dueling shield. I began to walk forwards for a time. Not knowing what may be ahead of me.

I kept my shield on to allow the light of the dueling shield to light my way. I also had my Beskad out and ready for use, should I need it. Hearing scrabbling down the tunnels, I kept my guard up, only for me to feel pain in the back of my head, and seeing my world go black.

My eye's felt heavy as I opened them. Sitting in some hard, yet warm, ground. I was left naked. None of my weapons, or clothing were with me. I could feel the ridges on my back of scratches or whip strikes. I couldn't tell. I was completely dirty and covered in soot. My pinkish white skin looked now like I was born with Dark skin, and my red/pink hair was so dark it looked black in front of my face. Outside I could hear sounds of muffled feet, and a comlink going off. Muffled as it was, I could tell that it was basic. I could not make out the words. But I knew that becuase something had happened, and I knew that time had passed, Someone may be coming for me.

Only I prayed that it was true.

@[member="Crystal"], @[member="Piraiba"], @[member="Akon Devoda"], @[member="Kale Xeros"]
@[member="Piraiba"] @[member="Zoey Marix"]

The Sith Princess could feel a few presences. They were faint, which led her to believe that they were underground. Was it the team? She did not know for certain, but there were certainly other Force Sensitives present.

She turned to @[member="Piraiba"] and spoke. "I sense at least two beings. I don't know who they are, but they are underground."

Crystal gestured for him to lead the way.


Togorian Barricade
@[member="Zoey Marix"] @[member="Crystal"]

Piraiba nodded to the Sith Master at her evaluation of the situation. His senses were well attuned when he wasn't inebriated with alcohol or drugs, but he trusted that her own were even more capable due to her rank.

The Togorian pulled his pack of additional weapons and equipment from the dropship before starting to head up the hill that lead to the Moross mining facility. The climate was very arid and hot. Piraiba felt the effects more than most due to his fur and increased bulk. A geyser in the distance also told him that they were likely to be in for additional surprises.

It wasn't long after that their small escort of guards were setting up a quick perimeter around the base. Piraiba knelt down to inspect what he could only assume to be a track. The soil was to hard for most foot prints, but this appeared to be light trench like marks as if someone had been dragged kicking and screaming the whole way. A light blood trail helped to solidify this theory.

The Togorian ran his fingertips along the track and stared out at the horizon. He scented the air and dilated out his slit shaped pupils as he focused his eyes on the direction of the tracks. Soon the feline stood and motioned for Crystal and two of the soldiers to follow.

"The trail leads this way, Little Sister."

It was about a five minute walk before the Togorian was indeed able to find an opening in the land. A cave snaked its way down below the surface and appeared to be well traveled by the looks of the worn ground. The Sith Knight inspected it for a few moments while impulsively running his claw adorned hands over key parts of his being to confirm the continued presence of his weapons. Then the cat motioned for the two crusader soldiers to stand guard while he proceeded into the cave.

Not much time passed before the light of the mouth of the cave was extinguished by their depth. Piraiba hadn't though to bring any lights for his companion as his feline eyes were very capable of traversing through the depths without them.

"Have you been in the Crusade very long?"
Still laying on the ground, I turned my neck awkwardly and could hear pop sounds. Oh that felt so good right now. I moved my arms, and even just barely moving them they cracked and popped as though I were breaking apart dried dirt. My entire body was sore and stiff. Slowly I put my arms behind me to push myself up. Even this slight movement seemed to hurt my head and back. Powering through it, I twisted my body hearing more pop sounds, and attempted to stretch. Maybe then I could loosen the muscles and ligaments in my body. I had a feeling that I may need to move fast, and I needed to be ready for anything.

Finally taking a look of the situation that I was in, I could see around me other women that were almost exactly like myself. Covered in soot and ash and dirt. Naked, though some had the luxury of a loin cloth and/or a top. The woman next to me made shushing sounds and lowered her hand to motion to get back down. I was puzzled by this reaction when I could hear clicking to my left. I threw myself onto the ground as a door was opening. Probably made of durasteel that was rusted from the environment and long years of use. it creaked as it was opened. I could hear a single set of boots thundering down towards my direction. If the man grabbed me, I would have to act like a simple human, rather than that of a trained killer.

And I was so close to breaking that cover. The boots stopped right behind me only to feel a rapid tugging at my hair and I was yanked to my feet. I screamed in pain as the man lifted me up and put his very large arm around my naked waist. He carried me like a ragdoll out of the room. I flailed my arms to seem weak, and at the door I could make out a second man. He was standing by the door with a shock rod. Probably used on slaves that didn't do what they were told. As the man left, the door was shut behind me and the man holding me.

I was carried out of the door and a sack was placed over my head. And to make sure that I didn't take it off, they used some sort of rope, or tying material, tied it around my neck to keep the bag on. I was then carried over the shoulder to a different room a fairly short walk away. I was sat down on a seat, tied to it by my legs and hands, and the bag was finally taken off. The man I saw was not very nice looking in the least. Not that he was nice to me, but he just looked fething messed up. He had probably gotten into one wrong fight that screwed up his face, the second guard that was behind him was rather tall and muscular. Daunting at first, then I saw the way that he was holding the shock bar, and I was almost laughing.

In a voice that was not my own, I spoke, "What do you want?" It was coarce and rough. It hurt to almost breathe through my mouth. The man sitting down in his own chair, simple smiled. "You are here to be measured." The second guard picked up a datapad from his belt and began to tap things. The first man came up and forcefully performed a full body exam about every little detail that was on my nude body. There were a few times that I grunted in the way that he handled my body. Hurting me on purpose just for his amusement. As he got closer to my mouth and inspecting my face. I smiled. He opened my mouth with his dirty fingers. and with all the strenght that I had, I bit down, biting off two of his fingers. before the man could come at me, as he was currently screaming, I head butted him. He landed hard on the ground and was clutching his head. While mine was not damaged in the least.

Tilting forwards, I got onto the balls of my feet, and using the dancing tactics and moves that I knew, I flipped to use the metal chair as a weapon. Slamming my weight down onto the man. The second guard came over, punching my face, then then shoved the shock bar into my left breast. And oh how did it hurt. He let me go and stood up. Smiling as the first man came out from under me. "You like that little shock don't you queen?" He then proceeded to stab the bar into my breasts and stomach multiple times. I was not having a good day.

@[member="Piraiba"], @[member="Crystal"]
Crystal followed behind Piraiba up the hill and paused as he did to examine the ground. He was a good tracker, probably not hindered any by his race. When he announced which way the trail led, she gestured for him to lead on.

"Follow the trail, and I will follow you." She'd have his back.

Further down the trail, there was an opening. It was the entrance they needed. It would lead to their commrades, she could feel it. Not unexpectedly, it was darker inside. Crystal called on the Force to enhance her eyesight. Her senses were very alert as they moved through the cavern.

"Not long in the Crusade no, but I plan to stick around. What about you?"

@[member="Zoey Marix"] @[member="Piraiba"]


Togorian Barricade
Piraiba stayed alert, but he could tell as easily as Crystal that there was no life in their immediate vicinity. As such the Togorian continued to speak casually as they made their way down the caverns.

"I tracked my father to the Crusade. I was told that he is no longer my father because he uses the name Kalee now. It does not matter to me. He treats me as he has always done, and his followers look at me with approval. There is much work for me, and I am happy to be needed."

The feline slowed then as the presence of others started to become less and less faint. Moments later they could start to hear voices in the distance. The darkness covered their approach, but there were lights coming into view. It seemed like there was some kind of makeshift base of operations being set up. Piraiba crouched down behind a large rock as he watched an armed and armored mercenary or pirate of some sort cross ahead of them. It appeared that there were additional caverns that intersected down here. It was possible that it was a complicated maze of passages.

He waited for the guard to pass before started moving forward again. Only now Piraiba was walking on all limbs like a feral dog might have done. Truthfully he wasn't quite so symmetrically lined out as his back legs had developed more for bipedal movement, but it seemed that he was able to lower down onto all fours with relative ease. It turned a ten foot tall monster into a five foot tall beast. A beast that was ironically able to more with a surprising level of silence.

The Togorian sneaked up behind the guard undetected before wrapping a claw adorned hand around the man's face from behind. The massive hand stifled the man's panicked shout and broke his neck with what seemed to be almost no effort before casually depositing him off to the side. The Piraiba looked around the corner as he watched what appeared to be another guard entering an old rusted durasteel door.

The door was now unguarded so he quickly padded off and resumed his bipedal stance upon arriving at it. There were sounds of of a scuffle on the other side of the door. One man was talking and a woman was getting beaten. He could sense @[member="Zoey Marix"] on the other side of that door.

"Little Sister, my friend is on the other side," added the cat in his best attempt at a hushed tone.

He carefully attempted to open the door, but it appeared to be latched shut from the inside. Well at least there was always plan B. The 800 pound feline took a few steps before running forward and ramming his shoulder into the door. It groaned under the pressure and gave way several inches, but it appeared to be holding onto the rock around it. Enraged, the Togorian emitted a roar before colliding into the steel once more. This time the power of the force irradiated through his muscles and the metal plating caved under the pressure. The room was breached.

As I was being shocked, The man licked his lips as he got closer to me. I convulsed on the floor like a fish out of water. Groaning as I did so, the man came over and set his weapons down behind him. I didn't know what he was doing before he grabbed my body and put me against the wall. He grabbed my breasts, and with the twitchy hand that I had, smacked it away.

He chuckled and shook his head. "Looks like this little gal likes to fight." I tried to grab the man's weapons with the force, but with the way that I was shocked, I couldn't focus enough. it hurt my head to do so. The guard could see I was staring at the weapons and smiled. He lashed his hand out to my neck and held me there. And as if on cue I heard a slam on the door.

So did the other two guards. Both leaving me to see what was happening. I could feel my mind slowly fade and piece back together. ANd despite my pain, I used it to fuel myself. Standing, I grabbed the shock baton. As I could hear someone out side roar, I grabbed the first man's neck and twisted with all the strenght that I had. Snapping it with ease. I then stabbed the shock baton to the second man's ass, and looped around his neck the staff with the strength that I had. Pulling him away from the door. As I did so, The door was literally ripped from it's hinges and flew to the wall slamming.

It fell to the floor bent and mangled. Oh hell. Looking through the door I could see a friendly feline, and a second woman. With the guard in my grasp, I smiled, "You have no idea how much I have missed your face kitty." I shoved the man down onto the ground, and smiled as I shoved the stick once more into the man's back. He was now on the ground convulsing as I had once done. "And may I ask who is with you Piraiba?"

@[member="Piraiba"], @[member="Crystal"]
@[member="Zoey Marix"] @[member="Piraiba"]

Crystal listened to Piraiba and narrowed her eyes slightly as he gave his father's name. One of the Gods. "It is good to feel useful and approval, I agree." She smiled a little. She supposed it was nice to feel that for something new.

Piraiba was leading the way, and had better senses than she could possibly have even with the Force. She slowed and shifted so that she was covered by shadows as he crouched behind a rock. And she would wait. She listened as he took care of the guard. And he whispered.

Near silently, she made her way toward the door he was standing at. When he attempted to open the door and found it locked, she opened her mouth to speak, but he'd already started ramming the door.

When he broke through, she mumbled "never mind." And she continued to follow him into the room. It seemed that they had found their comrade. She let them have a few moments to enjoy the moment before speaking.

"I am Crystal." She answered, and then asked "What has happened since your arrival?"


Togorian Barricade
@[member="Zoey Marix"] @[member="Crystal"]

The Togorian picked himself up from where he had fallen into the room after colliding with the door. The cat then moved to the side so that @[member="Crystal"] could make her way into the room as well. It seemed that @[member="Zoey Marix"] really only needed a distraction to get rid of her troubles. One of her guards was definitely dead, and the other was incapacitated on the ground. He likely didn't want to be in that man's shoes once Zoey finished talking.

Those guards only held his notice for a moment. Her words at being happy to see his face brought the feline's attention back to her. Of course that was when he noticed that she was void of clothing. His fellow Sith Knight was not an unattractive woman, but this was the first time Piraiba really got a chance to appraise her. The Togorian had never met a female of his own kind so naturally he came to appreciate the opposite sex of other alien races. Races like humans and twilek were particularly interesting. Something about that lack of fur was confusingly irresistible to him.

He had to think of some kind of witty remark. Something about his face perhaps since she missed it? No that didn't make any sense.

"Piraiba likes this dirt look. You should wear it more often..."

That was awful. Witty remarks just weren't in the feline tank's reservoir of tricks. Well better to just cover it up quickly before she thought on it to long.

"Yes, this is Crystal. We were sent to figure out why you stopped sending reports."
The Feline looked around after his standing up and the entry that was now respectable to his immense size. His eyes moved to me, and with a comment of liking how I looked dirty, before I could say a word, he had given the woman's name as she had introduced herself. Nodding my head to her as she asked what had happened I shrugged my shoulders.

"I had been with my two other comrades Akon and Kale when there was a cave in, I was alone for a time and when I thought I was getting somewhere, it went black and I woke up about a few minutes ago and was dragged into the room, about to be forced into, well nevermind. you get my point." I then looked back at Piraiba wondering why he said that I looked good as I was? Deciding to ask him at a later date and time, I turned to Crystal, "So um, could we go and find my stuff and maybe some clothes?"

@[member="Piraiba"], @[member="Crystal"]

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