Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Democracy Cometh (Dominion of Yadrid)

Carn Dista

An explosion. The republic had been there for all of five minutes, and there had already been an explosion. This did not bode well, however, Carn had pre-planned for such an event. He had not landed with the others, instead choosing to remain at the dropship that had brought him onto the world. Indeed, with retrospect, it had been a smart decision that may well have saved his life. The Force provides. He signaled for the pilot to lift off from the ground. It was never a comforting feeling to watch the ground fall away from you in an almost nonchalant manner, so instead the Jedi Master focused on the throngs of Jedi caught up in the chaos following the explosions. His team was in there, somewhe-

"Yusan Fenn reporting in for Team Gundark, all copy. Im at the roof of a Storage building two blocks from the gate trying to get a location who could be doing this."

The voice crackled through the vox system onboard the ship, interrupting his train of thought. Good. The senator was still alive. For a moment, Carn wasn't sure if that was a positive or a negative - He had no love for the senate, or politics. Yet duty clung to him, and soon he regained his presence. He lifted the microphone unit from the wall of the ship, and spoke into it to give a general hail to his team members...

::Understood Senator. Team Gundark. This is Master Dista. You have all of ten minutes to get to the roof Senator Fenn just spoke of. I'll be joining you courtesy of a Republic dropship. Our duty will be to sweep and secure the perimeter. With the Force on our side, we'll be quick enough to catch whoever did this and introduce them to the warm end of a Lightsaber. I repeat. Suspend your current activities and gather yourselves on the roof of the storage building two blocks away from the gate along side the Senator to await dropship.
Dista out.::

And so the ship banked. It's graceful turn moved away from it's current sweep brought it around to face the building that the Senator had marked out. He could only hope that his team understood his intentions clearly enough - Secure the Senator, and then attempt to cut off anyone fleeing the site with a strike-team of well armed Jedi.

@[member="Vulpesen"]@[member="Cambria Zadira"]@[member="Saki"]@[member="Yusan Fenn"]@[member="Cathbodua"]
Vulpesen frowned upon hearing @[member="Carn Dista"]'s voice. The master may have had no love for politics, but Vulpesen had lost most if not all respect for him. Still, orders were orders and like it or not, he was in charge. This in mind, Vulpesen moved quickly to the senator's position. Thankfully he'd landed nearby and the building seemed to stand out from the others, a trait that was amplified by Vulepsen's ability to sense @[member="Yusan Fenn"]'s force presence. "Salutations pencil pusher." Upon reaching the location, Vulpesen let out a smile as well as his greeting, accompanied by the nickname he had given back when he had first met the Echani on a battlefield. "Any luck with your search yet?"

After whatever answer the man would have given him, Vulpesen would have taken up his comlink, pressing the broadcaster on his team's channel. "Torrevaso, at the requested location sir." Once again, he found himself dissapointed at who had been placed as his commander, but his voice was kept professional. It would do no good to show the master his dislike in a place such as this, but then again, it didn't mean that he had to be as cheery as when he had greeted the senator.
@[member="Vulpesen"] @[member="Carn Dista"] @[member="Carliah Dakrone"]

"About as much luck as catching a landspeeder on foot with both legs broken." The joke may have been alittle dark but it proved its point by that nothing could be certain in the chaos that insued, not to mention the republic was no doubt being blamed right now and fighting would all but break out if the hospital went off too. He had to find who had set off the bombs and he had to do it now before anyone else was caught in one of the blast or an all out war broke out.
The young Padawan remained motionless while his Master talked to one of the members of their team, Jedi Knight @Iella E`ron. He knew her a little bit based on a few encounters at the Temple and some specific training in the ways of the Force.

Different Jedi teams were movilizing and the team Nexu was still gathering... As a former Sniper Commando, he knew how to have patience and to wait. But still, the one that attacked them would take advantage of that time and there would be more room for further casualties and havok.

Looking at @[member="Syn"] directly and politely interrupting him with a great deal of respect that he deserved as his mentor, the young man tried to catch his attention. "Master, I am ready to move at your command. I can scout the area if needed." said while looking at his surroundings and trying to find a clue that would take him to a lead... or so he thought.
@[member="Syn"], @[member="Vexander Graves"]

Iella understood her Master's words and nodded her head in understanding. "I shall see to it now, just take care yourself too", she allowed a small smile. She had seen Nico earlier and would now go and find her to help her Padawan in aiding the Valen. They would need to set up a centralised area so the medical teams can form a triage centre for the wounded and critical.

She noticed Vexander near by awaiting orders to move out, she did wish to be joining them in the fight, but she knew it would not be practical for her to do so. However, duty must come first and both Syn and Iella are diligent to make sure that they remember that always. She nodded to Vexander a brief greeting, "May the force be with you Padawan Graves, take care and remember "the stones"", she smiled with a wink.

Turning from the now she made her way over to Nico. She smiled at the girl, she was fast become a Jedi and this time here on Valen will make her even stronger in her journey to finding the knowledge and heart of what it is to be Jedi.

Arrol Balloch

@[member="Chora Ike"]

Oh how he rued the day that blonde woman entered his cave, bring with her a army of people to rescue her, well two others really, but still they disturbed his repose. And now, with the new introduction of beings in his "death", friendships now developed and if he was honest with himself, he enjoyed them being around. Even the big burly one, that calls himself Syn.

But it was not those beings he decided to find now, but his friend Chora. She could be so powerful with the force, if she just stopped the foolishness of feeling sorry for herself. Hopefully he might be able to help her a little, but she needed to want to do it. So he would wait, ah the virtue of a true Jedi, patience. Very few have it these days, that is something he had noticed and something they need to look to. They are all in such a hurry.

The billions of stars blinked and burst before him, dying and recreating ... the swirl mists of time enfolding and exploding, new planets born and stars in supernova. Wondrous it is to see as he passes along the treads of the force to Chora. She is not on Tython, curious Arrol thinks and exciting. He finds her and stands beside her, only moments it takes for him to travel within the force. He takes her hand and gently places a soft kiss on her fingers just near her tips. "I am angry with you My Lady", he said with a small smile. "You left without tell me of this fun you have found".

He let her hand go and turned to look over the scene. "Oh my, what have we here?".
The native leader looked at Selena in the cover of a building with a bit of shock. "If they are local dissidents I need to know now." Her words sharp but incredibly stern.
"I... I..." the man fumbled.
"I need to know." She looked him square in the face.
"Some... prefer the other galactic factions... but..." he stammered.
"That is enough." Selena looked out the window. Republic soldiers and Jedi were fighting with those that were attacking them. She pulled her comm to her mouth and said to all forces on the ground, "Our attackers are locals. Attempt to subdue them where possible. Let us not have a massacre on our first days here."
Team Gundark = @Alarah Kel @Vulpesen @Cathbodua @Saki @Yusan Fenn @Carn Dista

The trip down through Valen's extreme atmosphere had taken Cambria longer than anticipated given the turbulent electrical storm activity. The Jedi Ace was just touching down in her starfighter at the predesignated landing site when orders came through from Master Dista.

"Roger that. Zadira on her way," the Twi'lek Knight keyed into her comm unit, then quickly exited her ship, making her way in mere minutes at a Force enhanced jog through the confusion in the city streets to Gundark Team's rendezvous point where the Senator was located.
Eldoc enjoyed his bourbon, It was great as was his company. Though it was interesting to note not enough of a reaction. So it seemed that he was going to have to do it. Well actually It was more let it happen. The bombs were already set to go off. That was the best part. From here on out he didn't even need to be present. "Damn, I wonder what is going on.. It seems that everything is in chaos to day. " That was when all the local hospital's blew up. as apparently no one thought about evacuating them. They were all to busy chasing him it seemed. Who know's how many died this day, but to anyone it was clear that whoever was behind this meant business. Eldoc needed to give someone a nudge. He preferred if all those people didn't die. So he typed in something in a datapad and soon another message was passed to the jedi.

"Now Now, surely you don't want all those deaths on your conscious. You have 4 hours till the hospitals explode, surely you wouldn't want to have to answer on why thousands of people if not more died on your watch. "

Eldoc paid his tab and walked out of the place, leaving the datapad clean of his prints. It was time to make sure he wasn't caught. So Eldoc made his way to a store, and looked around, it was a mall. He needed some things after all.
@Joshua DragonsFlame @Syn @Jessie Volt @Flint Dexen @Sarianna Misarr @Je'daii @Leina Snowfire @Vulpesen @Nico Minuro Ike @Saki @The Wicked Truth @Selena Halcyon @Cathbodua @Jack Harkness @Quenladose @Van Cleef @Iella E`ron @Syn @Vexander Graves @Carliah Dakrone @Yusan Fenn
@[member="Nico Minuro Ike"], @[member="Syn"], @[member="Selena Halcyon"]

Iella came up along side Nico and started to help her with the Valen hurt in the explosion. She looked around at all the others .. there are injured everywhere in all forms of wounds and degrees of critical. This simply will not do, there is to many and nothing organised to treat them with any form of profession. "Nico we need to organise and have the injured moved to a more stable location", She said.

Iella opened up her commlink to the ship. "This is Knight E`ron, we need further medical assistance on ground there has been an explosion and there is many wounded. Have a Republic medical team set up a combat triage on ground and have transports ready to take the wounded to the ship".

At that moment, a message was received on open channel. The voice of the attacker boomed through, threatening and .. intolerable. He informed them they have four hours before the hospitals would be the next target and more Valen murdered. "Nico, we need to move fast on this, help get the medical team in place and organise their transport if needed".

Van Cleef

Van cleef moved from his position while he listened to some fo the reports coming in. The jedi and Republic were doing as needed to help so he went to join the other soldiers working on fortifications of the city. Explosions were troublesome but in the end could be handled when done right and having too many people over there would be just as dangerous. So he started to work with one of the soldiers while looking at a datapad detailing the work they were doing. "Alright lets see where we can get some of these structures. A garrison would be a good defense to have for now."
Quenladose heard the order to subdue the locals who were attacking and she gave a nod of her head. The comlink chirped as she stood face to face with one of the locals and spoke. "Please to not fight me, you would not like it and it is a very dangerous course of action." When he didn't listen she moved to the side and ducked lower then he thought, the four foot jedi swung around with her leg and swept his sending him crashing into the ground but not hurting him more. She slipped a pair of binders and got his arms before moving him to the side in cover. "Please stay here and don't try to move."

Jack Sheltrak

Senator of Zeltros, Former Supreme Chancellor
@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

Harkness looked at the jedi knight as the man asked his assessment of the situation. "What do I think? I think someone really doesn't like the idea of democracy down here but we'll fix that. Once we get the culprits and determine their place of origin hopefully we can prepare agaisnt further incursions like this." He moved looking at the others and rolled his shoulders when the words from Selena came making him switch to a stun baton and his pistol to the stun setting. "Well if they are local we'll just have to win them over with our charming good looks eh master jedi?"
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
Syn heard Iella and then he saw she was going off with her padawan which was a good thing. He could concentrate on other things like finding whoever did this and bringing them to justice. Then he heard the words of Selena and nodded in understanding. Subdue without killing locals was easy enough and he moved forward seeing the others and his padawan. "Padawan Graves spread out and search, look for anyone who isn't part of the Republic or order and try to subdue them if you can but call for back up. Do not kill unless it is absolutely the only choice." THe jedi master was off searching with some of the others for more explosives and if he was attacked quickly stunning the attackers with the hilt of his saber on their arms and legs.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu continued to sip the tea while listening to the man on the local customs. It wasn't getting much more then an abridged history of the planet but it would do, the explosions and fighting outside she worked to keep outside so they would not be interrupted. Her face wne tot Orihime and Reiko as she offered a smile and spoke to the man. "That is very nice and understandable, I am glad for you telling me and it will help in understanding and talking to your people across the planet. I only wish it could have been under better times. I am afriad leaving might be dangerous for you at this moment."
"What do you mean? Search then" The news came to her and Cathbodua glared under her mask as she continued to work on mroe of the injured. A bomb was not the news she wanted to hear and it was not something she could let mess with the people here. Her duty was to help them and now someone had sought to tarnish that serenity so they would pay dearly targeting a hospital. SHe brought a smoulder to her gut that she suppressed checking the vitals of one of the injured and nodding to the nurses. "THis one is good move them to the triage area and bring in the next group."


Came in like a wrecking maul
Skai rushed with a look on her face when she heard the comlink message from the jedi master about not massacring the populace. Well that was soemthing she might have felt a little disappointed about but she still ran towards a small group of ones fighting and punched pushing the force into her body, through her fists and into that dark place deep down in her gut that housed all the anger. Just like her old master had failed to properly teach her and like Darron had worked to try. It was more then that though and she came to a stand still punching with blinding speed into the nerves of several locals before pushing them away. "Get them into restraints and get them taken care of we have to mop up some of the others but don't kill you have the order."
His Master's commands were clear and made a lot of sense. His training saber would work to subdue anyone that would attack him without dying... however, the ignition of a saber could be a bad image towards those that were raising against them... and could even trigger other Jedi to ignite their own sabers which most likely didn't had the energy restriction his training saber had...

Vexander smiled at Knight @Iella E`ron and at the comment related to his specific training related to Telekinesis, one that taught him a lot about the effects of the Force in physical objects... With a small nod at his Master, @[member="Syn"] ; the young man took his leave and proceeded to run away while using his senses to identify hostiles and especifically, anyone suspicious. As a sniper, his main role was to be an excellent observer and scout... he would most likely find at least a lead...

Not many members of the local populations were against them, but some of them were. The young man took his lightsaber hilt and used the bottom part to strike usually the head of his attackers... a hilt strike like that that would usually stun his targets and then aim at the lower side of the body to drop them to the ground and would allow Vex to use different moves to leave them uncouncious, other officers would then tend to those.

Vexander tried to act with haste... he didn't have to engage but he had to at least pinpoint anyone suspicious, immersing himself in the Force, he allowed it to guide him... and to lead him like if it was a tracking dog; trusting that he would at least see and prevent anything else from happening.

@[member="Eldoc Quasat"]
Isis moved with the other doctors towards the room that had been searched. While some were still trying to work on people she was busy as well seeing to the injured. Republic soldiers were checking floor by floor and hadn't found any explosives in this section yet. No they were preparing for some things and some fo the local troubles were becoming quite dangerous as it were. So she remained very still getting the finished test results of the Velan's blood. So much more information then normal but that that would help for later in case things got worse. "Come on, keep it up and bring in the next patient."
Lavania moved with the other jedi and was exploring, her tracking skills could be used for many things but now it was to see if they had any good locations to set up outer defenses. Using the forests and mountains were essential plus the sea if it could be used. She moved among the trees and spoke. "How many scouts can we get to make high hides. Platforms in the trees to observe and hide from others. SOme of the other things we might want to try is using the local animals if they can be as attack or early warning."

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