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Public Darth Revan Wasn't Real: Change My Mind!


TAGS: Akhema Akhema Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce OPEN


Grand Jedi Temple : Library

Following the Quiet Hours -

Amidst the hallowed silence of the Jedi Temple Library, with its towering shelves laden with ancient texts and flickering data pads, Padawan Braze sets up a small but conspicuous outpost of debate. Dressed in the unassuming robes of a Jedi initiate, he positions a sign on the table that boldly declares, "Darth Revan Wasn't Real: Change My Mind."

The library around him is a grand chamber, echoing with the soft, rhythmic hum of the Temple. Sunlight streams through ornate windows, casting patterns of light over rows of meticulously organized archives that stretch into the quiet corners of the room.

On the table in front of Braze, a data pad glows with scrolled texts and historical analyses, beside which lies an open notebook brimming with handwritten notes, questions, and potential rebuttals. A box of water bottles sits ready, a practical preparation for what could evolve into prolonged and spirited discussions.

Leaning back in his chair, Braze's eyes scan the expansive room, observing fellow Padawans and Jedi Masters engrossed in their studies


As Jedi Master Pryce loomed over him, casting a long shadow, Braze perked up and offered a water bottle, his gesture a mix of respect and a plea for a patient ear.

"Well, Master Pryce, for starters, the story of Revan serves as a compelling lesson on the dangers of succumbing to the dark side. It's a powerful narrative used within the Jedi Order for moral and ethical instruction. The tale warns us of the perils of pride and ambition, highlighting how even the strongest and most well-meaning Jedi can fall from grace. My theory, however, suggests that Revan might never have truly turned to the Sith. Perhaps his story is somewhat exaggerated or even fabricated—a cautionary tale crafted to steer younglings away from disobedience and arrogance."

Pryce ran his hand through his beard thoughtfully.

"An interesting propsition," he said. "Indeed, there have been many stories the Jedi have told throguhout the years to keep their younglings in line; The Nameless, Darth Bane, Sith ghosts, the Whils, the list goes on and on. There are many but why this one? Unlike those other silly tales, Revan is clearly enshrined in the Jedi canon. So." He nodded. His eyes followed uneasily on the woman. The entity reeked of the darkside.

"Tomorrow," he said, trying to keep calm, "I want a 39 page report on Jedi myth and through what sources specifically you believe prove that Darth Revan was a fabrication of the Jedi Order." He patted the padawan's shoulder once then gripped his shoulder tightly.

"Now run along Padawan," He forced a smile at the blonde woman, his free hand fingering the silvery lenth of the lightsaber beneath his robes.

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"Who's Darth Raven? Sounds like some really stupid band name."

Iko wandered on over to see what the whole commotion was about, chomping away at an apple. He wasn't exactly the most studious of padawans, so it might not have been a surprise that he had no clue who the person was. But at the same time...He really thought it sounded like some silly kind of name. Made sense, most Sith came up with little silly nicknames. Darth Sideous, Darth Vater, Count Pukeu. He just shrugged his shoulders and carried on wandering around the library

Braze's eye twitched briefly at the daunting task ahead, but he quickly composed himself, jotting down a few notes with a sense of urgency. Hastily, he reached for his data pad, his movements a mix of frustration and urgency- That was a short deadline.
"Ah... Alright, alright. Fine, I'll get your report done," Braze muttered, his tone resigned yet tinged with disbelief.

"By the light, 35 pages!?" He shook his head incredulously, his mind already racing with the enormity of the task. "Yeah I don't really know who named him but Revan, Raven, kinda is a weak name, Iko. "

With that, the young Padawan began to gather his belongings, a sense of urgency propelling him forward. Despite the weight of the assignment, he squared his shoulders and set off, scampering away!

Pryce forced a tighter smile, his eyes still not leaving the blonde woman.

"It is quite a silly name. Many Sith choose silly names." His hand slid down from his lightsaber and instead tapped the Jedi beacon. Twice. Intruder.

"I'm sure Braze is going to need a lot of help Padawan. Why don't you help him? You can wright half. That makes the total report 76 pages."

In Umbris Potestas Est
Braze Braze Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce Iko Vel Iko Vel

The woman listened, incredibly confused. "Just because something tells a good moral story doesn't somehow mean it's fiction. Besides, wasn't the ultimate point of Revan's story that he and Malak got corrupted by whatever was beneath the skin of the Sith Emperor, which is where their flawed view of 'we have to conquer the galaxy under the Sith Empire to save it from the Sith Empire' came from? If a story of well-meaning Jedi falling from grace is what you seek, wouldn't the tale of Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf be more appropriate? Additionally, isn't the historical record of Revan's life backed by innumerable artifacts and reports verifying the actions he took?" She was surprised that the Padawan had gone from "it's a good moral story" to "it's exaggerated" to "maybe he wasn't real."

Then of course the master who had come in did the whole 'appeal to authority' thing and punished the Padawan with an obscene amount of homework that would take up the rest of his day. She brought a hand up to her mouth that covered up her heavily restrained attempt to laugh at the situation in question before she left the room, still fighting the urge to at least chuckle at how Master Pryce had put the fear of the Maker in his mind.
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TAGS: Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce Iko Vel Iko Vel Onrai Onrai


As Braze hurried away, he couldn't resist throwing a quick rebuttal over his shoulder to the skeptical blonde woman. "Yeah, but how do you really know it was the actual Revan? What if it was just someone impersonating him, or a series of people all pretending to be Revan? I just don't buy it—it all sounds like fictitious bedtime stories to me, conjured up by unimaginative minds trying to capitalize on a 'legendary' name. It's just like the Dread Pirate Roberts situation, I tell you!"
In Umbris Potestas Est
Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce Iko Vel Iko Vel Braze Braze

"Probably because they had kids who were genetically related to Revan at all times during the past, which couldn't be the case if he was getting impersonated or multiple people took on his identity. You try faking genetic relations with someone over 350 years. And who is Dread Pirate Roberts?" As the woman responded, even as she left the room as well, she was now that much more confused by the Padawan's thought processes. She was genuinely concerned if the next generation of Jedi were going to be conspiracy theorists. Maybe Braze's knighthood thesis would be on how Coruscant was actually flat, or how the Shawken Device exploding would've been a good thing.

Maker, what kind of madhouse was this?

The snowy haired imp paused and stood his ground as a devious little glint flickered in his somber jade green eyes.

Braze paused, taking a moment to consider the woman's argument and her somewhat dismissive departure. It was clear to him that while he had hoped for a robust debate, the woman seemed more interested in asserting her superiority than engaging in genuine discourse. He mused to himself about the irony of the situation. Here he was, a young Padawan, open to questioning historical narratives and eager for intellectual challenge, only to be met with condescension rather than constructive conversation.

He began to wonder if perhaps her demeanor was not just a momentary lapse but a more ingrained trait. Could it be that she was naturally predisposed to narcissism, incapable of genuine intellectual debate? It seemed she was all too willingly wrapped up in her own self-absorbed fantasies, adorned with delusions of grandeur where her views stood high above everyone else's, beyond reproach and beyond the possibility of being wrong.

"Strange," he thought, "how some who claim to know the truth are the least willing to question it when presented with a different perspective." Her insistence on the genetic lineage of Revan as indisputable fact, without presenting concrete proof or acknowledging the possibility of historical manipulation, struck him as a curious way to approach a debate. Almost as if she believed her self to be omnipotent of history. Perhaps she believed herself to be some deific being.

It seemed to Braze that she preferred to inhabit a fantasy where her views were the center of the universe, equating her beliefs with cold, hard facts, without the rigor of proof. This, to him, was not the path of true knowledge but a mirror of the very hubris and closed-mindedness that the tales of old warned against.

Braze's demeanor shifted from defensive to inquisitively assertive as he responded. "But let's consider the evidence systematically—were those genetic reports ever peer-reviewed, or are we just taking them at face value? It's essential to validate such critical data, especially in a galaxy where cloning and data manipulation are commonplace." His voice conveyed a genuine curiosity, laced with a trace of skepticism about the veracity of the records.

"I would rather learn for myself and question and seek the truth," he continued, warming to his theme. "Consider this possibility: the individual known as Revan likely existed, but what if the legend of Darth Revan has been grossly exaggerated or even entirely fabricated? History is often written by the victors, who can twist the facts to fit a narrative that serves their purposes."

Pausing for a moment, he looked around, ensuring he had the attention of his audience. "I'd like to see these reports referenced by a credible source, one that has no stake in the lore of Revan. If these documents or genetic proofs are as concrete as claimed, they should withstand rigorous scrutiny and debate. Why? Because that is the only way we can truly honor our commitment as Jedi to uphold the truth."

He leaned forward, his gaze intense and focused. "We must challenge what we're taught to accept as historical fact. We cannot afford to blindly follow legends without questioning their origins and accuracy. "

He paused as he shifted his weight to another foot and packed the rest of his things in to a messenger bag.

"And as for the Dread Pirate Roberts, it's from an old story, a title is passed down to maintain a legacy, regardless of the original person's involvement. It illustrates my point perfectly—legends can be manufactured and maintained without the original individual. I feel genuinely sorry for what your childhood may have been if you don't know about the famed dread Pirate Roberts. "

He paused, a rueful smile crossing his face as he added, "And don't worry, I'm not about to claim Coruscant is flat or endorse ancient superweapons. I'm just advocating for a more critical examination of what we accept as historical fact."

It would seem he was keenly aware of other silly nonsensical theorists that existed and perhaps he knew exactly what he was doing with his little booth.

Yet somewhere, somehow, a whisper lingered in the cosmos, as if the universe itself held the true secret... that mischief was not just Braze's pastime, but the very fuel that drove him.

One would peruse the the various wealth of worlds within the galaxy. Many of which hosed forceful beings. Creatures that could command and use the force. One would house such places as the Grand Jedi Library. With which many beings could come, listen, learn and grow in mental might, or powerful force techniques. However, a specific crowd grew.

The man who came to join them, older more dignified in his dress, but not decrepit, a simple saunter with cane in hand. Closed the distance to would be individuals who spoke over what seemed to be a sign posted upon a table. Specifically stating the challenge of changing a learner's mind that Darth Revan, was real. The man smirked. Watching as one Jedi mentor ended his words of requiring the student to provide a homework lesson and paper provided to them about such details. More over, others came to surmise that artifacts of the individual proved the being existed.

The younger spoke well to a degree. Stating that artifacts could be falsified, and a title, or moniker could be passed down. The first thought of a "Sith'ari" supposed god-king of the Sith. came to mind. how there was no real proof of one, yet the tittle held on. Further more, the individual who spoke of relations, being proof, was voiced as well.

"A very interesting proposition."

"Would relations truly prove a person's existence? Could it have been a true person that was turned to myth by oral story telling? Could the name alone just had been used as a tool of propaganda?"

Then the child spoke. The mind ever sharp it seemed in a scientific study of the individual. Was the person truly real, fabrication, a twisted myth built from a person, or even just that. A story told to Jedi to prevent their fall.

"Would one be willing to study such findings merely to answer the question of such man being real? Or were they a woman? Pale skin, dark skin."

A simple grazing of the man's beard before one more spoken thought.

"Questioning the existence of this man, leads one to wonder further, Was the man truly a Jedi who fell to the Sith, or a manifestation, pawn of the emperor within it's tale to bring the Jedi closer to some Grand Plan Scheme?"

Braze Braze Onrai Onrai
In Umbris Potestas Est
Braze Braze Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce Iko Vel Iko Vel Zna-Abaroth Zna-Abaroth

The woman had continued to walk outside until the Padawan's comment regarding those who claim to know the truth being the least willing to question it. At that point, she stopped walking, reached into her robes, and began to fiddle with her datapad as she turned around, a somewhat cross demeanor growing on her face. With each step she continued to listen to the words further elaborated on what the idea was that the Padawan had put together. She returned and was about to make her comment when another spoke.

Yes, this 'another' was, to say the least, spooky.

She let the man speak. He now raised even more esoteric inquiries, questioning the very existence of Revan as an individual - as a Jedi who fell to the Sith, or whether perhaps he was a catspaw used by the thing within Vitiate that had sought to consume the entire galaxy under his pernicious rule. The woman briefly cleared her throat before responding.

"Well, you did ask for peer-reviewed genetic reports, so allow me to provide you with records from the Coruscanti Genetic Database." She opened her datapad up. "Revan, like other Jedi, had DNA samples taken at one point, as did his partner. These specific genetic records are certified as authentic by the temples present in their time, Coruscant and Dantooine among them, as well as by successor temples - Tython, Ossus, the Yavin 4 Praxeum, the Errant Venture, the Hidden Temple, etcetera. Now when we run a simple genetic trace from these two to Satele Shan's record, as preserved and authenticated by the Tython and Coruscant temples, we find a match - that is, to Revan, as he existed prior to the Mandalorian Wars, prior to his fall, and to Bastila - and to their child, Vaner, his wife, Emess, among others in the Shan lineage." All of this was showcased through a holographic display from the datapad, ensuring she wasn't the only one seeing the information in question.

She cleared her throat. "Decades ago, there was one known Jedi whose biological lineage traced its way back to Revan and Bastila. She was a padawan by the name of Jo'lyn Vahr. I'm not entirely certain what happened to her, but she gave the same sample the others did and it's on record with the Coruscanti temple, the former Tython temple, and pretty much anywhere else Jedi have set up over the last several decades post-Gulag. And if we compare her sample to that of Satele, Bastila, Revan, and the rest of the Shan family..." She typed in the necessary inputs on her datapad before the holography glowed green. "As I thought, a match."

She looked back at the Padawan in question. "I can appreciate the desire to question historical fact, but consider the path that can lead to. Questioning not just things that happened millennia ago, but questioning the recent, questioning the very facets of universal existence, and possibly even questioning the truth of light and dark, of good and evil, and other metaphysical precepts. There is an incredible danger at the end of the road of that philosophical approach, one perhaps more subversive than even the darkest of paths."

As the Dread Pirate Roberts story was recounted, she sighed. "Oh, the children's story some people took up over the years." To his last comment she said nothing - there was no reason for her to give him the satisfaction of divining anything of import.

She was curious however as to what the Padawan's response would be as he finished packing up.
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Braze Braze Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce Iko Vel Iko Vel Zna-Abaroth Zna-Abaroth Onrai Onrai

Akhema was not prepared for the multitudes that had come by. There were more Jedi than she expected and now she knew that there was no way she could hide herself from others. "As a matter of convenience from this perspective, I was a contemporary of Satele Shan, and can confirm that she did in fact have a child. However, he proved to be blind to the Force. Ironic, considering his lineage. I cannot speak for the bloodline after my time. I may be the only one here, let alone anywhere, that lived in a time during which a direct descendent of Darth Revan existed. While I cannot speak to the truth of the matter, the official story from Vitiate's Empire is that Revan was a threat to the Empire and any mention of him or study of his life was considered criminally seditious. Whether or not that was Vitiate's order or the order of the Kaars of the Dark Council I do not know. There was a hidden cult on Dromund Kaas that treated Darth Revan as a savior that would rise again and guide the Sith to even greater power. They were wiped out, but I do not know if their documentation or sites were truly destroyed. Some of my peers at the time were quite content to simply kill and not ensure that they completed their task. This was all during the slave rebellion on Dromund Kaas too, so the extra instability of the world likely contributed to the decision to eradicate the Revan cult. If one was brave enough to face the jungle of Dromund Kaas they would likely find that there are secrets hidden away that the cult managed to keep from their pursuers. It was rumored that they had recovered Revan's mask itself, and placed it somewhere in a place of importance to protect it from potential theft or destruction. There are no records of whether or not the sweep teams that searched out the cult managed to find said mask, so for all that we know, it may well be out there hidden in the jungles waiting for someone to find it."

She watched as the other few people spoke up on the theory presented, and she chimed up again, "Concrete genetic proof is quite the strong evidence though. But, if, let's say, an expedition to Dromund Kaas were to be taken and the mask were to be recovered, that would likely more than bury any notion that Darth Revan was a fabricated being meant as an educational tool or warning to Jedi and Sith alike."

O of House Marr

Chuckles. Lord Revan existed.

His Holocron contains major maxims of the dark side, including the Rule of Two:

I am Darth Revan, Dark Lord of the Sith. Those who use the dark side are also bound to serve it. To understand this is to understand the underlying philosophy of the Sith.
The dark side offers power for power's sake. You must crave it. Covet it. You must seek power above all else, with no reservation or hesitation.
The Force will change you. It will transform you. Some fear this change. The teachings of the Jedi are focused on fighting and controlling this transformation. That is why those who serve the light are limited in what they accomplish.

I am Darth Revan, Dark Lord of the Sith.Those who use the dark side are also bound to serve it. To understand this is to understand the underlying philosophy of the Sith.The dark side offers power for power's sake. You must crave it. Covet it. You must seek power above all else, with no reservation or hesitation.The Force will change you. It will transform you. Some fear this change. The teachings of the Jedi are focused on fighting and controlling this transformation. That is why those who serve the light are limited in what they can accomplish.True power can come only to those who embrace the transformation.
There can be no compromise. Mercy, compassion, loyalty: all these things will prevent you from claiming what is rightfully yours. Those who follow the dark side must cast aside these conceits. Those who do not—those who try to walk the path of moderation—will fail, dragged down by their own weakness.Those who accept the power of the dark side must also accept the challenge of holding on to it. By its very nature, the dark side invites rivalry and strife. This is the greatest strength of the Sith; it culls the weak from our order. Yet this rivalry can also be our greatest weakness. The strong must be careful lest they be overwhelmed by the ambitions of those beneath them working in concert. Any Master who instructs more than one apprentice in the ways of the dark side is a fool. In time, the apprentices will unite their strength and overthrow the Master. It is inevitable. Axiomatic. That is why each Master must have only one student.This is also the reason there can only be one Dark Lord. The Sith must be ruled by a single leader: the very embodiment of the strength and power of the dark side. If the leader grows weak, another must rise to seize the mantle. The strong rule; the weak are meant to serve. This is the way it must be.

My time here is ended. Take what I have taught you and use it well.

These are fundamentals of Sith beliefs.

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