Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Akhema

Lady Akhema: Warrior-Poet


NAME: Akhema

FACTION: Unaligned

RANK: Sith Lord [Previously]

SPECIES: Sith Pureblood

AGE: 40 Years [Biologically]; 4,480 [Chronologically]

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 76 in./193 cm

WEIGHT: 213 lbs/96 kg

EYES: Yellow-Orange

HAIR: Light Red

SKIN: Crimson


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Consummate Duelist:
Prior to being frozen in carbonite, Akhema was a master instructor in the seven recognized forms of Lightsaber combat among the Sith Empire.

Martial Artist: Well-trained in numerous styles of hand-to-hand combat in the event that she becomes disarmed during battle.

Potent Force User: As with all who were pure of blood, Akhema had a powerful intrinsic connection with the Force.

Prideful: Akhema has high expectations of both herself and others, and reacts harshly towards failure in both situations.

Judgmental: To Akhema, those who eschew the truth of the Sith are as chattel and should be treated as such. Very rarely does a non-Sith prove itself to her.

Belligerent: Quick to anger, and quick to act, Akhema has a violent streak as wide as the Valley of the Dark Lords.

Vengeful: Slights, small or otherwise, often earn some kind of act of vengeance unless the perpetrator professes to Akhema that they are utterly contrite for their misstep against her.

Akhema is a young Sith Pureblood that is tall and powerfully built. She wears dark, practical clothing and footwear that emphasize functionality. Her musculature is toned and well-developed, implying a lifestyle of healthful pursuit and training for war.

Akhema was born in the year 3,613 BBY into the Sith Empire ruled over by the now-ancient entity Vitiate. Never knowing her parents truly, she was taken at a young and formative age to train among the Sith properly.

The Pureblood excelled at combat training on Korriban. Even with a training blade, Akhema was a dangerous acolyte that had time and again forced her peers into medical treatment during sparring matches. While the rules strictly forbade her from outright killing those she fought against, that did not mean the Overseers would stop her from expressing her violent rage during training.

She quickly found that this mentality was encouraged, and that to embrace her rage and hate were not only expected of her but was in line with the philosophical education they received in kind. Akhema had the code of the Sith reinforced into her by repetition and beatings when she failed to emphasize facets that the Overseers wished to see. Her mind was sharp, but her focus was on battle and physical training more so than the scholarly pursuits that were meant to be complimentary with her warrior training.

Akhema learned the importance of mental acuity and strength with the most difficult lesson in her career, a defeat. Another acolyte had risen into her class and when placed against her, continually found ways to foil her aggressive assault. The young man, named Kunu, used effective defense and economical movements to outlast and subsequently beat her. As she lay in the burning sand of Korriban, she faced a deep crisis of confidence. Until now she had never faced an opponent she could not beat, and yet now she was made a complete fool by an otherwise unknown acolyte.

Time and again, they would face one another with the guidance of the Overseers, and each time she would fall to Kunu. Akhema hated him, but she could not defeat him. She grew more and more bitter with this one man she could not best. While she could trample over others, she had found a block in her path, and it was greater than any she had faced. It caused her to lose favor among some of the Overseers, making her life more and more difficult than ever. Time spent healing was time spent seething. Nothing seemed to work, no matter what technique she used.

After her seventh time spent in the infirmary, nursing wounds and broken pride, she did something that she very rarely did in her downtime, and that was focus entirely on the practical applications of the Code of the Sith. She had thrown her entire being into her hate and anger, thereby living with passions that ran deep and burned violently. It was through that passionate pursuit that she gained strength in the ways of war. Her body was powerful, refined, and agile. She knew that this strength was a great asset, but it could not best the strength of Kunu's cunning. Without strength of mind she could never grow in power. Kunu had become the chain that bound her to Korriban, and she had to break him.

Akhema began to observe Kunu from afar. She had to know his strengths, his weaknesses, and his habits. If she was to crush this man she had to know him intimately. Every move, every meditative state, and every sparring match, she would sit, watch, and listen. He used finesse and agility, coupled with what appeared to be an impressive ability to read the movements of his opponents. Introspection told her that her wide and powerful movements were easily telegraphed and could be read by anyone who had not been intimidated by her physical presence. Dominance by overwhelming strength would not work against Kunu, and she had to match him on even footing if she were to take him down.

In their final climatic clash, Akhema entered the fight more cautious than she ever had. She and Kunu stood opposite one another, probing defenses and using light footwork. Her use of finesse and tact had not been expected. The Overseers allowed the fight to proceed in spite of the slower pace. Akhema and Kunu fought hard, and for what seemed an eternity. In the end she endured against him, proving that her physical fitness was greater than his in a battle of attrition. With one brutal parry she disarmed him, and swung in back around across his neck. While it had been a training blade, the impact still snapped his neck, killing him instantly and granting her a great sense of freedom that she had lost for nearly two years at his heel.

The duel between acolytes had drawn curious eyes, and one such pair belonged to Lord Jawed, a Pureblood himself and one that had come to Korriban seeking an apprentice. In the aftermath of the drawn out fight, he chose her to be his personal student, freeing her from Korriban. Not only had she achieved her greatest personal victory to date, she was now elevated beyond the academy.

Jawed was a hard master. His tutelage was important to her formation beyond the conceptual and into the practical. While he had a mystical bend to his approach to things, and practiced sorcery regularly, Akhema had become his chief enforcer. His will, was her will, and she was to carry out his will. On Dromund Kaas, she saw to the more mundane aspects of running his estate. On archaeological expeditions, she was tasked with the physical burdens. She was chained yet again, but this time, she could afford to bide her time and look for an opening into which she could step. Akhema even served in the academy of Korriban as an Overseer at his behest, where she instructed acolytes in all forms of Lightsaber combat.

When an opening appeared, it was but a ruse and Akhema fell yet again. In a moment of perceived weakness in Jawed, she moved to strike, only to become entombed in carbonite. It was a trap she should have expected, as Jawed kept a collection of frozen individuals. It only occurred to her before she was fully frozen that these too were apprentices who allowed ambition and anger to override their good judgment. It was hubris, and now she was doomed to a fate worse than death. She became a monument to failure that her master used as an example to future apprentices.

An unknown time passed, and in her stasis she remained alive. She was thawed from carbonite very suddenly, and awakened in agony with both clouded mind, darkened vision, and utter silence. Akhema was alive, but at what cost? It was only after some time passed that her senses began to recover. When she came to, she was held in a scientific facility. They had tended to her post-stasis sickness and helped her to recover. Akhema knew not what world she was on, or the amount of time that had passed, but with an opportunity in hand to escape confinement she stole her Lightsaber back from the attached museum and traveled from wherever she had been seeking passage to Korriban.

Upon arrival, Akhema was appalled to see the state of the world. Had the Sith fallen so far? Their temples, their tombs, even the towering Academy, had fallen into ruin and disrepair. Overwhelmed with grief and rage, she killed the crew of the ship that had brought her to Korriban and left the planet. With nothing here, she orbited aimlessly around the planet for a week in meditation. With the help of the protocol droid DV-535, the ship was navigated toward the home port of the vessel's crew. It was only once she arrived, that she realized she had arrived on Coruscant.




Getting Caught Up
Darkness Under Light
On Neutral Ground
Reborn Within the Tombs
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