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Dark Tidings? (Praxeum

Be careful what you wish for.


Location: Rhen Var

"ELOAH" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (
Jedi Interceptor in the landing bay, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)

“Each betrayal begins with trust.” - Martin Luther​

“The Dark Sanctuary” is a mercenary group of Underworld criminals, terrorists, assassins, and the like. The collection is made up of failed Force Users as well, those fallen Jedi expelled by whatever Order they once called “home” and Sith deemed “too weak” but managed to escape. They are small in general but have been making a name for themselves in the realm of stolen antiquities. They use their connections through the various criminal organizations as well as through the Force itself to find those priceless artifacts that they indeed add one to.

The planet Rhen Var is a veritable “hop, skip and a jump” from Ossus was one of those planets. The group had a line on an old Jedi ship that was crashed there. It was mostly intact with several compartments that were said to be loaded with “goodies”. Even if those were lifted, the computers were rumored to be full to the brim with data that could lead them to more, as well as information that could be sold to the highest bidder (to whom they would betray and steal the info back so that they could sell it to someone else anyway). There were more trinkets, more scores on the planet but this was said to be the prize by many of the former Jedi.

The problem is that this ship was once the prized possession of someone else on the planet. That individual did not crash this ship out of pilot error; this freighter was shot down by eight different space superiority fighters in a sea of others yet they were the last eight in a group of no less than twenty-four. Sounds crazy right? Well, it was a crazy time. Now it sits as little more than a “safehouse” in a manner of speaking never to fly again but not needing to. Once “The Carcharodon” the renamed “Rock Bottom” was a haven that the owner used when he needed time to regain perspective or heal.

He has done this a lot since coming out of the ice, trying to calmly find his place in a galaxy that had no need for him or idea of who or what he was. He was not living on “borrowed time” but “expired time”. There was no sense in trying to fight it anymore, times had changed and so had he. Since he came back here from Jedha, he was different physically, but he was now different mentally as well. No more would this man believe that there were those in this galaxy who could or would understand him, even his former, and current Padawan, even his sister. He tried, he failed, it happens.

You learn from your failures if you’re smart enough.

Anyway, back to the Dark Sanctuary, he would have walked in on them mid raid, but what he was doing now was more fun. He was waiting on them to come out to their ship. The crew was not subdued, they were incapacitated, the three who tried to kill him met their own fate. This was not something that the man wanted to do deep down, he still had his core beliefs after all, but they leveled their weapons first so he used his. As three of them came out carrying cases of hidden gems to which can be discussed at another time he watched and waited for the two that believed that they had the drop on him to make their move.

The big man was once connected to the Force in the way that several of these thugs were, but that is no longer the case. Where the Force flowed through him his senses and abilities, his every being was all heightened. He could now sense and visually pinpoint where everyone was located without even trying to. He was stronger, he was faster, he was more intelligent, and had all the benefits of the Force with little of the side effects, or corruption, at least to his body. These individuals were professionals at what they did but they were facing a Master at what he does.

The conversation was short. He gave them a chance… well a backhanded chance at putting the stuff back and leaving without violence. They reacted in the way he expected… the way he had openly hoped. They each worked together, the ranged attackers supporting those with lightsabers. Formidable and deadly their plan was to simply hit him from all angles. The problem with plans go is that they can fall through. Once considered a paranoid fool among the Jedi, the big man dedicated his life and Jedi career to combat, getting in the heads of his opponents and preparing for all contingencies and possibilities. This was a lonely life and cost him many connections that he could have had but it made him stronger and incidentally gave him an edge in times like this.

If the Force users wanted to chase him? They could. They would chase him as he took down each of the ranged attackers and those who lie in wait. Their speed was a blur, his speed was vapor. Any Jedi who might have been called from the Praxeum on Ossus, or from Silver Space, or Galactic, or Confederate or even Imperial id did not matter, they would see bodies flying at this point. Those landing would see a theater of violence but sense nothing. This regrettable scene looks to be the result of a clear and present danger.

If anyone would make their way into the crashed ship, they would see that the big man was indeed someone that they know. That big man had a Twi’lek “Weak Sith” by the throat and his lightsaber across the throat of a Zabrak “Fallen Jedi” pinned against the wall. This was not the quiet, sometimes wise, Caltin Vanagor that they knew. The man that stood before them was unrecognizable. Moreso the problem would be the inability to tell what he was thinking or doing. His demeanor was always grouchy and standoffish, his this was exponentially irascible.

They could not sense him, yet he could sense them. He knew that they were there, he knew when they had landed. It did not matter to him as nothing mattered anymore. He tried to fit in and he was looked at like a museum piece. He tried to be an “elder” “wise” Jedi and he was looked at like a senile old man. There was no place in this puzzle for him to fit, so it was time to make his own, but again that did not matter right now. If it did then none of those who were approaching would be doing so, at least not in the manner that they were, nothing mattered anymore. Nothing but what was right and what was wrong. His outlook and approach may have changed, but his core beliefs did not.

Get out, before you see something that you will regret.

Who was he speaking to?

Rhen Var had a nice little chill by Quill's standards. Matter of fact, all he wore today was a spacer's coverall and a knit cap. You could do an awful lot with a knit cap on your side. Well, that and decent boots.

The fight, it seemed, was over. Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor had one by the throat and a blade across another's. Quill looked around the fallen bodies, some alive, maybe all, and refocused on the big man who'd put them down. He'd last seen the blademaster, oh, two or three years back, before Quill walked away from the Jedi. Jakku maybe, and the Entooine pilgrimage.

"I'll live," Quill said wearily. He sat down on the nearest twisted spar, propped his boots up on an unconscious Sith, and rubbed his knees. "Clear enough this incursion's dealt with. Got business we should discuss, Caltin, if you're open to it."


It started with a donation.

Curiosity lead them to scan through it. Find the source of this large amount of money and make sure there wasn't anything insidious happening behind it. Money was always a worry. What was found was more of a surprise. Jedi Master Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor . Or.. Ex? Iris herself wasn't sure. She barely knew anyone outside of her master Valery Noble Valery Noble , but she did want to learn more about others in the Order. Perhaps that's why her master brought her along. Not just to potentially meet more, but to meet one who had left the Order.

The shuttle landed close by. This was where the trail lead to, but.. Was this really a place someone lived in? The ramp lowered, and soon the Padawan Master duo would exit their ship. Already Iris felt something wrong. The colors here were.. Sad. Dim. A frown settled on the young woman's lips as she glanced up towards Valery from under her hood. "I've a bad feeling about this, master."

Location: Rhen Var
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Ship: Factory link
It had been some time since she last saw Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor .
Valery was very much aware of his participation in the Battle of Jedha, but she hadn't heard or seen much from him since. The now-former Jedi Master had seemingly vanished, and while they had never gotten overly close, she held a respect for the man that made her wonder just what had happened. If it weren't for her own problems, she would have inquired earlier, but between the pregnancy and some injuries she sustained, the woman had been busy.
Now though, following the transaction he made to assist with the ongoing efforts on Ossus, Valery had been able to track him down with some assistance from her Padawan.
This is what ultimately brought the pair to Rhen Var, a planet she had never visited before but quickly read up on to prepare. It was much colder there than she liked, but a simple set of robes around her typical outfit was plenty, and the hood kept her face and ears out of the wind. Sure, she could use the Force to maintain her body temperature, but she chose not to when some simple clothing preparations could achieve the same.
"Just stay close to me, it will be alright," Valery said as she looked down at Iris from underneath her hood. She then placed a hand on the girl's shoulder and guided her towards the crashed ship where a fight had only just ended. The brunette had sensed other presences around as well, so she did approach with caution.
"Master Vanagor is one of the Jedi who welcomed me at Silver Rest, just after I got back from my meditative retreat. Perhaps only a simple, kind gesture to some, but Jedi should look after each other. Even if one decides to step away from duties. It's something many overlook in times of war - when our minds are occupied simply by making it through another day. " Valery said as the two made their way up the ramp, just in time to see Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill and Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor .
Seeing the pair, even with the Sith around, Valery felt no true danger from them. She lowered her hood, allowing her long hair to cascade down behind her back, and she'd greet them with a respectful bow of her head.
"It has been a while," she said, addressing Caltin.
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Be careful what you wish for.
“Courage is knowing what not to fear.” - Plato​

So, it would be Quill that would be the first to speak up. This was interesting considering how “chill” and “aloof” the old hermit was. The big man had no quarrel with him; in fact, it was Quill himself who had given him a direction, even if indirectly, on his quest to change his life. It was those antlers that sparked the plan to find the Wellspring of Life. In a way, maybe, Vanagor owed him for that though he would not voluntarily bring this up.

” Business” eh? Is that what brought you out of whatever walkabout or retreat you were on to come and find me? Or are you just like the others are, no doubt someone placed some kind of distress call. Not to check on me, or for my benefit of course.

He didn’t know if this was the case or not, but a distress call would be a logical move in this instance. The big man could practically smell the concern on all of them. They were not here because he walked among them and considered him a “friend”. No, they were here because he walked among them and is considered to be some level of a threat. The fool with the saber across his throat was trying to make eye contact with someone, anyone that would help him break free of this. When he saw a lightsaber, he went to reach for it through the Force. The problem is that Vanagor’s lightsaber Vanguard(He would not sully Conservator on these criminals) was now singing his chest. Quickly the miscreant realized the level of his mistake and backed off.

You move… when I tell you to move. You know what?

A slip of the thumb and the one he had by the throat fell like a sack. In a blur, the one who was getting closely acquainted with his lightsaber assaulted Vanagor’s fist with his face and also fell. Both of them lying there motionless might bring cause for worry, but the big guy stepped over them like they were dirty laundry and brought his weapon down to his side, yes, he still had his weapon out.

They’re both going to wake up with little more than bad headaches. Don’t look at me like I slaughtered a planet.

Surveying those gathered, he did not care why they were here. He already knew. They looked at him like he was going to attack them, his history with those here did not matter, he was a threat now. It was a shame but not something he was not expecting.

” Been awhile…” Interesting choice of words. What brings you here? Some ridiculous pilgrimage? Or are you still trying to fit in with a society that laughs at everything you believe in and live for? I am not talking about those who are not part of any order, but the very Jedi among you? I may have my flaws and have made my share of mistakes, but I will not be altered from who I am. Not anymore. I dedicated my life to doing what is right, even if others will not do the same for me.

Staring at the young Padawan who looked like she was about to empty her bladder right there, he lifted an eyebrow.

That cliche’ is older than your Master.

Slowly the blade of his weapon retracted to nothing in an ominous-sounding whisp yet he still gripped the long blunt cylinder in his hand.

tag: Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill Valery Noble Valery Noble Iris Arani Iris Arani
Quill stayed seated, hands in his pockets, booted feet resting on the unconscious Darksider he'd chosen as a stool.

"You're right," he said with a shrug. "About some of it, anyway. I'm not here for your benefit any more than I'm here to build the Jedi institution, or to presume to know or judge your heart, or—" His mouth thinned as the dig took root. "—go on some ridiculous pilgrimage, as you say. I don't know about these folks here," he added, glancing at Valery Noble Valery Noble and Iris Arani Iris Arani . "I'm only here, outsider to outsider, to ask for your help. Simple as that. The timing just happened to line up."

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Be careful what you wish for.
Quill stayed seated, hands in his pockets, booted feet resting on the unconscious Darksider he'd chosen as a stool.

"You're right," he said with a shrug. "About some of it, anyway. I'm not here for your benefit any more than I'm here to build the Jedi institution, or to presume to know or judge your heart, or—" His mouth thinned as the dig took root. "—go on some ridiculous pilgrimage, as you say. I don't know about these folks here," he added, glancing at Valery Noble Valery Noble and Iris Arani Iris Arani . "I'm only here, outsider to outsider, to ask for your help. Simple as that. The timing just happened to line up."

“A true friend stabs you in the front.” - Oscar Wilde​

Quill was the first to speak up, but he was also the first to misinterpret. That was surprising considering the fact that Vanagor had no quarrel or issue with him. In fact, he had no issue with any of them, regardless of his outward appearance. The big guy simply wore his heart on his sleeve and always did. The looks on their faces told him what he needed to know, regardless of what their lips might try to explain off.

Don’t go getting your boxers in a knot. You know that I was not referring to you or anything you had to offer. If I did not want to go on your excursions, I would not have. They were educational.

Looking back at everyone else.

You all mistake my intent here. You are intruding, yes, however, I have not changed who I am. This is however the second time that I was out of commission for an extended period of time and no one came looking for me. Here and now, I don’t even get a “Caltin! Where have you been?” or “It’s good to see you.” No, I get looks and comments like I’m an old rival. No, two times were quite enough. There will not be a third. If you genuinely want my help with something Quill, we can talk, but that will have to wait until all of this…

He extended a hand around at those gathered, and those indisposed.

… is settled.

tag: Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill Iris Arani Iris Arani Valery Noble Valery Noble
(Not pushing anything, just had a response idea in my head)

Location: Rhen Var
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Ship: Factory link
Valery cared nothing for the Sith he left unconscious on the ground, which showed as her expression remained neutral when Caltin stepped over their bodies to address the new arrivals. She looked at the man she first met on Jakku with a curious eye, and only spoke again after he responded to Quill.
"We're not here on a pilgrimage or because I'm trying to find my own place." the woman began before her eyes briefly shifted to her young Padawan, "We were able to find you through the transaction you made for the rebuilding efforts on Ossus. For someone who seems to care about being found, you sure were not easy to track down."
She paused a moment.
"You may also be misunderstanding our intent. Or well, mine." she looked at Quill for a moment - she was not speaking on his behalf. "I don't view you as a threat, a rival, or someone to fear; I never have. I only remember the man who helped me settle in, the man who helped many others, and I came to check on you," she said with a genuine tone of voice.
"I'm not here to talk you into coming back or changing who you are. I just wanted to see how you were doing and help you if you need anything. If you don't need or want my help, that's fine."
"But people do care, Caltin. Even if they don't always show it. Everybody is struggling right now."


There was a lot being said, but Iris wasn't paying attention to any of it. Instead, she walked forward. Past Valery Noble Valery Noble , past Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill . Even past Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor . Calmly she crouched beside the thugs that had been laid out. Their colors were hurt. Pained. So she did what she'd do for anyone else. While the adults chatted she'd focus on healing the poor souls caught on the painful side of Caltin's punches.

Dark as they were, Iris couldn't ignore someone hurt.
An awful lot of feelings were at play, and Quill felt himself growing as agitated as Caltin. He couldn't quite settle on an answer. Instead, as Caltin and Valery talked, he took his boots off the fallen Sith and got up to take a closer look at the crashed ship. The Padawan's ministrations shamed him somewhat.

After a minute — 'everybody is struggling right now,' Valery was saying — Quill changed his mind. What example were the three of them setting for the kid? So he dug into his belt gear for wrist binders and his little medkit, and got to work.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Iris Arani Iris Arani Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Be careful what you wish for.
“Important principles may and must be inflexible.” - Abraham Lincoln​

Was he supposed to feel bad or something? These intruders were here to rob him and did not back down. He fought them down and defended himself. They could be taken care of when the authorities arrived. They didn’t need any TLC right now. Dropping down to a squat next to the overzealous Padawan, he spoke simply and in the tone that both Quill and Noble would recognize.

I realize that you are empathic, and that is an admirable trait. However, they were given the choice to stand down and chose to attack me. This was their decision and their undoing, the authorities can take care of them.

He didn’t try to force her to stop, Vanagor simply stood. Of course, when Quill started to help as well, he rolled his eyes and walked over to a cabinet, and pulled out a stocked bag of first aid supplies. Without saying a word, the big man dropped it on the floor for them to use. Looking back at Noble, he shook his head.

You say that I didn’t want to be found. Well, there is some truth to that since I only climbed out of the rubble of the Jedha Temple when it was cleared only a couple of days ago. Valery, right? Tell me, if you didn’t trace my company’s donation to the people of Knossa City, would you be coming to “check on me”? Would you even think to wonder if I was okay? Where I was? Because no one did. What happened at Jedha was almost a month and a half ago and I was only pulled out of the rubble last week, accidentally I might add. They were going to just clear the area I was in with demolitions and found me by chance.

A couple of the thugs were coming to and looking around with disdain at those standing, especially Vanagor, who was collecting weapons and putting them out of reach at this point.

I’m not “struggling” as you call it. I’m not even angry. I’m just done trying to be a part of a Jedi Order or Orders that clearly have no place for me. You have made a place for yourself, that’s great, you should be proud. My place dissolved eight hundred fifty years ago.

Tag: Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill Iris Arani Iris Arani Valery Noble Valery Noble
It didn't take long to run out of binders and things to do. So far as Quill was concerned, the Jedi — he was no longer a Jedi — could handle the actual disposition of the incapacitated darksiders. Plus the legalities and jurisdiction and assumptions and motives and political overtones and all the many things he did not miss when back home in his hermitage. He nodded to the three Jedi and stumped back down the churned-up snowbanks. He'd flown his old Y-Wing, a lovely boat and a rusty one. It lacked gravitas, prestige, and space for prisoners and such. It felt like home almost as much as Hoth did.

Back to Hoth, maybe. Back for a visit, or to stay. There were plenty of others to do the work.

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