Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Dancing with Darkness


Location: Naboo​
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tag: Darth Metus Darth Metus
How it exactly had come to this moment she was still trying to wrap her head around, here she stood in front of the Vicelord on Naboo about to fight him or more accurately try to. The Lord Commander had informed her that the Vicelord himself wanted to evaluate her abilities as the newest Obisidian Lord. The prospect was more than slightly terrifying but yet here she was standing before him, she could feel the darkside radiate from him more powerfully than anything she had experienced before. Quietly she took both of her lightsabers into her hands and ignited them with the silver blades casting their light upon the ground though she felt as though the light itself was being pulled from the blades. Suddenly she became aware of a slight tremor in her hand, a truly unknown feeling had set in. Fear. She had faced much in her time with the Confederacy, she had known hardship and pain but Fear had eluded her until today.​
She looked at the man in part wonder and terror as she tried to make sense of a man so powerful in the force. It made sense to test her this way, of all those who have worn the mantle she now had, only she had never truly been tested against a power so strong. A power that likely she may be called upon to face, and she would need to be able to withstand it. The Force was a storm within her and without, she could feel her focus wavering. A decision was made. She closed her eyes and drew a long deep breath in, she spoke in her mind to remind herself of her own code “There is no dark or light, there is only the force” the tremor in her hand lessened. Never allowing his presence to leave her mind, her focus was as much on him as it was her own nerves, finally the tremor was gone, the Force within her was at peace a calm within a tempest.​
At once she opened her eyes, a focused and powerful resolve now had replaced the fear that previously decorated her young face. All at once she stepped into a defensive stance as she stood before the Vicelord, no matter what happened next she would fight as her life depended on it, as it may well yet.​


In the wake of Calamity, a question remained.

It was no secret that, in this day and age, the Knights Obsidian had been diminished. An artifact gone haywire had all but leveled their midst into oblivion. Those who survived the initial onslaught were forced to cut down their afflicted fellows. In the end, only a smattering of Knights remained to carry the torch onward. The question muttering about quiet chambers, especially those of the gilded Viceroyalty, was if the Knighthood was still capable. Or, should they turn to another means to uphold order within the southern systems. The Vicelord endeavored to answer.

Thus, Taiia Locke Taiia Locke had been chosen.

A battle was set to occur - one which could very well carry the Knighthood's fate upon its shoulders.

When the Obsidian Lord arrived, a familiar aroma clung to her form. It caused the Sith's lips to curve into a smile. It bid him to rise, confidently, from his seat. The Darkness billowed freely from him - unchecked and unrestrained. Within the chambers of the Viceroyalty, he would hold his true self back. In public spaces. In public view. Yet here? He did now what occured behind closed doors. Darth Metus let it all hang loose. Snap. Hiss. Twin sabers armed the woman of the hour. And his answer was a crimson bladed saber of his own.

"I will try to kill you, Obsidian Lord."

His weapon raised - the challenge had formally begun. "Do try not to let that happen."

He took a single step, yet moved a bound. The Force empowered his motion, bearing him swiftly to where the Obsidian Lord stood. His weapon came crashing down overhead, poised to rend the woman clean in two.​

Location: Naboo​
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tag: Darth Metus Darth Metus
She could feel the darkness pour off the Vicelord. He sought to intimidate, to throw her off balance from the start. She would like to say it did not work, but the force that he commanded was not something you could ignore or simply brush aside. Whether or not you believe the force was dark or light you had to respect how it was wielded and in his presence she understood the gravity of what was to come. She was resolute, even in the face of his power she would either stand or fall.​
"I will try to kill you, Obsidian Lord."
A soft smile touched her lips "You will try Vicelord, if you succeed however remains to be seen." There was no more need for words she stepped into her stance for Jar'Kai. He had stepped quickly forward and brought his saber down on her. She stepped forward meeting his saber with both of hers, above her head the sudden crushing force of the saber cause her to buckle for a moment before she started pushing her blades upward. In a contest of strength he would win every time, there was no way she could best him there. A quick shift of the angle of her blades shoved upward hard hen she rolled the blades to the right hard, seeking to deflect his saber off to his left, if she was successfully she would use the momentum she had built up to spin and bring her blades to a ready position, then dash toward his right side seeking plasma to rend his flesh.​

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The woman was confident in her abilities. Unwavering in the display of his might. Good. The survivors of the Calamity must be hardy if they were to maintain their duty. Yet having a spine was not the sole requirement of the occupation. And thus the challenge played out.

His saber came crashing down overhead, colliding with the twin blades of his adversary. It was easy to tell that - of the two - he was the mightier in terms of raw power. Yet, sheer might was not the deciding factor of any bout. Quickly, she pushed against his assault and shifted, and as desired his blade began to move to the left. Thus, his right side was momentarily exposed - an opening she immediately sought to exploit.

Swiftly. Carefully. The Sith crossed his offhand over his falling saber. His palm was flat. Open. And carried with it a telekinetic shove that would create distance. The force applied was equivalent to a large man shoving another with angst in his bones. Should valuable space be created, Darth Metus would simply return to his readied stance.

It was, effectively, her move.


Location: Naboo​
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tag: Darth Metus Darth Metus
The telekinetic shove was effective knocking her off her feet and throwing her back several feet but in the intervening moments she relinked her sabers forming them back into a saber staff and began to gather the force into the palm of her right hand. By the time her feet hit the ground she used the momentum he gave her and spun around unleashing a torrent of force lightning toward the Vicelord, it still felt foreign to her like she had not truly made the power her own yet mainly because she had not had cause to use it.​
She was sure its force would be inadequate but if nothing else this was a venue where she could truly test herself and where she absolutely should use everything she is capable of. Her mind was already several moves ahead of her body, abruptly she broke off the force lightning and vanished into a thick hazy green vapor, the Vicelord would no doubt recognize a teleport of the Nightsisters. In the next moment he would hear the hum of a lightsaber swinging toward his neck as she re-emerged behind him.​


After the success of creating valuable space, the Vicelord centered his focus. Darkness pooled at the edges of his vision whilst ancient lyrics sounded in his mind. His adversary, meanwhile, landed on her feet and reconnected her sabers. In tandem, she unleashed fury unbridled across the gap. Force Lightning burned and seethed, attempting to shock and burn him into submission. The Sith raised his saber in defense, practicing the motion taught to him by an old mentor. The energy flowed into the blade and was dispelled by the direction of his will.

But suddenly, the lightning stopped. Darth Metus blinked.

He witnessed the emerald haze which enveloped her form, which caused a tsk to escape him. The tactics of his mother's people as well? This Master Mataan was nothing to sniff at. Her, meanwhile, finalized the lyrics in his mind. And as her blade came crashing down, it was met with smoke. It erupted in plumes from the man's flesh, but was solid all the same. Spontaneously, it took form. A clawed hand seized the bladee that was met for the Sith's neck.

Another attempted to sink its long talons into her neck.


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