Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Critique the Mother of Dragons

I judge this character through deductive mathematical reasoning...

I rate as 3. 1415926535 / 10

  • 3. 1415926535 = π / 10
  • π = Pi / 10
  • Pi = Pie / 10
  • And Pie is always 10/10 in my books XD

Pie; it's 10/10
Haven't threaded with you before.

But you did a really selfless job for me in the signature forum for Nato, thank you, as I said a lot of time must have gone into the many frames used. I suspect it's by far not the first selfless thing you've done for others around here, and I suspect that the spitfire tag will see a lot of use! I already spied it on another poster :)
[member="Jyn Sol"]

Thank you! Yeah I had to take a break for OOC reasons.

Well then if I am critiquing you OOC, which is odd for me, but here goes. Level headed, passionate about what you care about, fun to talk to, fair and someone I wouldn't want to mess with.
[member="Jyn Sol"]

Mother of what? Ive never heard of this Dragon thing, its like the knowledge of it was banned from my mind...

Naw but really, you were the first person with the exception of Syn i ever RPed with and you are the reason i was able to situate myself comfortably on the board. You are always fun to talk with when setting up threds and your characters are always great to talk to. Keep it up Jyn

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