Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cries in the Vacuum: UCM Invasion of Roche (OOC)

If you are already in the server then I apologise for pinging you. But anyone who isn't in the SJO server, please contact myself or any of the other SJO admins for access to the server or the planning documentation.

[member="Lynette Lykova"] | [member="Cay-Yo"] | [member="Spencer Jacobs"] | [member="Keva"] | [member="Kelsie Sylvan"] | [member="Darth Tacitus"] | [member="Kahne Porte"] | [member="Théodred Heavenshield"] | [member="Luna Terrik"] | [member="Amelia von Sorenn"] | [member="Amaya Cardei"] | [member="Lucius Varad"] | [member="Nida Perl"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Kreus"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Zak Amroth"] | [member="Immortal Cyan"] | [member="Joannis Campbell "]| [member="Bedrovelse Hevn"] | [member="Taramaz Laurs"] | [member="Visanj T'shkali"] | [member="Kyli Graf"] | [member="DT-2319"] | [member="Gilamar Skirata"] | [member="Kreus"] | [member="Kaden Farr"] |
Gilamar Skirata said:
[member="Yasha Cadera"] I was approved as an ally for the Silver Jedi, could I please be placed on the listed allies?
While we're at it, for the coming IC thread could you please add me to the list of SJO Staff Members, thanks [member="Yasha Cadera"]!


Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
As it stands right now it seems that all UCM players have an opponent or are "fighting everyone" who is going for an objective. To try and make sure things go as smoothly as possible, if any SJO/CIS/etc. members do not have an opponent please @Valdus Bral me with the following information so we can try to get everything sorted:

1. What is your character's name that will be participating?
2. What objective will your character be contesting?
3. What personal preferences do you have (dogfighting, dueling, etc.) if any?

As I mentioned in my previous post I will take up to a maximum of 4 players onto the scene I am participating in with [member="Cay-Yo"] . This brings the number of available slots to 3. Through long talks and planning it has been decided that I will be boarding and successfully capturing the ship that Cay-Yo's character is on. There are 3 conflict points, while 1 of the conflict points on the ship will be dueling between us, the other 2 points are my NPC reinforcements which I can and would be happy to coordinate against players wanting to participate in a scene but are unable to find any partners. While the capture of the ship is pre-planned, if there is still time left in the invasion, what happens to the ship and Valdus is to be determined on the fly.

Edit: In case there may have been any confusion, the questions 1-3 are NOT an application specifically for the scene Cay-Yo and I will be participating in. This is a general announcement for those SJO/CIS/Anyone-not-UCM that haven't found a scene to participate in for the benefit of the defenders, who are more likely to not have an opponent to start out with due to overwhelming numbers of player characters on the side of the defense. If you do want to be in the scene with Cay-Yo and I, that can be arranged, but again the the last paragraph is separate from needing a scene in general.

Rayf Vigil

Nevermind. Was going to switch ally claims but after giving it some additional thought I am gonna stick with Zak.
[member="Yasha Cadera"]

As Mope has explained, you've been given Staff consent.

I'm withdrawing my previous remark, though let's continue to keep lines of communication open between our Faction staff, please.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
[member="Yasha Cadera"] | [member="Veiere Arenais"]

We have been made aware there is some confusion on Staff's stance, when it comes to invasions and their declaration/cancellations.

To establish clarity moving forward we decided to put out this post.

Staff does not come into the equation when it comes to declaring invasions. Major Factions can declare, plan and run invasions between each other without any Staff intervention. This means that Staff does not give permission to delay invasions. That is all up to the factions involved. If the invading Faction wish to cancel or change the time schedule of an invasion, they can do that without asking Staff or the Defending Faction.

Only the written rules matter here. For example, even if an invasion is rescheduled, it still needs to be given 7 days notice, before it can launch. They can be reviewed here for clarity purposes.

We hope that explains things!

Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
[member="Daro Tarsi"]

Thanks for the clarity. After you explain that it does seem rather obvious - though without your insight it doesn't seem so cut and dry. My humble suggestion is to add your explanation as a footnote to that FAQ page.
Thank you [member="Daro Tarsi"], but worry not as there's no issue or concern as far as Chaos Staff go. At-least not on the Silver Jedi Order's understanding of things. The decision to postpone the Invasion for another week was announced prior to the Silver Jedi and the UCM having discussed it in full, and so it came down to a lack of communication between Faction Staff.

"Consent" was perhaps a poor choice, in my above post.

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