Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Crazy Rich Jedi

Xian Xiao Xian Xiao

She looked upon her and had a look of deep thought... mostly.. to reveal tht which made one most comfortable was not exactly a small thing cause it could be used against you but then well it could also explain when small quarks happened that needed to be handled and cared for. The jedi master spoke with a grin well. "You are good enough around me so that can be a start.. I don't recommend what I do for comfort and mental focus. Exercising in the buff inside the observation deck is only recommended for for the most advanced levels of relaxation and comfort. So we'll start small, do you like conversation? Or maybe you enjoy tinkering with mechanical parts."
Her question had given Noriko a reason to think of an answer and the girl could see that on her face. Normally Xian was full of questions but right now she was quiet while she waited on an answer. The one that was given was entirely unexpected and she got quite red on the cheeks.

"Yeah, I don't think I'm quite that comfortable yet. I don't even know what will...Then again. I actually like cooking. Not with the stuff that comes in boxes as you have, but real cooking. Sometimes I find that relaxing. Never had the chance to tinker with anything unless you count stitching holes up or putting patches on things."

When Noriko asked if she liked talking, it was met with a shrug.

"There are times when I just can't seem to keep my mouth shut and other times when it's as closed as a clam. I can either way. Do you plan to be naked around me?"

This was her ship and she could do whatever she liked but Xian hoped that answer would be not around her. Then again, it might help her get more comfortable about her own body image and the way she felt about herself. This did not cross the Padawan's mind though.

Noriko Ike Noriko Ike
Xian Xiao Xian Xiao

Her first thought was well now... but no Noriko was many things but she was private about stuff like that.. she just mentioned it because she was 99.99999 percent of the time alone on her ship she could do anything and the droid who cleaned and maintained it didn't judge her... at least not verbally. Silently they might or they might not care as the sentience and feelings of droids had never entirely come up in conversations.... she wondered if they dreamed of electric sheep for a moment now before speaking. "No I hadn't planned on it, just something I do when I am alone and on my ship." Though cooking she could work with that... there was after all a hydroponics and livestock thing built into the living module... one was for cloning and replicating the meats but the other did require planting the seeds. "The ship though has a garden if you want to make your own veggies and even some small fruits."
Almost letting out a sigh of relief when Noriko said she hadn't planned on running around naked, the teen didn't. A sense of it might come through the Force though. She hadn't yet learned how to control what she projected or what she kept hidden.

"Oh, that would be great! I guess it also depends on how long I stay on the ship too. Most plants take months to grow...right?"

Having grown up on Coruscant, the girl didn't actually know clearly how long it took for plants to mature enough to be eaten. Though she did have some idea on that. People talked about seasons so it made sense that plants followed them. At least, to Xian it did.

"What would be good to try and grow? I've never actually done that, only cooked the food."

Noriko Ike Noriko Ike
Xian Xiao Xian Xiao

She looked at her and gave a nod of her head. "Well normally yes it could take time... the casually farmer grows it on a planet but on a ship it is much easier as you can adjust and change the conditions as needed to simulate the seasons." She was looking at it and had some other things to do. "There is also the synthesizer which well as you saw can make you anything that you might need." Noriko stretched her arms out to show all of the ship before she was checking things out. She waited before starting back towards the cockpit.. she could get it set up and relax while Xian did what she wanted to do.. maybe contact Sor-Jan and see if he is up to anything... or if he is going to try and get her to buy him food... or maybe ask about the random charges on his account for massive corellian body pillows that were ship sized.
Nodding quietly, Xian thought about what she wanted to try and grow. Corn would grow too tall so that was out of the question.

"What about green beans? I think I would like to grow them and eat them when they are done. I'll grow enough to feed you too!"

Not even noticing Noriko had wandered off, the girl went to the galley and started to get food ideas from the items there. Walking over to the fabricator, she requested it to give her green bean seeds. Provided the unit didn't explode or malfunction, she would collect the seeds when they came out and carry them into her room.

There she would find a lamp and a small plot of dirt to hold them. Laying down in her bed, Xian closed her eyes and dreamed of what she would cook when they matured. Not once did she think of Sor-Jan since he had disappeared out of her life months ago.

Noriko Ike Noriko Ike
Xian Xiao Xian Xiao

The small amount of sleep she would be able to get as she observed briefly the padawan going into the bunk area... she had cameras in there but there was no need to switch to them... well okay security maybe but she didn't think she could compromise anthing and the biometrics were made for the weapon and armor lockers. Anything tha could prove dangerous or a risk for them. The secret compartmentswere also there since they had designed the ships with the uniform brand smuggler compartments... except they were sold as an option with the ship itself.. so it wasn't really secret more just for personal choice to use the area and she had all of her clothing in there that would make i seem like she wasn't being a model jedi with some robes... dresses and jackets and hair scrunchies oh my. The small amount of sleep she got ended when the chrono was going off to alert her they were dropping out of hyperspace over Seoul V.
That same alarm woke up Xian and she stretched before getting out of the bunk that had been given to her. Sitting up, she looked over to the pot that held the green bean seeds and sprinkled a little more water onto them. She had gone to bed in her clothes and only put some shoes on before joining Noriko in the cockpit.

The light of hyperspace faded back into normal stars and the teen stared out of the viewport. It was a sight she always loved to see.

"Is it true that if you stare into the hyperspace tunnel you'll go crazy?"

Maybe it was an old wives tale, but Xian thought there might be some truth to it. Why would people have told her this if it wasn't? Leaning against the back of the chair in front of her, she watched as the ship started approaching a planet.

"What planet is that?"

Noriko Ike Noriko Ike
Xian Xiao Xian Xiao

She perked up a little hearing the girl and nodded her head when she checked it out.... "Maybe, it isn't exactly something that is tested regularly but there are stories about it." She said it with a smile on her face though getting some candy while she sat there. "That is Seoul V, the main planet i the system that the people live on. A few of the others have colonies but mostly they have worked on restoring the world after some attacks poisoned the air." She said it but was bringign up the scanners to look over the planet as the autopilot for landing came in and Noriko knew how to control her breathing but she still had the cracken field kits which held their needed rebreathers. "While I would say use your breath control skills if you have them there is a standard issue rebreather in your field kit."
"Oh, I see. But if there are rumors, then it must be true!"

Without a doubt in her mind, Xian had decided it has to be true. Now there wasn't much that anybody could say to make her believe otherwise. Listening to the answer given to her by Noriko, the teen nodded.

"May I have some of that candy?"

Licking her lips at the thought of the sweets made her mouth water and stomach growl just a little.

"I think I will be more comfortable knowing I have a rebreather along. You see, I don't really have very much training yet. I didn't grow up in a Temple or anything. So I only know my elemental skills. Need a fire? I got you covered. Want something cooled off? No problem. I can even make it rain a little! Is there a way to use my air ability to clear the air around me so I can breathe?"

Of all the things Xian said so far, this was probably the most intelligent question she had asked Noriko.

Noriko Ike Noriko Ike
Xian Xiao Xian Xiao

She nodded to that and got some candy out. "Little girl do you want some free candy from my panelless starship?" She said it and held it out for her with a look on her face of humor but yes they had everything they needed as she was waiting for it to be taken and heading out where she looked around. the planet itself. Taking a breath as she held it with the force and was moving now creating a small bubble around them that would be ableto handle the toxic air... there was also parts ofit that they could work on with scanners and seeker drones releasing from the ship. "So we shall train here and explore... I find it easier plus maybe you shall get the bug and like exploring."
"I wouldn't exactly call you a stranger.*

Accepting the candy, the teen smiled and rolled her eyes at the same time. Putting some into her pocket, another piece went into her mouth. After finishing the sweet, she grabbed the items for the expedition and hung one of the breather masks around her neck.

Noticing there was a bubble around them, Xian motioned to it.

"How do you do that?"

Tilting her head, she saw how it moved with them and kept the toxic atmosphere away from them.

Noriko Ike Noriko Ike
Xian Xiao Xian Xiao

She repressed the need to snicker and grin more. Being serious... this was the time for it or something... she would have to do whatever.... With a look though she was moving and the bubble around them was comingwith them as she spoke. "it is a shield, you can projectit for environments with the force. Unlike a barrier though which can protect from blasters this is more poisons in the air, heat and even cold." She said it and thought about how best to describe it. "Think of it like a piece of gum, the force is the gum... you chew it and chew it but then blow a bubbleof the force and hold it around yourself. "
Sensing some amusement from Noriko, the teen smiled just slightly. If the other woman would have laughed, she would have too. The girl was still learned how to interact in social situations...even if there was only one other person. So she kept quiet and didn't laugh. What she did was listen to the answer provided.

Letting out an impressed, "wow", she didn't say anything else for the moment. Taking out a piece of gum, she started on it madly to get it to the right consistency to blow a bubble.

"So like this?"

Blowing a small bubble, it popped before it got very big and Xian blushed slightly.

"Not quite but I think I understand. Does this bubble come out of your mouth?"

That was a silly question but had been asked. Shaking her head, she did the same with a hand.

"Don't bother answering. I already know it."

Flattening her palm, she held it in front of her and attempted to make a bubble appear on it. Her hands seemed to shimmer slightly but no bubble actually appeared from her palm.

Noriko Ike Noriko Ike
Xian Xiao Xian Xiao

"You could." She said it and a few of the jedi she knew could use abilities from their mouth but ti was difficult and she hand came out. "One way to look at it as well is something my family told me. Three steps and levels to using the force... first is calling it... focusing it with words and in your mind... the second is with gestures of the hands and the third is with pure thought and you don't need to focus it is all instinctive." The jedi said it but the girl was getting the idea.. she had the talent in herself she only needed to practice it and as one would say believe in yourself. The jedi master though moved sao she was a little closer and put her arm out to wrap it over her shoulder as she was walking and looked around the city they were in. The air shimmered with a sickly yellow haze but the poison had long since dissipated from the world now it was just hazy and quiet.
Not bothering to hide her surprise, Xian blinked a few times when Noriko said she could actually blow a bubble out of her mouth.

"I don't believe that!"

Trying a few more times to get a bubble to come out of her hand, she lowered it to listen to what Noriko had to say. Nodding, she understood what she meant.

"Like me and the elements. When I call up a wind, all I need to do is think about it and poof! There's a breeze going by. The others are harder to do that way but I use my hands to call them up."

One thing the girl hadn't noticed was that Noriko was actually shorter than she was. Wrapping an arm around her waist, she realized this. It would make fitting her clothes that much easier. She was just an airhead now and then and this was one of those moments.

"What caused the air to be like this?"

Noriko Ike Noriko Ike
Xian Xiao Xian Xiao

"Imperial forces, they were seeking to exploit the crystals that are here... not as useful in a lightsaber but they are good for weapon systems. More secure as you can lock them to resonating crystals so slicing into the weapons is much harder. They tested weapons and were stopped but he world got poisoned as a result." Noriko said it while they were walking and she reduced the bubble around them. "Now it is your turn, I want you to make a bubble and focus on holding it." She nodded to her and she was wanting to see what the girl could do.. she had skills and it wasn't a matter of teaching her how to feel the force it was a matter of getting her to be able to utilize it easier. "I will be right here if we need it but I want to see that your skills are expanding."
There was so much history that Xian wasn't aware of. Some things she had learned and she absorbed knowledge like a sponge took in water. Listening to Noriko, she gave a dirty look when Imperials were mentioned.

"They are still a thorn in our sides."

Spitting on the ground to indicate what she felt about them, she didn't notice the bubble getting smaller...yet. When she did, she tried to get closer to the other woman.

"My turn? I can't even make one large enough to cover my hand!"

Holding it out, she tried again. Same as before, her hand only shimmered but it stayed around longer than it had the last time. She would get it eventually, just not right now. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and tried again.

This time an actual bubble appeared around her hand and seemed to stay. In her surprise, she lost her focus and it went away. Growling and cursing under her breath, she turned and looked at Noriko.

"I can't!"

Noriko Ike Noriko Ike
Xian Xiao Xian Xiao

Noriko looked at her and she didn't dissipate the bubble but did try and keep it going for them.. she wanted Xian to be able to do it but this was practice and she was getting used to it. "It is alright... this isn't an all or nothing part yet... this is one fo the best ways to practice in the field." She said it but expanded the bubble around them and spoke. "Also not all imperials are bad... my homeworld prospers under it... democracy works for some but not for others and it is one that can easily be corrupted quickly." She said it but she offered a small grin... "But the jedi are different, your skill determines your place and the wisest masters are usually in charge of teaching."
The soothing and comforting words of Noriko calmed the teen down enough to breathe normally. Slowly her tense body started to relax and soon enough Xian was pretty much back to normal. Taking in another deep breath, she listened to what the woman had to say. Stubbing a shoe into the ground, she nodded.

"I suppose that is true. Not the ones I have heard about though. They're mean and nasty. What is your homeworld?"

Around them, the bubble got larger again and she sighed in relief. She would keep trying to create a bubble but right now, her attention was on the landscape around them.

Pointing to a partial building that looked like it had been taller than the others, she turned with her focus on Noriko for a moment before looking back.

"What building was that? Can I go through it?"

Noriko Ike Noriko Ike

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