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Private [Contract] The Family - Rimma Trade Route Rescue 'ANV Chenyo'


'Space Ambience'
Risky. Dangerous. Downright foolish.

Yet necessary.

One of their own had been picked up by a Galactic Alliance patrol and was now being held within a prisoner-modified Galactic Alliance
GR-95 Fleet Transport, an imposing & intimidating ship supported and escorted by starfighter patrols en-route to Coruscant. The Alliance weren't known for their incompetence, which would be problematic for the courageous fool who'd take on such a contract.

Yet someone did, one of Kosa Nostra's most reliable bounty hunters. Rugged, experienced and well trained, he makes combat look like a form of art; Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred . Yet this contract was different for the Directorate Supervisor, for their briefing would be over the holonet as Iliana's presence on the Cloudbreaker would put her at risk of capture, or death~ which was unacceptable due to her privileged access to information.

"Mr. Gred?" she called through the holonet, making sure she was patched through, "Our call is Dedanet encrypted, currently being monitored by a team of Dedata's slicers~ I'd have much preferred to meet you in-person, however my presence aboard your ship would've been irresponsible as a result of the danger you're about to put yourself in.."

"I assume you're still tailing the ANV Chenyo as instructed? If so, you've most likely seen it's escort of four
X-Wing Starfighters, yes?" she paused for a moment, considering all options before resuming her briefing, "I'm afraid the situation is still rather fresh and we haven't had time to formulate a proper plan for the contract- as you know, we're looking to retrieve one of our own from the fleet transport you've been tailing, and only that person.."

"The situation is.. unfortunate, however our friend has.. information we can't risk getting out, she's one of our 'couriers.' " Iliana produced a small sigh, "I wholeheartedly wouldn't recommend heading in loud & proud, Alliance pilots are capable and dangerous, unlike most of our rival syndicates- they're fully capable, armed and poised to either destroy you or capture you~ which would only worsen the situation."

"My recommendation would be to take your time with the rescue, attempt to lead or distract the fighters from the transport to bring the entire convoy out of hyperspace, then attempt to mask the signature of the Cloud Breaker by approaching slowly within the transport's heavy ion trail~ at least one fighter will stay with the convoy and they will call the others back to the ship if you're spotted.."

"Find somewhere safe to attach your ship, we don't know the exact whereabouts of our courier.. once you're in, try and patch me into the security system and I'll attempt to figure it out, I'll remain in your earpiece the whole time." Iliana paused out of hesitation, "if they spot you, you'll be overwhelmed.. please don't toy with the Alliance, they are more competent than we sometimes realise."

"Remember to use
The Brand if anything goes wrong, we'll come for you as soon as possible. Though I hope it doesn't come to that.."

"Any questions?" The operation was all on Jai' now, it was up to him to make the impossible possible, and to make sure he doesn't suffer the same fate as their courier.

Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred

Jai listened quietly as the mission, and the plan. Get aboard that prison transport, get their courier, and get out. The plan was... easier said than done though. Cloud Breaker was an Enigma-class FAC. Almost twice the size of the Republic transport, and definitely more heavily armed. Of course right now he was flying with caps over her Varactyl ports, and newly fitted cargo clamps holding mostly empty cargo containers with decoy signatures. Everything he could to hide she was still packing heat. To him and the crew at least she looked like a refit job to say the least. He then spoke up.

"Cloud Breaker isn't exactly well set up for sneking in general, but... I have ideas. Not exactly tailing at the moment. As for questions, will this courier have a Brand as well, or some other way to be sure I'm getting the right person out? Prisoner number even. And any guard to be expected aboard other than droids?"

Once he had that done, it was time to spring his trap. He went to the bridge and looked out. No other ships for at least a couple of parsecs. He looked at the crew, nodding as he closed his eyes, slipping on what would look like a much larger cybernetic set. "Ki'tala, I'm trusting you to get this girl back up and running quickly. It's weakened, but it needs to be enough to look the part. Everyone else, you know the plan. EW, this better work." The tactical droid bobbed in the air as she spoke.

"Protocol, tradition, and law would dictate that even a prison vessel would have to answer an SOS transmission." One of the crew then spoke up.

"Basically meaning they come to us, a humble freighter right?" Jai smirked a bit. They may not have all been privy to the details, but they knew he was a bounty hunter, and he'd trusted them as his own little crew, even if they didn't know his true name like Ki'tala and EW. And then, the corvette would fire two Conner nets and then, in an interesting turn, burn right into the snares.... Jai would nod, hitting the comms before making his voice a bit different he hit the comms.

"SOS, SOS! This is Scrap Haul. We were hit by Conner nets! Can't find where they came from.... The ships and old job, and I'm not sure if life support can hold without assistance." Really, he knew good and well Ki'tala could handle everything the weakened nets could pull, and make it look like she was more heavily hit, but.... It would hopefully be enough for the transport to stop.

Iliana Röhr Iliana Röhr


'Space Ambience'

"Yes.. she will, but she may be in a situation where she's unable to activate her signal~ unconscious, carbonite et cetera., though
once you're in we may be able to locate her via the prisoner logs..
" pausing for a moment to filter through her files, she chimed in once again, "once you've found her, she'll respond to Chariot-Five. She was picked up on Kinyen, if that helps."

"As for the guards, it's impossible to say- though expect anywhere between twenty-five and fifty soldiers, not including droids." IIliana would remain in his ear throughout the whole mission, chiming in when necessary; For now, she listened to his plan as he directed his crew with a plan that even she wasn't expecting.

"Scrap Haul, this is ANV Chenyo of the Galactic Alliance Defence Force, power down all unnecessary systems and prepare for evacuation. I repeat, power down all unnecessary systems and prepare for
" The contents of the GADF ship required the ANV Chenyo to err on the side of caution more than usual.

Within minutes, two starfighters appeared within viewing distance of the Cloud Breaker. While scanning the ship, one of the pilots chimed in through the intercom, "Deactivate your weapons systems and divert the power to life support," and with that the ANV Chenyo appeared behind the starfighter, once there was no threat.

"Scrap Haul, we're sending a shuttle to evacuate your crew, prepare to be boarded!"

With that, a shuttle departed from the transport ship, escorted by one of the starfighters. Once docked to the Cloud Breaker, the doors would open and three heavily armed soldiers would be pointing their barrels into the ship while a navy Lieutenant greeted anyone waiting by the port door, "I'm Lieutenant Trehay of the Galactic Alliance Defence Force Navy, what do you need?"


Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred

"I can work with that. Hopefully this'll go smoothly...." Jai would then walk up to the airlock as the crew began to power down the weapons as they drifted. While Ki'tala was hiding in the depths of the engineering section, the bounty hunter would be joined by the pilot, playing the ships engineer, and EW-031 EW-031 , being... mostly herself.

"Lieutenant," Jai started with the fake voice, and "fancy" headgear that seemed plugged into the port on his neck. "My engineer Belvi Jorn, and the droid that was on the ship when we fixed her up, KV-02. Honestly if we could somehow get supplies for repairs that'd be best bet. Not like this old thing isn't already scrounged together. KV and Jorn should be able to think of something, but they'd have to know what they're working with. Plus, no offense, but not sure that shuttle's big enough for everyone plus some vital cargo." EW would then project a hologram showing the key "damage," as well as some "preliminary plans" on how to fix them. They looked rough, as intended, as she acted... even glitchier than normal.

"Assu-u-uming we get needed systems back on-on-on-online, we could at least limp it ou-ou-out." All Jai could do now was to wait and see the reaction. It was a reality of this he had to guess. The Cloud Break was just larger than the transport, so hopefully the Lieutenant would have a similar thought and let them look through spare parts they had to come up with a "solution." Good to know there was a shuttle at least.

Iliana Röhr Iliana Röhr


'Space Ambience'

A rather heavy sigh befell the Lieutenant, they had prepared an evacuation plan for the crew yet they seemed to refuse their aid, requesting supplies to patch their ship back together instead; the droids hologram being the final assurance they needed that an evacuation wasn't necessary, "are you sure your life support will stay active long enough?"

Feeling somewhat more secure, the Lieutenant and two of his soldiers climbed through the entry hatch with a small box of tools and standard parts~ it was standard procedure to carry such items for times like these. "Try this," the Lieutenant handed over the slightly hefty box, seeming rather exasperated at this point, "let me know if you need any other parts- we'll try and see if we can source any.."

Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred

EW and "Jorn" looked over the parts, as EW began to cycle through what parts where there, and what might reasonably be on a prison transport. They had to repair to be sure their drives and generators constantly functioned. EW's lighting would seem to flash a bit, nothing too different to what her glitching act was already doing, but now... it was sending a message. The helmsman, looked back at the lieutenant, seeming to think of how to explain this.

"This kind of gear might work.... KV, holo again. Thing is I'll probably need some specific stuff to rig a something together. Generator parts maybe if you have them, or something I can check. Not sure I can describe quite what it is though." Jai nodded a bit, turning to the lieutenant again and rubbing the cable that was currently hooked into his neck.

"I mean if we can't get the parts we could try the getting everyone off the freighter, but.... No offence. Not sure you've got enough space. It's why we're opting for repair. Either way, whatever the plan is I'd want to see what my crews doing or getting into before most of them have to do it, or join any that are off ship. They're my responsibility after all." Jai watched. The ball was in the GA's court now. He had to rely on them being willing to help, and he guessed this wouldn't be outside of reason... maybe.... He'd made a nice bind for them, that was for sure. A captain not wanting to just throw his crew into anything, and just wanting to make sure things were on the up and up. He just had see what the reaction would be. If it wasn't good.... Well he had a plan B since there was a shuttle docked to them right now.

Iliana Röhr Iliana Röhr


'Space Ambience'

What was to be a simple evac mission turned into a game of cat and mouse with spare parts; "Is there enough for you to get your life support working, at least?" questioned the Lieutenant, wanting to hurry the exchange up as the prisoner transport was quite the target for budding pirates.

With a sigh, the lieutenant spoke up again, "Just.. bring your engineer~ we'll see if they can find the parts you need.."

Along with the soldiers, they climbed back into their shuttle while prompting the two civilians to join them. Upon arrival within the dock of the ANV Chenyo, they would be escorted through a number of corridors through to an engineering & storage module where spare parts could be found.

Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred

Jai nodded a bit.

"Thank you sir. You're a saint." Jai would follow into the shuttle, while EW handed the helmsman a datastick with what would be data on the parts need if this was really an emergency. As they walked into the shuttle though, Jai was already thinking. He needed a way to make sure he'd get to somewhere he could get the data from, which was part of where the headgear came in.

As they stepped out, walking into the engineering section, Jai would stop, leaning against the wall to what seemed to be a data port of some kind. He grabbed the "cybernetics" a but before looking over.

"I'll catch up. Old thing's a bit temperamental." If he found a chance to do it, he would try to get a connection into the data port. He still wasn't really use to this whole "interact directly with the computer" thing, but it was the best idea he had. He just hoped things were actually quicker routing through his actual cybernetics.

Iliana Röhr Iliana Röhr


'Space Ambience'

The group made their way back to the ANV Chenyo, accompanied by Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred & his 'engineer' before being escorted through the hangar, a number of corridors and finally into the engineering section; Jai's pause made the group stop for a moment in an effort to keep everyone moving.

"Hmph," the Lieutenant gazed towards one of this soldiers, "Private Mendez will stay with you and catch you up once your.. visor? is sorted," the Lieutenant and the engineer continued on their way through the engineering section towards the storage facilities.

Once out of earshot, the Private chimed in out of concern, "Everything okay there?" However, he was position in a way that would allow Jai' to connect into the port without arousing too much suspicion- should he be quick about it.

After a few short moments Iliana also chimed in, "Once it's in, just hold it for a few seconds, I'll remotely interface into their network~ the more time you can give me, the better.."

Once everything was all sorted and Jai' had 'fixed' his headwear, the Private would lead the bounty hunter back to the group...

Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred

"Thank you Lieutenant," Jai remarked. And as he fiddled with the visor, he'd see his chance, and heard Iliana Röhr Iliana Röhr say she could take the lead on actually getting into the network. Good. He couldn't exactly say it at the moment, but he was really hoping she would fry his brain or something. He still didn't fully understand how to work the system in this capacity. He had his eyes down pat, sure, but not this. This wasn't his thing.... Maybe he needed to get with Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree again at some point to actually learn how to use this part of it. Now though, he'd manage to slip the plug down, hooking into the ship as he spoke to the Private.

"Yeah, yeah. All good. Just have to adjust it externally and in my head, if that makes sense. Haven't fried my brain yet though." This was a slightly sly way to ask Iliana to please not turn him into a vegetable. When he did plug it in though, the experience on his side was definitely something. The HUD of his cybernetic eyes would display a ton of data and information. The formatting almost seemed to change as Jai tried to find something that looked good to him. Able to somewhat see what Iliana was doing maybe. It was strange, and a bit disorienting, but once he knew the information was secured, he'd quickly pull the plug and continue fiddling for a moment.

"Ah! There we go. Sorry to hold everything up, Private." He walked along with the Private, looking around.

Meanwhile, the engineer was looking through the parts that were there already, using the list EW had given him.

"Well, this here should work... and this bit here."


'Space Ambience'

She made an educated guess on what the bounty hunter was after, "I'm in.. also, sorry.." a jolt of electricity ran back through the slicing chip, causing his helmet to temporarily to short out. Within a few moments, the display would return on his visor and Jai' could see what Iliana brought up on his screen.

Schematics of the ship~ an overlay and a direct route to the holding cells, of which there were plenty. "You've got what you need, it's all on you now," Iliana' pointed out, there was little else she could do except in an emergency.

Private Mendez continued to lead the ship captain to the engineering storage bay, to return to their group. Upon arrival, their hosts stood off to one side by the door while an Alliance engineer followed his engineer around the storage bay, patiently waiting to clear the scene...

Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred

Ow! Ok. Kark. That was a different feeling. The bounty hunter was definitely going to have to get use to that. As they walked back, with Jai hearing what Iliana had said before looking at Mendez. "Thanks. Hopefully we'll be done soon." Jai checked through the schematic. The cells. Where they were in relationship to the storage bay they seemed to be heading to. The hunter looked at engineer, giving him a tap to quietly say he had a lead. Of course in a way that was discreet. Then he looked around. Had to get to the cells somehow, and he couldn't really keep relying on someone else to run his cybernetics constantly. Probably have to do this the old fashion way.

He looked around, checking some of the things before he noticed a power cell. That might work.... No.... Well.... He checked for one more thing.... He saw some metal bits, and smiled a bit. He soon tossed the powercell when no one was looking. Shouldn't be dangerous or anything, if his guess was right, but a bit of fire and smoke to distract everyone, and let them hopefully be able to use the commotion to get to the cells. Or at least that was the plan.... And maybe meant he could take the headgear off for a while.

Iliana Röhr Iliana Röhr


'Space Ambience'


A steaming noise emanated from one side of the room, causing the Lieutenant and his soldiers, except one, to investigate the screeching noise accompanied by smoke. One soldier, however, remained by the door.. just in case their visitors should stray from the group.

Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred


Jai would quickly look at the helmsman, who nodded a bit before beginning to cough. He would move towards the door, continuing to hack his long out as Jai would quickly move to the door too. Looking at the soldier there. "I think he breathed some of that crap in. Can we get him out of here?" If that worked, Jai would think quick, waiting for a moment when the soldier was more focused on his friend, he'd quickly duck, removes the headgear and a jacket he had on before pulling a hood and face cover, and making sure he kept the data cable just in case.

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