Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Consequences of Failure

Good Men Don't Need Rules
"Sometimes in life, all we can do is live with the consequences."

Csilla is not the same from what it once was. A planet with life, culture. It once was. Now, it is gone. Planetary scraps of what was. A halo of junk, scrap, ships, satellites, and debris that only reminded me of that day. The Galactic Alliance had taken over the space and claimed it as their own. Attempting to go through the wreckage to recover what they could. A valiant effort, but honestly, just a ploy to keep the people who lost something here, happy.

Partly why I was here. I had lost... my companion. I fought for this planet. I cried, I sweat, and I bled for this planet to survive, yet I had failed. I tried, and failed.

This weighed heavily upon me. No amount of my strength, or determination mattered at the end of the day. The powers that be, allowed for this to happen. The Force allowed it. Sending me into a spiral of depression, anguish, and hatred. I started to take it out on other people needlessly. So I left. Leaving the galaxy to its own devices. Hanging up my weapons, and calling it a day. I'm not a Jedi anymore. Many of my thoughts, were of me never being a Jedi at the beginning. I didn't follow many of their ideals, didn't agree with how they seemed to parade themselves as righteous protectors of the galaxy. Their own existence invited competition. I had done research. Many that were found again. How the Je'daii and their civil war brought about the creation of the Dark Jedi, and the Sith. They created their own nemesis. I angered at this for far longer than I should have.

Now, I have made peace with it. The actions I took, brought about these consequences. Trying to be a Hero for everyone and everything.

A jolt of the carrier brought me out of my thoughts. The heavy rasping of equipment upon me. Breathers, Space suits and tools. Beside me, Garren chuckled and elbowed me with his enormous frame.

"Finally awake Varis?"
"You take everything so seriously man."
"Well I hope your rest was worth it. Cus we are taking apart one of them Maw ships today."
"Long day today?"
"Yeah, its gonna be if you keep up that attitude."

I stayed silent after that. Not really paying attention to the large man. In the time I had spent away from the galaxy, sent me here. Finding a job to take apart the remains of the battle over Csilla. While today our crew was taking apart a Brotherhood of the Maw ship apart, other crews might work on Galactic Alliance, Silver Jedi, Sith. When I got the job, they asked how much I knew of ships. All I said to them was that I served on Csilla aboard a Galactic Alliance ship. So I knew my way around it. While I had a new name now, I just tried my best to stay out of trouble.

The Carrier came to a stop. Anchoring to the Maw ship. All of us stood up and were preparing for our assignments of where to start. The Foreman walked down the isle and handed out chips that we could insert into the helmet and give us a mapping of the ship, and where we needed to be. Garren and I were given the starbord side of the ship bay. We were not to be taking apart the ship itself, but any left over ships inside. Silently I stood, and followed Garren to another day of work.

Consequences of what I had done.
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Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Ship: Link
Blasters | Lightsabers
Tag: Kaleleon Kaleleon

While Valery had still been stuck in stasis during the battle for Csilla, she very much understood the wider impact it had on the Galaxy. It ultimately was the start to what later would be referred to as the Second Great Hyperspace War, a conflict that saw the complete destruction of several other planets and so many lives lost. Valery had played a crucial role in ending it, with a Wall of Light summoned to cleanse the Maw's capital planet of Exegol, but the aftermath of that war was far from over.

That is what brought her out to the remains of Csilla today. To the Alliance, it was likely about propaganda and promotion to have her out here with maintenance and salvaging teams - a way to encourage them and show the people of the Alliance just how much its politicians cared. But to Valery, it was a lot more personal. She didn't want to forget about the war and what it had caused, and honor the people who worked so hard to pick up the pieces.

For that reason, she had also invited her husband and fellow Council Member Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble to join her.

Soon enough, Valery's shuttle docked with the carrier sent to the Maw wrecks, the ramp lowered, and Valery stepped out to take a first look around. She wondered if any of the crew cared enough to greet her. But whether or not they did, she was ready to head into the Maw ship as well.

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Kailani’s shuttle exited hyperspace before a massive debris field. There were some floating scraps of hull, and even larger sections of warships, strewn about like a child’s toys they were finished playing with.

He was hailed by the system authority. “State your intentions and transmit clearance codes,” came a gruff voice.

"This is Commander Kailani Fostu, for...personal reasons. I'd like to board the Maw ship," he said. Which was the truth. The Chiss Ascendancy had been brought to its knees by the Brotherhood, and in turn, destroying Kailani's family, leaving only him to survive. He couldn't even bring himself to say his true name.

The voice at the other end scoffed and said, "Well, I don't know if 'personal' visits are acceptable, Fostu. Yes, I called you Fostu, because I am also a commander. So maybe you should spend your vacation doing things other than reflecting on your past."

It was Kailani's turn to scoff. "I see that you're not up to date with the news. I have been promoted. I am a captain now. So you may call me Captain Fostu."

There was silence for a second, then the voice became more respectful. "Very well, Captain. You have been cleared for access. Just fly over to that carrier, dock, and they'll give you a space suit. There's probably not much air in those Maw ships, if any."

Kailani cut the transmission and throttled up. He was minutes away from being inside one of his greatest enemy's ships. Exhilerating. It would be quite the learning opportunity if the Brotherhood was still around, but (thank the Force), they weren't. His shuttle jolted as he docked to the carrier, and checked the pressure of the air lock. Good. He opened the hatch and crossed into the carrier, where a Quarren was fiddling with a breath valve. "Excuse me, I am joining you today. May I see where the other space suits are kept?"

The alien, busy with his repair work, merely pointed to a door in the bulkhead. Kailani thanked him, then went to see if space suits came in his size.

Kaleleon Kaleleon Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Valery Noble Valery Noble
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Leaning down over my work, a control panel for one of their smaller starfighters. The halo of my suit light keeping my work illuminated as the torch cut through the metal slowly, but at a steady pace. Leaving a red-white glow on the metal as the panel was being cut open. Once I had done so, I turned off the torch to pull out a cryo-sprayer. Using it to cool down the surface area so then I could reach inside and pull out the little bits of wiring and harnesses.

The wiring is old and antiquated, but still functional. One in which was wanted to be gathered and recycled, or to be turned in so then the Alliance could study and figure out how the Maw could use such old machinery and fuse it with newer components.

It was then, bright lights swept through the bay. A ship was coming in directly to the bay. A shuttle. Even before they landed, I knew it was big wigs. I wasn't paying attention for the most part. Just going back to my work and trying to get the quota for today. However, after the shuttle opened, I took a moment to look. Seeing that it was two Jedi Masters. Clearly. The air of superiority, of power, and titles. Garren spoke up to me about it.

"Dude, you see the Jedi? They look so cool coming here."
"Man, only you could make seeing Jedi first hand be depressing."
"They aren't all that great. Trust me."
"And how would you know?"
"Very long story."

Garren shook his head then walked up to the two jedi. Leaving his tools behind but make sure he was being respectful of them.

"Welcome Master Jedi. To what do we owe the pleasure of having you aboard?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani)

Sometimes terrible things happened when your ship was made of junk. Rayne was constantly surrounded by junk. Being a young aspiring explorer with a knack for machines didn't generally mean that you had access to the best resources at any time. Her ship was an ugly, plain and simple, and sometimes that meant that things broke. Most recently it was her heat waste sink, which had blown up on her not even a day ago. That found her stranded in Csilla's airspace, unable to make the jump to hyperspace at the risk of becoming a ball of fire.

Was this going to keep Rayne down? Hell no. Using a bit of her special connection to machines, the young woman cobbled together a makeshift jetpack and threw on a respirator before heading out into the wreckage of the old battle that had happened. She'd just slip into one of those ruined Mawite ships, yank a heat waste sink, then get the hell out of dodge.

To her pleasant surprise, the vessel she came across was still pressurized. A maintenance hatch from within one of the large engines lead her to an airlock that saw her enter a vessel that still had it's gravity, even if the ship was dark. Normally one would freak out, coming to the conclusion that it was a vessel currently being reconstructed, but the young scavenger saw it as an opportunity to take what she needed far easier. She got an easier space to navigate and they were unlikely to be looking at more banged up pieces of hardware, so as long as she was sneaky this would go off without a hitch.

So the Twi'lek made her way into a crawlspace and began to navigate her way around the vessel, looking for a heat waste sink. Rather than this, however, whenever the woman peered out of a grate to the larger ship below, she found herself looking at the crew...

And two Jedi Masters? Rayne could've sworn she had seen those two on the holo before.

Her leaning on the grate caused it to creak, cracking it open slightly. Rayne very quickly mouthed "chit" to herself as she scrambled to get out of view.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Ship: Link
Blasters | Lightsabers
Tag: Kaleleon Kaleleon Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to

"You know I've never actually been on a Maw ship before."

"Trust me, you haven't been missing out," Valery said with a chuckle, while she began to look around. She had been on several, ranging from Final Dawn ships with traditional imperial designs, to ships owned by the clans. But regardless of design, each one had an aura of hatred and darkness to them she could recognize even now, several years after the war had ended. Knowing that another war was on the horizon, it gave her the chills.

"Are they all this.. Dark?"

Valery turned to him, and shot him a teasing smirk, "No, love. I think they just forgot to turn on the lights." She looked away to a broken panel, and shook her head with a chuckle. "I think everything is just knocked offline." Or the salvaging crews decided to start with the on-board lighting, but she highly doubted that.

Finally, the two were approached by someone from the crew, and Valery greeted him with a warm smile, "We both decided to return to some of the locations where the Alliance fought against the Maw. We've been there for a lot of those clashes, but we wanted to recognize the work that goes into the aftermath. It's... often overlooked." Ship graveyards, thousands of people dead who needed to be moved, and all the damages done to infrastructure and more.

But the news outlets were far more focused on the battles themselves.

"Would it be alright for us to look around and talk to some of the people working here? We don't want to get in the way." She glanced at her husband for a second, before the sound of a rattling grate above her caught her attention. Kahlil surely heard that too, right?

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Kahlil chuckled. Nodded, just a bit. He did agree with her of course. It would be good of them to try and reach out, talk more with the people still recovering from the war with the Maw. He wasn't sure how many were still trying to recover.

That was a problem, if he was being honest.

"And help, if that's alright. I'm something of a mechanic myself."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kaleleon Kaleleon | Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to | Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani)
Good Men Don't Need Rules
I could overhear the Jedi masters talking to Garren. How he welcomed them quite easily. In turn, they treated him kindly, but also asked if they could tour the ship. I almost scoffed at that. Almost seemed like they wanted a vacation from paperwork and showing face on a long term recovery job that some people in the Alliance thought was unnecessary. I didn't care. But Garren would take care of it. He would likely just lead them along cus he was fascinated by the Jedi.

However, I heard shifting above me. Almost like something was in the vents. My eyes went up to look at it. I then started to look around and make sure nothing else was going on, when I realized my hand was on my saber. It was hidden under my protective gear, but I still had reached for it. In front of Jedi. I could hope they were not paying attention to that, or think I was trying to grab a blaster. Not a saber.

"No not at all Master Jedi. We have personal protection equipment should you require it, we just recommend keeping some distance from anyone using a torch. Sometimes the metal can spark or send slag flying. It would be more dangerous than just a burnt set of robes I'm afraid."

Garren also looked up to the creaking sound.

"It happens every now and again. A lot of Maw ships were not structurally sound to begin with. Worse with many of them being abandoned or damaged. We do have security forces aboard should anything happen. Though, we might not have to worry them with you two here. Haha!"

If I was standing right there, I would have been rubbing my nose and telling him to clean himself up.

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Valery Noble Valery Noble Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to

It was honestly a massive plus that Rayne was incapable of speaking. She would be absolutely panicking. Not that she wasn't, but it was better that whispering profanities that could be picked up on. The Twi'lek inched away from the hatch, continuing on to an internal chamber where the component of the heat waste sink she needed was being stored. It was one of hundreds, of course. Capital ships needed a ton to expel all the heat they generated. To that end they wouldn't miss one, right?

With nobody present and her prize sitting right in front of her, Rayne pulled out her tools and got to work uninstalling the component. She'd be out and gone before anyone even suspected someone was present.


The suit was rather bulky and spacious to Kailani, but it would do. He entered the airlock and hit the release button. A hatch slid shut behind him, gases flooded the compartment, and then the hatch ahead opened, revealing the star-dotted canvas of space. Kailani took a deep breath, then plunged into the abyss.

After all his time on Alliance warships, and pretty much all his life in space, the captain had never been in a zero-grav environment. Though that was usually reserved for spacetroopers and unfortunate starfighter pilots. Kailani thumbed the maneuvering jets and slowly glided around the ship, observing the damage. The hull was completely pierced through in some places. The holes were probably large enough to fit a few people at least. Missiles, then. He turned to face the hole and flew into it.

Kailani found himself in a wide corridor, completely devoid of light. He pressed a button on his wrist gauntlet and a glowrod illuminated his surroundings. With confidence, he moved further into the ship. Now to find the way to the bridge, and maybe make a few stops along the way...

Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Valery Noble Valery Noble Kaleleon Kaleleon


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Ship: Link
Blasters | Lightsabers
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Kaleleon Kaleleon Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani)

"And help, if that's alright. I'm something of a mechanic myself."

Valery perked a brow and shot him a grin that made it clear she was planning to tease him about it, but in front of this stranger, she decided against it. For now, anyway. Instead, she turned to the man and listened to him with a patient smile. A part of her had worried that the workers would find their presence annoying, as they were technically interrupting their work. But at least one seemed to be quite welcoming.

The shifting of something above her did pull Valery's gaze away again, and just off in the distance, she spotted a figure who she focused on for just a moment.

"Hmm, I don't know. I think something's up there," she said, her senses expanding to try and find something. Valery wasn't sure what, but she had this feeling there was more to it than just the poor condition of the ship.

"Well, let's go look around then, hm?" She asked her husband after snapping out of her trance, "And see where you can show off those mechanical skills of yours~" she hummed with a sing-song voice to tease just a tiny bit.



Someone was up there. Kahlil hummed for a moment as he looked up, felt through the Force for what was happening. He was, surprisingly, quite used to having someone in the vents and small sections of his own ship. His mechanic, Sassshra Sassshra , very much slithered all throughout his ship to make sure the Bastion was in tip top shape, so he got used to making sure he knew where his friend was.

Though that wasn't the only thing he felt.

"There's someone up there. Not sure what they're doing, but it's dangerous."

He turned his gaze back to the man, then past him towards Kaleleon.

"I didn't realize there were other Jedi already here, though."

Kaleleon Kaleleon | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to | Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani)

Rayne had it. A heat waste sink at last. Now she could get off this scrap heap and get the hell out of dodge. The woman strapped the component to her back with some loose cable before making her way back into the crawl space, passing over the small gap when...

"There's someone up there. Not sure what they're doing, but it's dangerous."


Rayne didn't say this of course. She was incapable of speaking, but the young scrapper began to sweat a little more when she heard the conversation below. Stupid Jedi and their sensing things. The Twi'lek quickly thought of something to use as a distraction, reaching out to feel for equipment in the room...

There. A security droid, not too far from the entrance. All she had to do was worm her way into it's circutry.

"Be advised," the security droid spoke out, "Breach detected in the lower engine."

That should suffice. With that Rayne began to hurry herself down the crawl space.


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