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Commenor Liberation Ceremony

[member="Veiere Arenais"][member="Natalija"]

Id go with what Veirere has said, remember the planet is coming out of sith occupation, a blockade and a pretty massive rebellion. Some people are going to be displaced but the planet is recovering and will return to its glory.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner

Sorry to do this to you again, but as I wrote in my first post, security at the Palace is high. There is no way that you could go in, set charges/explosives and have them go off, especially in one post leaving us no room to react and stop it.

So please edit your post. Also, as listed in the tags for the ceremony, it states that there is to be no bloodshed. So no blowing people up or crushing the building :p
And im sory to do this, but... nobody else seems to have a problem vith my posts, exept you. I cant help but wonder why that is so. Im ading a litle excitment to vhat wuld othervise be a totaly prediktable celebration. And as [member="Allyson Locke"] and [member="Veiere Arenais"] hav sayed, there wil be some time before the society on the planet recovers from vhat its been thru. Some ppl are not hapy, and Xi is taking advantage of that, to try and get her mision done.

Security may be high, but its not in-penetrable. And the charges wer put on the lowest level. Unles you got a vhole army of security, theres no way they can cover the vhole building vith enogh numbers to prevent that. Thoze few guys that wer down there, got suprized by Xi and the thugs and killed. I dont see the problem.

Now Xi is insyde, but realisticly, vhat chance doez she have to actualy kill you? Not much, vith all the ppl around, and all the allied players around you. I fuly expekt her to get captured, but her profesional pride wil not let her just abandon the asignment. In fact, i see this as a good "in lore" reazon why Xi left the service of Atrisia. She failed her mission, and wuld not want to return to her mistress in failure (as you may or may not know, I maked Xi a member of Jen'ari Empire), so this is a perfekt oportunity to show-case that failure, vhich maked her just up and run, and find a new faction.

My post stands.
[member="Natalija"] | [member="Lady Kay"]

The thread has been tagged "No Bloodshed".

I wasn't fussed with your previous post because of the likelihood that your characters perspective and environmental conditions following the occupation, were realistic.

This thread however is "open to all allies". It is a celebration of the Faction's story-line, and being a Co-Admin of Commenor, I have to agree with Kay.

Can you please edit your post so that the event can continue for the Faction Thread, and people can continue to enjoy it.

Well, for starters the thread was made and the tags state that no blood is to be shed. Which, is exactly what you're doing. Also, nobody else has a 'problem' with your post because its the position of the thread owner to speak up on the matter.

Also, I don't know what kind of Palace you imagine but I'm not exactly sure this one has 'lower levels'. Not to mention not only are your thugs a obvious misrepresentation of the Commenor people. Also, you're adding excitement to the thread for yourself, don't speak for the rest of us. And, the two Monarch's of the once Empire sized Commenor and her allies are at this event so yea, a whole armies worth of security would be no surprise.

Your post isn't entirely unfeasible, but it very clearly goes against the direct wishes of the thread as a dialogue centric story base. I'm with [member="Veiere Arenais"] and [member="Lady Kay"]. You should just change your post.
[member="Veiere Arenais"] Funy tho. You alredy actualy liked my post, and now you agree that its bad? Hmmmmm... Kontradiktion, much? Also funy how you sudenly swich your opinion like that. Why do i get a distinkt impresion your just jumping on [member="Lady Kay"] band wagon cuz you dont want to piss her of?

At risk of sounding bad, I skim read a lot, especially threads that don't tag me (though you did link us, obviously I wasn't notified of your post). I'm quick to "like" posts that contribute to faction threads based purely on the fact that people are enjoying and participating in our stories. I've also only just realized that you play Xi Rell when I went looking for the thread in question and checked the characters profile lol.

You're very quick to make assumptions.

Please edit your post.
Let me get this straigt - you didnt realyze I vas playing Xi until now? Riiiight. :p

Yea im quick to make asumptions, and they are usualy the korekt ones. Ive learned to trust my intuition a long time ago. Aniway, you know vhat... Il make it easy for you, i'l just pull Xi out completly. No point in playing her in a RP that is obviusly dezigned to be a utopian paradise, and [member="Lady Kay"] s personal playground. Il leave you guys to it.

Have fun.
Its ok. Xi is gone. No more problem. And if anione has some "growing up" to do, its not me.

This is a sandbox RP vhere evrything is perfekt. Ok, i get it. No room for Xi there, cuz shes not perfekt. Not being spiteful, just stating facts.

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