Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Come Get A Slave

Lucien smiled and brought his sword back to his side. He was glad to have been able to settle the matter before [member="Cadan Tazi"] was 'called away' Lucien stepped forward and bent down to pick up the data-pad. As he did so a missile whistled over his head, he gasped and swore internally you knew things were getting crazy when people shot missiles into markets. Unflappable as ever Lucien stood up and moved toward the cages recently abandoned by @Ka-Aver. "You heard your boss, the boy s mine now" He laid a hand on [member="Tulkas"] 's now defunct cage before placing the data pad on top "Someone needs to confirm these account details " He said collaring one of the cartel loading the slaves. Once the money was transferred Lucien ordered Tulkas's chains be struck off and a notice of sale be scribbled down.

Then he knelt down in front of the boy. "eyes on me" He ordered again deploying the same level of force persuasion as the first time (Excepting of course if [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] is anywhere near) "I want to get you to safety , then you have a choice over what you do " He reached his hand into the cage "Will you come with me?" He asked seeing the fear in the boys eyes, Lucien was scared and he was a sith lord so he could only image how the boy felt, it would be over soon though.
Tulkas stares up at the man on the order, Giving Lucien his undivided attention. He wanted to get me to safety? surprising everyone here just seemed like they want to fight but then again Tulkas could see Lucien was different, he didn't need violence to fight his battles.

Tulkas nods to answer him he wanted to go somewhere safe a sound doesn't peep from his mouth just a quiet nod. "Yes I will come with you." He says quietly nodding.

OOC:Sorry it took ages for me to response I've been quite busy.

[member="Lucien Cordel"]
(OOC : Don't worry, take all the time you need)

Lucien took hold of the boys hand pulling him out of the cage before picking the boy up and holding him to his left side. He did this for two reasons primarily to allow him to move faster given he wouldn't need to worry about [member="Tulkas"] keeping up but he was also concerned that given recent events and having been trapped in a cage for who knows how long the boy might be more comfortable being carried. Sword in hand lucien took Tulkas back away from the cages to a quite corner of the slave market whilst he thought of the best way to get to the union line.

He supposed he could just cut his was through slave and slaver alike but that seemed a rather gory plan and the boy had suffered enough psychological trauma for one day. The only other course was a hurried approach. Lucien turned back to Tulkas. "We need to go through the crowd but once we are through I can find you some food and get you something for where the chains have rubbed. Can you run or would you prefer I carry you ?" He asked whilst silently working out the safest path.
[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]

So the man had, like, seven Ysalamir he carried around. Adekos had no idea what had happened in the galaxy to downgrade Ysalamir from "rare and exotic animal" to "readily available tacky pet." Perhaps the Mandalorians had held a garage sale. It made sense, Jaster did seem the Mandalorian type. But even those knuckle-dragging primitives hardly showed anything but apathy towards slavery. While Jaster spoke freely and busied himself strapping lizards to his back and tossing weapons to the floor, Adekos elected to make a tactical retreat. The Umbaran fled and, once outside the Ysalamir's field of influence, vanished into thin air. Ysalamir were rather inconvenient creatures and Adekos' combat prowess drastically limited when they were fielded. Fortunately, reinforcements were about to arrive.

The first dropship swept over the area Adekos had previously been hanging around in, blasting the ground with an assortment of laser cannons and tearing through Jaster's corporate security personnel. Missiles from its underside were ejected as well, slamming into clusters of pirates, Trade Conglomerate goons, and any other assorted riff-raff still found standing around. The dropship continued past after sowing further general chaos, making room for two more dropships to descend and drop off reinforcements.

The dropships bore a close resemblance to the HMP Droid Gunship, though they weren't the same model. In actuality they were a prototype of a venture between Haor Chall Engineering and Hegemonic Automaton. That was hardly relevant, though. In place of the missiles the first dropship had used, these were fitted with deployment racks for Talos-Series Battle Droids. Twenty-five TA1 Battle Droids and five TA2 Super Battle Droids now entered the battlefield, and opened fire on any decidedly non-Techno Union elements. One TA2 would start with the Mandalorian that had encumbered himself by strapping a live animal to his back. It grumbled something to its comrades, activated its arm-mounted energy shield, and proceeded to open fire on Jaster with its heavy rotary blaster cannon- fully automatic.

More were likely on the way.


If one traveled to a hundred different places one might find a thousand shades of pirates. The Heralds of Chaos were no exception. A motley crew, they'd followed Captain Shorn sand side to pillage the tarnation out of the infernal slavers. She seldom let her band of corsairs unleash their full cruelty. But slavers were a special brand of knave. As far as she was concerned, her pirates were free to wantonly carouse in puddles and lakes of slaver blood.

And so they did.

Friendly games of sabacc ended in flipped tables and slit throats as the Heralds, hitherto merely frequenters of the lavish slave-stand pavilions, now took the side of the law enforcement. The ragtag scalawags were not much for irony. Especially not when the Techno union paid handsomely for such jobs.

The sand soon soaked in scarlet.

Kate paid them little mind, looking about for some pathetic form of resistance in this cesspool. She found it in the form of [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]. Lining up a bead at the man who stood so proudly against the Techno Union, Shorn fired at his back. A thin silvery beam leapt forth from her QQ-83n sidearm. The stun beam could go through armor, bend around lightsabers and would paralyze any limb it struck. If it hit him square on, well, Jaster would suddenly have the irresistible and immediate urge to take a nap.

[member="Katya Shorn"] [member="Adekos"]

While Jaster was dealing with the Rouge Jedi, it would have seemed that the Sith he was confronted with turned to tactics that would allow him to flee and fight another day. This was the soundest tactics a Force User could take when facing a Mandlorian who carried a Ysalamir. That was when Jaster was looking to the skies and saw later fire fall from the heavens through the canopy that covered them into his men. They were nearly obliterated before they could react. Only a handful of officers still stood and started to engage the Droids of the Tecno Union, it was only a matter of time before they broke through.

Jaster however was forced to take on one of the bigger Droids and unfortunalty he didn't carry any EMP grenades on this trip. When trading for slaves, one useraly doesn't account for the Law Enforcement to raid your action house and you staying around long enough for them to deploy droids. Jaster however was stubborn in keeping his identity a secreat from the Techno Union.

The droids fired its massive cannons and Jaster did his best to dodge the beans of light, only quick enough to pick up his weapon. He left his coat and the protocol droid with him, who was later shot in the head and left to die. Jaster took cover behind the stage, but not before taking a shocking surprise with him.

The beam that the Scumm shot at him had effectively hit him in the left forearm, a truely lucky shot. Jaster was unable to move or even lift his arm, it seemed like the beam was some type of neurological suppressant. This would mean fighting with the double Electro-Staff would be beyond difficult, he needed to get out of here.

This wasn't Jasters first time leaving his men to die, and as such he pulled out a hand full of thermal grenades and threw them at the droid. The trick was that they were not explosives, but Anti-Thermal Smoke Grenades, prototypes from Umbrella Interest. With the Ysalamir still attached to him, it would make it nearly impossible to be detected through the force. He would now have the time to run and escape from the gunships and droids, but not for long. The Ysalamir seemed to have entered a state of shock, it would only live for another few hours before dying and Jaster was then detectable. He made a run for it none the less, narrowly missing random blaster fire from the large droid.

It would take 2 weeks before Jaster was able to leave the planet and another before leaving Techie Space.

*Exit Thread


The idea that Shorn's very explicitly stated stun beam weapon could somehow be some sort of dart gun was... baffling. Even more ludicrous was the notion that somehow resistance to chemicals and poisons boosted the central nervous system to such a degree that it could be capable of resisting foreign electrical impulses. Perhaps his resistance to 'chemicals' wouldn't have faired so well if the heavens had opened up their gates and smote him with a lightning bolt. Then again, he probably would have just giggled at the tingling sensation and gone on to admire his foresight in replacing his skin with a non-conductive rubber synth flesh made from the hides of ysalamiri.

Kate paid the fleeing caitiff little heed. She turned back and, along with [member="Adekos"]' droids and her own crew, began dispatching every last worthless ingrate from this bezonian hive.
Tulkas squeezes the hand weakly to be pulled out of the cage. Being held in the arms of another comforted Tulkas, his legs and arms weak from the lack of food the slavers supplied. he prefers to be carried but that is not a good first impression.

Nodding his head "Yea I think I can run." he is weakened a lot by being starved, his skin tightened to the bone showing off his rib cage and variety of bones.

But this is something he wanted to do make himself look stronger, look better.

[member="Lucien Cordel"]
Lucien frowned [member="Tulkas"] didn't look strong enough to run, he had asked only to comfort Tulkas. However Lucien wasn't going to stop him. Lucien helped him up then knelt beside him "Stick to the edges of the crowd, I'll follow behind you " That way he could defend Tulkas if needed of grab him up and carry him in the likely event that he fainted.

"Run towards the soldiers, don't stop until you reach them no matter what happens, I'll deal with any who try to attack you "

Then he tapped tulkas on the shoulder indicating for him to go, Once he had set off lucien followed at pace behind him. He only hoped his son had been able to make it out given that the fighting was far thicker when he had been turned loose.
Tulkas planted his feet on the ground, grinding his teeth together, clinching his fist's weakly. He nods to Lucien signalling that he understands, to go to the solders and don't turn back.

He begins to step forth in a quick pace almost jogging, but nothing quicker. His breathing heavy, like a tired dieing old man on his death bed. The fatigue takes it's effects early forcing Tulkas to stumble and on ocasion trip but he continues to push forward no matter the scraps and stretches he gets.

By the time Tulkas gets close the solders he falls into a extremely slow pace dragging his bare feet on the ground. Falling to his knees holding his stomach in deep pain from hunger, breathing heavily he is just slightly happy he made it to the solders.

[member="Lucien Cordel"]

(OOC: Is this thread continuing I'm not sure to wait for anybody or anything?????)
(The Pvp's done so no need to wait for people we can stop next post and move to a private thread, to start training etc.)

Lucien followed behind Tulkas, he didn't have time for concern over [member="Tulkas"], not until they were out of the battle.

Having been weighed down by the crowd in a more significant way than the boy, given their distinct height difference. He none the less emerged behind Tulkas shortly after his collapse. His sword was splattered with blood and spots could be seen having sprayed across his right side. That wasn't important to him for now. He picked the boy up again, the less time he spent here the better "Good job, young man , good job" He sighed " We'll get you some food and rest now" He added rubbing the boys back gently.

He moved through the line of soldiers. "My son?" He asked the nearest one, Desperation clear in his voice. "Safe and well on your yacht sir" came the reply. Lucien exhaled in relief "Tell Mr. Ardik I'll have a report on this mess to him in due course and the papers for adopting this young man soon after." He needed a rest now, so did Tulkas too it seemed which was hardly surprising.

It was a relatively short walk back to his yacht and lucien was pleased to see little media presence, no doubt there would be requests for statements in the morning though. Once inside the yacht swiftly pulled away and Lucien carried Tulkas through to the lounge of his yacht, depositing him on the coach. "Stay here, I'm just gonna get some bacta cream for the areas where your chains have rubbed and someone will bring you some food" Nothing Heavy of course given his recent malnutrition too much food all at once would make him sick.

He diverted past the on ship quarters of his son, he was pleased to see his son was asleep in bed. He picked up the cream and instructed his staff to make some soup for Tulkas, that should be safe. They would have to gradually build up to meat. Then he returned to Tulkas. "I'll put some of this on the scrapes and grazes ... unless you'd prefer to do it" Lucien said softly taking a seat beside Tulkas. He wasn't sure how comfortable Tulkas was with him yet and he didn't want to be overbearing.
(Yeah I agree did you just want to move to a private??)

Tulkas was glad to be helped the rest of the way to the ship, with a soft voice "Thanks."

Being placed on the lounge was the most comfortable he has been in a long time since he was taken. and the soon to come soup the hospitality of [member="Lucien Cordel"] kept surprising him, curiously he thought about who is this man and why is he being so nice. But the thoughts are interrupted quickly from the thoughts of food.

He nods to lucien accepting his help with the scaps and grazes "Can I ask who are you exactly sir?"
Lucien nodded "of course " Then he set about dealing with the various scrapes and grazes, dealing with scrapes had become second nature to lucien now that is son had taken to regularly climbing trees and then falling out. "My name is Lucien Cordel, I'm finance minister in the Techno Union amongst other things" He smiled "You don't need to call me sir if you don't want, you're not a slave anymore Lucien is fine" He finished up on Tulkas and tutted "They really did a number on you young man" He sighed, he could hardly imagine the suffering [member="Tulkas"] tulkas must have gone through.

"You stay there and finish that soup, I'll go and make sure they have made a bed up for you. Then you can go to sleep and we'll talk in the morning.

(I'll set a thread up now)

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