Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Coachelle_Prime [Canon]


  • Planet Name: Coachelle Prime
  • Demonym: Lepi (Lepus Carnivorus)
  • Region: Mid Rim P10 Mid Rim
  • System Name: Coachelle System
  • System Features: 1 sun, 5 planets, asteroid belt. Coachelle Prime is first planet and became shrouded in streamers of gas and dust from the Thornhedge Nebula
  • Location: Terr'skiar sector at the in the Silly Rabbit Contstellation'skiar_sector
  • Major Imports: Food, ore, alloys
  • Major Exports: [ What does the planet produce and bring to the galaxy, note that not all planets have to produce things. They can be barren or have riches yet to be discovered. Common materials and ores should just be listed (Ex. Durasteel ore), while anything special or rare should be linked. ] Droids, computers, precious metals and rare earths from the asteroid belt
  • Unexploited Resources: Depleted after Millenia of overpopulation. The other plantes and especially the asteroid belt are mined for resources.
    • Gravity: Standard
    • Climate: Temperate and ontrolled
    • Primary Terrain: Grassland, Mountains, Oceans, Swamps, Artificial, Synthetic, "Warrens" (underground dense, planetwide multilevel urban cities)
    • Atmosphere Type I,
      • Capital City: No Capital. All warrens are connected and equal. Decentralized administration.
      • Planetary Features: Interconnected underground cities, giant industrial complexes of Coachelle Automata

        • Native Species: Lepi
        • Immigrated Species:
        • Population: Crowded
          • Demographics: Mostly Lepi
          • Primary Languages:Galactic Basic, Lepese
          • Culture: Lepus carnivorus society revolves around the vast warrens they built under the surface of their planets. Larger families lived in their own smaller burrows. Lepi were fiercely loyal and proud of their families. They were quick to anger and prone to violence, especially in reaction to insults to their family or species. Their awkward appearance subject them to mockery. However, as a whole, Lepi are typically a gregarious species, quick witted with a strong sense of humor. The Lepi are often curious and impulsive, leading many to seek out adventure far from their homeworlds.
          • Government: Corporate socialism with Meritocratic leadership
          • Affiliation: The people elect corporate politicians into an administrative and political board. The president of Coachelle Automata functions also as asenator of the planets owned or affiliated to the corporation.
          • Wealth:Wealthy One of the biggest droid manufacturing corporation of the Galaxy.
          • Stability: High
          • . Are there major issues causing unrest? Is this a planet of chaos or one of peaceful law-abiding citizens? Is it dangerous for travellers to visit or are you safe as an outsider? Describe the general feel and theme of any overarching government or rulers/leaders in this city. ] Productive and strict society with social point sstem for privileges. Free Healthcare, real estate and discout for good behaving Lepi
          • Freedom & Oppression: [ Describe the atmosphere of freedom on this planet. Are the people fairly free or is oppression of society and commerce heavy? Does it have a dictatorial ruler? Is fear of the ruling body prevalent? Relaxed and open? Is anything unusual illegal or permitted? ] The social pressure of enormous overpopulation and the strict point system based society with many juvenile remand centers to resocialize young misfits led to many rebellious young Lepi leaving the system. This is secretly encouraged. Old remnants of religious cults and political conservatives are a moderate source of social unrest. The high level of droid and computer use with no restrictions leds to tight control of the population by the Secret Police and Coachelle Automata.
          • Military: A space-faring world with a substantial navy and a giant arsenal of droids and military hardware.
          • Technology: Top notch of the Galactic Standard
          In response to overpopulation on Coachelle Prime, the Lepi invented the hyperdrive and went on to colonize all the other worlds in their star system. They made contact with the Republic before 3637 BBY.
          The Ootmian Pabol trade route was one of the major routes to the Hutt Space and the early Lepi suffered greatly from raids by slavers. The sudden super nova and creation of the Thornhedge Nebula in the 4th Millennia BBY disrupted the trade route, and it declined. That was a relief for the Lepi even if conquerors and slavers stayed a problem in times of Galactic turmoil in the future.
          The overpopulation still remained and were the reason for many conflicts and civil strife.
          With the reformation of government by Coachelle Automata all that changed. The time of wars for resources was at an end, and a new united Coachelle became a major contributor of droids. Slyly, the clever lagomorphs specialized in civilian droids and were never a focus for warlords.
Lupheri Heff Lupheri Heff

Thanks for making this submission to the Codex. It's a good starting point, however, I feel it's still at a work in progress stage. As such, I'm moving this to the Pre-Codex. You can keep working on it there, and when you're ready, repost the finished submission.

Here's my feedback:

This is a canon planet. We allow submissions to expand on canon planets, usually either to expand on stub Wookiepedia articles, or to expand the lore to include Chaos canon. However, it's important that a canon planet submission adds something to the world for RP purposes, more than what the Wookiepedia article provides.

In many places you have copied text over, and not significantly expanded on it (history, culture for example). That brings into question why this needs to be a submission in the first place.

Location: Terr'skiar sector at the in the Silly Rabbit Contstellation
This entry doesn't seem thematically appropriate with Star Wars. In any case, the "Silly Rabbit Constellation" is not mentioned or elaborated on again.

Climate: Temperate and ontrolled
What do you mean by controlled? If this is part of your new vision for the planet, this would be good to expand upon.

In regards to formatting (these aren't necessarily mandatory, but would go a long way to make your submission present better)
Major Exports: [ What does the planet produce and bring to the galaxy, note that not all planets have to produce things. They can be barren or have riches yet to be discovered. Common materials and ores should just be listed (Ex. Durasteel ore), while anything special or rare should be linked. ] Droids, computers, precious metals and rare earths from the asteroid belt
Try to make the sub look as clean as possible. The section in brackets after the template entry is intended to give you ideas of what we're looking for. Overall your submission ends up with a lot of unnecessary text when all of this is included. We want your creation to shine, not the template :) In the example above, the section in red can be removed.

* Everything is in bold. I'd recommended only leaving the various points of the template (gravity, climate, primary terrain, etc) in bold, or nothing at all.

* The text keeps shifting towards the middle. I don't believe this is intentional. I'd mark the entire text and align it to the left.

I also want to throw out there that the Codex is completely optional. If you want your character to play an important role on Coachelle Prime, you don't have to make a sub to do that. In many cases, it can even be recommended to write that arc out with others, which could give you more material when you finally make the submission, which in the end makes it all way more substantial. That's just a tip though.

If you need help with how to do any of these, feel free to shoot me a PM! We're here to help :)

Hope to see this back again in the future.
Lupheri Heff Lupheri Heff

Thanks for making this submission to the Codex. It's a good starting point, however, I feel it's still at a work in progress stage. As such, I'm moving this to the Pre-Codex. You can keep working on it there, and when you're ready, repost the finished submission.

Here's my feedback:

This is a canon planet. We allow submissions to expand on canon planets, usually either to expand on stub Wookiepedia articles, or to expand the lore to include Chaos canon. However, it's important that a canon planet submission adds something to the world for RP purposes, more than what the Wookiepedia article provides.

In many places you have copied text over, and not significantly expanded on it (history, culture for example). That brings into question why this needs to be a submission in the first place.

This entry doesn't seem thematically appropriate with Star Wars. In any case, the "Silly Rabbit Constellation" is not mentioned or elaborated on again.

What do you mean by controlled? If this is part of your new vision for the planet, this would be good to expand upon.

In regards to formatting (these aren't necessarily mandatory, but would go a long way to make your submission present better)

Try to make the sub look as clean as possible. The section in brackets after the template entry is intended to give you ideas of what we're looking for. Overall your submission ends up with a lot of unnecessary text when all of this is included. We want your creation to shine, not the template :) In the example above, the section in red can be removed.

* Everything is in bold. I'd recommended only leaving the various points of the template (gravity, climate, primary terrain, etc) in bold, or nothing at all.

* The text keeps shifting towards the middle. I don't believe this is intentional. I'd mark the entire text and align it to the left.

I also want to throw out there that the Codex is completely optional. If you want your character to play an important role on Coachelle Prime, you don't have to make a sub to do that. In many cases, it can even be recommended to write that arc out with others, which could give you more material when you finally make the submission, which in the end makes it all way more substantial. That's just a tip though.

If you need help with how to do any of these, feel free to shoot me a PM! We're here to help :)

Hope to see this back again in the future.
Thanks for the feedback.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Feel free to erase the submission.
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