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Approved NPC Circarpous Sector Infantry Regiment

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  • Unit Name: Circarpous Sector Infantry Regiment (CSIR)
  • Affiliation: Silver Jedi Concord
  • Classification: Line Regiment
  • Description: Some troops are galaxy famous simply by virtue of their famed ancestors or association with a famous leader. The history of some troops is nearly resigned to oblivion, but they are utterly vital to a nation's success. The soldiers of the Circarpous Sector belong to the latter. Recruited largely from the slums of Circarpous IV and Gyndine, these rough infantry nonetheless are well trained, equipped, and led by surprising intellectually gifted cadre of officers who take full advantage of their soldier's background in the slums to turn them into capable urban warriors. Whether conducting vicious street ambushes or stalwartly holding off enemy advances from improvised fighting positions within the rubble of a ruined city, the troops of the CSIR are among the finest urban warriors that the Silver Jedi Concord can call upon in their time of need.

  • Urban Bred: CSIR troops are largely recruited from the more urban areas of the Circarpous Sector, notably on Gyndine and Circarpous IV, where many come from the lower levels of society. To grow up in such rough spots prone to gang violence and murders, most of the soldiers have good survival instincts in urban areas, often having a heightened sense of hearing of things that "seem off" or seeing things that just "don't look right". Not only do they tend to be good at detecting ambushes and enemy movements in such areas, but they tend to be fairly good at eluding these dangers or even simply moving in sprawling crowds or quickly through artificial structures.
  • Wolf Pack Tactics: CSIR training places great emphasis on its soldiers fighting in small fire teams, where the group acts as a cohesive whole rather than a motley collection of individuals. Combat formations and contingency plans are well-rehearsed at the squad level, allowing CSIR soldiers to double or even triple team their opponents to quickly and methodically make short work of many of their opponents.
  • Close Quarter Fighters: CSIR troops are well trained and competent in close quarter fighting, practicing a local form of an K'tara. This local form can incorporate the use of simultaneously wielding both a shotgun pistol and a stun baton, where the baton is used to manipulate foes into vulnerable positions before a coup de grace is delivered by the pistol.
  • Fish Out of Water (Wilderness): CSIR troops are almost exclusively from and train in dense urban areas. Consequently, they tend to be very much out of place in the wilderness or sparsely populated places where nature dominates the terrain.
  • Short-Range Weapons: While CSIR squads carry a few long-range weapons, the majority of their weapons are relatively short-ranged blasters and shotguns.
  • On Foot: CSIR troops move on their feet, meaning that they are often slower than some of their opponents, such as mechanized infantry, walkers, or tanks.
While infantry are the backbone of most galactic powers and governments, their capabilities can vary widely depending on their background - where they are from, how they have been trained, and how they have been equipped. The Circarpous Sector Infantry Regiments are excellent case studies in how these factors can evolve more specialized units. CSIRs are raised up primarily from the lower classes of dense, highly urban areas. While originally raised strictly to defend these areas, the sector's membership into the Concord encouraged standardization across the local defense forces as well as frequent deployments outside their sector at the behest of their Silver Assembly's members. Training and equipment was standardized, allowing the regiments to be more interchangeable with each other for the common defense. Yet the bulk of the sector's population is very much urban based, which has led to a certain inherent homogeneity not found elsewhere in the Concord's territories. Most soldiers within the CSIRs had rough upbringings on the lower levels of these cities, making them already predisposed to being better urban fighters than most of their contemporaries. Consequently, while most CSIRs continue to be stationed to defend their worlds, a notable number of CSIRs have been moved by the Concord to fight or defend in dense, artificial terrain. One regiment, the 10th Gyndine Guards, earned an enviable reputation of holding the ruins of the city of Terram against an equal number of Baedurin during the Bryn'adul Empire's invasion of Concord space by frequently ambushing their enemies and then slipping away to hide in underground sewers when more Bryn'adul troops converged on their positions.
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