Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Chiloon Rift Hex Rebellion


Nice to see Prime back. :D

Rakieh Atur said:
Objective: OJT and helping Arisa Yune track down Aria Vale, and company

[member="Rakieh Atur"], were you planning on a fight? I don't mind, but with [member="Arisa Yune"], [member="Judas Foster"] and [member="Teresa Shan"] all on my tail, [member="Vaylin"] and I are getting a bit swarmed.

We can work something out either way though, just let me know.

Rakieh Atur

The Watchman's Apprentice
[member="Aria Vale"]

In theory, I am. [member="Arisa Yune"] and I had a conversation OOC about me joining her on this mission, which sounded fantastic.

If it helps any, Rakieh has very little combat experience, and I'm willing to work something out if you need to shave a guy off the enemy roster. We can discuss details if you like. Alternatively, if you're uncomfortable with me being there, I can work something out with Arisa and pull myself out of the thread.
[member="Aria Vale"] I had been hoping for a clash because of our ties to the SJO, and myself being one of the remaining Shadows, but I can buzz off and find something else to do. My intent wasn't to overload you. Perhaps next time.

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