Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Revamp


Sorry to take up your time with this stupid question, but can people revamp their characters? Like, completely make their characters up, without the same history as played out before? I do love my character Amee, but where she went since I started RPing her isn't at all what I wanted, and I want to start over with her. Aside her myriad singlet I bought her, I want to scrap everything she's been since her first RP, including skills, joined factions, and history. Is it possible and allowed to do that? She's still apprentice rank.

Thank you,
~ Elvira.
You can, there's nothing stopping you. This has been done numerous times by people before, with varying results.

Obviously it's easier to do now since you're still relatively new, but be warned that in general, this is a frowned upon practice as it messes with the established stories of those you've been involved with.

Your character is your own. You can do whatever you want with her (within reason, ofc) and whether or not to revamp her is entirely up to you. Repeated revamping would most likely confuse people, however, so you might not want to it too often. ;)

Connor Harrison

Of course [member=Amee] - she is your character, this is your work so there are no rules to say what you can or can't do with them.

I did this to Connor here, re-worked his biography, found new imagery and "relaunched" him, and he's gone from there.

Just re-write your bio, post in it that you've updated her so everyone can see and get to understand the "new" character, and go from there - join a new Faction, make new footprints, enjoy yourself and have fun. That's the most important thing so do what you need to do.

Just don't do it TOO often (once is probably best) so it gives people a chance to bond and form good working RP relationships with you.


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