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Character Chant Sindhu

Chant Sindhu

Chant Sindhu


NAME: Chant Sindhu

FACTION: CIS/Kingdom of Naboo

RANK: Royal Guard/Starfighter Pilot

SPECIES: Mon Calamari

AGE: 20

SEX: Female


WEIGHT: 123lbs

EYES: Black

HAIR: None

SKIN: Blue with teal spots



Talented pilot and technician(fighter craft, speeders, small subcraft and light freighters only)

Natural born swimmer due to her species and background from Dac.

Trained sharpshooter with basic first aid training(not a medical expert.)

Extremely dry worlds are harsh on her health.

Outside of Basic and droidspeak, Chant can’t speak nor understand any other languages.

Chant also struggles with heavy blasters due the such weapons’ weight and high recoil.

Stands five feet and seven inches tall. As typical of Mon Calamari she has a high-domed head, large goggle eyes and webbed hands. Chant’s feet are shaped like flippers and can fit boots made for humanoid depending on the size. Her skin tone is blue with teal colored spots, marking her origins from one of Dac’s polar regions.

As for attire, Chant wears a uniform of the royal guard custom designed for her species. In addition she has a royal flying corps uniform for flight duties. When off duty the Mon Calamari wears various casual clothes. Inculding her favorite blue jacket with matching pants and dark boots.

Chant Sindhu was born the second youngest in a large family of seven on Dac. Her parents were technicians that worked for a local ship building company. Growing up she learned the story of an ancestor named Sallah who fought in the Galactic Civil War as a fighter pilot for the Rebellion. Inspired by this proud heritage young Chant dreamed of becoming such a pilot herself.

At age ten the company her family worked for went bankrupt and they fell on hard times. Out of desperation the Sindhu Clan immigrated for the Mid Rim world of Naboo, specifically settling down in the Keren spaceport. Chant was deeply upset at having to move from everything she knew and found it difficult to adjust. As time passed however, the young Mon Calamari grew to love Naboo and made new friends that she grew very close to.

In her teenage years when not occupied with school or helping family with work Chant took every opportunity to learn how to drive speeders, swoop bikes, small sub-craft and similar size starships. Around that time she earned enough credits to buy an astromech whom she named Ness. Turning eighteen she and Ness enlisted into the Naboo Royal Guard. She struggled through basic training but has managed to persist through with Ness’ support until graduation, specializing in flight duties.



WEAPONS: DD12 Blaster Pistol, BAW-88 Blaster Carbine, H.T.E. Stun Baton


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