Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Champions of Chaos [TOURNAMENT]

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

I won! Without my opponent posting :(

Round two might be interesting regarding certain plans I have for this character ;)
1. How do you feel about 5 days for posting? Too long? Too short? Just right?
Sort of short. We probably would have done more if my opponent posted more. The waiting for my turn was killing me. :D
2. Please give me your thoughts, whether positive or negative, on the staged "interactive" battlefields. Would you like to see those again in the future?
I like it because it adds an additional element to the battlefield, that be used to one's advantage.
3. What is your character's favorite color?
Electric Purple and Green. Otherwise I wouldn't be an eggplant now would I? :D

Alli Wren

Sent in my judgments to @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Ryori Za'tire

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

@[member="Daxton Bane"]

Found one of these in my attic. Reminded me of your favourite colour.
Megatron FTW​
My apologies for not posting the next round, yet.

After hearing back from the judges, I've decided to disqualify Kai from the tournament since he did not post, and gave no explanation for his absence at any point. However, because of this, I need a replacement for him. I've been trying to find someone else to take that 8th spot.

So, if anyone wants to take that spot, let me know. Once it's filled we can continue. Thank you for being patient with me; this tournament is still in the beta phase. Next time, I think I shall have a wait list that people can sign up for in case of a future situation such as this. I will also be making this next round longer, to give all of you more time to post with one another.

First to volunteer gets to participate in the tournament from here on out.

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

Daxton Bane said:
Kal do you have a copy of the original die cast shockwave? That is the royal purple we are looking for.
@[member="Daxton Bane"] Unfortunately, no.
Ryori Za'tire said:
My apologies for not posting the next round, yet.

After hearing back from the judges, I've decided to disqualify Kai from the tournament since he did not post, and gave no explanation for his absence at any point. However, because of this, I need a replacement for him. I've been trying to find someone else to take that 8th spot.

So, if anyone wants to take that spot, let me know. Once it's filled we can continue. Thank you for being patient with me; this tournament is still in the beta phase. Next time, I think I shall have a wait list that people can sign up for in case of a future situation such as this. I will also be making this next round longer, to give all of you more time to post with one another.

First to volunteer gets to participate in the tournament from here on out.
Could you tell us who won?
Continued apologies for the wait, guys. So far no new contestant stepping up to fill the gap, and I have been away from my computer with my mom out visiting. She goes home tomorrow. If I don't have a new volunteer by tomorrow, then I will make due with seven contestants.

In the meantime, now that I'm back to having internet, here are the results from the first round. (Please note, Equa is on LOA for the moment so I asked RP judge @[member="Kaine Zambrano"] to provide a third vote alongside @[member="Alli Wren"] and @[member="Tegaea Alcori"]):

IF ANY OF YOU wish to hear a more detailed critique of your personal writing during this round, as given by all three judges, please feel free to PM me. I will give you an explanation of the critiques, as well as some tips or suggestions if you would like them.

-Kal wins by default, since Kai did not arrive. Congrats!
-Judges liked both writers, and had good things to say about both. 2/3 votes fell to Karin!
-This one was the most difficult for the judges to decide. All three seemed to be on fence. All stated that they enjoyed reading the fight, and that they felt it was by far the most action packed of the four. However, a couple of the judges did express that they felt there could have been a little better sportsmanship and that some of the attacks and defenses were a bit outlandish and unrealistic. In the end, the votes fell 3/3 to Verz.
-All judges expressed a wish that the round had been longer so they could have seen this fight come to fruition. Both writers were expressed to have enjoyable, comprehensive writing. 3/3 votes were given to Daxton, for seeming to have a plan and his creative use of the environment around him when attacking.

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