Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Certain Points of View

//Location: Downtown Coronet
//Participants: Laila Laila

It had been a few days since Bohatei had first gotten his hands on the library of information from the C1 Astromech he had since mostly disassembled. Having so much to work with had left the Zabrak with most of his time spent in his apartment. Ranging from reading over documentation left in the droid's storage all the way to using their frequencies to snoop on transmissions. In particular, an exchange had caught the young man's attention. Having recently cashed in a large amount of spice, the credits of course needed to be split up to avoid suspicion. To do that, a group of them were going to split into three different groups after meeting on a small street corner in one of the less pleasant neighborhoods.

Bohatei was smarter than to go it alone.

While another acquaintance and mentor of his was busy at the time, he was able to find someone else to hire. In particular, the services of a certain Vran by the name of Laila Magni had caught his eye. With a number of talents and extra forces in the form of her beasts, she would be able to make up for plenty of his own shortcomings. The thumbing of a blaster's handle in particular reminding him of the young Zabrak's lackluster aim. No matter how much practice he seemed to get, Bohatei could never get any better at sharpshooting.

Lightly tugging on his jacket in the cold night air, Bohatei would wait on the opposite side of the block. There was plenty of space between him and the intended meeting space. Occasional breaths from him left small clouds in the air, dissipating in the wind.

Now, all he needed to wait on was his hired gun... Or bow, rather.
Bohatei Chorva Bohatei Chorva

Laila regretted how difficult it was to bring a proper Shgurak with her. But their massive size made them...problematic, even if she could properly tame one. Your ship needed to be big just to hold one, let alone let it survive. Still, her familiars were quite good. One such one was the Zalaaca she rode today. The rest however remained in her ship.

She had managed to get a job, good, because credits were necessary in this galaxy and skills needed to remain sharp. She rode the creature to the spot, always keeping an eye out for trouble. The creature was mostly there for her to ride at the moment and extra arrows, but as she wasn't totally sure yet of what they would be doing or if she could trust whoever was hiring her, she figured the additional backup would be preferable.

Well, here she was, at the meeting spot. She looked around, taking note of anyone she could see or feel present. There was however, an additional trick to things. That being that she was actually offset to what everyone else should be seeing. Her and her mount would appear a whole meter behind where Laila actually was, a rather good illussion, and an easy one, as it didn't require something new. It only required the offset of something already there. She had to be wary of running into things naturally, or someone getting too close to what to them would be empty air. She only intended to keep it up until she actually met her employer.

They weren't Vran after-all, so perhaps it was merely a trap. And she didn't plan to get killed without seeing it coming.

Laila's-alchemy-bow (quiver on back, two larger additional quivers on the Zalaaca)
Alchemy short sword.
Overseer-pattern Neurocrown
Cupping his hands together, Bohatei would blow into them with a warm mist. The clouds slip between his fingers, glowing and disappearing into the dark as he would return his hands to his pockets after a couple puffs. It was only a few minutes off of the appointed hour for them to meet, but the only others to be greeted were the occasional speeder flying down the street well over the intended limit and the odd wanderer.

But soon enough, someone stuck out more than enough to pass as the one he had hired.

Stepping off of the wall that he was leaning on, Bohatei would stand just outside of the window of a nearby shop. Despite being closed for the night, the lights shining from inside made his feature clear. Plenty clear for the Vran to recognize the hologram that had contacted her earlier.

Tucking his jacket down slightly, Bohatei would speak up as they got closer on their mount.

"Evening. Here for the snatch 'n grab, right?"
Laila watched around until a figure became properly visible, she looked at them a moment longer, making sure it was indeed the right person before coming a bit closer and letting the illusion fade away as she did so, and hopping off the creature in the process. "Greetings. That would seem accurate." she stated, rubbing the creatures neck with her left hand as she analyzed the zabrak.

She was visibly more formal and disconnected from him. For quite a few reasons. For one, this was just a job to her. Possibly not even one of great challenge, she wouldn't know that for sure yet. For two, she just didn't know him, and having worked with people of authority for a long time formality felt normal, but especially with foreigners. And finally, he was not Vran. He had one presence in the force instead of the two. And so, he was just a smart creature. Similar to the Vran in many ways. But soulless. Truly soulless, unlike the grai vo with their disease, hiding in the mountains.


"I am Laila Magni. I believe you requested my assistance."

Bohatei Chorva Bohatei Chorva
OOC: Didn't get tagged for this, sorry.
Bohatei's eyes blink twice slightly as the Vran drew closer, stepping back on a reflex as the illusion dissipated and revealed just how close she had gotten. He would put his leg back where it was and regained his posture when she dismounted the beast, nodding his head as she met his gaze. His orb orbs looked with curiosity, a more relaxed and friendly posture in comparison to the huntress' more apathetic stance.

"Mhm! I did. Bohatei Chorva, good to meet'cha." He responded with a nod, taking out a small holoprojector and holding his palm out. The cerulean light flickers to life, taking the form of a small map with a street corner circled. "Pretty simple job, won't be much for someone of your talents. This group I've been tracin' lately made off with a pretty hefty case of creds from one of their jobs. They're lookin' to split it up between them and a few other members." The Zabrak explained, his hand motioning to the circle.

"'Course, since they busted up my ship I'm lookin' to take some repayments from 'em. Should be about four guys all up. Simple case of snatchin' the case and gettin' outta dodge. Got my own speeder just on the other side of the block."

A flick of his finger switches off the holocomm, setting it back in his pocket.

"We get in the clear, split it half 'n half and we'll be sittin' pretty. Any questions? Got about half an hour before they get here."

Laila Laila

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