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Approved Species Celestella

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Important Note / Disclaimer:

The world of Centerra, as presented in this setting, explores the concept of the Force. Within Centerra, the various races and micro cultures/religions use terms like interconnections and celestial energies to refer to the Force. These terms are interchangeable with 'The Force,' and their usage is intended to align with the cultural beliefs and identity of each group. It is important to understand that in Centerra, the Force is often perceived as magical or mystical, similar in thematic nature to the culture and region of the Ewoks. The terms employed in this context serve as a representation of the cultural portrayal and belief in the Force within Centerra.

The world of Centerra, within this setting, is deeply influenced by the Force, and Force anomalies occur frequently. These anomalies are manifestations of the planet's strong connection to 'cosmic energies' or Force Energies. The Stellar Convergence shapes the cultures and beliefs of Centerra, as it highlights the delicate balance between the Force and mortal existence. Please note that the portrayal of these Force-related anomalies is for imaginative purposes within this fictional world.

The Cellestella are a race of Hyper Force Sensitive Creatures attuned to the Force on a large scale that affects the star clusters, sun, moons, and Planet as well as the Force anomalies that crop up here and there. This area should feel particularly 'charged' with the Force. Changes in the balance can affect them greatly.






  • Intent: To colorize, enrich, flesh out, and diversify the Planet of Centerra.
  • Image Credit: I drew all of this.
  • Canon: N/A.
  • Permissions: N/A.
  • Links: N/A.
  • Name: Celestella
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Centerra [Link to the Home World of Centerra]
  • Average Lifespan: 900 Years
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description: Humanoids with wings, horns, and ethereal features.
  • Breathes: Air / Oxygen rich / Hydroxygenite
  • Average Height of Adults: 9'-12' / 274.32 cm- 365.76 cm
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A.
  • Appearance Examples: The Celestella are a graceful and elegant species, resembling humanoids with sharpened ear tips. They have slender, agile bodies and elongated limbs. Their skin tone ranges from pale shades of flesh tones, coals, blue, silver, or lavender, with a subtle iridescence that gives them an otherworldly aura. One of their defining features is the presence of curved, ethereal horns that adorn their foreheads. These horns are ornately decorated and vary in shape and size, with intricate patterns that are unique to each individual. The horns, hair, skin, or feathers may all possess subtle bio-luminescence patterns known as Star Touched, which come in Star Dusted or Constellation patterns, emitting a soft glow that intensifies with their emotions.
    Additionally, the Celestella have elaborate magnificent feathered wings that come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and numbers. They always have at least two wings and a maximum of six wings. The patterns on their wings are vast and varied, giving them a wide array of appearances. No two Celestella look exactly alike in their natural forms.

    Their hair holds a special significance as well. Depending on their power or age, their hair may exhibit magical-like properties. This ethereal magic-like denotation of ancient elders among their kind is referred to as Mythic. Mythic hair showcases unique traits and characteristics, such as shimmering with starlight, changing colors with their emotions, or having a mesmerizing ethereal glow.

    The Celestella's appearance is a testament to their ethereal and enchanting nature. Their varied patterns, glowing features, and majestic wings showcase their inherent connection to cosmic energies, making them a truly mesmerizing species within the Star Wars universe.

    Living secluded lives amidst floating cities and islands within the skies over Centerra, the Celestella have adapted to their environment. They navigate these celestial realms with grace and ease, their lithe bodies moving effortlessly through the air. Their chosen habitats reflect their affinity for the heavens, allowing them to commune with the cosmic energies that surround them.

    Additionally, the Celestella possess the extraordinary ability to augment their appearance, enabling them to take on other forms and mimic the appearance of different races. This unique shapeshifting capability allows them to seamlessly blend in with other civilizations, disguising themselves to study and understand various cultures and races. It serves as a testament to their adaptability and their commitment to observing and safeguarding the harmony of the galaxy.

  • Races: N/A.
  • Force Sensitivity: All
  • Cosmic Wisdom: The Celestella possess an innate understanding of cosmic forces and the interconnectedness of the universe. They have a deep well of knowledge regarding celestial phenomena, ancient prophecies, and the balance of energies. Their wisdom and insight make them valuable advisors and sources of guidance in matters involving cosmic knowledge and spiritual understanding.

  • Diplomatic Skills: The Celestella excel in diplomacy and mediation due to their calm and contemplative nature. They possess exceptional communication and negotiation skills, able to navigate complex political landscapes and resolve conflicts peacefully. Their ability to see multiple perspectives and find common ground allows them to foster cooperation and harmony among diverse factions.

  • Enhanced Intuition: The Celestella possess heightened intuition, enabling them to sense underlying motivations, anticipate potential outcomes, and detect subtle shifts in cosmic energies. This intuitive sense helps them make informed decisions and perceive hidden truths, granting them an edge in strategic planning and problem-solving.

  • Astral Knowledge: Through their astral projection abilities, the Celestella gain unique insights and knowledge about different regions of the galaxy. They can explore the astral plane, accessing ancient cosmic archives and tapping into the collective consciousness of cosmic entities. This allows them to retrieve forgotten wisdom, unravel mysteries, and access rare information that aids them in their endeavors.

  • Harmonious Presence: The presence of the Celestella exudes an aura of serenity and tranquility, calming those around them and fostering harmony in their vicinity. Their mere presence can diffuse tensions and create an atmosphere conducive to open dialogue and cooperation, making them natural peacemakers and arbitrators in various conflicts.

    These strengths complement the Celestella's unique abilities and contribute to their role as guardians and caretakers of cosmic balance. They help shape their interactions and influence their contributions to the Star Wars universe, presenting them as wise and influential beings with valuable skills and insights.
  • Prone to Self-Importance and Arrogance: The Celestella, with their profound cosmic attunement and innate wisdom, can sometimes develop a sense of superiority over other species. Their long lifespan and exposure to cosmic mysteries often lead them to view themselves as guardians or caretakers of other races, perceiving them as less enlightened or immature in comparison.

    This mindset can manifest as a subtle form of paternalism, as the Celestella may adopt a condescending attitude towards other species. They may believe that they possess superior knowledge and understanding, considering themselves as benevolent guides or mentors. This perceived superiority can lead to a sense of entitlement and a belief that they know what is best for other species, treating them as if they were children in need of guidance.

    This self-importance and arrogance can strain relationships with other species, fostering resentment and resistance. It can hinder effective communication and cooperation, as other species may feel marginalized or belittled by the Celestella's paternalistic approach.

    Over time, as they develop better empathy and emotional understanding, the Celestella may come to recognize the flaws in their thinking and the negative impact of their perceived superiority. Through humbling experiences and interactions with individuals who challenge their worldviews, they begin to realize the value of diverse perspectives and the importance of mutual respect.

    The Celestella's tendency towards self-importance and arrogance becomes a weakness that they must confront and overcome in order to truly fulfill their role as guardians and caretakers. The journey towards humility and recognizing the inherent worth and autonomy of other species becomes an integral part of their personal growth and redemption within the Star Wars universe.
  • Fragile Physique: While the Celestella possess agility and grace, their physical bodies are relatively fragile compared to some other species. They have lower endurance and physical strength, making them more vulnerable in direct combat situations. They rely more on their special abilities and intelligence to navigate challenges rather than sheer physical prowess.

  • Emotional Vulnerability: The Celestella's emotions are deeply intertwined with their powers. Strong negative emotions such as anger, fear, or despair can disrupt their attunement to celestial forces and hinder their ability to utilize their unique abilities effectively. Their emotional vulnerability makes them more susceptible to manipulation or psychological attacks.

  • Limited Adaptability: Celestella are highly attuned to specific cosmic energies and frequencies. Consequently, they may struggle to adapt to environments or situations where these energies are scarce or absent. For example, in areas of the galaxy heavily influenced by the dark side or corrupted energies, they might experience discomfort, weakness, or difficulties utilizing their powers.

  • Sensitivity to Sonic Disturbances: The Celestella's harmonious nature renders them sensitive to discordant or excessively loud sounds. Sonic disruptions, such as explosions or powerful sonic-based attacks, can disorient and incapacitate them temporarily, rendering their powers less effective until they recover their equilibrium.

  • Celestial Dependency: The Celestella's powers are intricately connected to celestial bodies and cosmic energies. During periods of cosmic disturbances, such as intense solar flares or interstellar anomalies, their abilities may be weakened or temporarily suppressed. They rely on the stability and alignment of celestial forces to maintain their full potential.

  • Vulnerability to Dark Side Influence: The Celestellas inherent connection to cosmic balance makes them more susceptible to the allure and corruption of the dark side of the Force. If exposed to intense dark-side energies or manipulated by dark-side practitioners, they may experience internal conflicts or become more susceptible to malevolent influences.

  • Emotional Repression and Envy: The Celestella, by nature, possess a calm and contemplative demeanor, often appearing emotionally reserved or detached. They have a predisposition towards introspection and intellectual pursuits, which can sometimes make it challenging for them to express emotions outwardly. Their reserved nature can lead others to perceive them as aloof or distant, hindering their ability to establish strong emotional connections with individuals who are more emotionally expressive.

    This emotional repression is accompanied by a fascination with beings who experience emotions intensely. The Celestella are morbidly curious about the range and depth of emotions felt by others, particularly those who are capable of strong passion, love, or intense sorrow. This fascination is often accompanied by a sense of envy or longing to experience emotions more broadly.

    As Celestella age and gain wisdom, they gradually develop a better understanding of emotions and empathy towards others. Through their interactions with individuals from diverse backgrounds and species, they begin to appreciate the richness and complexity of emotional experiences. However, this development is a slow and gradual process, often occurring over the span of many years or even decades.

    The Celestella's struggle to express emotions and their fascination with beings who experience emotions more intensely adds a layer of complexity to their character. It presents opportunities for character growth and transformation as they seek to bridge the gap between their reserved nature and the profound emotional connections they yearn to establish with others. Their journey towards better empathy and emotion becomes a central aspect of their personal development, ultimately shaping their interactions and relationships within the Star Wars universe.

    These weaknesses add depth and challenges to the Celestella race, highlighting that even with their unique powers, they are not invulnerable and have vulnerabilities that can be exploited. Overcoming these weaknesses and maintaining their balance becomes an important aspect of their journey and development within the Star Wars universe.
Special Powers and Abilities:

  1. Celestial Attunement: The Celestella are innately connected to the celestial forces of the galaxy. They possess a heightened sense of cosmic energy and can attune themselves to the ebb and flow of celestial bodies, such as stars, moons, and planets. This attunement grants them extraordinary intuition and foresight, enabling them to perceive and interpret subtle cosmic omens and foresee events to some extent. They can tap into this power to guide their actions, make strategic decisions, and sense disturbances in the cosmic balance.

  2. Astral Projection: The Celestella have the ability to temporarily separate their consciousness from their physical bodies and project it into the astral plane. In this ethereal form, they can traverse great distances instantaneously and explore the galaxy without physical limitations. Astral projection also allows them to communicate telepathically with other beings, making them skilled diplomats, mediators, and powerful allies in times of conflict.

  3. Harmonic Resonance: Celestella possess a unique harmonic frequency within their bodies. They can manipulate and emit this resonance as a form of sonic energy, capable of various effects. They can create harmonious frequencies that promote healing and restoration, mending wounds and revitalizing the life force of themselves and others. Alternatively, they can manipulate dissonant frequencies to disrupt and incapacitate opponents, causing temporary disorientation or even rendering them unconscious.

  4. Enchanting Melodies: Music holds great significance in Celestella culture. They possess a natural affinity for harmonies, melodies, and sound manipulation. Through their enchanting voices and musical instruments, they can create mesmerizing melodies that evoke specific emotions and manipulate the feelings of those who hear them. Their songs can inspire courage, and tranquility, or even induce temporary amnesia or emotional manipulation in susceptible individuals.
  • Diet: Omnivore

  • Communication: Spoken language: Centerran / Song of Starlight
    The Song of Starlight is a spoken language used by the Celestella that is characterized by its melodic nature. When spoken, it has a rhythmic flow and a musical quality to it. The language relies on pitch, tone, and melodic patterns to convey meaning and emotions. It is deeply intertwined with the culture and traditions of the Celestella, serving as a form of artistic expression and a source of pride

  • Technology level: [Starwars Tech Levels] Space / Feudal
    Short version:
    The Celestella people have a cultural society that blends feudal and space-age elements. They are led by an Emperor or Empress, with a council of Kings and Queens governing different domains. Their celestial cities are adorned with cosmic symbols, and the pursuit of wisdom and the arts is highly valued. Their technology includes advanced spacecraft, while maintaining a hierarchical structure. The Celestella people are known for their grace, musicality, and harmonious existence.

    Descriptive Example:

    Imagine a celestial city suspended in the sky, its architecture adorned with intricate carvings depicting cosmic constellations and celestial beings. The city is bustling with activity as Celestella individuals, with their graceful and ethereal presence, move through the grand halls and gardens. The soft glow emitted by their luminous horns, hair, or feathers creates a mesmerizing display of ever-changing patterns, reflecting their emotions and attunement to cosmic energies.

    In the center of the city stands the Palace of the Emperor or Empress, a magnificent structure that radiates an aura of wisdom and authority. The council members, clad in regal attire adorned with shimmering gemstones and flowing robes, gather to discuss matters of cosmic significance and ensure the well-being of the realm. Celestella scholars can be seen engrossed in ancient texts and cosmic charts, seeking to decipher the secrets of the universe.

    Music fills the air, with Celestella individuals engaging in spontaneous melodic exchanges, creating harmonies that resonate with the celestial energies. The gardens are alive with vibrant colors as artists meticulously paint celestial landscapes and capture the essence of cosmic beauty. Visitors from neighboring realms marvel at the grandeur of the Celestella civilization, drawn by the allure of their wisdom, artistry, and advanced technologies.

    Beyond the city, floating islands can be seen, each housing a domain ruled by a King or Queen. These domains are self-sustaining communities where Celestella artisans, craftsmen, and farmers work together in harmony to fulfill the needs of the realm. Advanced spacecraft are docked at celestial ports, ready to.

  • Religion/Beliefs: The Celestella, as a peaceful race, prioritizes harmony and the well-being of other races in Centerra. They have a unique belief system that revolves around their role as guardians and their hidden influence on the affairs of other races.

    Here is an expanded description of their religion and beliefs:

    The Celestella perceive themselves as caretakers and guides, entrusted with the task of watching over the other races in Centerra. They hold a deep conviction that they have a duty to intervene subtly and manipulate events behind the scenes, all with the intention of guiding the people of Centerra towards better lives. This intervention is carefully orchestrated, with the Celestella seeking to create favorable circumstances and nudging events in a positive direction without directly interfering.

    The arts, such as songs, music, and poetry, hold a special place in the religious ceremonies of the Celestella. These creative expressions are seen as sacred and are believed to channel celestial energies, serving as a bridge between the celestial realms and the 'common mortal realm'. The Celestella engage in elaborate rituals, often involving melodic chants, ethereal dances, and mesmerizing performances, as a means to connect with the cosmic forces they revere.

    The Celestella's vigilant watch over the other races has inadvertently influenced the beliefs of those races regarding spirits and shamanism. Their subtle manipulations and occasional appearances, albeit disguised, have given rise to myths and legends among other races, who regard them as god-like beings or divine spirits. The Celestella, aware of these perceptions, generally avoid revealing their true forms among the other races they watch over, preferring to maintain an air of mystery and reverence.

    The Celestella's religious beliefs, centered around their responsibility as guardians and their manipulation of events, add depth to their character and highlight their dedication to the betterment of the people of Centerra. Their involvement in the arts and their enigmatic presence among other races contribute to the development of unique cultural and spiritual traditions throughout the galaxy.

  • General behavior: The Celestella are indeed a gentle and humble race, embodying a peaceful and serene nature. Their intrinsic values revolve around wisdom, diplomacy, and the pursuit of cosmic harmony. Their behavior and roles within the galaxy align with these principles.

    Here's an expanded description of their general behavior:
    The Celestella, often referred to as the "angels" of Centerra, are renowned for their tranquil demeanor and non-aggressive nature. They harbor no desire for conquest or dominance over others, instead prioritizing cooperation and understanding. They firmly believe in the power of wisdom and diplomacy as means to resolve conflicts and maintain balance within the galaxy.

    They actively seek out roles as mediators, advisors, and scholars, utilizing their unique abilities and profound cosmic attunement to foster harmony among diverse factions. They willingly take on the responsibility of maintaining equilibrium and ensuring the well-being of all sentient life. These roles often lead them to establish tranquil communities on remote planets, carefully chosen for their proximity to celestial nexuses or ancient temples. In these enclaves, the Celestella study the cosmic energies, delve into ancient wisdom, and safeguard their cultural heritage.

    The Celestella, being celestial entities, possess a natural inclination to explore the vast expanse of the galaxy. They venture far and wide, embarking on journeys that span countless light-years. Their curiosity and fascination with the wonders of the cosmos drive them to seek out new experiences, encounter different civilizations, and learn from the diverse perspectives they encounter. Their presence in various corners of the galaxy, though often rare and elusive, leaves a mark that contributes to the myths and legends surrounding them.

    The Celestella's gentle nature, commitment to cosmic harmony, and dedication to the pursuit of wisdom make them a remarkable addition to the Star Wars universe. Their ethereal appearance, mystical abilities, and desire for exploration lend an enchanting and cosmic element to the diverse tapestry of species within this beloved setting.


The history of the Celestella is shrouded in mystery and speculation, with fragments of their origin scattered across time and space. While they have no true recorded history from the eons of space travel, it is believed that they have evolved from an enigmatic space-faring race that once visited Centerra long ago. Here's an expanded description of their history:

In the distant past, when Centerra was still young and the galaxy teemed with unexplored frontiers, an advanced space-faring race encountered the planet. These beings, known only in whispers and ancient legends, possessed an extraordinary knowledge of cosmic energies and the celestial realms. They were fascinated by the unique composition of Centerra and the potential it held for the growth and evolution of sentient life.

This enigmatic space-faring race, whose name has been lost to time, interacted with the indigenous beings of Centerra, sharing their wisdom and guiding them in their early development. They were seen as benevolent celestial beings, showering the planet with their cosmic knowledge and influencing the progression of civilization.

Over the course of countless generations, the intermingling of this ancient space-faring race with the inhabitants of Centerra gave rise to a new species known as the Celestella. These newly evolved beings inherited the celestial qualities and unique abilities of their progenitors, along with a deep connection to cosmic forces.

As the Celestella established their presence within Centerra, they organized themselves into a kingdom known as Vorillia, governed by an Emperor and his Royal Consort. The Emperor, a figure of great reverence and authority, surrounded himself with a council of Kings and Queens who presided over their own dominions. This absolute monarchy ensured the preservation of their culture, traditions, and the pursuit of cosmic harmony.

Throughout their existence, the Celestella remained secluded and elusive, focused on their duties as guardians and protectors of Centerra. They upheld their commitment to watch over the other races, subtly intervening when necessary to guide events towards positive outcomes. Their influence, although often veiled and hidden, left an indelible mark on the development of various civilizations and gave rise to the perception of them as god-like entities or spirits among other races.

Historically Significant Event and Confinement:
Among the many chapters of the Celestella's history, one event stands out as a pivotal moment that shaped their present circumstances and led to their confinement within the Luminaria star system. This event, known as the Celestial Cataclysm, reverberated across the galaxy and left an indelible mark on the Celestella and their place in the cosmos.

Long ago, during a time of celestial convergence, a cosmic disturbance of unprecedented magnitude occurred. The Nyx Nebula Galaxy, where the Luminaria star system and Centerra are situated, became the epicenter of a cataclysmic event that unleashed powerful cosmic forces. The precise cause and nature of this cataclysm remain shrouded in mystery, a subject of speculation and study among celestial scholars.

The Celestial Cataclysm brought devastation to the surrounding celestial bodies, disrupting the delicate balance of cosmic energies and unleashing destructive forces. Celestella lore speaks of celestial storms that ravaged the stars, warping space-time and engulfing entire star systems. Planets were torn apart, and civilizations perished in the face of this immense cosmic turmoil.

In the aftermath of this cataclysm, the Celestella made a crucial decision. They realized that the forces unleashed by the Celestial Cataclysm were unpredictable and posed a threat not only to their own existence but also to the stability of neighboring star systems. To prevent further harm and preserve the delicate equilibrium of the cosmos, the Celestella voluntarily confined themselves to the Luminaria star system.

By isolating themselves within the protective embrace of the Nyx Nebula Galaxy and the Luminaria star system, the Celestella sought to contain and mitigate the potentially disastrous effects of the cosmic disturbances. They focused their efforts on studying and understanding the cosmic energies that coursed through the region, seeking to harness and restore balance to the celestial forces.

This confinement has allowed the Celestella to establish a harmonious existence within the Luminaria star system, centered around their homeworld of Centerra. Over time, they have developed sophisticated technologies and intricate defense mechanisms to shield their star system from external intrusions, ensuring the tranquility necessary for their pursuits of cosmic wisdom and celestial equilibrium.

The confinement of the Celestella to the Luminaria star system, born out of the cataclysmic events of the past, has become an integral part of their identity and serves as a testament to their commitment to the preservation of cosmic harmony. It also explains why the Celestella, with their remarkable abilities and enigmatic presence, have remained relatively unknown and secluded in the annals of galactic history beyond the borders of the Unknown Regions of space.

While the true origins of the Celestella and their enigmatic ancestors may never be fully unraveled, their presence in Centerra continues to shape the destiny of the galaxy. Their history is interwoven with the cosmic fabric of the Star Wars universe, providing a captivating narrative that invites exploration and speculation.

Cultural Development:

The Celestella, while valuing peace and harmony, have a distinct cultural structure and a vibrant society that flourishes on their primary homeworld of Centerra. Their culture encompasses various aspects of art, relationships, martial traditions, intelligence, competitiveness, and craftsmanship. Here's an expanded description of their cultural traits:

  • Floating Island Palaces: The Celestella make their homes in magnificent palace residences that rest on floating islands amidst the clouds. These architectural marvels serve as symbols of their grandeur and reflect their connection to the celestial realms. These floating abodes are not only places of residence but also centers of cultural and artistic expression.

  • Relationships and Sexual Orientation: Within Celestella society, both monogamous and polygamous relationships are common, with personal preference guiding their choices. The Celestella hold a progressive perspective regarding sexual orientation, considering it as an individual preference. Arguments or persecution based on these preferences are virtually unheard of, as the Celestella prioritize acceptance and respect for personal choices.

  • Love for the Arts: The Celestella have a deep affinity for artistic expression, considering it an integral part of their existence. Their race is practically addicted to the arts in all its forms, including music, dance, painting, poetry, and sculpture. Artistic endeavors are highly valued and celebrated, with grand performances and exhibitions held regularly to showcase their talents.

  • Martial Traditions: While the Celestella are a peaceful race, they possess a martial heritage that is deeply intertwined with their culture. They are highly skilled warriors, proficient in the use of swords, spears, bows, and magic. Their martial prowess is primarily dedicated to serving and protecting their Emperors, kings, and queens, as well as paying homage to the martial arts. Training in combat is considered a noble pursuit, ensuring the safety and preservation of their society.

  • Family Structure: Celestella females carry their young in pouches slung across their chests. The responsibility of caring for the children falls upon the mother's sisters until the young ones are old enough to fend for themselves. This communal approach to child-rearing strengthens familial bonds and ensures the well-being and growth of the next generation.

  • Intelligence and Empathy: The Celestella are renowned for their intelligence and exceptional emotional perception. They possess a deep understanding of body language and facial expressions, enabling them to empathize and connect with others on a profound level. This empathetic nature fosters a caring and loving society, where individuals value the well-being of their fellow beings.

  • Pride, Competitiveness, and Social Gatherings: The Celestella take immense pride in their heritage and achievements, which can sometimes border on arrogance. They are a competitive race and revel in friendly competition, engaging in various challenges and contests. From games of skill to complex tests of intellect, they seek to outperform each other. Additionally, the Celestella are highly social creatures and thoroughly enjoy gatherings and parties, especially those featuring delectable cuisine, beverages, and enchanting music.
  • Craftsmanship and Artistry: The Celestella have mastered the art of creating exquisite clothing and jewelry. They possess exceptional skills in sewing, tailoring, and jewelry making, producing garments and accessories that reflect their elegance and aesthetic sensibilities. Their craftsmanship is highly regarded, and their creations are sought after by other races for their beauty and craftsmanship.
The cultural tapestry of the Celestella weaves together art, relationships, martial traditions, intelligence, competitiveness, and craftsmanship. Their appreciation for beauty, their competitive spirit, and their commitment to artistic expression make them a vibrant and dynamic society within the Star Wars universe.


Last edited:
Matthew of Valendale Matthew of Valendale

1.) Please link the Planet somewhere in the submission. You can put it in the "Links" section.

2.) The height needs to be in metric as well.

3.) Communication: Spoken language: Song of Starlight - What is this?

Technology Level: What does "Space" mean in terms of Star Wars?

5.) Again...The more I read these Species for Centerra as a whole the less I see that they have to do with Star Wars. This is a Star Wars RP Site so it should reflect the main genre that we're here to write. Currently, it really doesn't. Please make adjustments accordingly.

Tag me when you're ready.
1.) Please link the Planet somewhere in the submission. You can put it in the "Links" section.
Added [Link to the Home World of Centerra]
2.) The height needs to be in metric as well.
Added 274.32 cm- 365.76 cm to reflect metric
3.) Communication: Spoken language: Song of Starlight - What is this?
Added communication/Language explanation
Technology Level: What does "Space" mean in terms of Star Wars?
Added Tech info expanded
5.) Again...The more I read these Species for Centerra as a whole the less I see that they have to do with Star Wars. This is a Star Wars RP Site so it should reflect the main genre that we're here to write. Currently, it really doesn't. Please make adjustments accordingly.

Added disclaimer
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