Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Castle in the Stars.

There is no day or night in space and time is overall a meaningless concept. That's how Nyra felt on the miserable little asteroid she was currently on. [member="Velok the Younger"] had a perverse sense of humor always sending her on these little operations. Then again, as had been stated in the past, she made her own fun in most ways.

The little asteroid in the Kyrikal system was home to a number of unsavory elements. There was a mining guild, run by the localized syndicate who ruled through brutality, and there was the jobs that revolved around it. Miners needed food, clothing, and a slew of other goods that all created the economy. Each new business venture brought in more money which in turn created new opportunities for the racketeering gangsters in the system.

Being in neutral space also meant that the place had no protection. That meant pirates. Nyra wouldn't deal with them. Others could play with ships and fighters and chase them back to their base and destroy them. Her job was to get resources. The Sith were making a station, a grand temple for their use. Santhe Corporation was providing construction and support but things had to be done in secret. Anonymity was the greatest security for the Sith Order and cloaked in secrecy they had already done much, and so this system had been chosen. Not as a site of construction, that was being done someplace in deep space. Instead this was chosen was a place from which to gather resources anonymously far from the large governing bodies that existed. [member="Tai Fa"] would no doubt already be in system with his shipping company making deals and plying his trade. Nyra wished him the best given the aforementioned pirates.

As Nyra walked past an outlet of stores, inns, and cantina's in the little asteroid mining settlement she noticed a house of ill repute. Beutiful women and men tantalized passerby's beckoning them in where all manner of pleasure from gambling to lust could be satiated. That's for all of you with absolutely no interest in pirates. Nyra winked at a man before moving on. There was nothing to steal here, nothing worth it really. With a sigh she thought back to her mission. Destabilize the criminal element allowing the Sith to gain control of the mining guild. Maybe the peacock could help her with that, after all he was among those with the most financial gain on the line.

Then again.... maybe Nyra could make some gains as well. Stalking the streets she found a low level middle man for the local syndicate and kept an eye on him. Follow him back to the money, steal money, blame theft on other gang members, watch organization implode. Obviously they would need far more pushing than that, but Nyra was a shapeshifter. She could be anyone. It was easy to frame someone when you could catch them on camera doing whatever you wanted them to be framed for.
[member="Nyra Mazul"] | [member="Velok the Younger"]

In Tai's experience a far look was key, when you wished to be successful in and out of business.

They had hunted worms in this system months back and even then the Thirriken had noted business opportunities here and there, so it did not come as a surprise to anyone when he had returned to the system the week after that. This time with [member="Niysha"], a fellow Sith of the Order, they had begun the construction of a citadel on Kyrikal 17.

It was to be his first domain.

A place from which he could closely monitor his operations towards the Centrality itself... but that was still a far-off goal. Instead, he had been eyeing up the mining guild turned crime group within the system.

They had already proved to be quite the inconvenience for him. The pirates, he could handle, but a well-entrenched entity that had the 'Law' at its side was a more problematic issue. This is why Lord Fa contacted an old friend for a meeting within the Kyrikal system, after all... it took a criminal mind to deal with criminal problems, did it not?

"Friend, I need you soon.
Come to Kyrikal, swiftly.
We may both profit."
The message went. Fa did not bother to sign it- he did not think that the Givin had many associates who talked in cryptic haikus and such.

Darth Osano

Getting information out of [member="Tai Fa"] felt like squeezing blood from a stone. Pollux supposed this was only natural when the bird was limited to seventeen syllables per dialogue instance. Already the Givin was weighing the possibility of dismissing the bird as a potential informant. Were all of his written communications in haiku as well? Pollux did not particularly enjoy Fa's company or even speaking to him anyway. Fa's money was what held the real appeal and would further the cause of the Helix Syndicate. Kyrikal was far from Pollux's usual neighborhood, but it never hurt to diversify the ol' portfolio. Having far flung territories could also serve as a useful hiding place if the homeland was ever besieged or occupied.

Not that it ever would be.

The designated meeting spot was over an occupied asteroid on board Fa's pleasure yacht. As if they were ten-credit holofilm villains or something. Pollux never went anywhere without first knowing where he was going, so suffice to say he was aware of the current political situation on the asteroid and could wager a guess that Fa wanted to muscle in on it. And he wanted Pollux to muscle in on the criminal elements involved in keeping the Mining Guild's illicit monopoly. Not at all a disagreeable proposal, provided his terms were met. Pollux's shuttle docked with the yacht and the Givin entered alone. He did not need the peacock to embarrass his enforcers any more. In the future, when their training camp was constructed... Well, no use thinking over things that weren't pertinent now.

An attendant met Pollux and guided him through the yacht, bringing him before Tai Fa. Pollux greeted the Sithling in his usual bombastic, flowery manner.

Kyrikal was a system that he had not spent much time in. Why? Because he hadn't needed to and he'd been far too busy. Suffice to say, upon entering the system aboard the Eidolon, he wasn't that impressed. It became abundantly clear that lawlessness was a rampant issue here. Considering he strove for order, and that the existence of the Reformation was to bring order and balance to the galaxy, lawless space was almost as annoying as having [member="Niysha"] call him master or my lord. Of course this only made him wish that he'd brought one of the experimental destroyers along that Ignus had built for testing purposes, but he hadn't.

He frowned and tapped fingers against the arm of his chair. There were a definitive amount of ships in the system, but at present he didn't see anything out of the ordinary. The scanners weren't picking up any combat within the system at the moment, but there was something out there.

"Captain, continue scanning the system. Some of these ships aren't like the others and I want to know which ones in advance of them making themselves known."

"Yes, sir."

Somewhere out there were pirates. Leos didn't like pirates. In fact, he hated them more than anything in the galaxy. The very ship he was riding within had once belonged to pirates who had slaughtered an entire village on his home world when he was younger. He'd forced them all to kill themselves, and taken the ship for himself, uncaring that it was ancient. It served him well and that was all he cared about. That and killing pirates.
Thirriken were known for their lack of austerity.

In fact, they were known to cloak themselves in the finest pleasures and opulence, as long as there was a purpose behind it. There had to be at least a small measure of taste behind it. And if Tai Fa was anything, it was tasteful in his usage of wealth to underline certain amount of points.

He met [member="Pollux"] on the observatory of the yacht. Solarium Glasteel provided by Arceneau Trade allowed for a level of green efficiency that he wholly approved of, while also allowing them a full view of the splendors of the Galaxy.

...which currently was a view of the ball of rock Fa was pondering about. There were lights here and there, focused together by the settlements sparingly scattered across the surface, stations hung lazily around the ball as well, most of them owned by a singular entity, the same one giving him so much trouble in the first place.

"Your homework was done.
I have need of assistance.
One guild, but few players.
My proposal here;
With my aid, you take the gangs.
Yours; I take the mines."
It was a win-win situation, really.

Fa had little need for the muscles and other operations executed by the local syndicate. In fact, if it had been up to him, he would have eradicated it completely- yet, that wasn't within his control, but at the least they could funnel the filthy dregs towards more... functional goals.

Darth Osano

The observation deck offered a pleasant view of the asteroid. If any view of an asteroid racked with corruption, decadence, and mismanagement could be considered pleasant. Stations spun lazily around the asteroid and a few spatterings of light indicated the locations of the underpopulated settlements. Someone else might have declared that this sort of job was below their stature. But what was Pollux's stature? He was still a small fish in the bottomless pond of seedy underworld dealings. [member="Tai Fa"] was similarly small, which was why it was important that a beneficial relationship be worked out. You know, survival purposes and all that. And since survival was the end-goal, Pollux did not intend to let this be as simple as Fa apparently wanted it to be.

He slid his hands into his pockets. "The guild relies on the gangs to keep competition out. The gangs rely on the guild for money."

There on the asteroid, a perfect relationship had blossomed. The guild maintained its monopoly on mining operations by paying the local criminal outfit to harass, extort, and undermine any other company looking to move in. It had worked for this long because the biggest of the big companies weren't interested in this asteroid and because the guild and the criminals just got along so well. The only thing that could possibly jeopardize their standing would be an outside force.

And that would be the bird and the skeleton.

But Pollux was not going to absorb someone else's criminal enterprise if there was no profit for him. That was the sort of mindless growth that would only handicap his expansion in the long run. The criminal outfits didn't make enough money from extortion and spice smuggling to stay afloat on their own. The bulk of their profits came from the guild's payments, and the guild were willing to throw exorbitant amounts of money to stay top dog. Pollux's operations were not centered here. If he was in charge of the gang, the guild would not have to pay as much. But they would still have to pay.

"If that relation will not continue, I am not interested."
Fa showed little emotional stimuli in response to that.

His wings wove themselves behind his back, he crossed them and then turned to look at the asteroid himself. Being a Sith Acolyte had its issues, most of which came down to the simple situation that you could not just enforce your will and watch as everyone else around you sprang into action.

You needed constantly to reassert yourself, unless you were dealing with something that was less than attractable to such tactics.

[member="Pollux"] was many things, yet a coward was not one of them.

A pragmatist, surely- why die, when you could live to see another day, things like that. Tai liked pragmatism, it was the surest sign that a sentient was actually using that brain of theirs. This time around threats would do little to advance his agenda and what the Givin had implied was not untrue.

Though loath to admit it, the two entities needed each other if they wished to continue forward.

"I see what you say.
Our relationship expands,
It surely seems like.
Only fifty percent.
This is what I pay to you.
To move on the quo."

Darth Osano

All business relationships are built upon respect. It would be necessary for both parties to demonstrate this respect by being willing to pay appropriately for services tendered. While Pollux was perfectly willing to be paid less than what the gangs were currently making, he did not want to be insulted either. While it would be cheaper to employ the Helix Syndicate in the matter of maintaining a monopoly on this asteroid, one could also rest assured that the Guavians would be more... Thorough, merciless, and less prone to corruption or dissent than the present state of affairs.

Pollux inclined his head to the side, regarding the yacht. [member="Tai Fa"] was a man of property, a man of wealth. He would have no issue finding the money now that he had his very own stygium mine.

"Sixty percent of what they're currently being paid." Pollux eventually said, looking back at the Thirriken. "And not so much as an independent prospector sets foot on the asteroid again."

Guavians could be scary, scary people when they needed to. They could also spread rumors and stories far and wide to dissuade potential companies and contractors from showing up where they weren't wanted. Although only two tiers strong, the Helix Syndicate had a very special way of doing business that enabled them to do these sorts of things effectively.
The One Sith had fallen apart, but that did not mean the Sith were dead. A new Order had arisen and fresh off a successful bid to return their dark presence to the world's which belonged to them, the Dark Lord found himself assisting another campaign to gain control of something else entirely. They needed the mining complex for themselves, and Xander had agreed to meet some old... "friends." The White Assassin smioed as the thought of seeing them again dominated his mind. The Assassins council had not been together in sometime, and it seemed they had found a new place to hide.

Until they arrived, there were resources to collect. Xander could be quite persuasive when he needed to be. Negotiations weren't exactky something he did on a regular basis, but when he did the master force user usually prevailed over the weak minded. His blue gaze looked out over the crowds which seemed to have no clue what was about to happen. While he didn't mind crime, Xander could only put up with so much of it. He was the people's king on his homeworld, and knew how to make them love him. It was an oxymoron that Xandef could be a likeable evil, but he had worked hard to ensure his world loved him. These people, they would fear him. The corrupt would anyhow. It was wrong to see those who were left in gutters of society because of the crime lords which hoarded the profits they gained from the resources the miners turned over for them. The Sith would prove to be a better master.

Xander looked for any familiar face he could find, but the man was knew to this order. Deapite being a Lord he was not well known among the Sith for purposeful reasons. He refused to play their games and kept his holdings far from where any Sith would threaten them. Alliances were few for him, and the Monarch calculated every relationship he had. Still he did know some, by reputation mostly. Like [member="Nyra Mazul"] being a cat burglar of sorts. He found that amusing. She was tailing someone so he would follow her. This was a game he could enjoy. It was time to see how long it took her to figure out she had a shadow.
In the greater sense of the word this was a dance.

A game in its own right.

You started off with something completely outrageous and then your opponent reacts with something equally ridiculous, this would go on for a while, until they had worked out an equally agreeable middle-ground. At least, that was the general idea behind it. But it seemed that [member="Pollux"] had little interest in such endeavors.

Instead he offered something... well, it was more than reasonable. It was, in fact, wholly acceptable, at least as far as Tai Fa was concerned.

In truth the Thirriken had been expected, even willing, to bump that up towards a seventy percent pay-out. Equaling to a reduction of thirty percent in money flowing out, yet if the Givin wished to be generous. Well, Fa was not going to be stingy in this particular matter, he'd keep that for the times he demanded pay for menial work given out.

"It is agreed then.
Sixty percent, forty off.
We have an accord.
For this mission here;
How many men do you have?
We should move quickly."
They would definitely have to move fast and hard.

Then, the guild and its syndicate would have little chance to strike back, already taken over and collapsed into itself. But it would have to be a strong offensive, no chance of being driven back or repulsed.

Darth Osano

The only way either Pollux or [member="Tai Fa"] could decisively control both the criminals and the guild, respectively, would be if they acted cohesively. And more importantly, decisively. To that end, they would have to be aware of each other's movements and intentions. Pollux would dislike this more than Fa would, as Pollux was more used to dealing with his enemies and not having to worry about the steps another was taken. But again, this was now a necessity... No matter how regrettable it would be. How Tai Fa intended to absorb the guild into his holdings would impact how Pollux intended to dismantle the extortion racket and incorporate its useful agents into the Helix Syndicate.

"I will need more men if you want this to be violent." The Givin had only brought a squad with him to act as his security. It was about all he could fit in his shuttle. Maybe if he had a yacht of his own, things would be different. "More can be called. If you want this to be done quietly, I only need time."

Pollux preferred to do things quietly. His Guavians, however, preferred more direct approaches. Bloodshed and chaos.

And that was why Pollux was the one making the important decisions, wasn't it?
In truth it had not occured to him that [member="Pollux"] and his rabble were capable of silent operation with a minimum amount of violence. Obviously that was preferable, but from his brief encounter with his men tney had seemed far more simple; basic thugs, easily scared and always gunning for the easiest way in.

As long as they had perceived superiority in numbers, of course.

Silent and swift, yes.
This I would prefer, Pollux.
If yours can do this.

I am patient...
Yet, our friend Nyra is not.
Enthusiasm burns.

Of course, he could probably convince her it was in the interests of the Sith Order to do this nice and quiet. It would mean less attention towards them and more time to properly execute their plans in the long run.

She was fickle, but even the she-bird understood the imperative nature of secrecy and sticking to the shadows for success.

It all depended on how long the Givin would need, really.

Darth Osano

[member="Nyra Mazul"] might have been enthusiastic, but that was all she might have been. She was a thief. Her aims were too small, aspirations too short-sighted. The most she could do was pit some elements against one another and let it ride from there. Frankly, Pollux had not been aware that she was already operating on the asteroid. It did not change anything that she was. If anything, any action she took would only make it easier for him in the long run. Within the next few days, the criminals were going to be squarely under the thumb of the Helix Syndicate... And there would only be a few fistfights. Maybe a couple warning shots. Someone was definitely going to end up on the wrong side of an air locker, though. That much was inevitable. Loose ends don't make for nice friends, or so the saying goes.

That was not how the saying goes.

Pollux inclined his head respectfully towards [member="Tai Fa"]. The most unenthusiastic bow a sapient could award to another "You will hear from me again later today." With this said, he turned and began to leave. There were now arrangements that needed to be made. This would all have to be done on Kyrikal proper. Pollux was not yet in a position where it could afford luxury, state of the art shuttles that included adequate office space, sufficient access to the holonet, and a reliable connection to the Helix Syndicate information network.

It was not a yacht.
[member="Nyra Mazul"] [member="Tai Fa"] [member="Pollux"] [member="Darth Ignus"] [member="Darth Vizios"]

The diminutive man smiled as he began his own planning. Renting an office space was a simple as persuading a few people to look the other way, claiming he was just an architect looking for inspiration. None of that was a lie, oddly enough. His work at this point was design, and working alongside the others. He had bought a small apartment with a few holocomputers, connecting it to multiple secure terminals and occasionally receiving missives from the others while updating them on the status of the project.

At this point, he was building a shopping list as much as anything else. He sent Nyra an encrypted comm.

Recipient: The Cat
Author: The Dwarf

While The Bird and his fellow players are acquiring metals, we shall also need power supplies of a momentous variety to maintain the facility's prodigious life support and maneuvering functions. A known energy magnate from Lorem Hypermatter Consolidated has been debating investing in the area, and is likely to tour the region shortly. Stealing files from them and grabbing blackmail material may be expedient. Dead Drop of relevant data will be at the Cypher Bar. If it is not taken in two days, I will presume an alternative method has been found.

Meanwhile, the comm he sent to Tai Fa was a bit more verbose, if a bit stranger in tone.

Recipent: The Poet
Sender: The Dwarf

I trust the missive finds you well. Rumors concern a buy-out, and one regular known to be loyal to current guild leadership has vanished, leaving behind a note that actually does resemble his terse language quite suitably. Someone is very good at making it look coincidental, I only found it because I knew what I was looking for. Commend your people on covering their tracks so well that only a retired operative who knew what was coming put it together, but don't let them know I'm watching. I consider this something of a performance assessment.

An bored heir from Lorem Hypermatter fortune is going to be visiting the galaxy. Not sure if they think it's a decent starter investment or if they're just out here slumming. I've informed our eager burglar as well. Still, a fool with money and connections to a bulk hyper-matter producer coudl aid the project. I leave it to your discretion. I will be providing a dead drop of what files I've got on the heir in the shipping receipt office, under the Post Holding Box we discussed in prior missives.

He smiled playfully as he sent both missives and then arranged for the dead drops to be delivered. A few couriers, a few credits. He was being polite and stealthy, and frankly, all of his techniques and feigned bashfulness made it seem like he was merely keeping a few mistresses on the asteroid from knowing about each other or his wife. Hell, he'd even hired a working girl to pretend to be a regular and keep the story going. Was it enough to keep him hidden from all prying eyes? Who knew. But he only needed to lay low on the asteroid for a few weeks at most.

He continued updating the plan. It's sheer size and design was audacious, to put it mildly. While he loved designing space-faring vessels, and had driven in a few custom machines, this one would need to be more fool-proof than most of his designs. Probably because of the number of fools likely to be on it at any time. The internal stabilization of this monstrosity in movement would require the construction of multiple inertial alteration mechanisms as well as gravitational synthesis engines. Barring the discovery of some new element, a multi-reactor system with power distribution running along redundant axes would be the safest methods, as well as intense shielding. He looked at his models...."star-shaped" he muttered with a dark chuckle. not literally, but that was the term people often used, since it resembled the icon used for stars by many species. Then again, what did he know?

Well, if anything was to be hoped, a hell of a lot.
Tai Fa inclined his beak to [member="Pollux"] as he retreated. Yes, he liked the Givin - even if his imagination was little and the words said even fewer, but at the very least the crime lord was a dependable sort. Something which he had not expected from his kind, mostly they were idiots and hooligans, only wondering about the next drug, the next fight or the next kark. Easily manipulated, yes, but also wholly incompetent for anything other than the most basic of instructions and that was completely unacceptable for the proud Thirriken.

A man was judged by the company he kept.

Fa was not a man in the strict sense of the word, but if a humanoid was judged by it, he assumed a peacock would be too.

Before the musings could go any further a message appeared on his screen. From the Dwarf - he thought for a moment, before the cover identity was linked towards the face that he had come to know from the meetings. [member="Olom Grihk"] was a different breed; smart, intelligent even and with more imagination than most of the Sith Order followers, yet not exactly a competent fighter.

He supposed not everyone could be perfect.

Recipient: The Dwarf
Sender: The Poet

"My focus is locked.
Yet, there might be a chance here.
To lock-down two things.

Here the thief could steal
Then the poet consoles.
Friendship blooms in woe.

My actors will move.
Your presents are accepted.
Godspeed, my friend dwarf."
It would be pleasant if [member="Nyra Mazul"] and [member="Olom Grihk"] managed to steal something valuable from this son of industry, blackmail or other sensitive material, while Fa was busying himself with the mining guild. Because in the aftermath, a son of industry and a son of nobility, could meet and pleasantries would be exchanged. Then, Tai could insert himself into the situation.

An experienced eye, a wing of consolation, extending his help to a young lad only recently coming into this business.

Yes, Fa liked this plan very much indeed.
The man was utterly predictable. He made his rounds, shook up a few store owners, and reported back to his boss. Nyra was able to find a position at a little cantina where she could sip some drinks and watch from afar most of his routine. Anytime he left the block and moved onto another area she was able to shape shift and take up position elsewhere wary of anyone getting a hint of her. This of course was why she noticed her little tail around the same time she received a message from [member="Olom Grihk"]. Great, a side job. The plan and information was sound enough, and a simple little theft would be all that was needed but still... oh right she had a tail.

Nyra didn't move when she sensed the tail. She didn't run or try any crazy force tricks. It was a relatively busy streets with plenty of people around and clearly the person didn't want to attack her or else she'd already under thread and forced to action. No they were content to wait it out and so was she. The key she found to revealing or losing a tail wasn't running, wasn't speed. It was simply to do stupid things. If you were in a speeder put signals on the wrong way or make bizarre three point turns. The person would then be forced to follow you and reveal themselves. The same principal could be done on foot as well. Walking in and out of stores as if scatter brained. Taking pathways and then pretend to be lost and make quick about faces. All of these things could be used....

Then again... a chase could be fun! Nyra bolted running down a narrow asteroid street and diving into an alley putting her hand on her whip that was wrapped around her waist. Music played as she made another turn. Where did it play? In her head of course. Why not.

[member="Darth Vizios"] [member="Olom Grihk"]
Being on the backwater asteroid wouldn't have been his first choice, but he'd been sent to enough places to know he'd usually end up finding something he hadn't expected. The mining colony wasn't any different - surprisingly sprawling, it held no end of debauchery both public and private. He guessed that wasn't so strange; boredom made animals of men and they needed some sort of outlet. Onley, young and brash, could see the merit in that.

He had no particular goal save for gathering information and potential resources. The Sith Order had been full of good opportunities so far and so he'd thrown his chips in with them for better or worse.

But damn if these neons weren't distracting.

He passed a cantina, a few brothels masquerading as storefronts, a few actually legitimate storefronts, a group of men and women who were ostensibly pirates but quiet for the stereotype, another cantina... There were some women of varying species outside the recessed doorway of the bar who cat-called at him and made rude but welcoming gestures. He was standing there considering taking them up on their offer when a much more interesting woman caught his eye. It was sort of impossible to miss the sudden blur of movement even though it was down an alleyway moving away from him.

Only one way to fix that.

Oblivious to his target's tail, he was off and running.

[member="Nyra Mazul"] | [member="Darth Vizios"] | [member="Olom Grihk"]​


A tall, feline figure shouldered his way past a pair of Tai Fa's guards and prowled behind [member="Pollux"], yellow eyes fixed directly on the Givin's neck. He wore a soft exosuit: synthetic cords of faux muscle which covered him from chest to calves. A brace of long knives sat at his hips.

The orders from [member="Tai Fa"] were clear. Thengil was to keep an eye on this leader of Guavians and make sure that all went according to plan. A rudimentary task, compared with former glory, but such were the consequences of defeat.

He fell in beside the information broker, feet padding softly against the deck.
Xander had missed the fact the woman was a shape shifter. That was an interesting but of information which could prove useful. For not it made it a little more difficult to follow her. However, every force user could be sensed through the force and all the Knight had to do was follow her aura rather than her physical body. It seemed her target had not proven as interesting as she had hoped, and soon the woman was checking her messages. Xander had a half mind to wander off and find something more entertaining, but is seemed she was off and running. Vizios smirked knowing that she had sensed him, picked up on the fact she was being followed.

Fortunately there were as many ways to follow someone as there were to shake a tail. Sure the options were more so because Xander was a force user, but it did have his advantages. The streets were busy, and while a runner may take advantage of the crowd to slow down their pursuer, Xander took to the roof tops of the buildings and followed her aura along until she landed herslef off the street and into an alleyway. She continued on foot, but Xander much enjoyed the catch as much as he did the chase. He was a hunter after all. His mind was so focused on the woman that he was unaware of the other Sith that had joined the chase. Had he known Xander would have been slightly disappointed that another intruded on his fun. As it was the king was none the wiser, and things were better because of it.

His feet hit the duracrete and his leap from the building was timed to land just in front of the woman as she made her next turn. There the monarch Sith stood with a wide toothy grin on his face. It was certainly to be a surprise, but the Sith Assassin was a bit more hopeful it would be. The goal wasn't to keep [member="Nyra Mazul"] from doing what she was there to do, on the contrary it was to help. "You can be a challenge to track down, my lady," he offered with a bow. "Your mark didn't lead to any big fish I take it?"

[member="Onley Xiangu"] | [member="Olom Grihk"]
Nyra could sense them coming, there was anticipation in the air. She licked her lips and unwrapped the whip from around her waist. As [member="Onley Xiangu"] turned the corner giving chase to her she flicked her wrist sending her whip out and wrapping it around the young mans arm. Another flourish of her arm send the long length of the whip wrapping around his body allowing her to reel him in as one might a pet on a leash. "Well, you aren't what I suspected." As she pulled him close she smiled and pursed her lips leaning in close to whisper in his ear. "Out without mother? So daring. And you chase little old me into this alley?

And then she heard the assassin land. "And there is who I was expecting," Nyra said. She could of course conceal herself with the force, it was a basic technique of the Sith but it was much more fun to lead people on a merry chase. Pulling at the whip she positioned Onley next to her. "No," she pouted pawing at the youth, "I wasn't expecting him to though. Middle management is too high up not to listen and too far down to make any real changes. It's a poor state of affairs to be in that position." Shrugging she then added. "So I have two handsome men chasing me into an alley, tell me what are your intentions?"

[member="Onley Xiangu"] | [member="Darth Vizios"] | [member="Olom Grihk"]

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