Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Caretaker (Open)

Jairdain nodded to [member="Sarianna Misarr"] when she spoke, wondering what she had prepared for her and [member="Wu Yeoh"].

"What are you going to show us now, Master?"

Looking around the different items, she wasn't sure what any of it had to do with meditation. She was ready for anything and wanting to learn.

Sarianna looked at the two of them and motioned for them to come outside with her. "We're going to work on the moving meditation, it is something jedi can enter and use with their skills to get around an environment without endangering themselves and even without prior knowledge." They might be able to use it for chasing down a suspect when the time came and the force would let them avoid the crowds and people to weave in between them which was an important part of what they might be able to do.

Wu was walking out there to see and had a small look of interest on her face. Getting some of the attention for themselves until she wanted to rush it and handle a few parts for herself. "Moving meditation?" She asked it and thought about it. The ability to meditate and move would be invaluable and she used a form of it in the kitchen for awareness to make sure she didn't run into people while she was in that cooking zone for herself with a look on her face.
The young Padawan by the name of Kayda was always interested in meditation, but never formally participated in it. Hearing that there was a class for it, he scurried to where it was being held. Making his way into the room he found that no one was harboring it. Confused for a moment, he questioned if he had gotten the wrong directions.

Until he heard the voice of a woman speaking from outside, peeking out from around the corner. Kayda saw three people who he guessed were participating in the class, the oldest one out of the group most likely being the instructor. Realizing that the class had already begun, sighing softly to himself Kayda assumed he was too late. Yet he still spoke out, asking in a respectful tone.

“ Am I too late..? “
Jairdain followed [member="Sarianna Misarr"] and [member="Wu Yeoh"] outside for the next part of the lesson.

"Master Misarr, I already use the Force to see and move around."

She had been born blind a​nd this type of thing was second nature to her.

Right before she spoke another person entered into the area, she was surprised she hadn't heard the figure coming up behind her. Jairdain turned around quickly and looked at the newcomer.

@Kayda Vrieska
[member="Jairdain"] @Kayda Vrieska

She looked at the padawan as she spoke and there was a look on her face here. "Then it will come easier for the next part padawan. Do not worry there is a great deal and much like me understand there is a small difference between guidance and meditation. This might surprise you." Or not, it was hard to say and she knew other miraluka who didn't often use it. "I have been working with some other miraluka to truly develop better ways to augment the meditation." She stayed there when another came out and spoke. "I am uncertain, I haven't seen the time padawan." She said the joke in jest cause her and Jardain... chrono's..... it was funny. "We are just coming along to the moving meditation."
[member="Jairdain"] @Kayda Vrieska

Wu was looking at Jardain and the jedi kngiht who was speaking as she snickered at the joke.. kind of. Okay it wasn't that funny but it did give her a chance to be there and stand at the ready. Allowing the force itself before they would all be around now. "Understood master." She was thinking about it and eing able to move around would be something that she could do. Running around with the force to guide her would be something that they could use and Wu had prepared herself when the other padawan joined them turning to see him for a moment.
Kayda slowly made his way over to the other people. Acknowledging both of the other Padawan’s learning, Kayda lifted his hand up ever so slightly. Giving a friendly wave directed towards both of them. Smiling softly he realized that the lesson seemed to still be in session, relieved by this the young Padawan spoke out once again. Aiming his question to the instructor.

“ I see.. I think I've got the basics down of meditation, but would you be so kind as to refresh my memory?

He asked in a polite tone of voice, hoping that the teacher wouldn't mind filling him in on what he had missed.

[member="Wu Yeoh"] / [member="Sarianna Misarr"] / [member="Jairdain"]
Jairdain fell into line with @Kayda Vrieska and [member="Wu Yeoh"] as [member="Sarianna Misarr"] led them outside. The Jedi addressed Kayda after the young man asked a question on the time. Knowing there was a joke in there and smiled. Smling she turned to Kayda to introduce herself.

"I'm Jairdain, but prefer Jera."

Holding out her hand for​ the other padawan to shake.
@Kayda Vrieska [member="Jairdain"]

She was looking at him while speaking about it for themselves here. "THe basics of meditation are simple, you must clear your mind. Find what you are able to do and let the force calm yu body." She was motioning for them while the course around them was full of different platforms and offering to the non blind ones like her and jardain well they would be moving through the course. "This form of meditation requires a great deal of trust and skill within the force. With your eyesight gone, trust in the force to guide you thorugh the course. We have medical staff on hand."
@Kayda Vrieska [member="Jairdain"]

Wu was looking at her and the lesson plan was to move around with the force guiding them... as the two here seemed to make it this would be easy for them so it was more for her and the new padawan's benefit as she stood there ready for anything. Prepared even and the small Jin was getting her blindfold from the master as she moved her hair out of the way and stood to her full height. Another look at the new padawan was having the lesson plan explained a little more with the basics and she was prepared remaining quiet with a small grin on her face that this could be fun.
Kayda listened closely to what the Instructor had to say. Being informed once again as to how one meditates correctly. The young Padawan decided he should try to attempt it himself now. Sighing softly the boy stepped away from the group, creating some distance so he could focus. Sitting down upon the ground, Kayda crossed his legs. Resting his arms casually upon them, he slowly closed his eyes. Taking long breaths, Kayda soon felt his body begin to calm. Having nothing on his mind, his body fell into a current of serenity and peace.

Taking this time to reflect, Kayda soon begin to see images although he was not consciously determining what he was seeing. This was simply his subconscious speaking to him, trying to reach out so that he could find enlightenment and aid from within. To find inner peace one should know themselves, and to truly do that. They must reflect on their own actions and take them for face value.

As Kayda meditated he could see that for him to self-improve, he must take time to be humble, and study in humility. Having a hard time respecting others and growing agitated with those who care for him. Once he realized his faulty, a strange surge flowed through the boys body. It felt as if he had been lifted, Kayda assumed this was the way of the Force letting him know that he was on the right track. With all of this going on, the Padawan stayed silent clouding out all outer distractions.

[member="Wu Yeoh"] / [member="Sarianna Misarr"] / [member="Jairdain"]
Jairdain looked over the obstacle course in front of them with the twists, turns, levers and platforms. She turned to look at [member="Sarianna Misarr"].

"You want me to navigate that?"

She watched as [member="Wu Yeoh"] put on her blindfold and [member="Kayda Vrieska"] went off to the side to meditate.

Already using the force to guide her in getting around, this should be a simple exercise. Knowing it wasn't a race of any kind, Jairdain went out into the course and started making her way through it.

Her eyes almost glowed as she moved, jumped and glided effortlessly. When she was done, she returned to the door to how far along Wu was. She had a huge smile on her face.
[member="Kayda Vrieska"] [member="Jairdain"]

"That is the plan yes." She was letting Jardain move and go through it while the other padawan was going off and getting his meditation and focus ready. With everything happening here she could see some parts of it for the jedi now. THe one padawan was meditating to focu his mind, another was preparing herself for the course and the other was doing it. Perfectly as needed when she was watching to see Jardain do it but she expected one of the padawans who normally used the force to see would be able to guide herself. "Good, next time you do it though you will be using the force, faced with distraction. What comes naturally for us and is almost second nature to doing other tasks is something to focus on and try to show them.
[member="Kayda Vrieska"] [member="Jairdain"]

Wu was looking at them and she focused herself, letting the force energies calm her mind that was racing when she had the blindfold on and heard Jardain making ease of the training course. She was waiting her turn and then moving as she focused, reaching out with her mind and the force guided her to the one platform as she could almost see it. her mind racing and trying to place where it all is... She wanted to wait until she moved getting up the platform slowly and back up again running to jump to another one. her memory of looking at the course and the force were competing together to try and tell her where to go as she landed ont he platform and came up short on the end falling into the water and mud with a yelp as the blindfold came away and she remained there for a moment.
Once the boy felt at ease, he would open his eyes standing up from where he meditated. Making his way over to the Instructor, Kayda respectfully extended his hand out. Requesting for a blindfold the young boy patiently waited for her to respond.

“ I believe I'm ready.. “

He seemed to be confident in his abilities, once the woman gave him the cloth. He wrapped the blindfold around his head, letting it cover his eyes completely. With his vision now gone, the young boy relied on the force to guide him. Breathing in slowly to calm his mind, he slowly walked to the beginning of the obstacle course. It seemed he was able to know his surroundings, although he could not see. Truly Kayda had let himself be one with the Force, accepting it's guidance.

Leaping from the start, Kayda’s body launched forward swiftly landing on the first platform. Moving to the next he seemed to be getting the hang of it. Having no real prior knowledge of how the course looked, this was simply him moving with the Force’s aid. Leaping across the large pits of mud, it seemed almost effortless to anyone who was watching him. Landing upon the soft grass once more, the young boy assumed he had finished the course. Surprised he lifted his blindfold, only to see that he was in fact at the end. Turning around the boy showed a glimmer of joy in his eyes, as he looked back at the instructor and other students.

[member="Wu Yeoh"] / [member="Sarianna Misarr"] / [member="Jairdain"]
Jairdain watched as [member="Wu Yeoh"] started out on the course strong, but soon enough she missed one of the ledges and fell down into the mud with a yelp of surprise and sat there for a few moments.

When it was [member="Kayda Vrieska"]'s turn, she again watched the young man as he went through the course. He made it look natural and easy.

She looked at [member="Sarianna Misarr"], waiting for her bring in the distractions and to run the obstacles again.
[member="Kayda Vrieska"] [member="Jairdain"]

She was watching it, the one fell and got in the mud while the other made it through it spoke to the experience and then Jardain was asking for distractions and obstacles with it while she was raising an eyebrow. "Patience padawan, lets make sure the others can do it normally first and then we can have some of the it." Grants finding good ways to distract a miraluka generally involved clouding the force but the main problem with that was... she wouldn't be able to see if they did it or got in trouble either so needed to be careful and smart about it while she tapped on the wrist pad with a small look. "We'll start it out simple enough, there are new training droids designed to test jedi. THey will be added and have training sabers."

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