Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Caretaker (Open)


Sarianna was looking at her and control was good but a jedi needed to be able to not stunt themselves. She had seen the danger of giving in but she had also seen the dangers of heavy repression. "Control is good and I have learned that when it comes to emotions a jedi needs to know how to control them. We don't give in but we do not have to repress them so much that any little acknowledgement of them becomes addicting. It is what has happened with many of the jedi so control them but acknowledge you have them and allow yourself to feel them in a controlled environment." She was looking at the two of them though with a grin on her face. "The two of you took the simple meditation into a different mediration. One a farsight and one the floating meditation. Both show the primise of your future force skills."

Wu looked at her and she felt someting from her for a moment. The look on her face as she stood there next to her with a nod of her head. "I was flying or floating... something. different." She was uncertain about it before she was looking over it in her mind and at the other girl as she was the short padawan standing at her full height and looking up at her offering a small nod behind her black bangs. Then she heard the master talkking about it and there was not a lot she knew but being able to use the force was something that would be good to report to the others within the Jin Empire.
"Master Misarr, I always know my emotions are there. When it comes to using the Force though, I like lock them away in a little box and keep them there until the time is right for them come back out. At that point, I reopen the box and feel again."

Jairdain waited until after the young padawan spoke, looking at her and giving her a gentle look. They were both new to this and totally different.

"I also feel there is no negative emotion, all are acceptable, just not using the Force while allowing anything to control you."

[member="Wu Yeoh"]
[member="Sarianna Misarr"]

Lookin at her for a moment with a small look on her face the jedi knight bowed her head. She had accepted that there were a number of different views... Not all of them were good and not all of them were bad but some others she had met were much more out there. At least the padawan seemed to understand emotions compared to others who just wanted to use them and have them without having to have self control. So she could go with it while they were moving around. "That is fine, the lightside welcomes all."

Wu was looking at her and it was more curious to say, she was learning basic with them and emotions were something she dind't always try to use. Being in the kitchen it had been excitement, being with the pricness it had been for a sense of adventure in what they were getting to do here in the galaxy since they had managed to get out of their home system. Everyting was beginning to look better and better for them before she stretched out and looked on at them taking in the discussion
Jairdain chewed on the inside of her cheek in thought, tilting her head to the side slightly and placing two fingers on her chin.

"How do I know what is light and what is dark?"

It was a question she had never thought of before and needed it answered.

[member="Wu Yeoh"]
[member="Sarianna Misarr"]

(Sorry it's so short)

She was looking at the padawan there with a look on her face though when she moved over to look at her. There was some of the information here but the jedi needed to work on many things for themselves. "You will know when you are able to use the force in peace and serenity. The darkside is about emotions, raw, wild and everything that can come to you easily. Anger, lust, aggression, jealously, envy. These are easy to use and feel, they are easy to wrap yourself in and keep you warm. The lightside is about harmony and peace of mind."

Wu was looking at everything happening and she was interested in the question and answer as well. It wasn't something often given or shown that they would have or be able to work with. She could only think of a few other instances where she had really gotten to see or experience the talks about the lightside or the darksdie with her master. HS ehadn't heard much of it and given the diplomatic talks she had been a part of there was not much from the jedi beyond a basic amount of information.
Jairdain listened to [member="Sarianna Misarr"] and her answer, nodding that she understood exactly what was meant and smiled.

"Then the Jedi is the place for me, for sure."

The smile in her voice, obvious to everybody in the room. Her emotional control was one of her greatest strengths. She wasn't afraid of emotions or showing them, but only at the correct times and situations.

Now she turns to look at the short quiet student wondering why she hasn't spoken much, but keeping it to herself.

[member="Wu Yeoh"]

Sarianna was looking at her and thinking about it and what they were doing. "I shal return in a few moment, you two converse among yourselves and I'll make sure the small area is set up to continue the lesson." She was not entirely sure about it but letting the padawans have a chance to converse among themselves until she was looking over to the rooms leading out of the temple. Being around with the small jungle area and the protected meditation garden that had been being made for the silver jedi.

Wu was looking at them and over towards the places here. The jedi master herself was looking to them to converse before she got them the next part of the lesson. Somewhere else in the temple maybe or there might have been props when the short jin was standing there with a nod of her head. "Under...sto... Understood." She said it with a look at her as the idea of conversing where she would have to try and work now. "I am Wu, from the Jin Empire." She bowed and looked up at the girl with a nod of her head.
Jairdain watched as [member="Sarianna Misarr"] excused herself from the room to make sure a different area was prepared for another lesson, wishing the two students to talk with each other. She nodded as the Jedi walked out of the room and turned to look at Wu who stated her name and where she's from.

Feeling slightly odd, standing tall over the short woman, Jairdain sat down on the floor again before introducing herself.

With a smile she said, "I'm Jairdain Ismet, but prefer to be called Jera. My home was destroyed, but it was called Eraton."

She wondered what the Jin Empire was, but decided to ask that later.

"How long have you been here?"

[member="Wu Yeoh"]

Sarianna was there for a moment as she continued so set things up outside. The meditations would be important and entering, using the meditations such as the moving meditation so they could be able to clear their heads when running around. The meditations for serentiy and emptiness that they would be able to use along with harmony so their minds would all be important here. IF she could keep it up, if she could make use of it before they were heading out here then she would have done her job.

She was listening and didn't get all of it but spoke as she stayed there. Feeling with the force and the energies themselves. "Four months, our princess set up diplomatic relations with the Silver Jedi so I am here and learning your language." She said it and without stumbling at least so there was something to be proud about when she was looking at it with a small look of approval in small ways so that she will be able to listen for more instructions. With a small change of stance Wu shifted to look around and be able to see the door for herself when she was also looking at the padawan. "I am Wu yeoh."
Hearing the other Padawan had an accent, Jairdain assumed Basic was not her native language. It wasn't hers either, but her accent was so slight now, most people didn't notice it.

She bowed slightly when [member="Wu Yeoh"] told her her name.

"What is your native language?"

Jairdain speaks a little of hers, basically just told Wu she's happy to meet her and relayed that to her in Basic.

[member="Sarianna Misarr"]

Sarianna was finishing up getting all of it set up outside before she finished up to see a few other parts of it here. She was uncertain about a few parts but that was mostly because she couldn't see a visual of the sight itself. She needed to be able to move around and see it all with the force where the force crystals resonated and painted the area with vibrations and a beauty like a beacon itself. Small and ready heading inside to meet the other two who were hopefully sociaizing among themselves for now.

Looking at her while she spoke with a nod of her head. Speaking quickly in her native language as she was mostly tryin to think of what the jedi had marked it as on the forms they had filed out when visiting and giving a small idea to herself. "It is called Yuyan." She said it while standing there and the other padawan was interesting to see for a couple things that they might be able to see. Unsure about it though while she adjusted her robes and had her saber on her hip where they would be able to stick together.
"Did you know that once you start thinking in another language, that is when you know you've mastered it."

Jairdain smiled at [member="Wu Yeoh"] after speaking.

"It'll come in no time, I'm sure."

Three years ago when she was banished, all she knew was her language, but by watching and paying attention to people around, Jairdain quickly picked up on Basic and learned to speak it.

"Your language is beautiful, Wu."

At this point ​[member="Sarianna Misarr"] rejoins them and she turns to look at the Jedi master, still smiling from her conversation with the other padawan.

Sarianna could hear them talking as she renetered the room and walked over. Hands at her sides but leaving it open so that she would be able to move around. her walking staff she usually used folded up and on her hip along with her saber staff. The regular styled equipment such as her batons and as one fo the weaponmasters who were really around the temple she trained with the different exotic weapons. "We are prepared, make sure you are ready to be outside as these meditations can go for awhile."

Wu said it and understood what she was saying there. THey were going over to look at many of the things for themselves here now, she was uncertain aout it but the jedi master knight was coming back here to look at them. She had given a lot of interest for them to be able to see until she was moving around now, where they would be able to get. Wu stood there and gave a nod to the jedi kngiht herself that she was ready to continue forward with everything that they were going to e able to do.

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