Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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By the Pricking of my Thumbs (The Witchmasters)

Quick! Someone create a Dr. Phil character! :)


"You have my sympathies," Asemir voiced, though his tone said otherwise. His words were lined with ice. "But get over yourself. Literally dying is probably unique, but you're not the only one who has to live with nightmares and regrets. You either deal with it or you don't. If you've got nothing to show for a second chance, then why didn't you stay dead? Why are you even here, if life is such a feth-hole? And I've met Velok, worked with him. He's not that bad. There are far worse beings to share your mind with." He didn't mention that Force ghost that had plagued him for the better part of his life.

Well aware of the rising tensions, Asemir sighed and forced some warmth into his voice. A little bit. It was a challenge. "Courage is what you call stupidity if the person survived, and Kaeda survived."

[member="Mia Monroe"]
Kaeda's blood grew hot. Her eyes narrowed at them all and her cheeks grew flushed.

An angry retort came to her mind, but decided to keep quiet. She was a little blip in the force surrounded by powerful presences. Mouthing off here would get her nothing, and possibly cost her a great deal. People could think she was being "stereo-typically mandalorian" when she had attacked Asemir. She could even agree that looking and feeling before attacking might have been a good idea, she was her own worst critic after all. However, she had her goal in mind, always. Everything she did was for her own cause, even when fighting for someone elses cause.

She also learned quickly, and so remained quiet and watched.

[member="anija betna"] [member="mia monroe"] [member="asemir lor'kora"]
[member="Kaeda Vevut"] [member="Mia Monroe"] [member="Asemir Lor'kora"]

Anija's eyebrows rose... and something in Mia's tone set her on edge. And it had absolutely nothing to do with their current situation. Her fingers flexed for a moment, and she stepped closer to Mia as she reached out in the Force. Not to try and soothe Mia's anger, but to get a better feeling as to why. As she did so, a rather distinct feeling hit her like a sucker punch to the stomach.

Mia was drunk. Roaring drunk. That fact alone explained a lot, actually. Steeling herself, Anija cocked her arm, and reached back before driving her fist towards Mia's jaw. "My father..." Her fist hit Mia's jaw. Feth that hurt. "My father, who I thought killed in cold blood. The very man who I tried in my own way to bring back to the light. For Feth's sake, ba'vodu. You weren't the only one who went through dar'yaim during that time."

She stared at Mia for a long moment before she turned to Kaeda. "While the Lady Liberator might have a few points, I feel you did well, considering the situation at hand. There is no shame as long as you have learned something in the process. Whether it be win or lose."

" And as for you....." She pinned Asemir with a pointed glare. "Your words are noted. Especially the last." Her tone lost a bit of it's edge, but she still remained watchful of him.
Mia felt like she'd been slapped as Asemir's words hit the mark, driving an icy dagger into the pit of her stomach. She was contemplating reactions, debating between hitting him and running as far as she could from everyone. A dull flash of warning in the force made her avert her gaze in time to see Anija's armoured fist before it connected with her jaw.

She staggered sideways, stars exploding in her vision and pain screaming up the side of her face. The foul copper taste of blood filled her mouth as she recovered her balance and brought her hand to rub her jaw. She let out a small bark of laughter, spitting aside a mouthful of blood. "Kark." she grumbled, head spinning.

"Feel better?" she asked Anija. Shadow padded between the group, black eyes fixing Anija with a watchful glare before coming to Mia's side. Not waiting for an answer, she turned to walk away, a hand using Shadow as support. "Feth it, Shadow, feth them too." she grumbled. Where the hell was Rekali? She was done. Done playing babysitter, done dealing with the past coming to haunt her. She wanted nothing more than to find a dark hole to rest in for a bit.

[member="Anija Betna"][member="Kaeda Vevut"][member="Asemir Lor'kora"]
Even more so, Kaeda contemplated the life of someone who takes a vow of silence. Overall, she knew that she was never going to take a vow of silence. When not having been roughed around for a while, then slammed against a wall, she was more likely to mouth off to people who tried to talk down to her. She wasn't entirely comfortable with the praise, but she was fairly independent and mildly feral. Now, though, the issue had gone from how she did in her fight and traveled to some relation Anija had to the woman with the dog.

Then Anija hauled off and slammed an armored gauntlet into the other womans face. Kaeda's eyes went instantly to their prisoner. She had no weapons on her person, so instead pulled on the etheric web that connected all life, feeling the essence of Dathomir slide into her as she readied for their prisoner to try something, though this time she wouldn't make the first move.

[member="Mia Monroe"] [member="Anija Betna"] [member="Asemir Lor'kora"]
The part of his mind that had planned the brilliant assault on Carver V noted the apparent divisions between his captors. It took that nugget of information and placed it in the folder reserved for processing available escape opportunities. The other parts of his mind, basically everything else that wasn't focused on building an escape plan, found it strangely amusing.

Asemir watched Mia stagger away, her pet beast in tow. "Well, that was fun," he mutteredto himself. There was the hint of a grin. He wanted to laugh at the absurdity of the mini-mutiny, but decided that pissing off his captors even more probably wasn't a good idea. To Anija, he added, "I speak only the truth. Kaeda has potential." He paused, thinking about his predicament. "Will you be telling me who you're taking me to? Who your leader is?"

[member="Kaeda Vevut"]
[member="Mia Monroe"]
[member="Anija Betna"]
[member="Asemir Lor'kora"] [member="Mia Monroe"] [member="Kaeda Vevut"]

A slight grin tugged at Anija's mouth at Mia's question, and she nodded. "Actually, yes. Though my intention was to get your attention more than anything." She shrugged slightly at Mia's other comments and made sure Kaeda had a firm grip on Anija's other ripper pistol. She frowned. This whole situation seemed to be getting more complex by the moment. But then, that seemed to be the way of things lately. She sensed vague Amusement from Asemir, and as she considered it, she figured that that the whole thing that had just happened did look rather absurd... and somewhat entertaining. But, it had made her feel better. If only a little bit.

For a long moment, she considered how to answer his question. She had noticed the honesty in his statement regarding Kaeda, and she decided to repay that honesty with a bit of her own. A deep breath. A second. And she felt herself slowly relaxing and her presence blending into the Force. She was still learning White Current techniques as Ember had begun to teach her. Perhaps in time she would learn more. After a few moments to focus on her dissembling, she answered his question. "We are taking you to meet with the Nightfather." She wasn't sure if giving his name was wise, but she spoke anyways. "[member="Ember Rekali"]...." She frowned. "I don't believe I ever caught your name...?"
Ember Rekali. The name sounded vaguely familiar, but Asemir couldn't be sure. He knew he had heard it somewhere years ago. Ages ago. Maybe not that exact name, but something similar. The memory floated just at the edge of his mental grasp, and that annoyed him greatly. Rekali...

"I am Asemir Lor'kora," the Forgotten replied. He wanted to extend his hand in greeting but felt it might be odd in the current situation. "I have met Kaeda, but I do not believe you and I have been introduced."

[member="Anija Betna"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Asemir Lor'kora"] [member="Anija Betna"] [member="Kaeda Vevut"] [member="Mia Monroe"]

Well, feth. The blood had gotten inside his bracers and bodyglove, all the way up past the elbows.

The delegation and the prisoner found Ember as he walked out the doorway of a gutted prefab, stripped to the waist. The upper half of his bodyglove hung limp around his legs, and he was trying -- in vain -- to wipe gore off his arms. He was also cussing somewhat.

He looked up and blinked. Blinked again, as he took in the tera and the blue-gray skin and the Master-level Force presence and the scars. And the name he'd half-overheard, the one that hadn't registered until just now.

"Asemir Lor'kora. I'm Ember Rekali. I think you knew my son Rach. Heck, I think we might have met once upon a time."
The man was covered in blood and gore and was stripped to the waist. The scene was quite bizarre but it did remind Asemir of some of his experiences ages ago as an active member of Null Regiment Prime. Covered in blood and gore. Pieces of flesh stuck to his body in an effort to craft a horrible costume of pure nightmare fuel. Yes, those were (not) good memories.

But the man looked familiar. Vaguely. The facial features were reminiscent of someone Asemir had met before. And then the man spoke, and Asemir remembered.

"I don't recall if we've met, sir," he said as he offered his hand, "but you are right. I did know your son. He started me on my current journey, all those years ago. Without him, I would not be here today, and would not be the person I am now. How is Rach doing? Is he well?"

[member="Ember Rekali"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Asemir Lor'kora"]

Ember looked down at the offered hand, then up at the old assassin's face, then down again, and shook it. On balance, he doubted the Forgotten much cared if the handshake transferred viscera.

"Guess we're both either forgetful or forgettable, then." He felt his face tighten. "Rach is dead, a couple times over. His daughter Alec is around, though. My heir apparent, guess you could call her. She didn't come along on this particular errand -- she's holding down the clan fort elsewhere."

He resumed his doomed attempt to clean up. "We're here because the proprietors of this particular starport were trying to drive a wedge between the Witches and the Mandos. Seeing as my clan is both, I wasn't much amused. Anything you can tell me about them?"
Asemir almost cursed aloud when Ember related the death of his son. His skin flushed with embarrassment. "I'm sorry to hear of Rach's death," he said, lowering his eyes for a moment. "I hadn't heard. With the whole Cult of Shadow mess, we hadn't kept in touch. I'm sorry for your loss."

The regret and sympathy in his voice were genuine, even if Asemir was so used to death that Rach's passing wasn't a shock. He had come to learn of the pain that people felt when death hit too close to home, had felt it himself even, and his heart truly hurt for Ember. But, his mind refocused upon the elder Rekali's question.

"The people you've been fighting, they're strictly mercenaries," Asemir began, "hired to protect the port. They're being paid to keep the place secure, to safeguard the cargo, that type of thing. From what I've seen, they're competent but they aren't elite soldiers like the Mandalorians." He gestured vaguely to the gore that Ember wore. "As I'm sure you've found out, they're no match for your people. In fact, I would wager that any survivors thus far are at the edge of breaking. You'd likely be able to convince them all to surrender, if you're of the mind to spare a few lives. They aren't the type of mercs who'd die for their paycheck."

[member="Ember Rekali"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Asemir Lor'kora"]

Ember grunted in acknowledgement of the sympathy.

"Taking slaves is a longstanding tradition on this world. Rest assured there'll be plenty of survivors. The tide's turned, and if I know mercs, they can taste it on the wind. If you'll forgive a mixed metaphor." He shrugged back into the top half of the jumpsuit, blood or not, and toggled the pressure seal. "Message sent, and once we ask some questions, we'll know who received it. From there, it's probably a matter of keeping a decent defensive presence. If the instigators turn out to be relatively nearby, that's something else.

"You'd be welcome to stick around, if you like. Rach spoke highly of you and your skills, and he never spoke well of anyone. We'd be glad to have you, assuming you don't have any conflicting allegiances. Qualms about methodology won't be a problem."
As the fighter approached the gutted trading post, Renos gazed out the Cockpit window this frist time in the week long trip he come to the cockpit, as looked out on the bloody broken bodies, and badly damaged prefab buildings. He reached into the pouch on his belt handed the dark skinned the other 3 gems as promised, and said “Don’t land just get close to one of buildings, I’ll jump from the ramp.” As he finished and turned to walk away he gave a whistle to rouse his sleeping Rekr the wolk raised it’s head as Renos went by and grabbed his energy bow, the wolf quickly got to it’s feet and followed closely behind. As the pilot maneuver the freighter near one building and lowered the ramp, Renos pulled his leather hood up, he and his Rekr ran down the ramp leaping to a nearby rooftop, Renos hit the roof and rolled forward stooping in a kneeling position and quickly drawing his energy bow to a the firing position, and his brown eyes darted about his field of vision. Leather clad hooded Vashyada then stood and stealthily made his way to edge of the roof.

[member="Vesta Rekali"], [member="Asemir Lor'kora"]

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