Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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But You Say He's Just A Friend

[member="Zareca Cartel"] | [member="Helix Syndicate"]

He cocked his head as he studied Grigori tittering off into the shadows to find another med pack.

Then Vulgrim looked at the med pack itself, before resting his gaze on the Rodian. Who did not seem to be inclined to pick it up himself, even though he was clearly worse off than he was. His clawed foot pushed the pack over to the rodian, he didn't even need to think twice of it.

"Patch yourself up, mister Pauul. I will handle the logistic difficulties."

Then the Maelibus walked over to the crate and studied it for a moment.

Oh, true, he could probably just rend the steel casing without much issue. But they needed to be careful about it, wrecking the contents would be a sad state of affairs indeed. And he, for one, did not want to explain to Mister Pollux why his merchandise was karked up to oblivion.

Or at least part of the merchandise by the looks of that datapad.

With a gentle push his claws punctured the lid of the crate and with a tug it came undone. Revealing a wonderful gleam of blue crystals hiding in the shadows.

"Gentlemen. I think Mister Pollux will be very happy with us."
[member="Vulgrim Blackwell"] | [member="Zareca Cartel"]

Several minutes later, Grigori returned with another medical kit cradled in his hands. Physically speaking, he seemed to have only suffered a few scrapes and bruises. Unfortunately, he was still deafened. "Who's happy with sluts?" He asked, holding a medical kit out for Vulgrim to take. Then he noticed the crate Vulgrim had opened and that it was loaded with stygium crystals. Eureka! The crates had been here all along. It looked like Comrade Tokomoto had them here all along, it was just that he had already given them up to the Atrisian-something-Triad. Those guys with the guns must have been here to pick it up when they just happened upon a very sensitive Helix Syndicate operation.

What luck! If they had arrived an hour later, they might have missed it entirely.

"No, no, don't move it." Grigori barked, taking a comlink out of his pocket. "I will call the shuttle. They will move crates for us, comrade. You stitch up."

He depressed a button and placed the comlink in his ear. Then only a few seconds later he pulled it out again, inspecting the device and noting the green activation light. "It's not ringing for some reason. Must be broken. The comlink was ringing faintly, just not enough to punctuate Grigori's deafness. "Maybe you should call." How very unfortunate that Grigori had to spend his entire introduction thread being completely unable to hear anything properly. He wouldn't even hear the credits roll at this rate.​

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