Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Building on Broken Foundations

Natalie stared blankly at her nails as the orders were assigned, before looking up at the two Knight-errands who had been assigned for her protection. Truth be told, she could protect herself three fold better than these two individuals ever could, but she wasn't in the mood for arguments. Not this early in the morning; and given the circumstances that would be a good thing.

Once more, she rolled her eyes as the crate opened and giggled to herself a bit. "I hope you don't expect me to wea-." stopping herself and sighing again, placing a hand on her forehead and closing her eyes while taking one out of the crates. While she was determined to look as good as ever -- even on such a Saharan planet -- health and safety was above everything else, but that was only because she hadn't mastered the art of becoming a force ghost. If she had it her way, she would've stayed on the ship and waited for her companions, [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] and [member="Asha Mataya-Syrush"], but that was not a possibility.

When she returned, she spoke once more. "Is this your daughter?" Pointing to Asha

[member="Beleth"] I [member="Darth Abyss"] I [member="Velon Ielor"] I [member="Antherion"] I [member="Ankharbis the Great"] I [member="Bestat"] I [member="Apiculius the Cunning"] I [member="Aria Vale"] I [member="Corin Zanith"] I [member="Qamaria Nasha"]
Feeling the call of the Force wasn't anything new to Kaalia. It had done so many times before, bringing her across many different planets across the galaxy. She did so out of sheer curiosity; her love of travel often being the major reason for giving in and following the call. Today was no exception. Preparations had been made and people had been informed, much like she always did, just in case her expedition took longer than expected, but she would take as long as it was necessary. Today, the woman was no Ren. To say she was not among the most dedicated within the order was a severe understatement, and that had only gotten worse with every passing day. Building an individual life aside from the Ren was something that she had been doing for some time now; even if it was far from encouraged.

As the Sonic Phantom entered realspace around Ankhypt she was surprised to see the swathe of other vessels that surrounded the planet. She was far from alone to have heard the call, something that piqued her interest even further. Something large was happening, and the redhead was determined to find out what it was exactly, even if she wasn't going to be directly involved. Being merely a spectator was often entertaining enough. Finding a place to land that was private enough, she looked around as the boarding ramp lowered with a hiss. The scorching heat was far from comfortable, but things had been worse. Stepping out onto the desert surface she let the Force guide her steps, walking with purpose through a seemingly empty and endless sandscape.

Many minutes later a palace came into sight, causing Kaalia's lips to curl up into a smile. She sensed many other presences, different people from different backgrounds and walks of life. Perhaps they were all guests, much like she was. Taking in the structure as she approached it she stopped at the entrance for a moment before deciding to head on inside. When she finally did, walking into the hall where the others were gathered, she immediately noted the presence of someone familiar. People were being led to seats at a large table, the scenery something the young Knight very much enjoyed looking at. "If you don't mind, I would like a seat next to the woman sitting over there." The servant simply nodded, led her over and as she took her seat as she thanked him. When he walked off Kaalia tilted her head sideways, facing the woman she recognized. "Aria. It's been a while, huh. I must say that it is most interesting seeing you here." [member="Aria Vale"] was someone she had met in the past and she was glad to meet up with her again. "How have things been?"

[member="Darth Mara"] | [member="Apiculius the Cunning"] | [member="Ankharbis the Great"] | [member="Beleth"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Draven Asterisk"] | [member="Qamaria Nasha"] | [member="The Matador"] | [member="Corin Zanith"] | [member="Antherion"] | [member="Velon Ielor"] | @anyoneelseimissed
He had expected something along those lines. [member="Ankharbis the Great"]'s proposal was something that the Bogan had once offered him; they had offered him a purpose to wage war in the galaxy. Now, the Covenant offered the Master another purpose, to serve him. Velon was interested, mostly because it made him remembered the past, where he waged war on planets like Eriadu(this was in another roleplaying site), and had participated in an attack on the mighty shipyards of Fondor.

"You have my interest." he said, his expression neutral as always. The Anzati Powerhouse decided to sit down, analyzing the various people that had arrived. He could not sense anyone that walked among the light, seeing only dark siders. Velon wasn't aware of [member="Darth Abyss"], but he wondered if he had seen someone close to that matched his description when he had served in the One Sith Inquisition

He had a feeling that a lot of the individuals that came here were from the Sith although it was something that couldn't be verified based on feelings alone. Velon had long forsaken the ways of the Sith, but he was still interested as to how they faired.

The former General waited for the others to respond, curious as to who would also have interest in the King's proposal.
Corin listened to the mans smiling beneath his mask. He pulled the chair out the rest of the way, taking a seat and leaning back, relaxing. "What you offer is tempting...for those who have nothing. Bending to the will of one greater than yourself, as to earn reward and power in their shadow. But, why would I commit myself to another world when I already have one? What good will supporting a new...covenant as you call it, when my power base is on the opposite side of the galaxy. I am not saying I would not consider the option but I will not blindly commit. But I will need good reasons to do so, more than just to help make your world prosper, at the potential expense of my own." When he was done, Corin briefly nodded his head to the Pharaoh, as he called himself.

As he was speaking though, he had let his eyes travel the room, taking in those present. Many were strangers whom he had no knowledge of, and he was certain they did not know of him either. However...two in particular were far from strangers. One, a potential ally from the past, the other...Corin cared not to consider the implications of the former Sith being here.He did not know the warrior personally, but he had heard the rumors and reports. He would have to keep his eyes on [member="Darth Abyss"] if he was to actually join this covenant.

Darth Mara | Apiculius the Cunning | Ankharbis the Great | Beleth | Krest | Darth Abyss | Draven Asterisk | Qamaria Nasha | The Matador | Antherion | Velon Ielor |
A silent nod was the response to the question, at least for the moment. Having been handed a datapad by the Knight-Captain, she scrolled through the information for a moment before setting it aside. Her golden hues falling upon the woman she had taken as a lover before looking back to her daughter. For a moment she was silent, her mind finding the right words before a soft sigh escaped her lips. Though it wasn't one of disappointment or otherwise meant as a slight towards either woman.

"She is, in some sense. I did not give birth to her, though my blood runs through her veins. It was the only way to save her when I found her."

Her golden hues fell upon Asha's stomach, the memory of the wound that had been there flooding back into her mind before she shook her head slightly. Looking back to her lover, she stepped forward, helping the woman with the needed protection as she smirked. Leaning forward as she helped with the bodyglove, her arms slipped around her to deal with the zipper, she whispered softly.

"Behave yourself down there and I'll take you to Zeltros. And please do your best to get along with Asha, it would mean a great deal to me if you would."

Stepping back, she smiled before turning back to the crates. Pulling out the chest piece of the armor, she slipped it onto Natalie, the next few pieces being set in place just as easily. When it came down to the helmet, she smirked slightly. The thought of the woman protesting as it would ruin or otherwise mess with her hair came to mind. Setting it down next to her though, she merely smirked before stepping away, leaving the woman to place it upon her own brow.


Amelia asked as she stepped up behind Asha, lightly pulling on the straps to make sure the armor plates were set in their proper place. Her hand lightly resting upon her shoulder as she smiled at the young woman that was now her daughter. One last check of everyone's suits was made to ensure that the group wouldn't be arriving blistered or otherwise burned from the sun. Of course the thought came to mind as to what drek had decided to call them all to this world.

"Shall we discover what called us here?"

She asked while looking upon her small group, giving a silent nod before moving towards the waiting shuttle. The boarding ramp resting opening, a soft hiss escaping from its hydrolics as steam billowed out, the woman's cape being blown back slightly as she marched forward. The pilots already cycling the shuttle up as it prepared to lift off and bring its passengers to the world below.

Amelia's Forces:

[member="Darth Mara"] | [member="Asha Mataya-Syrush"] | [member="Apiculius the Cunning"] | [member="Ankharbis the Great"] | [member="Beleth"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Draven Asterisk"] | [member="Qamaria Nasha"] | [member="The Matador"] | [member="Aria Vale"] |​
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"A covenant of power. If that's the first thing to come to your mind, honored Pharaoh, then you're a man of ambition. I like that." The voice, grating and artificial, echoed throughout the dry tomb, reverberating with surprising acoustic clarity; the place was meant for silence yet the slightest whisper seemed to echo before it joined the white noise of the desert's howling wind.

There was no doubt in his mind that the jackal had already set plans in motion and was merely seizing on providence. He could also appreciate the purity a government produced by this sort of 'covenant' would bring - when your goal from the first step was power, it made things much easier.

"I know what called us here - a ripple in the Force, a certain... relic, the creation of which I was involved in. Its birth called out, and this was the nearest planet."

That relic was his one key to a new body, courtesy of [member="The Slave"]. Likewise, if he were to die, his one key to eternal damnation in the void. Best to keep it hushed, for now, especially given old foes were nearby.

"My forces were recently decimated -" He cast a meaningful glance at [member="Darth Abyss"]."-but they remain in numbers enough that I would gladly pledge myself to such a compact. For too long I have contented myself with watching the enterprises of lesser men. Of those I recognize here, and what I sense, we all have waited too long."

"There is a vacuum, created by stagnation. We must fill it. A new power must rise. I have seen the extent of the Galaxy's decay - so little has changed. This will be our universe's resuscitation. Resurrection. Redemption."

"No more meaningless codes. No more traditions chaining us down. Only power, used by those who deserve it."

| [member="Ankharbis the Great"] | [member="Bestat"] | [member="Beleth"] | [member="Darth Mara"] | [member="Asha Mataya-Syrush"] | [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] | [member="Velon Ielor"] | [member="Apiculius the Cunning"] | [member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Aria Vale"] |
Asha nodded while she worked to put on the bodyglove. What Amelia said was indeed right. Her adoptive mother had saved her life while she was on the brink in the only way possible, and now her blood indeed ran through her veins. Although appreshensive about the changes at first she now felt nothing but gratitude. Not only did she save her life, she gave her a home.

She looked over to Natalia and gently nodded. "She is right. She saved my life and took me in as one of her own, something I can never repay." Moving to take care of putting on the armor she turned her head again. "Apologies for not introducing myself properly before, I am not the most outgoing of people. As you were just told, my name is Asha. My last name at birth was Mataya, but I carry the Syrush name now." And that she did gladly.

When Amelia went to help her with properly putting on the armor she felt comfort in the hand that was put on her shoulder and her smile, to which she smiled back. After the check that everyone's suits were properly covering and called to move the white-haired woman nodded. "I cannot lie, I am quite curious." With that the group boarded the shuttle, ready to head down to Ankhypt's surface.

[member="Darth Mara"] | [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] | [member="Apiculius the Cunning"] | [member="Ankharbis the Great"] | [member="Beleth"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Draven Asterisk"] | [member="Qamaria Nasha"] | [member="The Matador"] | [member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Antherion"] | [member="Corin Zanith"] | [member="Velon Ielor"]
Bestat followed where the unseen directed her to go. Her chariot moved over the sand effortlessly leaving behind only the small trail that was instantly hidden by the winds from the east. She cast her gaze around her as they moved she saw no one else upon the sands this call had not touched everyone around her so far it seemed to only call to her, to call to the one they called Bast.

The closer she got the more she felt the stirrings in her blood calling her urging her forward. Her now beneath the structures of Ankhypt there are many rooms, many caverns all dark and sombre as they wait. Each one with its own ancestral totem each of them a test, each of them waiting for those that would be tested. Bestat closed her eyes focusing her attention on the whispers from the sands as the chariot picked up speed pushing onwards.

A keeper of the portal. Guardians all around. A voice that sounded like thunder. The cries of those under his foot. Darkness was nothing to be afraid of it was a friend to be coveted not feared.

How long had she traveled and what had she seen when she came to a familiar place, home of the Pharoah. She shook her head gently clearing away the cobwebs and bringing forth the form she held when in the court of the Pharoah. She left the chariot and made her way inside.

She could hear the words of [member="Ankharbis the Great"] he was greeting off worlders. It was more than rare any more to find someone not of Ankhypt trodding upon the sands of the desert world. He was offering the riches of their home to those within. She smiled weakly and made her way closer to listen.

Was she interested in seeing her world's influence grow? The spirit within that was Bast purred and growled yes she wanted more she wanted to see the thousands on their knees and hiding their faces in hot sands. Bestat smiled and then looked down. What would they say? She would speak when she felt the timing was right.

[member="Corin Zanith"]
[member="Asha Mataya-Syrush"]
[member="Qamaria Nasha"]
[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
[member="Apiculius the Cunning"]
[member="Aria Vale"]
[member="Darth Mara"]
[member="Darth Abyss"]
[member="Velon Ielor"]
"Zeltros? That's too mundane for me. We should explore somewhere a little more exotic" winking to [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] before turning her attention to [member="Asha Mataya-Syrush"]. "You're quite tall, anybody ever told you that? Must be genetic" smiling and then boarding the shuttle. "And if you wouldn't mind me asking, how exactly did she save your life? With the upmost respect, I cannot imagine too many situations where that would be the case."

The shuttle was stuffy given the size of the group, and as it descended down into the atmosphere even Natalie could feel the heat, which she utterly despised. In her mind, it was almost always better to be freezing cold than in a flurry of sweat and heat, but that was just her opinion. Sweating didn't look good on a lady after all, and with this heavy armour on and bodygloves, Natalie was surely feeling her most hated thing in the galaxy.

Though this did present a new challenge to her. Perhaps it would be useful in future to design a product to counteract the sun's rays, after all, if there was a reason for coming here then she would be coming back, and she couldn't stay nocturnal for the rest of her life.

[member="Darth Abyss"] I [member="Velon Ielor"] I [member="Antherion"] I [member="Ankharbis the Great"] I [member="Bestat"] I [member="Apiculius the Cunning"] I [member="Aria Vale"] I [member="Corin Zanith"] I [member="Qamaria Nasha"]
A thunderous unison of heavy boots thud against the boarding ramp, the personal guard following the three into the shuttle. Amelia moved towards the cockpit, standing at the doorway before nodding as her hand came to rest upon the pilot's shoulder. Motioning forward, the pilot reached up, retracting the boarding ramp as the shuttle began to hum for a moment. Slowly lifting up, it shuddered as it slipped from the hanger bay, pulling from the corvette that had carried it for much of the journey to this hidden world.

"Don't stop for anyone. We've not the time to deal with the locals just yet."

She spoke simply to the pilot, whom in turn merely nodded at her command. The shuttle slipping through the atmosphere as Amelia stood there, silently watching. Her arms crossed over her chest, golden hues falling upon the world, giving her the guise of some ancient sentinel ever watchful as she merely took in the desert world. A low hiss escaped her lips as she thought about what kind of idiot had dragged them to this place before she looked over her shoulder.

Those golden hues fell upon the two accompanying her, a small smirk crossing her lips as she watched them speaking for a moment. Her attention once more turning forward as the shuttle slipped over a small settlement. The architecture was something different, vastly different than what she was normally accustomed to seeing in the galaxy. As the shuttle slipped through the sky, her hand came up, pointing off towards the distance.

"That way, away from the city. Towards the tombs is where we'll find our answers."

A nod was all that was needed as she stepped away from the cockpit, leaving the pilot to their task as she slipped into her seat. Closing her eyes for a moment, she kept her arms crossed over her chest, her mind rushing through a variety of variables and plans. The combined force of the shuttle though was more than enough to ensure their own safety. Her eyes shot open as the shuttle shuddered once more, slowly being brought down in front of some ancient and from the looks of it, barren tomb.

Standing up, she motioned towards the Knight-Captain before stepping forward. Her hand grabbing at her helm, checking it for a moment before nodding quietly. A loud hiss escaped from the shuttle, its boarding ramp slowly opening before softly thudding upon the sand. It was the Knight-Captain and Knight-Lieutenant that stepped out first, followed by Amelia. Bringing her hand up, she shielded her face and eyes from the harsh sun, lucky enough that the pilots had managed to land in such away as to ensure that they would be shrouded by the shade from both the shuttle and temple.

Moving towards the entrance, she stopped only for a moment to ensure that the entire group was together. Looking over her shoulder, she nodded before moving once more. The thunderous unison of the marching boots upon the thick stone rung out through the chamber. Her golden hues falling upon those that had already arrived. Her small group at her back as she slowly pulled her helm from her brow. Handing it to the Knight-Lieutenant, she slowly surveyed the room, her golden hues falling upon each individual before she stepped forward, her attention settling upon the individual on the throne at the far end of the tomb.

"Countess Sorenn-Syrush of Alderaan and her entourage, my daughter Mataya-Syrush, my other half Lady LaForte."

Amelia motioned her hand towards each of them before stepping forward once more, descending down the stairs into the tomb. Stopping at the bottom, she remained guarded, still hesitant of those around them as her attention slipped between those in the room. Her eyes settled upon another individual, the hooded figure speaking with the Pharoah, a small smirk slipping upon her lips to reveal a glint of her fang before she moved towards a set of empty seats as she motioned with her hand.

The bodyguard unit nodded as they quickly moved around the edge of the tomb, taking up positions along the walls as the Knight-Lieutenant set Amelia's helm down upon the meeting table before taking her own place against the wall behind her. Amelia pulled the seats off, offering them to both Natalie, and Asha before she took her own seat.

"Now then, what or who has called us to this desolate place?"

[member="Darth Mara"] | [member="Asha Mataya-Syrush"] | [member="Apiculius the Cunning"] | [member="Ankharbis the Great"] | @Beleth | [member="Krest"] | [member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Draven Asterisk"] | [member="Qamaria Nasha"] | [member="The Matador"] | [member="Aria Vale"] |​
Asha looked over to Natalie as she spoke, asking two question while they boarded the shuttle. A chuckle escaped her lips at the first question before shifting her facial expression back to a neutral state following the second one. "You get used to it when being this height is all you know. My entire family was about this length, I suppose my homeworld had something in the water." People commented on her length from time to time, although she didn't see it as anything special. "And if you were wondering, I am from a planet called Selvaris. I'd be surprised if you could pick it out on the map. It is a backwater planet in every sense of the word."

When the woman thought over how to answer the second question, her expression turned somewhat saddened. "Before I was accepted into house Syrush I travelled the galaxy looking for a place to call home together with my closest friend, someone I considered to be a brother. Unfortunately, he had a tangent for getting into bad situations and well..." She swallowed, feeling a lump form in her throat. It had not been very long since it had happened and she had not been able to give it its place completely just yet. Other emotions were suppressed, knowing this was not the right moment. "He got in trouble one too many times. He was shot, and so was I. They didn't want any witnesses. He didn't make it, but she found me in time." Her head turned towards Amelia. "The only way to save me was to turn me, and so she did. I don't think there were many people in the galaxy who could've saved my life there. I owe her everything."

Asha stood a few steps behind Amelia as she looked over the landscape of Ankhypt, herself doing much of the same. As the group strode out of the shuttle the harsh light of the sun caused discomfort to come over the white-haired woman and she didn't stop walking, considering herself lucky that they were able to at least remain in the shade while they made their way inside of the temple. When her adoptive mother removed her helm she did the same, keeping it under her left arm. Remaining silent as the introductions were made she surveyed the room, taking in the multitude of faces that were sitting at the large table. Her eyes then locked with the person that was sitting on the throne. When her name was called she politely nodded, waiting for what the man on the throne had to say.

[member="Darth Mara"] | [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] | [member="Apiculius the Cunning"] | [member="Ankharbis the Great"] | [member="Darth Eversor"] | [member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Draven Asterisk"] | [member="Qamaria Nasha"] | [member="The Matador"] | [member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Antherion"] | [member="Corin Zanith"] | [member="Velon Ielor"]

Ankharbis the Great


"Ambition is what built this great kingdom, my friend. We claimed power on this world through both political and physical might, and in recent times, the gods have seen fit to expand our dominion over the force. Ankhypt is a world unlike any other. Here, worship of our pantheon of gods begets those who follow them great power, power which we have used to build what you see before you and more....", Ankharbis said proudly. He then turned to peer at Antherion. "And indeed. That is why the gods have gathered us here. Jedi. Sith. It is all irrelevant. Codes and ideologies do not grant one true power and knowledge. Both sides have risen and fallen countless times in a never ending cycle of conflict. A new power must arise to change the status quo, as the prophesies have spoken."

Suddenly, a procession of the Ankhyptian priesthood entered the chamber, each priest garbed in long white robes and golden masks, each one bearing a unique visage of one of the Ankhyptian gods. Two of said priests carried in a large golden casket, engraved with various sigils and runes and other religious symbols. It was carried up to a pedestal overlooking the meeting table and gently placed down. What prophesies and secrets lay within that the Pharaoh had to share with them?

[member="Asha Mataya-Syrush"]
[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
[member="Darth Mara"]
[member="Corin Zanith"]
[member="Velon Ielor"]
[member="Kaalia Voldaren"]
When they entered the room, a frown appeared upon her face. Not just because she had been dragged out here to meet a dictator like King, but because before she even stepped in here she knew that [member="Antherion"] was lurking, and not only that but he was face to face with said king. Natalie took it upon herself to walk a few steps forward infront of Amelia and placed a hand on the left hand side of her hip.

"Indeed. I don't like sand, and would like to know why a certain few individuals are currently present." Smiling through her passive aggressive tone, raising her pitch slightly to show her frustration.

Natalie turned to [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] and [member="Asha Mataya-Syrush"] and began whispering. "The people here are bad news, and if you couldn't tell I have some anger with some of them. The one standing infront of the "King" crash-.." pausing and thinking for a moment. "I'll save the story for later. Don't trust him." Smiling and turning back around.

[member="Ankharbis the Great"] I [member="Bestat"] I [member="Antherion"] I [member="Corin Zanith"] I [member="Velon Ielor"] I [member="Kaalia Voldaren"]
Abyss didn't needed eyes of his own to feel those upon him. He was well aware that his appearance alone was enough to ignite the spark of fear and terror, as his new form spoke directly to the horror of the unknown that was so deeply engraved in the fragility of human and alien minds. That coupled with the rumors and legends that surrounded the enigmatic Prophet was enough to call a special kind of focus upon himself, not the kind were he was the absolute centre of attention, but the kind were those around him glanced at him quickly while making sure to look in the other direction. It was exactly the way he desired to be perceived: Mysterious, unpredictable and dangerous beyond believe, all part of an endless network of trickery, deception and lies that left him almost untouchable.

The eldritch husk himself stood silent, unmoved as more gathered in the recently reclaimed tomb, while [member="Ankharbis the Great"] revealed the offer that had called them all here. A covenant of power was an idea he could support fully. The other organisations that had called him always asked of him and his realm to submit, something the twisted guardian of the Free Cities would not even consider. To keep his independence and sovereignty while working together with others that shared his views on such matters was something he was looking forward to, even if those mindless little insects acted on far more primal reasons then himself.

His supernatural sight wandered to his old foe [member="Antherion"]. They had crossed each other once to often, and working with him was something he looked less forward to. Especially his comparable close relationship with the Pharaoh concerned him. In a organisation like that proposed today internal conflict and backstabbing was to be expected, and so it was wise to determine who could be useful and who was an obstacle before those obstacles had a chance to do the same.

He allowed his astral perception to scan over those gathered again, noting the presence of his apprentice [member="Darth Mara"] standing among her new kind. [member="Asha Mataya-Syrush"] and [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] clearly had an hunger for blood, with their vampiric features far more pronounced than those of Darth Mara. They had come in numbers, and they projected an aura of strength through it. It seemed like the work he had done in shaping his apprentice would finally pay out.

The armor that had remained dormant like it just had remembered that it was against the laws of nature to walk without a man inside suddenly moved again. Guarded by a small escort, only consisting out of the four Ghostmakers he brought, he moved towards the delegation of the vampires. The steps of his soldiers inside their heavy cybernetic power armor banged every time they meet the stone below them, while Abyss walked between them as silent as a ghost. He first stopped in front of Darth Mara, the husk towering over her in the full twisted glory of his wretched form of existence. It didn't mattered if she was with her new master, once her sith master stood before her it was either to bow or to die.


After dealing with the matter of respect that he expected from the woman he had taught the forbidden arts, he turned to the other two vampires, making sure that his empty eye sockets faced the one looking older and more powerful to at least mirror the impression of common sight. He offered a slight, polite bow while his soldiers followed suit. Once he stood straight again he gave a quick command to his Ghostmakers through a hand sign, allowing the four to stand in a relaxed position. They lowered their weapons or placed them in loose positions on their shoulders, while their helmets were lifted to reveal the two only slightly cybernetic altered men and women below them.

"Queen of the vampires. I am pleased to finally meet you."

[member="Bestat"] [member="Corin Zanith"] [member="Velon Ielor"] [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] [member="Aria Vale"]
Stepping inside the Tomb that seemed to serve as the epicenter of the gathering of fate-upheaving potential was a relief for Qamaria. Hungered as she was by her near ritualistic avoidance of blood so as to let her thirst grow before being finally slaked, the vampiress was currently weakened and strolling through sands and heat had done nothing of benefit for her. Indeed, her preference for the cold could not have been more of a disadvantage than it had been since she arrived on the desert world. Compounding that was the fact that funds were not something that she was blessed with and, as such, the only protection she had had against the harsh rays of the sun hand been a simple cloak, or, to be more precise, a simple cloak that had failed to fully protect her as it was just a cloak.

Hissing beneath her breath at the pain that flared within her mind as reddened skin brushed against fabric, grey eyes flickered from being to being as they all stood gathered within the tomb. The slight thought that it appeared that she was late to arrive as the final words of whatever speech the bipedal jackal had chosen to make echoed off of stone walls. That said, even with the her only catching the tail end of the jackal's words, the whispers of the Force and the gathered strength was more than enough to grant Qamaria the faintest understanding, at the least, as to why they had all gathered. The formation of a covenant, a collection of power and potential.

As the echoes of the speech died down and activity blossomed among the gathered group, the fires that had been sparked within Qamaria grew into an inferno as a malicious smirk stole its way across her lips. This had been what she was waiting for since her return to the galaxy. Fighting had been fun, but, in the end, it had been nothing more than a way to pass the time. But this, this was the fun that she needed to remind herself of her younger years, her glory years. Bloodlust was no longer the dominant emotion for the vampire, now, it was simply anticipation. For, after all, the formation of a galactic power, and she sure hoped that that was the goal for the covenant as anything else would be boring, would surely not be without blood shed nor entertainment for her to revel in.

A single phrase would serve, however, to cut those dreams short. A single phrase that would cause the short woman to snap her attention over to a gathered group that included a suit of armour without a body - something new for her to see already? How delightful - and three woman all with a similar skin tone to Qamaria and, more importantly, a similar scent of blood. A single phrase that shocked Qamaria cold for a moment, her dark smirk freezing over. 'Queen of the Vampire'.

For a few long moments, the scent of sand and dust was really the only thing that Qamaria could comprehend, the reveal that another who possessed the blood of the Vampirika briefly overwhelming her. In all her three-hundred plus years she had never encounter another of the species that was not her father and for the first group she encountered to be headed by a woman titled Queen of vampires was a bit of a shock. However, she hadn't survived war nor gained her title of Blood Wraith by letting shock always overwhelm her and, so, the ice that had settled over Qamaria's features quickly thawed as thoughts were rebooted and the smirk curling at her lips regained the dark maliciousness it had nearly lost.

Walking on soft footsteps, the grace ingrained within her from a young age, Qamaria strode closer to the group, but not enough to join in their conversation nor, hopefully, draw their attention. Her intent was to overhear what they might have to say, to see if she could learn more.

Not even five minuets with those gathered and already she had encountered something new, saw potential for fun? Oh, she was going to enjoy herself.

[member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] | [member="Asha Mataya-Syrush"] | [member="Darth Mara"] | [member="Bestat"] | [member="Ankharbis the Great"] | [member="Antherion"] | [member="Corin Zanith"] | [member="Velon Ielor"] | [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Aria Vale"]
"And whom might this new power be to rise and take the place of those that have fallen before them?"

Amelia asked bluntly as she remained seated, her hands held together as her eyes remained closed. A soft sigh escaping her lips before those golden hues fell upon the individual sitting upon the throne. Looking to the cask that was brought out with pomp and splendor, her attention moved over those in the painted masks and helms of what she could only guess were the facades of their deities.

"What is the point of challenging the status quo if one will merely fall to it once more. To rise is to fall, it is inevitable. We may claim to be the shapers and changers of the galaxy. We may last for thousands of years, or one winter; though it is clear, all things that rise shall fall. It only matters how rapid one is over the other."

Turning her attention to those with her, she nodded towards the woman she had turned, the one she had taken as a lover as she explained those also gathered in the tomb. Listening to her, her hands pressed to the table before her as she pushed herself up out of her seat. Slowly moving around the table before placing a hand upon Natalie's shoulder, motioning with her head for the young woman to sit with Asha. Amelia turned to her daughter, a simple gesture to move her towards their seats as she would remain standing.

Looking at the golden cask before her, her arm shot up as the construct of metal and fear approached her. A small smirk crossing her lips as she slowly lowered her hand. Around the room those that had marched in with her were beginning to lower their weapons, each leveled upon the creature. Slowly Amelia looked towards him, her golden hues falling upon the empty sockets and feeling nothing as her small smirk revealed the tip of her fang. Standing silently, she took a moment, closing her eyes to show that if there was to be fear, then she would face it without running from the specter.

With a motion of her hand she bid Natalie to remain where she was, her eyes opening once more upon the creature as she stood silently. It was one thing to threat her directly, though to threaten those that were within her protection, it was something completely else. It did not matter what this creature was to her lover, she would still not accept such a blatant disrespect.

A simple nod would greet the bow given to her, she was not foolish enough to break her focus from the being before her to return a bow with another. There were plenty whom had lost their lives or otherwise placed themselves into a compromising position by bowing before those they did not know. Bringing her arms up, she crossed them above her breast, her raven locks falling upon her shoulders as she kept her focus forward.

"That title is not one that has been held by my kind in ages, not since a time long forgotten. The crown for such is lost in some dark corner of the Galaxy. For now Countess is enough."

Slowly she turned her head to the side, her eyes focusing upon the darker corners of the tomb, watching as she turned slightly. Her golden hues settled upon the young woman, her smirk growing slightly as she stepped forward. Staying within ear shot of both beings, she simply mused out loud.

"If you are searching for something, perhaps in this situation it would better serve yourself to openly step forward rather than attempt to listen in on other's conversation."

Amelia looked over her shoulder to the one that had just joined them before she moved back towards her seat. For a moment she paused, taking that moment to slowly look around the tomb, her golden hues falling upon those in attendance. Watching each of them for a moment before she moved back to her seat and slipped down. Leaning forward, she clasped her hands together before opening them slightly.

"Shall we begin?"

[member="Natalie LaForte"] | [member="Asha Mataya-Syrush"] | [member="Apiculius the Cunning"] | [member="Ankharbis the Great"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Draven Asterisk"] | [member="Qamaria Nasha"] | [member="The Matador"] | [member="Aria Vale"] |​


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Aboard The Dark Horizon

With my sister, Junoi Venjuta, seated to my right and my long time friend and Senator, Magellian Venjuta, seated to my left I listened as they debated back and forth relentlessly on the nature why we had come to this world. They both heard my proposal as to why I wished to align with the Eternal Covenant, but both held pros and cons as to why the Venjuta should even seek allies. Growing tired of the squabbling girls, I raised my left hand putting an abrupt end to their conversation. "The other Houses on Serenno do not trust us, some even going as far as showing their hatred toward us. However," I paused, "this not about the Venjuta as a whole joining but me personally. We will deal with our enemies back on Serenno at a later date, for now this is my pilgrimage."

Slamming her hands firmly on the table, my sister bellowed with disgust. "You are mistaken dear Brother. What you are planning will affect the House whether you realize it or not!" Magellian stared daggers across the table at my sister answering for me. "When has our Lord ever put the family at risk? Less you forget, Junoi, the Venjuta fell into a state of complacency for centuries until your Brother took control." Sensing my sister's anger growing, I said, "Enough! This debate is over and I shall hear no more on this topic."

I started to rise from my seat seeing both victory and defeat on the faces of the two women. Sighing I added, "If it's my safety you are concerned about, I will not travel alone. And no Junoi, you are staying on the ship as are you Magellian. I will not allow your emotions and trust issues disrupt my journey."

Aboard The Moon Shadow

Opting to travel to the surface without bringing a small force of Abominus IV Combat Droids as I done in the past, I elected to bring three of the Wintermoor Royal Guard with me instead. Standing among them I said, "This mission is about finding a purpose with this lot, not to make enemies. I know it's your sworn duty to protect me at all costs but I order you three to relax and maintain a stance of restraint. Are we clear?" They nodded their head in understanding just as the transport ship touched down.

I led the trio out of the ship heading to the meeting place, feeling slightly irritated that I lost precious time dealing with my kin that now resulted in me being uncharacteristically late. As both a politician and businessmen, among others, I knew tardiness made for bad business; and in this case poor first impressions. I entered the meeting site, catching a debate among the Eternal Covenant. Standing in the back, observing and listening, I tried to piece together what I already missed.

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