Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Blood on the Beach

Shoden Moz

Lady Mischief of Nordel
"I think I'm too gay for a boyfriend Lori, so no it's not my boyfriend." Sarcastic response over, and she didn't feel any better. Oh well, it had been worth a shot. She went over to the holotable itself and connected her datapad to it. Why? Because she was able to enact a series of programs to keep whatever contact she was calling from accessing the holotable beyond just using the holoprojectors. She took quite a while to do this, before finally a large sigil appeared as a hologram, with text below.

Present your Library Card

Shoden moved to the broadcast point and pointed at everyone as she moved. "No one. Tell him." Then she stood, facing the camera, and fished out a card from her blouse. The text changed to a series of dots, before showing a new sentence.

Access Granted.

And with that, she tried to look as confident as she could as the image changed to a man, seated, calmly and casually spinning what looked like a very unique slugthrower around his finger. The man, a Kel-Dor, wore a suit and tie, and despite lacking facial features with the mask on seemed to still be amused by how he chuckled the moment Shoden's figure would appear.

"My my, if it isn't the little Lady. My favorite daughter of my favorite rival, come again to read from my library. Well, little one, whatever has brought you here?"

"Mr. Orwell, Queen Kay is-"

"Kidnapped, yes. And you seek my help finding, and extracting her, before she takes a most permenant vacation. Would that be correct?"

"Yes... well-"

"Ah don't you worry. I'm well aware you can pay the toll, I must say I'm quite proud of the orphan noble. Very good story for the kids. Tell you what, just because I like you, and I owe Kay a small favor, I'll give you my employee discount. As a gesture of good will, I'll even have my personal droid, VG-01, come to assist you in rescuing your dear Aunt. Doesn't that sound like a bargain?"

" I, yes. Yes thank you, Mr. Orwell. I'll transfer the money to your accounts."

"Be sure you do, Little one." With that, the image cut out.

Shoden went to her seat, and collapsed into it, after transferring a sizable number of credits. She glanced over to Lori after this and waved a bit. "Let the records show I supported you from the beginning. Not too big a fan of any of us Lords or Ladies taking regency, break the power dynamic and all that. Say anyone have candy, or a smoke I can use?" Her nerves were returning.

[member="Voph"] :|: [member="Loreena Arenais"] :|: [member="Silfe Sosuri"] :|: [member="Lannis Morcus"] :|: [member="Vigil"]
The images came flowing to his mind after some time, and Darlyn felt sweat form on his brow. A figure, dark robes, a mirrored face like his old mask. Stalking, snapping the woman's neck. The body crumpling to the ground. Two being dragged... he lingered on it as it seemed to watch, waiting for someone to notice the body. And once the joggers had...

He woke a bit with a start, eyes wide as could be, his breathing heavy and labored. He didn't know much, he didn't really see a face. But he had found something just as important. Something that made him grin as he offered Viribus a ride once more before standing upright.

"No life. No Force." He laughed a little as he walked up to Ginnie, placing a hand on her free hand when she finished, and tried to let her see what he had. "No Force. Not even alive, or not feeling alive. That means we're not dealing with a Sith, probably. It also means Star can have the Knights begin searching for someone like this who isn't leaving echos in the force. Shouldn't be too hard. Officers I want you to determine who the corpse is while I attend to the Council."

He paused as he walked away, and looked back at Yash with.. was that the faintest hint of a tear in his eye? "Kay's still got a chance. Thanks for guarding the body." He turned his head and once more took the police cruiser to the House of Lords this time, easily gaining entry on account of both Viribus, and his status.

He all but kicked down the chamber doors dramatically as he walked in, looking quite happy and triumphant. "Hey Lori, you wanna come with to find your mum and punch her kidnapper in the face? Cause after getting a good look at him I really want to, stealing my whole mirror mask thing is not cool you know."

[member="Yasha Cadera"] :|: [member="Voph"] :|: [member="Loreena Arenais"] :|: [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] :|: [member="Orrico Wayke"] :|: [member="Silfe Sosuri"] :|: [member="Lannis Morcus"] :|: [member="Theseus Renum"] :|: [member="Lady Kay"]
Voph's head turned towards the door as Darlyn practically broke the thing down barging into the room. Kay wasn't dead. He wasn't the only one that felt that way, then. That didn't change the furrow in Voph's brow, however. "I do not know what I find more disturbing. The implication that he may have sought to frame you, or the fact that he was foolish enough to share your fashion sense." He turned back to Lori. "I am aware that your mother is not dead. I did not want to tell you for fear I was wrong. But I did have an ulterior motive."

Voph stood, and reached out with his left hand. His helmet came flying through the air at his summons. He turned back to Lori. "We cannot leave Commenor unprotected. Unguided. That is why I chose Silfe." His gaze turned back to Darlyn, though he continued speaking to Lori. "I wanted you available for when we were ready to tell you Kay was still alive." He reached up, and pulled his helmet into place, the Mandalorian T-visor clicking into place with a snap-hiss of engaging seals. "Begin the preparations for Lori's address. State that she is being taken off world for her safety until the murderer is caught." He turned back to Lori. "Assemble a team. Those you trust to help recover your mother. My ship shall arrive shortly. I must retire to my office." Voph turned towards the door, pausing for a moment by Darlyn. He turned, and pointed a finger into his chest for emphasis. "And no more of your loose cannon act. If you intend to come with us, you will do things my way. If we fail to recover Kay, you had best pray it is not your fault."

Voph turned to leave the hall with no further comment. He walked quickly to his office. He needed help. Probably more than he had, but he had to try. He was rusty, but he'd not become the foremost hunter of the Sith Empire for nothing. He stepped into his office, and closed the door behind him. Voph stood in the room for a moment, looking at the desk. His arms reached out, one in front of him, and one behind. The various force crystals around the room began to glow as the Force flowed through them. The office began to morph around Voph, the simple decorations fading from sight. Unraveling, folding, and dissipating until Voph saw nothing but the Force, and the threads that wove between the fabric of reality. The universe was a web, threads connecting everything. And every one. Voph started at the thread connected to him. All he had to do was trace the threads to Kay...

[member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Shoden Moz"] [member="Loreena Arenais"] [member="Silfe Sosuri"] [member="Lady Kay"]
Lori raised a brow to [member="Shoden Moz"] ' s response to her sexuality. She was away from home a bunch, so how was she to know? She just merely assumed...

But that was beside the fact. Now she was going to see just who [member="Darlyn Excron"] didn't like her to know. Mr. Orwell. He was a strange individual and already in the loop with what was going on. He seemed to be a boss of some kind, probably a crime boss if Darlyn was his rival. Was he here on Commenor? Or elsewhere? She wasn't so sure that she liked the bargain that was being struck.

After it was concluded, she looked to her friend. "I'll pay you back. I promise. And thank you....Any help is...helpful." Or something along those lines. She wasn't the best at making speeches and being encouraging during bad times. And that's what this was, wasn't it? Bad times?

Darlyn came in then, just in time for the communication to be over. Lucky for Shoden. Lori looked at him with a small smile at this offer, dropping her folded arms to her sides. And then Lord [member="Voph"] spoke up. She raised a brow as he claimed to have an ulterior motive to not letting her know of her Mom's condition until now. Her eyes would dart from him to Darlyn to [member="Silfe Sosuri"] and back again. "Taken off world?..For my--" He rambled off more of his plans and then left the Councill Chambers, leaving everyone else to either follow his orders or make up their own.

Lori turned to Darlyn and Silfe. "I don't want to leave. And people shouldn't be told that either. Wouldn't that just make more people afraid? Wouldn't that make me look like a coward? I gotta be here in case my Dad and brother come back. And is he the head of the Council or something? Did my Mom or Dad put him in charge? I just--" She sat down in her chair again as it seemed everything was happening all at once, and again she was getting dizzy. "Darlyn, what do you know of krayt dragons? Can they follow scents? My Mom has one that likes her a lot. Maybe he could help find her?" Of course she didn't know that he had already made some use of Viribus.

"Darlyn, you said he dressed like you...Is your mask missing? Or was it just a similar one?"

[member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Theseus Reneun"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] [member="Vigil"]
[member="Voph"] [member="Loreena Arenais"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Shoden Moz"]

She followed right behind morcus, anger in her eyes that glared to him yet subsided as she listened and sighed to herself. She needed to get a cool head in this situation otherwise kay really could end up dead or worse...they wouldn't find her. Looking to voph she...well she wasnt certain what this means motives were he seemed to be taking charge when he shouldn't yet maybe stardust had missed something, but however she knew she either had to make her own orders or do as her duty was to the royal family.

Turning to loreena stardust approached and looked down before she spoke

princess, my duty as it all of the orders duty is to the people and the royal family, as far as I'm concerned NO ONE is handing me orders unless it is the king, queen, or their children

A glance went to darlyn hoping he'd get what she meant and who she was referencing before she looked back to the girl

loreena, if you wish to stay here I will have my best, should you go to find your mother I will be there by your side....I've failed the people twice now a third and I wont be able to handle it....whatever YOU choose I support you, princess arenais

With thay stardust bowed
Silfe kept an ear on [member="Shoden Moz"]'s conversation as she continued to put together the speech [member="Loreena Arenais"] would need to make in order to keep things calm. At least Lori was making sensible decisions, though she felt unsure of herself. This was probably the first time Lori had needed to step forward in such a capacity and that made Silfe feel for her. Politics were never easy. Stepping into a Queen's shoes when everyone had some order to make probably didn't make it any easier. At least Darlyn was offering her something, giving her a choice. Silfe briefly smiled to the man she was dating. He was as handsome as ever, maybe even more so as the thrill of his hunt gave him something extra. Yet, her mind could not remain on him. Silfe had duties to attend to.

She really wished people would stop ordering Lori and the rest around. That wasn't how this was supposed to go. [member="Voph"] was turning into [member="Lannis Morcus"] with his order that Lori would be leaving Commenor. That made no sense and Silfe stood, putting down the almost done speech.

She returned the Princess's gaze with a steady one of her own. Voph could go off and do whatever he liked, she supposed. It wouldn't change the fact that such a decision was not his to make. It was also a decision Silfe did not agree with. Regardless of how she felt however, it would be Lori's decision and she was asking Silfe for her opinion. Thus, the lady would give it in as honest and helpful way as she could.

"If you left, even after or maybe even especially after making your speech, it would be viewed in several ways and none of them particularly good. Some would think you a coward. Some would think you had abandoned Commenor. Very few would consider your leaving as good for your safety. What could be more safe than your home? If you are not safe, then they are not safe. Our main goal in making the speech where there is a member of the Royal Family present with the Council behind them in solidarity is to show Commenor that despite the Queen's absence, that Commenor is safe and their leadership is capable. Trust in leadership can be the only thing that keeps riots from happening."

She stepped forward and sat down beside Lori with a half smile, reassuring, towards [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"]. "Your instincts do you credit Your Highness. I don't know why Voph spoke as he did. Perhaps as Morcus had, he felt a little too ummm," She paused trying to find a diplomatic descriptor, "eager to keep you safe. My recommendation is that you do what you can to assist [member="Darlyn Excron"] in his search for your mother from here. It is his job and we should let him do it. It is your job to keep the people of Commenor calm and reassured while this happens. When your father and brother return, we can discuss what you all may wish to do next. The speech is almost done. I would like you to look it over and make sure you like what is being said and the tone being conveyed." Silfe said, handing the datapad to Lori. Let the young woman focus on what she could control. It would help her to find some equilibrium among so many strong personalities.


Orwell, The Librarian
There was silence, an uneasy silence in the air, as Darlyn seemed to pause before clearly indicating he didn't believe the mask was gone. Like he sensed something approaching. Then they would all hear it, clicking, metallic like the walking of a droid, before the doors would open wide. Walking in was... [member="Rae-Anna Ku"], with two weequay mercenaries in tow. Darlyn didn't seem to trust this, hand drifting towards a weapon, before the mercenaries clearly readied their own, stopped when Rae lifted a hand. "Now now Minister, that's not how you treat a lady, is it?" There was a laugh, which became more robotic as the disguise was let go, revealing a large droid instead, Vigil's body. Evidently, he'd used Rae's likeness and credentials to get through to this point, only dropping the disguise as it was no longer needed.

"Mr. Orwell has redirected me here to assist in recovery. I trust you understand that that his goodwill has limits."

[member="Silfe Sosuri"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] [member="Lannis Morcus"] @Voph @Loreena Arenais
Lori nodded her head to [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] . "Thank you. I think that I'm going to stay here..."

She turned to [member="Silfe Sosuri"] as the lady began to speak. Thankfully her words were supportive and reassuring. It made her feel all the better about just how she was managing things at home for the first time. It was difficult to think of herself as the leader of a big planet. But it could be worse. She could have had the whole Systems Alliance to deal with too. Maybe it was a good thing that it all fell apart.

Lori took the datapad in hand.
"Thank you Lady Silfe.
I'll look at it in a moment."
She looked up to [member="Darlyn Excron"] . "We should find iut more about the body that was found, right? I read about a guy recently named [member="Zvi"] on the holonet.
He's supposed to be REALLY good at forensics and determining causes of death. See if he can come by in a hurry? Then you can focus on finding my Mom...wherever she was taken to..."

[member="Vigil"] strolled into the room next. The appearance of a young woman was just a visage, apparently and it had seemed to catch everyone's attention by surprise. "Thank you for coming so quickly....I take it that you are up to speed on everything so far?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Voph"] would find multiple threads from various points of light that respresent people. Yet so many of those threads that would usually link up to Kay would in fact just fade out or come to an abrupt end. There was just a void in place of where her life force should be. The connections were severed. Even to her husband that she shared a Force Bond with. And it wasn't a small void either. Though it wasn't as huge as a planet or a city. It would seem both near and far at the same time.


Kay found herself doing what she did best. She drank her tea. Her brows were furrowed in concentration as she tried to figure a way out of this mess. Be careful what you wish for. Isn't that what they say? Though this wasn't exactly what she had wished for.

Hours earlier she had told her kidnapper; or VP as she has decided to call him; to leave her alone. And he did exactly that. There was nothing but silence all around her within the cave.

It was a gorgeous cave and could be a tranquil getaway. The problem was that she was trapped with no way to communicate with anyone. Maybe in the days to come she'll explore the cavern that housed her and look for some means of escape. But right now she was still in shock over it all.

Her tea provided some comfort, but it was also empty. She was alone, away from everyone. Yet she couldn't stop thinking about her family, her friends and her people. They needed her didn't they? Would the Monarchy end without her? More than likely.

Kay was just so entrenched in her role that she had forgotten how to be anything else. Even her normal self.

And that scared her more than being trapped in a cavern did.
Theseus had been in a bit of a shell shock. As [member="Darlyn Excron"] made his announcement. Then just decided to get up and go. "Seriously?" Theseus muttered to himself under his breath. Before he turned to the mandalorian leader. "Erm.. Things to do?" He expressed and shrugged. Before he turned and moved off to the speeder he had rented. Ugh. He should probably return it before he did something reckless. Knowing himself it was quite a high possibility. He was confused, angry, glad, angry... Yeah there was a pattern. Mostly angry. He was high stressed and a lot was happening, and now his superior just went on a sporadic goose chase. Without him in tow.

Theseus shook his head and headed back to where he rented the speeder. "Bugger off." He shortly expressed to the man who went to check on how everything was. While Theseus headed off to grab some of the recruits he was training. Any who were unfortunate enough to get locked out of the palace that was. He found about five. Vince, Telly, Quinn, Alexa, and Sutt. Well at least how they insisted to be addressed through instruction.

"Alright. Here is the situation. You will follow me, you will listen to me, and you will remain competent and composed. Elsewise. I will break your dull little minds, and toss you off a cliff." Theseus expressed in a short tone. To which Alexa seemed to get on edge. "Just who do.." And quickly found Theseus' blade close to her throat and a hand gripping her wrist before she could grab her blaster. "I am your trainer.. And in this instant your superior officer. Now then. Are you going to listen or do I need to press my blade a smidget closer to your flesh?" Theseus coldly accounted as he stared the individual in the eyes. Which encouraged a wince and a following sign of backing down.

"Now then." Theseus de-activated his blade and gave room. Though kept an eye warily on the recruits. "As you may know. There is a little bit of commotion going on. As such my nerves are a bit shot. Hence, my extremely short nature with any defiance, or stupidity shenanigans occurring. I am going to be contacting my superior.. Getting an idea where I am needed.. And by default where you five will be needed. Think of this as... A training exercise with relatively high stakes." Theseus expressed as the recruits hesitantly accepted what was going on.

He then flipped up his holocommunicator and contacted Darlyn once again. "First off.. Great discovery.. Second off... What the Kark????" Theseus expressed in an agitated tone. "Never mind.. Just know I am on call if you need my assistance. Until then I have my plans." He expressed. Before he closed the commlink and set out towards the academy.
Voph came back to reality, breathing heavily and keeling forward to kneel at his desk, a hand reaching out to grab it in order to steady himself. He wasn't happy. Something...or someone...was hiding Kay. But, he'd found what he needed to find. He pulled himself to his feet, and limped around to the other side of the desk. He tapped a button on his desk, connecting him directly to the Arbitration. "Captain, withdraw the fleet. Set course for Makeb. Full speed. Make it obvious you're leaving, then wait at the rendezvous point for my signal." He cut the transmission, and turned towards the door.

His cloak came with him this time. He had plucked it from the stand he kept it on in his office, and he began to pull it around his shoulders as he stepped into the council chamber. A droid of some kind had joined them. Voph wondered what it was doing here, but from the way Shoden was looking at it, it seemed...expected. So, he let it pass without comment. Voph turned his helmet towards Loreena, and said simply, "She's on Folor." He let the statement hang for a moment, then continued. "I apologize, your highness, but I will not be able to show my support at your address. Your mother's safety is more important."

Voph paused for a moment, then said, "What I am about to say does not leave this room. Kay is still very much in danger. I was able to discover that she is on Folor, but not where on Folor. As some of you are already aware, she's not connected to the Force. Someone, or something, is causing it. I don't know if we're combating two different entities, or if the murder is now a kidnapping." His helmet turned around the room as he looked at each of the occupants. "Whatever our differences, we must agree to discretion in our actions at this point. I've sent my fleet out of the system, in the hopes that it will draw attention away from our true goal." Voph looked up at the ceiling as the familiar rumble signaled the arrival of the Vintage Heart. He turned to look back directly at Loreena, "Until such a time as your mother is safe, I surrender control of Brelor to the crown. I swore to defend the rulers of Commenor, and even if Commenor forgot, I never will." With that he turned to head up to the roof and board his waiting ship. He paused at the door for a moment. He sighed quietly, then turned to look back at the collection over his shoulder. "May the force be with us." The door slid shut behind Voph, and moments later, the rumble of a ship departing was heard overhead...

[member="Theseus Reneun"] [member="Lady Kay"] @Vigil @Stardust Australis Skirae [member="Silfe Sosuri"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Shoden Moz"]

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