Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Beginnings of Diplomacy

Vulpesen's tail waved lightly behind him as he walked across the surface of Fondor. Making his way to whatever diplomatic building these people had, he cast his golden eyes around to find the leaders of this government. The power of the Omega Protectorate was well known, and as his adoptive father had joined them affter leaving the republic, he figured they would be quite fair as well. Because of this, the Zorren had chosen these people as his possible allies.

He waited in the embassy, the glow of his eyes unrestricted as they were no longer hidden by his mask. He was happy to no longer be a sith, and since he had received the call, he was anxious to see who held the allegiance of the elder Amaran that had raised him. Of course, such eagerness hadn't caused him to forget his aiding ambassadors, one from each of his accompanying orders. There was him, the Valde of the Tenevi, [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] the master of the Greys, and [member="Hakora Rhapsodos"], a knight of the Phoenix order. Of course, in his message with [member="Sarge Potteiger"], he had informed the man that he was to bring as many politicians as he felt necessary to deal with the three on his side.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

She sighed and turned her neck to look around the halls and rubbed her chin as eyes ran over the walls. First close in on the depiction she saw, even stopping to look at them as the others walked, entranced by the beauty and history behind the sculptures and murals. Her hair was down and she was in her robes that she had had made specifically by Matsu Ike of Sasori, those being an altered form of the Sasori Jedi Kimonos that would better fit her needs. None the less though, she walked with her sabers in her sleeve and her hands locked behind her with a cloak around her body as well. "Hmm..."
Hakora stood in silence with his eyes closed. He was leaning up against the wall near Vulpesen who he knew very little since Hakora's memory wipe. Hakora was instructed by his master to wear a hood and robe that was red, but not Sith red, more like sun guard red. He had no idea why he had to wear the robe, but little did he know that before his memory wipe he had told Dux Kotass, the woman who agreeded to retrain Hakora after the wipe to hide his idenity should he come into contact with a family member as this might break through to Hakora Cinthra who was asleep in the mind of Hakora Rhapsodos for reasons unknown to most. Most importantly was this knight was completely unarmed. He was told to go and speak on behalf of his master who led the order of the Pheonix only if spoken to. She had instructed Hakora to be silent and let Vulpesen do most of the talking.

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Vulpesen"]


I Shall Know No Fear
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Hakora Rhapsodos"]

To greet the delegation of the mixed alliance of Force-users was not the Lord Inquisitor turned Lord Protector. There were no politicians. There was no fanfare, no resplendent regalia - but, as forever indicative of the incredible military machine that was the once Pyre turned Protectorate, an assemblage of warriors. On the landing pad outside Omega Tower on Fondor, there was a new ship-- and thus there was an escort being arranged for them.

Uriel and his nine battle-brothers, clad perfectly in freshly-cleaned azure Crusader powered armour, the hulking warriors a mighty sight as all but one clutched bolters - and their leader had a force sword and bolt pistol sitting on his hips, magnetically attached to his armour. Every clunky step was loud, servomotors whirring as the powered frame moved the man inside with machine-like precision and efficiency. Behind his helmet he was an impassive figure, his emotions unreadable. He stopped perfectly before the three, eyes traversing to take in each of the three arrivals, analysing them for but a moment.

Almost like a battle droid.

"The Lord Protector sends his regards to the delegation. I am Sergeant Uriel and you will follow me," he announced, vox-caster loud enough for the three to hear, its raspy bass enough to echo in the bones.
Vulpesen rose a brow at the man who entered. Certainly not your usual welcoming for diplomatic relations. Am I a diplomat or a prisoner? Despite his thoughts the leader of the Vitae would nod with a smile and follow after the man. Everyone had a different tactic and if this was the one the Omea Protectorate chose, he was not one to argue, unless of course they tried to arrest him or do something similar. "Might I know where we are going? I've never been to this planet before."

[member="Hakora Rhapsodos"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Uriel"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Uriel"] @Vulpesen@Hakora Rhapsodos

Alexandra looked at the crusader and sighed as she looked around, leaving the artwork and history behind so that they would be able to better talk over what was to come. None the less though she looked forward to seeing what was contained in the meeting hall, perhaps after the meeting she could take a stock on what is there and question the Protectorate on the history of the pieces... right anyways, she started moving on down the hall, still silent and reaching up to pull her hood tighter around her face as she walked.
As the clinking of metal hit the floor and filled the room, Hakora opened his eyes looking out from under the shadow of his hood. He saw what seemed like an army able to take on a tank which led the question, "Was this a trap?" Hakora immediately regretted leaving his weapons behind and assuming he would not need them. He was excellent with hand to hand combat, but against a punch of tank armored guards he might as well be throwing sticks at them. Hakora listened to the short and unsatisfing words before pushing off the wall and leading to wherever they were to be taken.

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] @Vulpesen @Uriel

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