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Bazzar on Nar Shaddaa! [WIDE OPEN]

Spencer smiled happily as the man offered to share his ale. Downing the whiskey quickly, she then took the offered glass and inhaled the rich aroma. It was thick and she couldn’t wait to taste it upon her tongue. Taking a sip of the Ale she smiled and nodded. She was right, the drink was perfect and she was happy. Looking towards the young man who had originally accompanied her into the cantina, Spencer listened to what he had to say and setting the glass down she pondered how to explain.

“The Fringe well, we were a lot larger - one of the bigger faction a few years ago. With everything that had happened we lost a lot of territory like the other major factions such as the Protectorate and the Republic. We’re rebuilding though - so we’ll see where we fall. There were things in motion and she sighed softly taking another sip. He asked her about the Force, which was something she felt was an easier topic to talk about.

“I’m like you, I don’t cling to the over-zealously self sacrificing lightside, but I don’t indulge in the self gratifying dark side. I’ve studied both arts, because I feel to fully understand the force you must know and understand both of its forms. That constant battle within yourself is the constant battle the Force plays out. Being unbalanced isn’t how the Force wishes to be, its alive and to be in a state of bliss - it must be balanced. That grey area between light and dark - that is where the Force is at ease and in a perfect state. That grey area is where I keep my own alignment.”

The glass once more was brought to her lips, but she paused as something tingled in the back of her mind. There was only a few things in this galaxy that could poke and threaten her constant mental defenses. There was another Empath she felt him and she knew he felt her. The moment was quick because no he was covering his tracks. The glass found the counter as she looked over her shoulder, every sense she had was quickly put on alert.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] @Raziel @Genu Kudd [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]
[member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Spencer Jacobs"]

"Ahh," Jaster said, taking a sip from his cup, "I haven't heard of the Fring in some years now, I figured you guys took a hard blow after the void incident, the busiest time in my life," Jaster remembered the events of soo many lost.

He sipped again from his cup, "the Ravens can say they help Nar Shaddaa, but they only care for the profits, don't get me wrong, I'll always side with the Reds over the Primeval, but it ain't my planet," Jaster leaned over his cup looking at the liquid, "hey, miss Fring, you and the Omega still havin your boarder disputes, or is that ancient history now?"

Jaster didn't mind any faction, the more they fight, the more he got payed. He felt bad for the people who lost their life's, but sympathy wasn't putting food on the table when he needed to feed his doctors.

"By the way, I'm Jaster Awaud, nice to need you."
He downed his drink as he accepted a glass of the mandalorian ale, he took a slow long sip, allowing his tastebuds adjust to the taste. He nodded as he listened to her tale of the Fringe, his curiosity peaked at the talk of the Fringe and the greater events that have occured in the galaxy that he had no part in. He noticed that the topic was a sensitive as there had been so much death that day by the sounds of things. In a way he was lucky that his connection was so unstable that he often didn't feel the deaths of masses rip through the Force and him.

"I'm sorry for the losses you and your Fringe sustained, I'm sure it was stuff." He thought on the thoughts of the Force needing both light and dark to survive. He nodded in agreement with that ideology, "I completely agree, it is why the Jedi will never vanquish the Sith and the Sith could never completely wipeout the Jedi, I believe a more peaceful solution is needed to sustain them and the Force." He turned to look at Jaster as he greeted himself to them.

"Hello again Jaster, seems the galaxy is not large enough." He chuckled softly as he extend his hand to shake the man's hand.

[member="Spencer Jacobs"] | [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Genu Kudd"] [member="Spencer Jacobs"] [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"]

Patricia kept a smile on her face as she listened to her new friend, but in her mind gears were turning. Ambition, this one had it. And while that was good to have in a employee in most circumstances this guy wanted to claw his way up to the top, and in this particular line of work you had to step on some toes and slit a few throats. He may be all smiles and friendly now, but a few years from now he might put a bullet in your back. It reminded Patricia to keep a very watchful eye on him and make sure that if he was going to advance in rank it wouldn't be by killing the guy above him. But Patricia nodded her head and spoke.

"Well we certainly like to promote our more active and members with worth. I know there's a chief of staff and secretary position open at the moment." Patricia said with a friendly tone.

"Tell you what, I could use a good thug with counter goon capabilities like yourself." she said in a joking voice about him being a thug.

"I need a reliable guy to be my body guard and assistant, does the job interest you?" Patricia said then peered over to see something that was not good.

"is that fucking [member="Spencer Jacobs"] sitting at the bar?" Patricia looked at the woman and confirmed that was her using her ARC contacts she had in her eyes.

Patricia stood up and pressed a few buttons on her data logger to bring in additional security, discreetly of course. They wouldn't make their presence entirely known, at least to to the untrained eye. Patricia then made sure a couple of snipers could be on standby from the upper floors above them on balconies. Things would still appear to be as normal but forces were in motion, not to attack of course but just to be prepared if something went down.

"Come with me" Patricia said to her fellow raven Genu and walked over to Spencer.

Once she approached the woman she snapped her fingers over to the bartender and shot him a look that said he was to give her the best drinks on the house for free. It wasn't every day you had the wife of [member="Ashin Varanin"] and one of the leaders of the fringe in your establishment. And while the ravens did hate the crap out of the One Sith and were at war with them, it didn't mean that they couldn't show some respect to one of the Fringe's leaders even though they may be allies with the sith bastards.

"Hello, welcome to the Golden Nautolan Mrs.Jacobs. I'm Vice President Garter and I'm just here to introduce myself and wish you a fun time at our casino. Safety is a big issue here so I hope you enjoy yourself and consider your drinks on the house." Patricia then performed a shallow bow out of respect and waited to see if the woman had anything to say.
Spencer smiled at the other Force user and nodded. He was smart for being so young, who ever his master was had done the man good. Taking a sip of the ale Spencer smiled and mused on at the conversation. It had turned out to be more pleasant than she had originally expected. The man who shared his Ale with her mentioned to border disputes with the Protectorate. It caused Spencer to giggle slightly as her hand covered her mouth. “The Fringe and the Protectorate will forever argue borders, I’ve been known to compare the two to siblings. In turn we help each other, yet we fight tooth and nail over silly matters. Its just something that will always happen. We like to fight with each other, but when people poke their noses into our matters we like to shove them out.”

The young blonde had recently met with the newest of the Lord Protectors, he was an interesting man - someone to know in this galaxy. Once again her face had evidence that she was musing over something entertaining. Turning slightly to Yuroic she nodding in agreement. “The sith will never go away and neither will the Jedi, for there to be a dark side there must be a light and vice versa. Yet they will never coexist together until both realize that they must understand the other. Again to understand the other side you must be familiar and actually experience what it is to be them. Which will never happen.” Waving her hand, she took another sip of the Ale. “Just one of those things that we have to live with.”

There was shifting happening in the Casino, Spencer made a note of it - none of it was threatening yet which is why she didn’t make notice to anyone that it was happening. Setting the glass down the bartender all of a sudden refilled it with the Ale. “Wow the service here is amazing!” She felt a bit of a buzz working its way through her system, but using a quick detox with the Force, the buzz dissipated as her body quickly metabolised the alcohol. Another blonde made her way towards her and bowed slightly, Spencer blinked surprised as she was welcomed by name. “Oh wow thanks! I didn’t know you knew me haha.” The young woman laughed as she fixed her hair slightly trying to remember if she had met this woman before. Not getting any bells chiming, Spencer continued to just be embarrassed. “Oh thanks um you really don’t have to go through the trouble or anything. I’m just me I guess no one really important. You have an impressive Casino Ms. Garter, I’m always interested in how people got into their current positions. What made you want to run a casino? The bright lights? The interesting people?”

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"]
Genu listened as [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] talked to him about the positions available and then the offer she made about being her bodyguard. It was one that hew knew would be dangerous, but if he managed to keep her alive and survive long enough to move to a higher position then he would take it. He wasn't foolish enough to say no to her if she asked him to do a job, but he wasn't planning on letting himself be killed in the process. He had a feeling that he would be back in the arena with Lurcano sooner than he had wanted for some training. He had no intention of allowing anything to happen to her or to himself. " You can count on me, I don't have a ton of administrative skills, but I can learn pretty fast." He said, with a smile.

Her mention of someone in the casino made him turn to see what she was talking about. He had no idea who it was she was talking about, but her reaction was surprising and firm, which made him more focused on the woman. Patricia asked for him to follow her and he did just that, remaining a short distance away the entire time. He stopped just short of the two women as they began to talk, noticing the extra security that just happened to be in the area suddenly. He smiled to himself, knowing that Patricia had to have called in the extra security for whoever this woman was.

[member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Spencer Jacobs"]
The cloaked figure had decided to visit the casino after hearing alarms and such go off. A curious sort, he was. He had decided to take a seat at the bar nearby and grab a drink, watching his surroundings carefully. One thing that caught his attention was a voice... A familiar voice. Wherein he remembered it from, he wasn't sure, but as he looked back, he recognized the face that belonged to the voice.

[member="Spencer Jacobs"]

A small smile crossed the man's lips. For a fleeting moment, he would stop hiding his Force presence, allowing it to be felt, an indication to Spencer that he was nearby. He had not seen Miss Jacobs since he was the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order, dealing with Jacobs and Ashin during their... Rather interesting visit to the Order. Of course, Josh's aura was... Different, from what she might remember. He had become a new man in his time away... But at it's core, he was the same. He could still be recognized and felt.

[member="Genu Kudd"]
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]
[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
[member="Jaster of clan Awaud"]
Yuroic nodded and listened to this woman as she spoke, there was much he could learn from her that he could feel, he could feel the knowledge that was behind the young face. He smiled as he felt the drink begin to affect him as he drank a third glass of the ale. He couldn't cleanse his body as easily as she could so he had grew a semi high intolerance to the poison as others did with more deadly poisons.

He felt the air tense as he turned in his chair, it seemed that Spencer was a notable figure, he was never greeted by vice presidents at casinos unless he was on a winning streak which were few and far between. He called out, slightly drunk, "Hey! I'm Yuroic, Yuroic Xer... Yuroic Xera... Yuroic Xeraic! I was an assassin on this moon, but shush! It's a secret!" He made shush noises as the ale decided to make him go from tipsy to flat on his arse drunk. He could also sense another Force User, he looked around seeing a man on his own. "Come join us! Drinks are freeeeeeee!" He grinned to himself thinking his drunken company was perfectly delightful.

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] | [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] | [member="Spencer Jacobs"] | [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Spencer Jacobs"] [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Genu Kudd"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

Patricia giggled at the woman's words, a sound that reminded people of having a mouthful of warm chocolate chip cookies while they pet a baby rabbit. It was to say a very pleasant laugh, and one thing above everything else was that it was genuine. It was so nice to see people who didn't know who she was in the galaxy and to just be people, the game of galactic politics and game of thrones worthy dialogue was really wearing after a while. So Patricia looked down to her data pad pressed a few buttons and the security from the other droids returned to their normal on alerts positions. And just for a moment, Patricia didn't feel like a crime lord, she didn't feel like she was responsible for the deaths of those kids at bane innovations when Cryax betrayed them. She just felt human, and well maybe she could pretend for just a little longer.

"Well I've been doing this for a few years, and let me say it's very stressful but it pays the bills. But I have to say above all it's the people you work with, I actually met my husband running this casino." Patricia said with a smile then looked over to the man who was clearly drunk and chuckled.

"It's so nice to have celebrities in our casino though, it's not every day we get a leader of a galactic nation here. But I see your friend here has had one too many, would you like us to call a cab for him?" Patricia asked and scanned a few other people at the bar. Creepy dude in a mask, a mando, nothing out of the ordinary.

But Patricia bite her lip softly and smiled after that letting the nervous tension was away from her, this was a Spencer Jacob she was talking to here. Well known force master, wife to fringe leader Ashin, she was at the least a galactic figurehead herself.

"Hey if it's ok with me asking could I get a picture with you? I mean if it's no problem." again it wasn't every day one got a chance like this.

Looking over to the band she wanted to break the silence in the casino. Well there wasn't really silence but the normal sounds of fortunes being won and lost. Snapping her fingers at the band the woman smiled and the hand got to playing.
[member="Spencer Jacobs"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Genu Kudd"] [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"]

As she walked along her robes covering her armor as always the padawan carefully picked through items of interest to her when she felt the need mostly getting food for the evening later and stuffing it into a small rucksack. She kept her hood over her head to shield her from the sun today. Her light saber was tucked away hidden as she moved as about the bazaar quietly. She made note of anybody around her and felt presences within the force around her, this brought her attention level up. For now no dark side threats that she recognized but well did not mean they may not be dangerous. Contrary to popular belief force sensitives did not always join an organization and these adapts could put the talents they had to very different uses. So you never could say they all fell into jedi or sith some were all in between.
Joshua could almost swear he recognized the assassin [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] from somewhere. He wasn't entirely sure, but the man had sensed his presence, that little flicker meant to be an indication to Jacobs. Alas, he wouldn't decline an offer to join a merry band for free drinks. The black cloaked man would rise to his feet, walking over gingerly and taking a seat beside Yuroic. None of them would be able to make out his face, as it was cloaked by the black hood, besides the bottom half of his face, his nose and lips, which had the faint traces of a smirk plastered across them.

He would order a drink, stretching his shoulders a bit to get comfortable.

@Genu Kudd
@Patricia Susan Garter
@Yuroic Xeraic
@Jaster of clan Awaud
[member="Spencer Jacobs"]
A gaudy five credit slot machine flashed repeatedly in front of Sargon's eyes and he dutifully pulled a lever every few minutes. He'd in fact even managed to win a small amount which was slowly draining back down with every nonchalant pull of the machine's lever. He wasn't here to gamble, or the bright lights, and in truth it was wasn't even orders this time around. One could call his silent watch on Spencer a dedication to duty, but in truth it had long ago become a dedication to the person.

The Zabrak did not however feel the need to impair her social engagement as he watched under a forest green hood. The comfortable cloth had a rather worn look to it, but the slightly faded color was still distinct. The soft robe more to hide his personal weapons, but he also had no doubt the owners would be quite aware he was armed. The fact that it was with a sword simply lent strength to the argument that he was simply out of date. Of course one could claim that hand to hand combat would have long ago been forgotten in this age of technology, but anyone who'd faced the business end of a lightsaber knew differently.

As for the Lady Spencer, she would know where he was at any moment, and the small spot of blood near one of his horns would always let her know. It was one of two blood marks on the Zabrak the other behind his ear would lead the other half who held the man's loyalty, Ashin. Mulling over his thoughts as he pulled the lever again, Sargon was honestly a bit startled as the machine started whirling another win. He wasn't one for gambling, hell he wasn't one for spending money really, but he could see where it pulled some people in. Without a shrug Sargon simply pulled the lever again, at least she wasn't visiting a battle this time.

[member="Spencer Jacobs"]
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Spencer Jacobs"]

Jaster wasn't feeling the buzz just yet, after all he was a champion alcoholic. Though after the nearing end of the bottle he was suspisousin of why his new drinking buddy was not buzzed yet, while the other, well Jaster would have to carry home. Young people and their trends to want to show off, it only ever put Jaster in a holding tank. Then again those were the fun times, but he was getting old and had a daughter to think about. Jaster slid the bottle to Spencer for her to finish it off, good ale was to finished off by friends of the buyer, just his tradition.

"Barkeep, you got another?" Jaster asked.

"Sorry sir, that was the last of that ale, could give you the newer stuff?"

Jaster though, it's Nar Shaddaa, they must have it. "You got any Cassandra Sunrise back there?"

The bartender froze, "You sure, sir?"

"If it's too much to be free, I'll pay for it, been too long since I've tasted its kick, it's got it's addiction." Jaster said with a smile.

The bartender mixed the drink and put it in a bottle, Jaster figured the offer of free drinks was for miss Fring, sitting next to him so he layed freely. Poison to most people, even to humans, the drink was only for the hardest drinkers, and Jaster loved it. He poured himself a glass and looked as the bright orange drink mixed well with its yellow strips.

He looked up at his cohorts and raised the glass, "To the night, where boarders no longer matter."

Jaster drank the whole drink, as was how you drink it. It burned as it hit his toung, the liquid dropped down his though causing the agonizing burn. He could feel his body fight the poisons mixed into the drink, he coughed once hard. He sat still for a second before raising his head, "Been too long old friend." He gripped the neck of the bottle and poured another.
Dmitri didn't come to Nar Shaddaa often, but he wasn't afraid of being here, he fit in quite well. He entered a bar he was passing, since it didn't look too bad and quickly glanced around the faces of the people inside, though most of them were hidden with hoods or masks... clever

The Padawan himself didn't hide his face, he had nothing to hide. He was a Jedi who recently fell to the dark side, nothing more. Dmitri smirked, seeing an opportunity in [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] as he was drunk and a force user, he sensed. He advanced on the man and stood beside the two force users, smirking. "Do you want one on me?" he asked Yuroic innocently.

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
He realised how drunk he must look as Patricia talked on getting him a cab home. He pinched his nose firmly before breathing in heavily through their. He shook his head as he attempted to clear his blood of the alcohol, unfortunately this was when his Force Powers decided to run away. He growled under his breath then gestured to the barkeep. "Coffee now, black and unsweeten."

He continued to listen as he felt his mind focusing and unfocusing. He started noticing theyes of a Zabrak looking over at them though he seemed to think nothing of it. He did notice however the dark Jedi, he could sense that something was off on this man. He couldn't say what but he believed that there was more than just the friendly offer of a drink. He down the coffee as it arrive, feeling himself sobering up slowly.

"What do you want Jedi?" He watched the boy, he stood like a Jedi though there was something off about this Jedi, he wasn't able to sense the Dark Side following through him yet.

@Dimitri Starkos | [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] | [member="Spencer Jacobs"] | [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] | [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
Sipping her drink, she listened to Patricia. The woman seemed to be well enough to do the business she did. It was still weird that the woman knew of her. Usually she was just “Ashin’s Wife” or “That mentalist chick that’s with the Fringe”. It was quite fascinating that she was recognizable. Nodding quickly, Spencer fixed her blonde hair a bit. “Yeah I’d love to take a picture!” Waiting for Patricia to pose, Spencer mimicked her motion and waited for the photo.

There were several triggers that flickered in the back of her mind. She could feel her guard close by, he seemed to think this wasn’t anything dangerous so he remained at his station in the casino. She wondered if he was going to spend away his paycheck and made a note to have Ashin give him a random bonus. Sargon was someone that was quiet and still, he was loyal and kept her safe. She was grateful and enjoyed his companionship above many others. The other flicker belonged to Joshua Dragonsflame. She hadn’t felt him any where near this galaxy in a long time - it was warming to have him around again. Sarge was right that the ones that grew up in the temple would soon return.

Spencer felt the other forcers in the vicinity, there were many students and she wondered if their masters had come as well. She remembered quicky her own apprenticeship. Ashin was always in the shadows lurking and keeping an eye on her. Though, the students she runs into now, their masters are no where to be found. The thought bothered her, but it wasn’t any of her business.

The music played and Spencer’s face lit up. “I love this song!”

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Dmitri Starkos"] [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] [member="Sargon Vynea"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Catherine Soja"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]
Dmitri smirked, this man must be more aware than he thought. "Just trying to be friendly." he said unconvincingly. He could sense the force with this man but couldn't tell if he was afflicted with either side of the force. "Nothing more than a humble gesture." he added sourly. It had been a long time since the padawan had done anything relatively exciting. He often tricked people or conned them for his own personal gain, as did a lot of other dark Jedi.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
The man in the black cloak would turn to Spencer first, giving her a small smile from under his black hood. He watched in amusement as she would pose to take a picture before looking to [member="Dmitri Starkos"] who was obviously trying to do something or other with [member="Yuroic Xeraic"]. While he couldn't sense the light or the dark side within him, his tone was enough to give away that something was amiss. He would watch Dmitri carefully, before cocking his head and speaking.

"Nobody on Nar Shadda comes up to a stranger while sober and offers free drinks, good sir, without an intention. This man..." He trailed off, motioning toward Xeraic. "I came over here because I know this man, though he's likely too drunk to recognize me. I also know him" He added, pointing toward [member="Sargon Vynea"]. "As well as the beautiful young lady over there" He added, motioning toward [member="Spencer Jacobs"].

"So tell me, sir, as my colleague isn't up to his 100%, do tell me your reason for offering drinks to a party that already has free drinks, and to the drunkest man in the room in particular" He would inquire, a small smirk starting to cross his lips. Whether from a feeling of "Gotcha" or amusement at Xeriac's drunkenness, it was unknown.
Dmitri glared at [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] and gave a sarcastic smile, knowing there wouldn't be any fun to be made with this pair. He said nothing, knowing that doing so would only persecute himself more.

The Padawan ordered himself a drink and spoke without looking to the pair. "You're both force users, right? That ought to spark some interest." he said, changing the subject. "Better watch your back."

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
He looked to the boy and raised an eyebrow, he could feel his drunkness faded from hus system as he scratched his jawline. He couldn't help but think this boy was not a friendly one which was disappointing in such a friendly casino. He shook his head as he raises his voice to the boy.

"Come on! Lighten up, don't be so sour its a casino, waste money on the slots!" He waved goodbye to the boy disinterested in someone who was determined to ruin what looked to be a fun establishment. He looked to Patricia with a twang of embarrassment.

"Apologise Lady Garter for my previous drunken outburst. May I buy you a drink in forgiveness?" He offered warmly as he watched Spencer pick up when a song started, it was one he did not know of but that wasn't difficult, he rarely listened to music. However he found his foot tapping to the beat of the music. He looked to Joshua and pondered on where he could have possibly met the man before.

"Forgive me, I don't recognise where we met before? Could you tell me more?" He racked his head as he searched through his memories, having a good memory even when intoxicated.

[member="Spencer Jacobs"] | [member="Dmitri Starkos"] | Patricia Susan Garter | [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

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