Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Bazaar of the Four Winds

"Battlemaster?" Zaiya's eyes went wide at that. Such terms were rarely used for a species that wasn't particularly violent, as their skillset focused mainly on their intellect and quick wits.

"Sounds…dangerous. It makes me think that you will be fighting many battles with such a title."
Oh, that was a thought, as her brows perked up, her head canting to the side in thoughtful consideration.

"Does that mean you'll be fighting a lot too?"
If so, then who? "I mean… why else would they call it a Battlemaster?" By all intents and purposes, Aris looked young. Yet Zaiya knew that could be deceiving. Her species was long lived so age ranges were skewed and different.

"Wait, how old are you, Aris?"
Would this Jedi Order send out children to fight? Or was he of a species that was already considered to be an adult?



"That will be something that happens. So long as there are people who would harm others, anyway." And he doubted that would stop any time soon. He did tilt his head as she spoke. The colors, concern. She'd seen what he was able o do, but didn't think he should, was it? "Thirteen. Why?" He asked, but he already had an inkling on what she was going to say. She didn't know the Jedi, the Force. He didn't fully disagree with her of course, but he knew what she was going to say next.

So he waited to think on his own answer.

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
"Thirteen -- then you are young," Zaiya observed, her voice carrying a touch of thoughtfulness but no judgment. In some corners of the galaxy, thirteen might still be considered the age of a youngling, while in others, it would be an adult. Although Aris exuded a demeanor of quiet maturity, Zaiya couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't quite an adult yet, much like her. Zaiya furrowed her brow in thought, her amber hues reflecting her contemplation as they danced over her intricate markings.

"Then does that mean you are training and expected to fight now? Or does the Jedi Order expect you to fight in battles when you are older?" Zaiya queried, her voice laced with curiosity, concern, and a touch of disbelief. The amber brightened into pale yellow-flecked citrine ombres. The idea of being trained for combat was a foreign concept to her. While she understood the desire to help others in need, the notion of being expected to fight was something she struggled to comprehend.


"I am Epicanthix. To fight is part of my people's culture. But what I am learning from the Jedi isn't to fight, but to protect people. Sometimes that does mean to fight, though."

It was something he'd already had to experience. He watched her for a moment longer, more curious on how exactly she felt on this. Her colors made it clear she didn't understand, not completely. Which had him smile. It was good that she didn't understand. It meant her life was peaceful.

"It is something I chose to do, fully knowing what it means."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
"So I guess it isn't that you're looking to fight, but more like being prepared if you have to?" Zaiya mused, her tone reflecting newfound understanding. That didn't sound bad at all. In retrospect, when she thought of what happened to her parents, Zaiya wasn't sure what could have been done to save them from the tragic bombardment that claimed their lives. However, in other situations, if there were ways to mitigate harm, she'd rather be equipped to take care of herself and protect others than risk further loss.

So when Aris explained that the Jedi were not training him to fight but to protect people, another thoughtful expression washed over her features, her skin taking on a rich amber hue with golden highlights along her markings, signaling a positive turn in her contemplation.

"But you're so young. Aren't you scared?" It was the innocent, curious question of a young teen who hadn't experienced much violence beyond the tragic loss of her parents. Even then, while traumatic, Zaiya never considered the possibility of having to fight anyone, let alone train for the possibility for it.


"Yes." There was always going to be someone who wanted to make trouble. And people who wanted the Jedi dead. Aris frowned deeply as he seemed to retreat elsewhere in his mind. Memories were a fickle and terrible thing at times. He cleared his throat as he hooked the lightsaber on his hp before glancing back towards Zaiya, blinking in surprise.

Was he scared?

"I think I am. But I'm more scared of not being able to help someone when I have the ability to. Even now I can, despite being young. And I want to, more than anything."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
"Okay. That makes sense," Zaiya acknowledged, the weight of her past experiences guiding her understanding. The loss of her parents had instilled in her a deep-seated need to protect those she cared about. The mere thought of being unable to help or defend them filled her with dread.

"I'd feel terrible if I couldn't do anything in the same position. I hate the feeling of being helpless," she added, her voice tinged with sincerity. "I hope you are able to reach that goal you want to achieve then as a Battlemaster," she continued, a soft smile gracing her face, accompanied by a rush of teal hues that highlighted her features.

However, as Zaiya observed Aris Noble Aris Noble , she noticed a subtle shift in his expression -- a faint frown followed by a clearing of his throat. Was something amiss? Did I say something wrong?

Uncertain, Zaiya tilted her head to the right, furrowing her brow in concern. "Are you okay? You look as if something is bothering you."


"I do too."

There was nothing more that he wanted to do, but he was also very aware of his own limits. There were forms that needed the Force to work. He hadn't said anything about them, and wouldn't, but there was always the thought that he wouldn't be able to keep up and continue down this path for long. That wasn't what bothered him, though. He practically flinched as she spoke up and asked him flat out.

Perhaps he was the one changing colors now, huh?

"My family was attacked, and to keep my siblings safe I had to kill two people. It was.. Hard."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Zaiya noticed the subtle flinch, and instantly regretted pressing further. Perhaps Aris wasn't ready to discuss it. Concern flooded her features, softening the vibrant hues of her markings into a pale yellow, tinged with anxious worry.

However, when Aris opened up about his inner turmoil, Zaiya's breath caught in her throat, and a wave of empathy washed over her. While she couldn't fully comprehend his situation, she felt a deep ache of compassion for him. The melancholy shades of her colors deepened into somber blacks, flecked with bronze in solidarity.

"I am sorry, Aris, that you had to face such a difficult decision to protect your siblings," Zaiya offered sincerely, her voice gentle. "But I am grateful that you didn't have to endure the pain of losing them."

Uncertain if he would welcome it, she extended her hand, offering it to him for comfort. It might seem unconventional given their recent acquaintance, but Zaiya believed in offering support whenever it was needed, even if it made her feel a bit foolish when her empathy resonated so strongly.

"It doesn't make it easy. It might never be easy."
she continued, her tone soft but earnest. "But as long as you did everything in your power to protect your loved ones from harm, then you did your best."

She looked down and gave a small exhale, adding, "My parents died making sure that I would be safe. I felt them die, their connection severe, the moment they passed. I don't ever want anyone to have to feel that. I wouldn't want you to go through that." she swallowed hard and her colors continued to dull in her musings, "If there had been a way to prevent it. To save them. I would have done it. Whatever it might have taken to do so."

Taking a deep breath, Zaiya offered a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry if I'm being too forward...and it's okay if you don't want to talk about it."


It was odd for Aris. Emotions were difficult for him, he knew that much. There were different feelings and sensations he felt that he didn't have much of a grasp on what they meant or how they worked. Or at least which was what. Was he feeling angry? Sad? Grief? Regret? He had a feeling that he didn't truly regret what he had done. He knew that much, that he only regretted having to do it. He'd even told Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren about that much, but he didn't open up further. He didn't know what to say, when he didn't know how he was feeling.

But he could see how she was. The different emotions, clear as day on her skin as she changed color. She shared something personal. Far more personal than he expected. He blinked, his eyes widened. Sympathy echoed through his mind for her loss, even if he didn't voice it. he didn't know that kind of loss, and he had no words to say. But he did reach out t take her hand. Not at first. He still hesitated. He didn't understand a lot, but oddly enough he could at least understand how she felt.

Perhaps that was the reason he decided to trust her.

".. It's not that I don't want to talk about it. I just.. Don't know what to say. I don't regret what I had done. It had to be done. .. But I don't.. I don't know how I feel."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Though Aris wasn't a Lovalla like Zaiya, where color cues would assist in determining how he felt, her keen observational skills and perhaps the very Force he spoke of allowed her to sense there was more running through his mind. While she couldn't quite pinpoint the subtleties, she could tell there was a subtle mix of confusion and uncertainty lingering beneath the surface. It seemed he didn't regret his actions in protecting his siblings, but rather the violent outcome it had led to.

With a gentle smile of encouragement, Zaiya's vibrant hues brightened as Aris, after a moment of hesitation, took her hand. His hand was slightly larger than hers, with tell-tale faint callouses of someone who worked with his hands - likely hours with his light saber. Her eyes softened, and Zaiya delicately curled her fingers around his, offering a reassuring squeeze. In that fleeting moment, a stirring of energy passed between them, a faint yet palpable connection through the Force. It was as if the delicate flutter of a butterfly's wings carried the compassionate support Zaiya offered, intertwined with the subtle resonance of Aris's presence.

Unaware that the Force could forge such connections, Zaiya hadn't realized the depth of her own kindness mirrored in these ethereal bonds. Though not as potent as a true connection with another Lovalla, it was enough to discern the difference.

"Do you believe you are supposed to feel a specific way about it?" Zaiya asked softly, her hues shifting back to cerulean ombres, and specks of curiosity dotting her skin like amber.

"Or are you uncertain how to determine what you are feeling?" If she could help him, Zaiya would. Even if talking about it might help Aris determine what he was thinking back on that day.



"No, I don't believe I'm supposed to feel one specific way." He knew that everyone did feel different when it came to these kinds of trauma. He'd read up on it, just to make sure he knew what exactly he was feeling. Pretty much everything said that he needed to reflect inward and accept that he wouldn't feel in any way that another might. People were unique. So too was their responses.

His hand tightened around hers. He didn't feel it, the bond. Not at first anyway. Vera had done something similar with purpose, giving him an echo of a sensation of just what the Force was. To him, he just felt safe talking to her about this. Opening up to her, someone he'd only just met, didn't make a whole lot of sense in a logical way. But he didn't dislike feeling warm like this.

"I don't know what I'm feeling. I know it's not something good, but.. I don't know what. I don't like not understanding. More than anything I don't like that I don't understand."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Zaiya let Aris's words marinate for a bit, a thoughtfully earnest expression forming over her delicate features. Amber hues would shimmer in contemplation, ochre tones flickering over it in her focus.

"Then, how about exploring what you do know, like that you know what you are feeling is not good? That's important, right? You know that. What is good and what is not." Zaiya began thoughtfully.

"Think of it like an arithmetic formula. What are your known variables? What are the feelings you are aware of having, and what is the most prominent?" Her thumb began to rub over the top of his hand gently, as if using it not just as a focusing point but to continue relaying her warm presence and that it was okay to continue, that he could stop at any time.

Zaiya began to think about how she felt her own emotions and how those sensations came through social bonds. Perhaps asking Aris to think of it the same way might help? She wasn't sure, but maybe it might. She really hoped it would. "Maybe even consider if there are any physical sensations or pain that may be associated with those emotions?"

"We can work through that and see if that may help you understand what you are feeling?"



Don't focus on the unknown, start from the known and branch out that understanding. It was a simple idea really, but not one he'd ever have thought out himself. The reason was simple enough; his family was filled with people that defied common sense with the Force. He always overthought things because he ultimately had to. The Force didn't care about being simple to understand.

"There is no physical pain. But I do think about them. I feel sad that hey died. They were a threat to my family, but I still feel sad that their lives were ended." He'd closed his eyes at this point, trying to think it through logically. It was the one thing that truly made him sad. Not that he killed, but that their lives had to be ended.

"I don't want people to die." It was a very simple belief. He let out a sigh as he frowned further. "That is the most promenint emotion. Sadness over the loss of death."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Zaiya offered a reassuring nod, acknowledging the progress they were making in their conversation. As Aris sighed, she tightened her grip on his hand, offering a gesture of comfort. "So what you are feeling is the sadness for the loss of life because you do not want people to die.," she began, her voice gentle and soothing, her hues emanating a comforting teal.

"Which I am glad for. Lives are important. Protecting people, especially those you care about, is also important." Zaiya took a deep breath, her other hand joining to settle on top of Aris's as she rubbed it gently. Lovalla were intrinsically affectionate in nature, using touch to express care and empathy.

"It makes sense to feel sad over their deaths, to think about them, but also, at the same time, feel that it was an action that had to be done." she continued, her tone thoughtful, the amber glints off her skin edged with bronzed gold in compassion.

"I haven't experienced what you had to, Aris, but I can imagine that facing such a situation would be deeply impactful." Zaiya wasn't sure if it was for the first time or perhaps the second, but she carefully considered the following words, hoping Aris wouldn't take them the wrong way.

"It may sound strange... but I am glad it struck you to this degree. Remember this feeling; not to wallow in it, but cherish it. So that you never forget that lives are important and that if you have to face this again, you will not become indifferent to it."



"You're very wise for someone your age."

Aris had been quiet for a lot longer this time as he listened to her speak. He'd kept his eyes closed, hand in hand with her. He could feel something was going on now, more than just his own emotions being focused on. She was assisting him, somehow. The Force, most likely. Vera had been able to bond with him through it before, and now he could at least feel something was going on.

He smiled after a moment, opened his eyes to look in hers again.

"I know it's selfish to say, but I hope you become a Jedi. .. I think you'd be a really good one."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Upon hearing the compliment, Zaiya's cheeks flushed with a delicate pink, her markings imbued with a sudden coral rush of delighted embarrassment. While she appreciated the praise, she didn't consider herself particularly wise; she simply offered advice based on what she knew.

"Thank you... I suppose the university's reading material paid off," she quipped lightly, her eyes sparkling with the cerulean hues that danced across her skin. And what my parents taught me. Seeing Aris's green eyes and smile in return only widened her own, her eyes crinkling at the corners. His smile was pleasant to behold, and she was relieved to see his previously furrowed brow smoothed away.

"Haha... what makes you think I'd make a good Jedi?" she asked with a small laugh, maintaining her hold on his hand with both of hers. She enjoyed the tactile connection; it had been so long since she'd been able to do so. She gently traced idle patterns over the back of his hand with her fingers, relishing the subtle resonances she felt.


"You're empathetic and kind. Learning how to help people is something anyone can do. But the want to help people can't be taught." That's all that mattered, at least in his mind anyway. He couldn't even use the Force, but having that desire to help was what made him a Jedi. And would let her be one too, if she wanted to be. He blinked after a second before clearing his throat.

"Sorry. I'm not trying to push you one way or another. It's important you make that kind of choice when you learn all you can about your choices. If that's even a path you want to take, I mean. ... It would be cool to see you at the temple, though."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Aris's words brought a gentle surge of pleasure, causing the edges of Zaiya's markings to emit a faint aqua luminescence at the spike of the emotion.

"It's alright; I appreciate you saying that because I do want to help others," she replied, then she added, shaking her head slightly, hair swaying gently over her shoulders and back as she assured Aris, "You're not being pushy. I've only just learned about the Force and the Jedi today, so hearing your feedback and experiences is really helpful to me."

With a curious glint in her eyes and bright orange hues dancing across her face and arms, Zaiya's interest was palpable. Her fingers tapped thoughtfully over his knuckles as she considered the idea. She was eager to learn more about the Force and perhaps even visit the temple. Would Aris think it too forward if she asked?

"Well, would it be alright if I visited you at the temple? Maybe learn more?"
she asked tentatively, her tone hopeful. "We could exchange comm numbers and stay in touch... maybe even make plans? Become holo pals?" Zaiya suggested, her expression lighting up with anticipation, hoping he would agree.


Aris exhaled a sigh of relief before the faint smile returned. The last thing he wanted to do was feel like he was pushing her into.. Anything, really. Freedom of choice was one of the most important parts of someone's lives. He squeezed her hand again, gentler this time. It was.. Weird. He hadn't held someone's hand before now that he thought about it. He wasn't really one for physical contact.

And now he was very aware that he was. He'd been swept up in trying to sort out his feelings that the closeness hadn't hit him. Not that he pulled away. Instead, he just looked down at their hands. It was weird. She was warm, but not as warm as him. So it felt cool? Weird.

"I'd like that. A lot. And I think some of my friends at the temple would love to meet you, too."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

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