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Ashlan Crusade

A gathering of religious fanatics, political extremists, mercenary bands, exiled armies, and others united under the goal of liberating their homeworlds occupied by the various Sith states.

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Ashlan Crusade Major Faction owner nominations

Ashlan Crusade Narrator



Ashlan Crusade
Major Faction Owner vote nominations

As many of you are aware, our founder and leader Cedric Grayson has stepped away from the forum due to real world commitments. We wish him all the best and would like to take this opportunity to thank him for everything he has given to us as a faction and as roleplayers.

We are now in the nomination stages for a new faction owner to take the faction forward and represent the faction with the board admins. If you would like to role, if you would like to nominate someone. Please read the following guidance and then reply on this thread with your nomination.

the provisional plan is to start the vote on around 12th October so there is 5 days to get nominations in.

**all nominees must have been active as faction members for the last 30 days
**all nominators must have been active as faction members for the last 30 days


Nomination format

Name of account to be made owner:
Planned future IC leadership:
Why are you interested?:
Why might you/they make a good FO?:
A few thoughts on future plans:


Please note you are talking about your nominee not your 'opponent'. Please refrain from talking down other nominees.

The above lines are just to so we know our potential new leader, it doesn't have to be reams of binding promises or a full manifesto and we are aware the RP often writes itself so nothing said here should be considered absolutely certain.


Name of account to be made owner: InfallibleFool
Planned future IC leadership: unknown
Why are you interested?: I belive they would make a great leader for the ashlan crusaders
Why might you/they make a good FO?: they seem interested in expanding the lore and stuff of the faction so they got my recomendation
A few thoughts on future plans:N/A
I accept the nomination, and should it end up being me, I would personally prefer it to be on this character.
Name of account to be made owner: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana
Discord: sph2cjc#1471
Planned future IC leadership: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana with intention of political marriage into the church and/or with allies
Why are you interested?: from about day 10 of my life on the board I have been involved in some way with ashlan members and would love to keep helping take them forward
Why might you/they make a good FO?: I think I am commited to the faction, have done and will do lots to build the faction up. I have been working hard lately to build bonds with other factions to get us play mates and to also help fill out our currently small writing base.
A few thoughts on future plans: more dominions to push through ex TSE space. War posts versus the Maw. Expansion of alliances and possible junctions with said allies.

Final note
If I don't win, I intend to throw my weight behind the winner and approach this faction with the same commitment and effort I have up until now. I can promise no bad blood or drama from me.
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Name of account to be made owner: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici
Planned future IC leadership: Direct rule by the church, making Cedric Grayson a living Saint so he can be a strong figurehead
Why are you interested?: N/A, I ain’t nominating myself
Why might they make a good FO?: Been with the faction since the beginning, close OOC with our former FO and other FOs, both his characters have good IC reasons for leadership, will do a good job listening to both the faction staff and the writers
A few thoughts on future plans: regardless of who wins, and I personally think our two likely candidates are both exceptional leaders and writers, our goals will remain the same: destroy the Sith, reclaim Ession and make it our capital, and make a great story kicking ass against our friends over in the Maw!

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