Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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As a Writer and a Member of the Board...

I've actively tried to get better. I joined this community almost two years ago to cope with moving away for the umpteenth time. Since then I've had a lot of fun, took things too seriously, got upset over things, killed off or destroyed my favorite characters and a myriad of other stuff.

I want to know how people perceive me on the board. Am I jerk? Am I a detriment to the board, if so, should I leave? Am I seen as one of the edgy-try-hard writers? Are there reasons why people may not want to write with me?

Just let me know, please.
You let people talk you into getting paranoid that one time and it hurt someone who is legit only here to have fun.


You learned from it.

You're always fun to write with. You come up with good stories and plots where the ride is always fun even if it does rarely reach the end point a person might expect.

I also think you're just honestly a good person, and you have more OOC pressures on you than most people on the board know. For that matter you've probably only told me a bit, and I still think you're trying to live up to a lot of doing a really good job of it and having to be super responsible for your age, which I definitely would not have guessed even after you told me you were young.

I do think you're one of the people that some high profile folks got in a snit at, gave you a bad rep, and now sometimes people who have never written with or spoken to you pick up on that. And that is the worst and my least favourite thing about this board. I honestly believe that if they took the time to write with or talk to you they would change their minds.

In conclusion, you are a good dude, stick around.

And since I said I was responding to all OOC with gifs now...

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] - I didn't want to let anyone know, given how much I come and go. I only get so much time to write given all the travelling and preparations I've had to do IRL lately.

[member="Kelly Perris"] - That's certainly a relief to hear. Yes mayhaps! I'm always looking to write new stories with people.

[member="Coren Starchaser"] - Very glad to hear. Maybe I'll pump out more Dreadguard and ruin the GA like I did the old CIS, heh. I kid, of course I really like the GA. You're good people.

[member="Braith"] - I had blast with that duel, and I honestly thought Silara was going to kill him. If you ever want to write again, please don't hesitate to bring it up.

[member="Davin Skirata"] - Nice playby xP

[member="Chiasa Vereen"] - Lovely gif, Cas. I've tried apologizing to her about that whole escapade. It was in a bad time when things were looking down, to say the least.

Thanks for the replies folks. They really put me at ease. I'm pretty self-conscious about my writing and my general reputation. Chaos is all I've got for some sense of stability, I'd prefer people see me as something positive here.

If anyone else has any comments, concerns, or general insults to throw my way, please do not hesitate to do so.
The Eternal Queen
*Sits down. Breathes deep*


So, since you asked, here's what -I- think.
As a writer, you're amazing and I love you. Your characters are always interesting, you always give quality posts, and I do look forward to RPing with you.

Now to get personal.

...As a friend however, I do have a bone to pick with you. You, a few months ago, disappeared without a trace. For the first week, I chalked it up to maybe a power outtage, maybe he's busy. IRL stuff happens. I know. But then the weeks became months, and I started to seriously worry. Does he hate me? Did something happen to him? Is he in the hospital? Was there an accident? Is he dead? And I was not the only one. People were worried sick. Nobody had heard from you.

Then I heard from a friend that you'd made a new skype and had started to stalk the site a bit. And honestly? I was super hurt. We were friends, or at least I had thought we were. We talked every day. Then one day, you just dropped me like a rock like it was nothing. Like you'd just straight up forgotten about me. I know something happened OOC. Sorry it did, but I was always there to listen before. The fact that instead of talk to me, at least to let me know you were alive, you insisted on cutting off all contact tells me one thing:
You really never gave a damn anyway.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's more complicated, but after I reached out to you the first time, you had more than an opportunity to apologize. I would have been fine with pretending nothing happened and try to rebuild our friendship. But there was nothing from you. Then there was the second time I tried to reach out to you. Same thing. Just a wall of ice. Third? I got an apology AFTER I had to nearly beg you for it.

Three strikes, I guess. So, unless iIm wrong, you no longer consider me a friend.
If I am wrong, and I do so hope I am, you know how to reach me. I want to talk things out. I really do. I'm sorry that I had to call you out publicly like this, but you did ask.

I'm prepared to try again if you are. One. More. Time.
Because I am clearly an idiot.

[member="Cyril Grayson"]

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