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Are Jedi Evil, but just have good press officers [spoilers]


Well-Known Member
HaloHeroWolf118 said:
I believe Jedi are Evil due to the fact that they take children away from their parents at a young age and they might even do this by force.
True, and then brain wash them
More opinions are shot.

And here is where I shot them down.

Jedi come and are supposed to "ASK" The parents to accept them into the Order. Or they take in Orphans who can't fend for themselves. All the time Sith Make their own troops by way of Sith Alchemy, cloning, Kidnapping and the like. Many things can be different or be done a different way. Once more, it's just opinions.
Didn't the Jedi use a Clone Army the other guys used droids. Which is better using mechanical soldiers over Biological ones? If the Jedi are supposed to preserve life then why make an army of clones and treat them as canon fodder. The way I saw it these guys were getting shot down left and right being led by Jedi who it seemed didn't even try to fight smartly and use any other tactic than stand in a line and shoot. They showed no concern for the well being of the clones any more than they would a machine or tool. And Don't throw that Animated show at me where Anakin makes friends with them it's a show it needed padding. The Clones had no choice or free will but the droids have the excuse of programming and in a way so do the clones as they are conditioned and indoctrinated into being soldiers and when one doesn't go along they're punished. So how are the Jedi different from the Sith in this regard. They sacrifice the lives of hundreds because the Jedi are no longer just defending the Republic but are waging a war against people who see the corruption in the Senate and no longer think they are serving the people but themselves and these people didn't want a war Palpatine AKA Darth Sidious pulled the strings and started the war. The Jedi being Lawful STUPID did not question nor hesitate to use a CLONE army of living breathing people to blindly fall into the war. Even the Jedi code is ridiculous The suppress emotion like Vulcans and while the Sith have anger issues they are at least less likely to go in on blind faith.

To get to my other point the Jedi prey on the poor have you seen them go up to a senator and say "Hey your son is force sensitive mind if we turn him into a Jedi?" no they go to lawless back water worlds or places with orphans like you said and bring them back to be brainwashed. The Sith choose their apprentice when they are either old enough to choose for themselves smartly or sent to them by their parents willingly.

Invalid. The Jedi did not create the clones. The People of Kamino did. and the REPUBLIC accepted the use of them. The Jedi as stated in the movies that they worked with the Pubs, but not for them. The Jedi saw a form of troops that the REPUBLIC was supplying to the Jedi to aid them. THEY WERE MADE WITH THE PURPOSE OF SERVING THE REPUBLIC AND THEIR IDEALS. so with the Jedi working with them, the accepted it.
But then why didn't the Jedi try and preserve their troops instead of tossing them in the line of fire? The Jedi are clearly educated combatants and would have studied ancient means of warfare they were fighting droids they could have easily out smarted. They could have arranged their troops to minimize their own casualties and maximize the damage done to their enemies. You didn't seem to have an answer for that [member="Erin Darkstar"] .


Disney's Princess
Q: Why did X happen in Star Wars?
A: Cause George Lucas was all like, LULZ.

Q: Why did I pay for that?
A: Cause you were like, LULZ.

Q: Why are we arguing this?
A: Cause we all like to, LULZ.

Q: For the LULZ?
A: For the Horde.

They were cloned. And by the use of Flash memory devices had over hundreds of years of battle experience already planted into their minds. They died because of an unluckky shot, wrong place or wrong time, or they lacked the experience of the knowledge they held. As a person IRL having done MMA, I can attest that fighting a person who "knows" how to fight, is easier to defeat than a person who has taken many fights under their belt. TO be effective, they needed experience. The Jedi knew that and so they left that to the Republic to deal with. Like I said, they were the Republics problem. Not the Jedi. And Telling someone to do something, is teaching them that the order is the only way to go. But if you let people learn naturally, they can overcome other expierances with much more ease. and here is where I pull out the Darwinisum card.

"The beings that can change to the environment around them the best, will survive the longest."
[member="Canal Tal'Verda"]

Not slaves. The clones after a time would go delirious and so they kept a very short leash on them so they would not wreck havoc. They were restricted so much to be more as a servant and were not cared for if they died because they would have died later on anyways because of their rapid aging.
Well of course but you'd think the Republic would have given better order or the Jedi would have as the JEDI were LEADING the Clones. Instead they have just charge forward if the leadership is incompetent then the deaths are the fault of the leaders not the follower. MMA is vastly different as it's one on one and neither fighters have guns. In War it comes down to three or two things NUMBERS, SUPPORT and TACTICS. The Rebellion did so well because A: They did not fight conventional way and B: They preserved their Numbers. The war was basically throwing the Republic into debt with the same guys who were supplying the other side with their droids. The Trade Federation were playing both and the Kamino guys were having to crank out hundreds and thousands of troops to replace the loss' by incompetent commanders. The Jedi did nothing to prevent the loss of life on their side or the financial burden on the Republic and her citizens. That's Evil.
You obviously know nothing of star wars if you honestly believe this. Or you are delusional. Take your pick. Cause no sane person could honestly hold this opinion. So you must be trolling.
Now may I ask where you get the proof that the Jedi were not preventing casualties? You have no physical proof given that can prove your point. Unless you supply some solid Canon evidence, then MAYBE I might believe you. So far, this is all just from opinion.


Disney's Princess
Avicus DuSang said:
Your mother's evil.

H' awkward ...

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