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Dominion Aphranture Is Out There! | GA Dominion of Aphran


Long forgotten, Aphran is been a backwater world with little to offer other than pretty sites and lumber. However, their planetary government has sought to integrate into the Alliance, protecting them from the encroaching Imperial borders. While the bureaucratic process pushes on, the Alliance seeks to mingle the long alienated citizens of Aphran with their own, in an attempt to normalize the move with the general population.


Objective I: Shore Leave​
With constant deployment, spirits are beginning to fall. The Alliance has authorized shore leave for many battalions and fleets, seeing the necessity of improving morale. With the integration, Aphran was more than happy to host. The planet may not offer much on a galactic scale; however, it is filled with warm beaches, small business, and even a few shady cantinas. Take the opportunity to rest and recuperate before the front calls again.​


Objective II: The Forest That Speaks
Aphran has long been known for its lumber exports. Most forests have seen some kind of significant impact, but there is one that has remained untouched for centuries. Local legend states it’s filled with monsters. It’s said that even the sight of them can drive men mad. Force sensitives say it’s an ancient vergence, one that can depart secrets of the force, should the learner prove worthy enough to face it’s trials. Venture in, and see if you can pass the test.


Objective III: Collective Responsibility​
As the integration of Aphran moves along, troublesome statistics have been handed over by their planetary government. They show a significant rise in planetary temperatures, likely attributed to their ongoing logging. Joining several planets in the core, Aphran is another to show the effects of long term capitalism. A bill proposed by Senator Annasari of Jakku seeks to reduce these effects and hold corporations in Alliance space accountable for their damage to worlds.​

Those in favor see it as the Galactic Alliance’s duty to ensure their citizens are protected from corporations. Without such restrictions, nothing will change, and public health crises as well as displacement are both concerns. If either were to happen, it would be far costlier to the Alliance than if they were to take a proactive stance.​

Those in opposition see it as a gross overreach of governmental power. They say there are better ways to go about this, such as putting the responsibility on the citizens to hold the corporations they buy from accountable. There is also concern the requirement to update facilities could drive business from our nation, to regions where they won’t be expected to foot the bill for such ventures.​


Objective IV: BYOO​
It’s a backwater rock, but there’s more to do… right?​

Was actually very friendly
Objective II: The Foresst That Sspeakss

A small group of Jedi had gathered at the edge of the forest of ill repute. A deep chill rolled through the woods. Khefiir shivered and put up his hood for warmth. Trandoshans had substantial fat reserves to protect their cold-blooded bodies, but he'd used up his body's capacity while regenerating his arms over the past few months. He drew on the Force, an old technique called tapas, and moderated his body temperature a little. The shivering stopped.

"Perssonally, I'm not fusssed much about ssecretss. What I don't like iss monssterss or apparitionss that bring madnesss and terror to passerssby and explorersss."

He hefted his lightsaber and eyed the gloomy woods.

"Call me dissresspectful or ssshortsssighted, but I don't care if they're ssome nexussesss trialsss. They've got to go."

Objective II: The Forest that Speaks
Khefiir Khefiir

The sun couldn't reach them here, buried in a valley in the rolling hilled landscape. Kisaku pulled his half-cloak in tighter around himself with a light shivver, hands holding the edges together from the inside like a child roaming a chilly morning house with a blanket swathed around them, hood pulled deeply over his head. A small frown was visible over the low-hanging hem of the hood that obscured much of his features.​
"What if it's all a misunderstanding? What lives here could just be normal wildlife for the area... Even if it's territorial, this is their home." Kisaku protested softly. He had come for the promise of secrets. He hoped for knowledge that would better help him understand himself. The prospect of danger didn't bother him as much -- the foremost danger to him was just as attached to him as his own shadow was.​
Ordinarily, he wouldn't dare oppose someone as openly as he disagreed with Khefiir right now, but the idea of traipsing in and murdering wildlife alarmed him enough to push the words out. The saber tied firmly to his seninbari in such a manner that it couldn't be wielded without first having the cordage severed or untied marked his thoughts on pacifism aptly.​
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Was actually very friendly
Kisaku Oroken Kisaku Oroken

Khifaar nodded. "You're right. It'ss a posssibility we'll have to watch for. Thank you for expanding my persspective, Padawan Oroken. Not everything iss what it sseemss."

He gave his lightsaber a last-minute check. The power cell fed both the blade and a concussive handguard, a short-range nonlethal option for creating distance. The downside was that he needed to keep an eye on that power cell, just in case. It was fine; he'd checked half an hour ago and forgotten.

He eyed the peace-bond cord on Kisaku's lightsaber and headed into the woods.

"Ssshall we?"

Riyo Milne

Objective II:

Riyo skulked into the forest, feeling the area around her for any threat or disturbance. Though the persistent chill didn't bother the Echani-Pantoran, there was a definite sense of unease to the area, and Riyo was uncertain if it was the slightest taint of the dark side or a general sense of foreboding from the area. Focusing the force around her to suppress others' ability to detect her, she began to walk with an unconfident stride, attempting to appear vulnerable and as opportune prey for the creatures which were alleged to haunt these woods.

What secrets might these creatures hide, I wonder?

Objective II: The Forest that Speaks
Khefiir Khefiir

Kisaku nodded, some of his tension leaving him with Khefiir's words. "I am by your side."
Well, figuratively anyways. As they pushed into the foreboding woods Kisaku was undoubtedly trailing the trandoshan a few paces. Although he was unbothered by the prospect of danger enough to enter the forest that was not to say he wasn't afraid. He took steps to control that fear, first by controlling his breathing. He dared not seek comfort in the Force with fear already present in his mind. The pressure from both inside and out might connect. The chill misted his breath in front of him and sent shivers travelling through him with each exhale.​
A breeze that cut through the valley and chilled him made the tress groan and creak. The rustling of leaves overhead and the noise of the trees made the forest seem eerily alive. A fog lived in these woods making tangled, gnarled trees farther our appear as uncertain, foreboding silhouettes lurking at the edge of perception.​
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Was actually very friendly
WITH: Kisaku Oroken Kisaku Oroken

Khefiir kept his saber in hand but unlit. He'd built it to be quick on the draw - quick to deploy its blade, suitable for emergencies and also the combat style called Trakata. Keeping it off reduced their visibility. It also made them look weaker, which could draw a predator to them.

He tilted his head and shifted his vision into the infrared. Heat vision gave him a better sense of the life around him, especially in all this gloom.

"There'ss ssomeone up ahead," he said to Kisaku. "Not approaching, going their own way. I don't ssensse anything about them through the Forssse. Be on your guard jusst in casse, and let me know if you ssensse anything. You can ssometimess detect beingss who conceal their Forssse pressensse through the sstartlement or fear of nearby creaturesss."

Or hunger, or anger, if this place really did shelter monsters.


LOCATION: Corporatist Party Room, Coruscant
OBJECTIVE: III - Collective Responsibility
ALLIES: Alliance Senators

Those in favour of the proposed Bill, please post in the Federalist Party Room.
Those opposed, please post in the Corporatist Party Room.


The party room of the Corporatist Party was abuzz as likeminded Senators discussed the proposed Bill for Environmental Efforts - or BEE - which they were scheduled to vote on later in the day. That the draft legislation had drawn together elected representatives from not only the Corporatist Party but also their Senatorial colleagues from other parties, spoke to the gravity of the situation. The doors of the Corporatist party room, normally sealed to those of different ideologies, had been opened to all who were prepared to stand united against the proposed regulations.

“Yes, my esteemed colleagues, if you’ll please take a seat so we can begin in earnest,” Tithe announced, seated at the leadership table at the head of the room. The Vice Chancellor generally sought to avoid party room politics to maintain an air of independence in his handling of the Assembly, but the implications of the BEE were too great to ignore. While he would remain silent and non-partisan on the matter during the voting session, nothing prohibited him from whipping votes behind the scenes.

The major points of the bill were read out - regulations on companies to reduce environmental impact, with tax breaks for those who complied and higher taxes on those who did not or could not. The legislation also provided support for planets negatively impacted by pollution and created a new agency to inspect and police corporations with and a subcommittee to oversee them.

“The, ah, dead hand of regulation cannot be allowed to reach into the pockets of assiduous families. This bill will leave millions unemployed as factories across the Alliance are forced to shut,” Tithe declared. “Business is already kept in check by the consumer, who vote with their credits as to when we... I mean, corporations... have erred. Colleagues, I implore you to vote against this startling exertion of government overreach.” He opened the party room floor to comments and debate.

if they're watching anyways

"Ah, tough luck," she said, laying down her Idiot's Array on the picnic blanket -- second time in a row she'd gotten such a hand. Before that she'd gotten Pure Sabacc twice in a row. She held up her hands and waved them around. No cheating necessary.

Auteme reached over, grabbing some grapes from the bowl. Ryv had almost forgotten her true supremacy in card games. Now Lucien and Ripley knew too. "I'll teach you guys someday the whole luck thing, but I wanna go swimming." She took off her shirt and tossed it aside. Eating the grapes, she started towards the water. "The whole 'don't eat before swimming' is a hoax. Let's go."

They were at the beach, after all, and even though they had the whole day to themselves she wanted to spend most of it in the water. On Aphran IV the seas were tideless and extraordinarily beautiful. The water was warm and she launched herself into it without hesitation.

She resurfaced a good twenty meters from shore, then raised her arms to wave to the others. "Come in! It's great!"
Major Faction


Paragon of Sacrifice
Ryv looked blankly at the spread placed down before the group. His attention shifted from the cards to his own hand, surprised by his lack of decent draws yet again. Why he still bothered playing cards at all was beyond him, but throwing Auteme into the mix always made things worse. Something about her luck just seemed impossible to top. Fortunately, these sorts of things didn't bother him. Games were fun, win or lose. So, he tossed the cards onto the discard pile and shrugged, a wide smile on his face.

"I don't think I've ever won a game of cards against you, Auteme," he chuckled. "I'm not good at 'em, to begin with, so it ain't much of a surprise. How you two doin'?"

He looked Ripley and Lucien's way with a hint of curiosity. Luc was a spacer, jacket-clad and all. He knew his way around a cardgame better than anyone the Sword knew. Ripley wasn't much different. Her years out and about causing trouble probably taught her a thing or two about the cards. If anyone could topple the mighty cardshark, the kiffar trusted it to be one of them decades before he could ever do it.

Before he knew it, Auteme had already pulled off her shirt and ran off towards the water. He looked past her to the crystal clear surface. The Jedi Knight couldn't remember the last time he swam about for something other than a mission or a simulation. Shore leave itself proved beneficial for his exhausted and war-torn body. Maybe it be worth it to hop in and take part in the fun, rather than loiter around on the beach and watch everyone else.

Looking to the pink-skinned zeltron at his side, Ryv leaned up against her and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"What do you think, babe? Wanna go swimming?"

Objective II: The Forest that Speaks
Khefiir Khefiir | Riyo Milne
Kisaku nodded a bit, somewhat distracted. Although he didn't see with heat his method of sight too pierced this gloom. He didn't sense much that was alarming about the individual, but he could feel their tension. A cautious tightness, like a snake coiled to strike. It wasn't far off from what he felt from Khefiir or himself. Another person out in this though? They were a welcome sight more than most things could be.

"Hello? Are you lost?" Kisaku called out after a moment. It wasn't that he was disregarding Khefiir's warning, but rather he realized he'd want to know how the person would react to the appearance of a stranger before they were in close enough to be in a dangerous situation if that reaction turned out to be hostile.​
Was actually very friendly
Kisaku Oroken Kisaku Oroken got a nod of approval, though Khefiir kept his eyes on the surrounding forest. "Good thinking," he said. The Padawan had good judgment. Calling out to the unknown figure could avoid needless miscommunication. It could also reveal whether said figure was a predator.

It could also draw other predators, and that was ideal at this point. Khefiir's infrared vision picked up ruddy flickers of movement through the dense trees. Something was most definitely out there, and there was a decent chance of it coming this way.

In for a decicred, in for a wupiupi. He ignited his blue lightsaber and held it up. A beacon if Riyo Milne turned out to be friendly - and a lure for whatever lurked in here.

Riyo Milne

Objective II

Khefiir Khefiir Kisaku Oroken Kisaku Oroken

Riyo acted startled as he called out to her, keeping character. She manipulated her cloak to hide her vibroblades and subtly assumed a defensive stance, not yet knowing who the owner of the voice was and whether or not he was friendly. She wouldn't be able to feel his presence without dropping her own concealment and that would reveal her strength to the forest creatures.

"Wha- No, no. I heard stories about this forest, and the ... secrets it supposedly hides. I wanted to see if the rumors had any truth to them." Her master would always say that she was being overly obtuse, but being a spy, especially a Jedi Shadow, had taught Riyo to couch the truth in ambiguity and never reveal too much.

Looking back to the voice that called out, she saw the young Miralukan, followed by a Trandoshan raising his ignited lightsaber. Seeing she was not alone in following the rumors of a vergence, she silently rose her own lightsaber, letting its amber blade pierce the mist and service as an answer to his beacon.

"I see I'm not the only one, either."


Objective II: The Forest that Speaks
Khefiir Khefiir | Riyo Milne
Kisaku didn't join the glowstick party even as he saw her draw her own. The crimson silk wrapped hilt still hung from his seninbari, tied firmly in place where it could do no harm. He felt Khefiir's tension rise however, and in turn his did as well. "We're not alone." He spoke in a hushed voice, stopping where he was.

His senses scoured the area around him, and though it pierced mist and tree alike, the movement for the moment had stopped. He felt it eerily similar to the calm before the storm, danger prickling at his senses. He had the urge to break the cord securing his saber as fear pulled at him, but he refrained from it with all of his willpower. The moment he drew that saber he didn't know if it would be him wielding it.​
Was actually very friendly
Skajin made the snap decision to trust that Riyo Milne was a fellow Jedi. Considering that the forest was bursting with infrared, it seemed prudent.

"Back to back, pleasse," the big Trandoshan said firmly. "Padawan Oroken, your lightssaber. We're about to have company."

Forms slunk between the trees, low lean quadrupeds, predators Khefiir couldn't name. There were at least half a dozen, each the size of a nek or a sandpanther.

"Anyone know what thesse are?"

Kisaku Oroken Kisaku Oroken
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Riyo Milne

Khefiir Khefiir Kisaku Oroken Kisaku Oroken

"I can't say these look too familiar, though I don't specialize in beasts." Returning her lightsaber to her belt, Riyo threw off her cloak, unsheathing her vibroblades and refocusing the force around her from concealment to enhancing her movement and fighting ability. "Riyo Milne, Shadow."

Jumping from root to root, tree trunk to tree trunk, Riyo sped towards the pair of Jedi, taking a position where she would easily be able to help them, if needed. She activated the two foot-long blades and prepared for whatever came next, calming herself and focusing purely on the force surrounding them, feeling the ebbs and flows of the surrounding living beings, seeking out any streaks of dark that she could latch on to, and destroy.

"Do either of you know?"
Objective III: Collective Responsibility

Proposal on protecting the environment, Alderaan had been doing so for generations. Their sister world Delaya hung in their own evening skies to remind them of how close the planet was. Delaya though had sprouted the urban areas and factories needed by the system. Alderaan tried to keep everything in harmony with the environment.

This new proposal seemed to support those beliefs. while providing a means for compliance. The restructure could burden companies, and planets economy as they worked with the companies to meet the new standards. But then others would be helped.

She thought of the companies on her home world and on Delaya. Before she made her decision she needed to know something. Once she received a response she would know her mind.


Objective II: The Forest that Speaks
Khefiir Khefiir | Riyo Milne
Kisaku's inner conflict rose as rapidly as his heart rate did. Khefiir bid him to do what he desperately did not want to. The situation itself demanded it. It offered him a choice; be a burden and risk the lives of Khefiir and Riyo, or take up the saber. Give in to the howling pressure beginning to spike at his mind, threatening to pull away his control, his virtues, his empathy. To give in to a dark impulse that lurked inside of him that was inseparable from his fear and his instinct to fight for survival.​
As he fought for control, he was fighting to pull away from the Force. For in his connection to it lurked that darkness, seeping through the threads of the tapestry like a sick poison. It promised him fell and terrible strength - but he knew with all of the strength of his being that accepting it would erode at what made him, him.​
"I-i can't. I don't know what they are, but I don't want to kill them." Kisaku said, his voice shaking in response to them both. He found himself stepping backwards as his gaze fixed upon one that lurked close to the path, slinking around from a tree with a low, rumbling growl. He felt himself backing into what felt like a durasteel wall behind him; Khefiir.​
No more room to retreat. His vision blurred as the fear and panic gnawed at him. The darkness called.​

Ryv Ryv Auteme Auteme Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku

"She cheated," Ripley teased whilst shrugging. "Only way she could rob you blind like that. You'll figure out her slight of hand someday."

The zeltron's eyes followed Auteme to the water, a smile across her face. It only grew dopier when the kiffar lips brushed her face. She through her head back a moment, basking in the glowing sun a minute more. The orange and red sky was a sight to behold. The entire beach was filled with a sense of serenity. Lost in the small moments and peaceful environment, it was easy to forget the past weeks. Finally, she turned her head back to Ryv, grinning mischievously.

"Okay, but you gotta help me convince Auteme and Luc to play chicken." She stated in agreeance.

Her legs shifted, trailing through the sand as she maneuvered to stand up right. Deft hands found the bottom of the sundress, pulling it over her head and tossing it aside.

"Let's go!" Ripley exclaimed with a wink.
Was actually very friendly
Riyo Milne Kisaku Oroken Kisaku Oroken

Khefiir got a glimpse of deep fear behind Kisaku's words - but not fear of the unknown creatures. No, this tasted like a more personal fear. But the three Jedi had exactly zero time to unpack that. Khefiir adjusted his positioning so he was back to back with Riyo, with Kisaku between them.

"Protect the Padawan, Sshadow," he said, raising his saber high to get it out of his field of vision. That gave him a better look, both in human-normal spectra and the infrared.

OOC/ Picking random critter by clicking 'random page' on Wook until an animal shows up-

A buzzing sound prickled the scales on the back of his neck. The oncoming forms were larger than he'd thought. Airborne vermin clustered around them. A spark of actual fear lit up in Khefiir's heart.

"Sstand firm-"

The creatures burst into the light of the upraised sabers. Khefiir lowered it and hissed a laugh of surprised relief.

"Gorthsss," he said. "Herd animalss." Stray flies popped and crackled off his saber. "Farm creaturesss gone wild and losst in the woodss. Frightening to passsersssby. Your insstinctss sserved uss well, Padawan. Not all wass ass it sseemed."

Deeper in the trees, a warm light beckoned. Khefiir put away his saber.

"And that may be what you sseek."

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