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Anija's Art Corner [Mk 2]

[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Silas Khras"] [member="Cecily de Demici"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Yoh Muramasa"]

I know you guys have been waiting a while for these. I do apologize. And I appreciate your patience. I am reasonably certain I have photoshop functional. That being said, I would greatly appreciate it - if you haven't done so already - if you could find someone else to do your requests. I've got a lot going on right now with the holidays and work, and know I won't have much time for this kind of thing until afterwards.

Thanks for understanding :)
[member="Anija Betna"]

Can you do Rank Tags for the First Order faction? We would be eternally grateful...

We need a [First Order] faction tag. As well as three tags for the Knights of Ren - [Disciple of Ren] - [Knight of Ren] - [Master of Ren]

In the same vein as the current tags on the Rank Tag request thread. Our colors are black, white, and red.

Would be awesome if you could do this...
[member="Anija Betna"] I am a FA at the First Order.

The First Order title in my sig doesn't match the style of the tags on the request page and thus can't be used. We also need 3 Force User tags for each rank in the Knights of Ren.

Once again if you could do this, that would be amazing. Just let me know. Thank you!
[member="Greifen Ren"]

So far, I have these... which do you like better?







If you want changes let me know! :)
Character name Cygnus Zambrano (may change the username to Cygnus-20XX)

Type of artwork desired:

Rank Title

Please include any of the following which may apply:
  • The Rank Title I want to say "Ex-Noble", as there is no title like that.
  • I forgot who my playby even is... awkward.
  • A somber, yet regal appearance for the logo and the words "Cygnus Tedesky. Human Replica Droid, Ex-Zambrano Noble, and a Part of "Mer-Sonn Munitions"
[member="Morse Sunrider"] In case you didn't see, I did ask previous requestees to find other artists. I have been without photoshop for long enough (months) that if I kept working on backlog I would never get to anything else. Please honor my request.

Anija Betna said:
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Silas Khras"] [member="Cecily de Demici"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Yoh Muramasa"]

I know you guys have been waiting a while for these. I do apologize. And I appreciate your patience. I am reasonably certain I have photoshop functional. That being said, I would greatly appreciate it - if you haven't done so already - if you could find someone else to do your requests. I've got a lot going on right now with the holidays and work, and know I won't have much time for this kind of thing until afterwards.

Thanks for understanding :)
[member="Anija Betna"]

I have GIMP, so if you could find a pic or something to the effect of my request and tell me what font you'd use if it's in the default ones, I can make the logo myself. Wouldn't be special, but in light of what you said to the one asking for a rank title and a sudden realization, I think I need some practice with it.
Type of Art: Signature
Darth Vulkan
One the Anvil of War are the Strong tempered and the Weak made to Perish

(Could you also make one that says "Draco Vereen" instead of "Darth Vulkan")
Colors: Fires, reds, dark grey (like smoke)
No Faction Affiliation
Size: I prefer Longer and not as tall like This
Border: Like this one please
Explanation: Er, I really liked the style of this one you did.
[member="Cygnus Zambrano"] No, you're fine. I was referencing the previous request which they wanted completed, so I was pointing out my request regarding art requests from a few months back. If that makes sense?
[member="Cygnus Zambrano"] I've tried making the rank tags in GIMP, and it doesn't transfer all the text effects :( I can see what I can find for you, though. I believe the font used is Castellar. And the PSD file can be found in Tef's Art Resources thread. You CAN open PSD files in GIMP, but I don't think all the effects on the text or borders will transfer over. Not sure why they don't. :(

Rank tag I can certainly do for you, and I can give a try at the logo if you like :)

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