Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An Army of Clay, Flesh and Bone


Darth Isolda held the pyramid shaped holocron in the palm of her hand, its crimson lights glittering off her eyes like a thousand mirrors as its secrets were revealed. This was her prize, taken from the Nightsisters so long ago; the method, the path, the manner by which she could lay claim to the hidden frozen Sith Army of lore.

A sinister smile crept over crimson lips, twisting up as her eyes flashed silver lighting and fire, the star map reflecting within their depths. There over a million suns and planets quivered in display, giving the precise coordinates she needed to send the force of the One Sith and Vahla migrating fleet there.

[SIZE=10pt]"It is time," [/SIZE] she said with a husky tone, power rolling off her in waves, [SIZE=10pt]"To reclaim what is rightfully ours. "[/SIZE]

A One Sith acolyte gave a low bow, while another remained, only a glimmer of white flesh peeking out from a slate gray cowl.

[SIZE=10pt]"Leak our movements to the rest of the pagans near our sector..." [/SIZE] Darth Isolda ordered as her silver gaze drew across the scrying pool before her. A slender digit outstretched towards the molten pool and gently touched the surface. Ripples scattered as the Eye of the Dark Lord conjured up the pallid visage of a female with blonde hair. Her smile widened in delight as those orbs of mercury bore their gaze upon the image of the Saarai-kaar. Soon.

Images went darting round the Sith Oracle's mind; images of Jedi, Sith, and of Confederate soldiers. Oh how that grin twisted in sinister delight.

[SIZE=10pt]"...set the bait."[/SIZE]


Feel free to either be enroute or just barely have heard the news leaked out by the acolytes. Since I do have the Star Map, you'll have to eventually intercept us to get to the location.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra always worked alone and now she followed the rumor of a Sith army, bringing her to a rocky planet she barely remembered the name of, or rather she hadnt heard it because she would have remembered it if so. Her eyes scanned over the rocky surface as she sat by her camp, the cold night having started coming so she prepped the generator and heater that she had within her tent. She was interested in finding this army first and find out if it really was as she had hoped such a historical treasure was. The only problem is she heard a rumor the sith knew too, and are possibly the original proprietors of the knowledge.

She sat alone though now, her hands running over her master's holocron as it rested in her hand, solitude was lonely and this holocron reminded her of the old days when she had a friend, no a father. Shutting her eyes she began to calm the rising emotions and storing them for when she needed them, her emotions would be useless here. Instead she openned her eyes and took an inventory, 2 months of rations, check. Her Slugthrower rifle, sever vibroblades, a slugthrower and a blaster pistol, her sabers, nearly a dozen datapads to record findings and data, her tent, generator, power cells. Everything she needed was here and for now she sat and looked at the stars.

@[member="Darth Isolda"]


Darth Shara stood on the edge of a cliff, massive scaly plates of skin covered his entire body, barely concealed by a robe. Behind him stood a dozen or so One Sith knights apprentices and even masters. His eyes shifted slightly, black orbs moving around as he peered across the land. He heard chattering behind him from other members of the One Sith, though he ignored them for a time. His frown split his face for a second, and then he turned to face the Eye of the Dark Lord.

“Are you sure it is here?” His voice was a rumble, a mountain falling down, it was by no means stealthy of silent. He seemed to swagger with confidence as he walked, his footsteps giving off a cloud of dust every time they touched the edge of the cliff.

The Maelibus towered over even the tallest of One Sith members, he even stood above the Dark Lord...though only in pure mass of course.

When he looked down at the Eye however he did not peer at her with intimidation, but instead as though she were a delicate flower. The Eye of the Dark Lord was something to be trusted, to be preserved. She was an extension of him, and thus Shara showed her the greatest of respect.
@[member="Darth Isolda"]
@[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

[SIZE=10pt]"They are here," [/SIZE] said Darth Isolda with an assurance that vibrated throughout her entire body, the inky black tattoos pulsing with power. She took no offense to his question, for the carbonite army had been hidden for so long. Only the holocron within her hand held their location.

She was a sight indeed, surrounded by the dozen One Sith, dainty and small compared to the towering mass of @[member="Darth Shara"]. A strong gust of air sent her own cloak whipping about her, revealing the length of her alabaster legs and arms, her cowl held together over her chest by mere silver filigree clips.

A faint touch of her finger brought the holocron to life, the Dark Side of the Force pouring into the pyramid shaped map to suddenly align the stars overhead with the landscape before them. Ever so slowly, a path soon was revealed, the map pulsing with power.

[SIZE=10pt]"We head north," [/SIZE]

Her head slowly then tipped to the east. A vision came to her. Silver white hair, an aura of blue lined by silver, pulsating. That crimson mouth twisting to one of wolfish delight, [SIZE=10pt]"And we are not alone.."[/SIZE]


The Stereotypes of the Past Shall Never Define Me
Miarta looked around at the extensive camp then at her supplies, them being a saber, two vibroblades, clothes, sleeping mats and blankets, a tent and a medical kit. Frowning she sat down in one of the chairs by the heater that had been brought outside by her companion, radiating heat like a blazing fire compared to the cool night. She had joined up with this woman after hearing about her requesting aid from the jedi in this endeavor, or rather a certain Jedi whom was apparently a friend to both of them and now she sat here in the dark with the woman. @[member="Darth Isolda"] @[member="Darth Shara"] @[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"So how much experience do you have with fighting, as well as basic survival skills and whats your status on Fitness. How much training have you had, whats your skills, name and do you have any of your own questions miss?" She didnt look up from the Datapad she was studying, it was a terrain map and she was looking over it to see where best to hid a bunch of statues on a planet like this. It was a simple altitude map that could be switched to photographic imagery with holographic display to study the landscape in a three D manner allowing for easier interpretation of the landscape. Her eyes would flicker up and watch the woman when she answered though.

@[member="Miarta"] @[member="Darth Isolda"] @[member="Darth Shara"]


The Stereotypes of the Past Shall Never Define Me
"Spent my whole life running from people, so I'm fit enough. I'm not the best with combat though I have gotten a bit better since I started training. I'm an excellent field medic, and that's the main reason I'm here. My name is Miarta. Did Josh forget to tell you about me?" She asked. She felt a bit out of place, but then again she always felt out of place around people. Hard to fit in anywhere when most of the galaxy despises you. She was staring up at the sky, mostly out of a need to avoid eye contact than any real fascination with stars.
@[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Can you name them?" Alexandra hadn't seemed to look up from the map as she posed the question, though it was obvious what she meant with where @[member="Miarta"] was looking, the stars and the systems far off in the sky. She was curious in how many talents this Sith Pureblood had, and the manner and words that would come from her, it was false to say that Alexandra expected the normal kind of response she would get from a Pureblood but she also suspected this one was different. @[member="Miarta"]


The Stereotypes of the Past Shall Never Define Me
"No... I'm a bit lacking in the education department. Happens when you grow up on the streets. I was basically the public plaything. Nothing more than a toy to be tortured and thrown away," She explained, still looking up. She had a feeling the other woman didn't exactly trust her. Miarta couldn't really blame her. Not many out there would trust a Sith Pureblood. She glanced down at the ground, scuffing her foot around in the dirt creating random patterns. She felt a little uncomfortable.
@[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She glanced up and watched the figedity woman for a few moments before smiling and laughing. "Oh calm down, im not going to lynch you for being a Sith, well racial wise that is, i would if you were the group. Im just asking questions as you are a unique sight and none the less interesting, i mean, a Pureblood that has joined the Jedi. Most would assume you were a spy but i know spies when i see them and you have no need to worry about me giving you scorn. Now i think this area to the north is where we need to go, the other areas are too rocky and uneven to really support anything that great while the north has serveral large masses and plenty of flat land, if you wanted to hide something in a mountain or underground id do it there." She rubbed her neck as she sat there and looked at the sky. "But i think some rest is in order before we go off walking in any direction, after all, dont need you tired if we meet trouble." @[member="Miarta"]


Shara looked down at Isolda and nodded at her. He took her at her word of course, she had no reason to lie, in fact he was pretty sure that it was impossible for her to lie to him in the first place. She was the Dark Lords chosen avatar, and he was one of his voices. It was that simple to him, there was no room for deception within the ranks of the One Sith, no room for lies. With another curt nod he reached down and picked her up, taking her tiny form in his massive clawed hands and placed her on his shoulder.

To him she was like a little girl that needed protecting, a job that he was well suited to do.

“Do not tire yourself.” It was not a command of course, but instead the words of a caretaker. A suggestion with force behind it. Quickly The Maelibus began to pick up his pace, his footsteps rumbling as they headed northward towards where the Eye had indicated.

This would not be a long trek for him.
@[member="Darth Isolda"]
Vaelokin ran after @[member="Darth Shara"] and @[member="Darth Isolda"]. They were all apart of the One Sith, though he couldn't let himself be left behind by the Sith Masters. Yes, they were all one Order, yes, they worked together, no secrets, no betrayals, treachery was dealt with. But they were still Sith and he would still need to prove himself.

He saw them a few meters ahead and he continued to push himself faster and faster. He couldn't let himself be left behind, not today. Not ever. The Force took over his legs and carried him along while he ran, he could only wonder if he was catching up, but if anything he was only barely slowing down and getting further behind them.

As long as when they arrived, they were still in sight of each other, Vaelokin wouldn't care. In fact, he wouldn't care either way. In fact, he only just realized that he would be able to just follow what senses he has within the Force to get back to his higher ups.
Vornskr stood beside them, dressed in thick black robes that draped to the misshapen ground like inky blackness. Underneath that armor was a suit of black phrik armor, marred by endless marks from constant combat and engagements. A hood covered his head of thick black hair, and a black mask obscured his face from view. He said nothing as the Eye and the demonic Sith spoke in seldom words about the whereabouts of this hidden vault filled with numerous Sith Soldiers trapped in carbonite. At his side was the hilt of his diabolical lightsaber, Rend, with it's katana-esque hilt with ornate jewelry running down the handle.

His gaze moved lazily from Isolda to Shara, and when the time came for them to move he lunged after them, never breaking his stride or falling behind. He could sense the others the Priestess spoke of, one of them completely unfamiliar, but the other senses strangely familiar. The faint smell of this individual reminded him of a time long ago, back in the life he once lived before the Dark Lord opened his eyes to the truth. He anxiously waited to sate his curiosity.

@[member="Darth Isolda"] @[member="Darth Shara"] @[member="Vaelokin"] @[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] @[member="Miarta"]

Darth Naomi

Error 404: title-not-found
A joyful rumble was around as Tiiona reached for her glass. She was in a bar, on a station on her way to Lianna. After her journey to the One Sith base, she would head out into space once more, to acquire a better ship. Which she had and that ship was now docked to this station. It was a shuttle, smaller and faster than that load of crap she was flying earlier. It also had particle shields and one laser canon, which was a nice addition, truly. On top of that the ship could be upgraded even further, which was what the young woman was planning to do, it was why she was taking it to a city-world of Lianna, where she grew up, knew the streets and knew the people that could do that kind of work for her. But first she needed to refuel and as the ship's tank was being filled, she decided to hit the bar and maybe fill her own tank.

Maybe it was just a bad day, maybe it was this kind of a sector, she wouldn't know better, but the bar was full of pirates and mercenaries. Some of them looked quite notorious, especially the silent ones. You'd never know what kind of thoughts were swirling in their heads. The loud ones - hell, you could hear their thoughts being shouted, for example there was one guy beating his partner up right now, apparently for not paying after the job. Taking another sip the girl would keep a mental eye on the two as a small device on her left wrist lit up with a small beep. It was sort of a communicator, except in this case it was tied with her ship and on a small holographic display it would show there being a message for her. The device wasn't good enough to display the message for her, but it wasn't like she wanted to read it here, around this bunch anyway. Dropping the credits in her empty glass, she would stand up and head for the exit, or at least she was planning to, but something caught her attention. The guy who was now done beating his partner was leaving as well and on his waist she saw a fairly unusual gun. Following him casually out of the bar, Tiiona would grab the drunk fellow by his shoulder and bash him against a wall, her own blaster immediately finding his throat - something he realized and did not resist further. Grabbing her prize she would linger for a moment, unsure what should be done with the guy. Others might have said something like "Nice gun", but she was not the one explain herself to scum. Actually pulling that trigger was on her mind, but after a second she decided to go with a knock out and simply hit him in the temple with the blaster's handle.

Stepping into her ship's cockpit Tiiona would drop the new gun on the empty copilot seat. She had already examined it, the gun was a slugthrower heavy pistol. It was a design she had not seen before, but sadly there were only seven shots remaining. Whatever, the message was now her priority. Dropping in the chair she'd press a few controls until the contents would be displayed for her. It was a communication from the One Sith. Apparently there was a kind of an operation happening around these parts, led by her mistress. And the message invited any of them to participate... It would be a small detour, but her refits could wait. She was no expert of Sith lore, but whatever they were looking for appeared to be big. Contemplating that she would wait until the ship was refueled, the take up and when she was at a decent distance from the station make the jump to the instructed coordinates. Being in a nearby sector the jump was a short one, thanks to the ship's advanced hyperdrive. As she dropped out, below her was a barren rocky world. A place where relics get lost, perhaps? She would notice a number of One Sith ships in orbit, the expedition must have already began. Just to avoid issues though, she would broadcast a friendly IFF as she passed by and took a dive into the atmosphere.

@[member="Darth Vornskr"] @[member="Vaelokin"] @[member="Darth Shara"] @[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] @[member="Miarta"] @[member="Darth Isolda"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra took up her sabers and a slugthrower sniper rifle, as well as a few datapads thrown in her bag, an emergency transponder, some gauze and Bacta tubes, and several other small items she could fit in her bag or strap to the speeder. Looking over her shoulder she smiled at the woman, this @[member="Miarta"], and waved her over to get on the speeder, and once she was on Alexandra gunned it north. She had a strange, gut wrenching feeling as she rode the machine over the desolate earth. She frowned, she could tell there were other force users heading in the same direction, strong ones, causing her to look at Miarta. "If i say Run, you run and return to the camp, then i want you to call for your republic and Jedi allies." She turned her head back forward, the feeling made worse by the fact that one of the force users stood out, not in power but in familiarity, she knew this one but who was it that this one was.

@[member="Tiiona"] @[member="Darth Vornskr"] @[member="Vaelokin"] @[member="Darth Isolda"] @[member="Darth Shara"]


The Stereotypes of the Past Shall Never Define Me
Miarta simply nodded. She trusted this woman's judgement enough to follow her orders, though she knew that if the woman found herself in a considerable amount of trouble, she'd have no issue defying those orders in an attempt to help her companion. She felt a little weird on the speeder. She was prone to motion sickness and was hoping she wouldn't end up violently vomitting on Alexandra, she doubted the woman would enjoy that.

@[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]
@Darth Isolda @Darth Shara @Vaelokin @Alexandra Cinthra @Miarta @[member="Darth Vornskr"]

Trailing behind the other Darth's was Vindica, being his usual quiet self, silently plotting out how to execute them effectively if they turned. Three coups had made him paranoid, even with the Dark Lord acting to keep them in line, he trusted no one, and rightfully so. He'd lost his damn leg trusting people. Behind the mask his eyes had darkened, leaving behind the sickening predatory yellow in favor of an angry blood red coloration, the things however could not be seen behind the pitch black eyes of the mask. Vindica didn't mind the change, but he found it ironic the coloration of his eyes matched that of the blade of his saber that now hung on his waist in wait of a time it would be needed.

Swiftly he caught up with Vonskr, Shara, and Isolda. He nodded to each in acknowledgement before continuing to walk in utter silence.
@[member="Darth Vindica"] @Miarta @Alexandra Cinthra @Tiiona @[member="Darth Vornskr"] @[member="Vaelokin"] @[member="Darth Shara"]

The Vahla migrating fleet along with the One Sith Forces accepted Tiiona's IFF codes, allowing her to enter the atmosphere of the plant to rendezvous with the small settlement base that held the ground forces for logistics. She would be welcomed, and shortly instructed on the direction where the Eye of the Dark Lord and the One Sith excavation team went.

Meanwhile, cradled within the palm of the enormous Maelibus, Isolda's eyes slowly began to darken into an inky black, dark swirls of power brewing within the oracle as images of a woman with snow white hair went dancing in her mind.

"T͏h̕éy҉ ́gr͟ow͞ ͟c̀lo͟s̀er,̕" ͞ she murmured, her voice having the delicate sound of a polyphonic choir. Her head gave a small turn towards @[member="Vaelokin"], the One Sith eager to please the Dark Lord.

"H̸ead̀ ̸eas̢t,"̡ ̶ she instructed, assigning the task to the young apprentice. "͘In̕v̛e͟s̛ti͢g̵at͘e͜ ̛th̸e p͞rȩs͠eǹc̨e th̀ere͡.̢"̧ ̷ Her eyes were now completely black, not a single sliver of white to be found. Her tattoos were pulsing from the Darkside, twisting and seemingly writhing under her alabaster skin.
A second later, the Eye of the Dark Lord then panned her gaze to the God-King and Vindica, nodding in acknowledgement. Her probing gaze met that of Darth Vornskr, "͜Sa̛tȩ y͜o͟u͟r̸ ̨cu̡rio̕s̨ìt͡y̸,"̛ she said, for while she was not an empath, the Dark Lord's connection made her sensitive to those who'd pledged their loyalty to Him.

They would be no stopping this excavation.
Vaelokin continued to run with them, he had a lightsaber on his hilt, it wasn't his. Just something he had borrowed from the armoury, at least it was a weapon. And when @[member="Darth Isolda"] said his name, and then said to the east, he was already running in that direction. He knew what to do, investigate the presences, and end them if they try to impede the One Sith from getting the Sith Army. Easy. Quick. Fun.

His form continued to run across the terrain, at some points he jumped, thinking it would increase his speed a little, and when there were the slightest of inclines, it did help ever so slightly. And then he stopped when he felt the presences of, @[member="Miarta"] and @[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] were overwhelming.


Shara kept moving with the eye upon his shoulder. His pace did not quicken or grow slower over time, it simply stayed the same steady trot. A man of average size would have to run to catch up with him of course, his long wide footsteps gave the advantage of his jog nearly being a mans full sprint, something that he enjoyed lording over his smaller brothers. Had be been running the others likely would have been left far behind, Maelibus after all were known for their speed.

The massive One Sith came to a stop as they reached a sheer cliff edge, a dozen meter drop facing them with a lake at the bottom. Shara stared down it for only the briefest second, then scanned the area for an easier way down.

He let out a low growl as he saw no way down.

“I must ask you to hang on.” His voice was a low rumble, like a nest of hornets buzzing about. It was difficult to say whether or not he was agitated by this little obstacle. Though he eyed each of the One Sith carefully. He knew that most of them would be able to make the jump quite simply, but he worried about those that could not. No one could be left behind on this little journey, not when victory was so key.
@[member="Darth Isolda"]

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