Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An Age of Iron (Siobhan)

Galina still looked out over the lake for a moment longer, and sighed heavily. "It's okay. You had no way to know what was here, in this place. No way to know it would be like this." Galina leaned heavily against Tempest, as they turned to walk away. "But yes, let's go home."



Storm of the Force
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]
Since our writers are hoping to push on and break the records, the story continued.

The drive back to the villa was a rather sobering one. Tempest’s first excursion had hardly been a great success. She rather hoped that this would not lead Siobhan into an angry speech.
“Hey, Galina…uhh…you better take the rest of the day off…tomorrow too. We’ll meet up the day after tomorrow. I think I’ve got a new place to go. Not haunted! I hope…” she said with a sigh.
Galina had remained quiet for the duration of the drive, thinking back to the people who were forever locked in an endless battle, forced to repeat it for eternity.

With the villa coming into sight, Galina sighed with relief, happy to be home again where things felt safe and secure to her. She gave a nod to Tempest as she spoke. "Okay, I will." She said quietly, still a little lost in thought. "Better not be....." She said with a shake her of her head. A part of her not exactly looking forward to another mission, much less anything that was remotely resembled the lake in the mountains. Though she supposed these kind of missions just part of training, and Siobhan was unlikely to let her escape any part of that.

"I'll see you then." She said as she hopped off the speeder and headed inside, up the stairs and quickly shuffled off to her room. The young woman was quick to shed her clothing and headed straight to draw herself a nice steaming bath. Undoubtedly time would pass quickly and the day after tomorrow would come soon enough.



Storm of the Force
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]
When Tempest returned to her room she found Harmony waiting for her.
“Ooh, that doesn’t look good. What happened, sweetie?”
“Force ghosts…there was a battlefield I didn’t even know about and the spirits were fighting each other. Needless to say…the teaching didn’t go so well!”
Harmony put an arm around her shoulder. “Tough. You want to tell Siobhan?”
“I’d better. Hope she’s in a good mood.”
“I did my best…” Harmony replied with a knowing smile.
Tempest gave her a kiss. “Alright, well, let’s see how she takes it. I mean, nothing too bad happened. Galina’s alright.”
“That’s the spirit. You go and see her, I think she’s free!”
So after depositing her gear Tempest headed up to [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]’s room and knocked tentatively.
[member="Tempest"], [member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

The door to Siobhan's room opened by the pull of an invisible hand, a casual gesture. The Dahomian would find Siobhan lying on her mistress bed, wearing a purple robe that left little to the imagination. Propped up on a couple cushions, the Countess had been reading a book, but she put it down when Tempest entered.

"You look a bit like a naughty schoolgirl being brought before the principal - and not in a fun, kinky way," Siobhan commented dryly. Well, actually that was a game they played sometimes, but it was clear to her that things were far more serious and that this was not the prelude to a fade to black scene. "How'd it go?"


Storm of the Force
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Tempest coughed slightly.
“Well…little did I know that the lake I took Galina to practice her skills on was haunted. Not just haunted, but filled with spirits relieving some ancient battle where the Eldorai and Kar’zun killed each other. Galina’s fine, but a bit shaken as you can imagine! I had no idea the damn place was haunted.”

“Anyway, I’ve given her the rest of today and tomorrow off. We’ll try again the day after. Might have to go in first with an exorcist just to make sure there’s not some water demon by the river or ice monster lurking in the snow,” she added moodily.
[member="Tempest"], [member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

"I see. You know, I do have a datacron on exorcisms lying around. Maybe you could read it!" Siobhan said sternly. It was well-known that Tempest was not the bookish type. Slowly the Countess arose and got up from the bed, walking towards Tempest. She raised her hand...was she going to hit her?

Then she stroked across the Dahomian's white hair and cupped her cheek. "I kind of feel like slapping you and giving you an angry lecture, but you didn't know the place was haunted and Galina's ok. The experience may be good for her in the long run, as harsh as it was." Siobhan was protective of her daughter, but had realised that sheltering her from everything that was bad in the world would not work. "You still have lots of grovelling to do."


Storm of the Force
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Siobhan’s reaction made Tempest’s hackles rise. When she moved as if to strike her she tensed. If Siobhan struck her she would not take it, she was nobody’s whipping girl.
Her later words mollified her somewhat, until the end that is.
“I am not going to grovel,” she said flatly. “I inadvertently led Galina into an unexpected situation, but she was not hurt. I will be more careful next time in my locations. That is, if you want there to be a next time,” she added, eyes still on Siobhan.
“I’m enjoying teaching Galina, but if you’d rather look elsewhere, that is your choice.”
She had spent entirely too much of her life under the heel of someone, and except in fun she would not kow-tow to anyone, not even her friend.

Silence. Awkward silence? Well, maybe. Something flickered across Siobhan's features before they softened. "Now you know why I chose you. You've grown a lot since I first met you, since Dahomey. Few people have the guts to stand up to me" she said, then she gave Tempest a kiss on the cheek. Maybe it had all been a test, maybe Siobhan was just moody.

"I want you to train her. Otherwise I wouldn't have asked for you, dear. I'm proud of you. You can take tomorrow off from work."


Storm of the Force
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Tempest stood her ground. If she was worried, it was only due to having become rather attached to Galina. She knew Siobhan would not attack her.
So when the kiss came she smiled and embraced her mentor.
“Thank you, Sio. I’ll train Galina to the very best of my abilities.”

With that she headed out. She had some lessons to plan, and she figured she might ask some people just to make sure the river she wanted to go to next wasn’t full of monsters or similar! Once bitten, twice shy….

"I know, sweetie," Siobhan replied. "Do come to my room this evening...unless you've got other plans, of course. I've missed your company." No, she had not given Tempest the next day off just because she was feeling horny. Anyhow, she likewise left the room in search of [member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"].
Galina had finished her bath, and dressed in a simple pair of pjs. Still damp hair framed her face. And flopped across the bed, with a blanket loosely covering her legs, she seemed engrossed with a book. Though she seemed more pensive than usual, if not a little agitated as she couldn't quite get comfortable in her place on the bed.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
There was a knock on the door, then it opened and Siobhan entered the room. "Hey, sweetie. You alright?" she asked softly, concern evident in her voice as she walked towards the bed and then climbed on it. "Tempest told me what happened. Very rough day. She's very sorry, so am I, but I'm also proud of you," she reached out with her hand to gently stroke the girl's firemane.

[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]
Galina gave a shrug, "I guess...." Though it didn't sound like even she believed that. It seemed a complicated matter to her, and one she hadn't quite pieced together how she felt about it aside from her initial fear.

Marking her page, she closed the book and set it aside. Leaning over she rested her head against Siobhan as she stroked her hair. "It ..." She started but stopped quickly.

After a long pause she continued, "I don't know. I've faced enemies before, that were real life flesh and blood. But to have something only I can see that can actually grab me, physically?" The girl shook her head. "It ... It doesn't make a lot of sense." But of course there was more. "And I feel for them. Ghosts, doomed to repeat the same battle over and over again for eternity. It hardly seems fair, or right. I only wish they could be released from that pain. I still don't know how I can see them but Tempest cannot. Not a lot of it makes sense to me. Doesn't even seem real, but they grabbed me... Touched me.... cold as ice." Truth be told, Galina seemed more than a little unnerved as she spoke about the day's events.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"],

Siobhan's heart went out to her little girl as she relayed the grim tale. Of course, she had already heard it from [member="Tempest"], but that was not the same. She continued stroking her daughter's hair while she wrapped an arm around her. "My poor, brave girl. I'm so sorry. I hope you never have to experience something like that again. I'll do everything to make sure you don't have to," she said, in an as soothing tone as possible.

She sighed slightly. "I've experienced similar things. Not on Kaeshana, but elsewhere. Disembodied spirits chained to the places where they died, driven mad by centuries of torment. It's an awful way to end. Some turn malevolent and attack the living," she hugged Galina closer to her. A part of Siobhan wanted her wife to here and her general absence since Galina started training made her bitter.

You know, Tegs, it would be nice if you took some interest in our daughter. Especially after she started learning about the Force, which scares her. But I guess you're busy and will just mope about feeling no connection. Newsflash: That's your fault. She forced these thoughts about her marital problems from her mind and focused on the one thing that mattered."You're here, with me. You're safe, sweetie."
Galina sighed heavily as she curled against Siobhan. Having her mum there certainly made what she felt a little better. Even more so to know she wasn't the only one to have experienced such things. "Don't be sorry, Mum. You had no way to know what was going to happen, and you cannot protect me from everything." Galina whispered quietly. She wished it wasn't that way, that Siobhan could save her from everything, from every ounce of pain and fear that was to be had in the galaxy. However, that was not how life or the Galaxy worked.

"I feel terrible for them. As much as it frightened me ... I only wish I somehow could help them, to release them from that. But I guess that's not exactly possible." Once more she shrugged. Galina for all her shyness did have a heart of gold, wanting the best for people. Even if it wasn't always possible, it was still what she wanted. Even for those who were no longer with the living.

A nod came, as she wrapped her arms around Siobhan and clung tightly to her Mum. Even she had a similar thought, she wished Tegaea was here too. If anything just for that additional support and comfort her second mother could offer her. "It's .... unnerving. Still a bit frightening to think back to..." She whispered again, not liking to admit what frightened her.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

Admittedly Siobhan probably had to share a portion of the blame for her dwindling connection to her wife. But she had pushed thoughts of Tegs from her mind and was now focused on her daughter. The little girl who had become the most important thing in her life. "I know, dear," Siobhan said, while she rubbed soothing circles across Galina's back.

Her daughter cared so much - too much? There were many people in the universe who could abuse such kindness. "It's horrible, but you cannot save everyone. Bad things happen, and there's no magic wand to see it right." She was at a bit of a loss of what to say next, then spoke up again. "If you don't wanna go to sleep right now, we can watch TV or play a game together," she suggested. For some reason her daughter always beat her at Monopoly. Maybe because Siobhan completely sucked at keeping track of her own money.
Galina sighed heavily. These were simply just the realities of life. She couldn't be protected forever. Nor could she save everyone that she wanted to. A lesson that certainly would come in handy in her future.

She closed her eyes as her mother traced small circles across her back. "I know, doesn't change that I'd like to be able to make the situation better for them." Another sigh followed. "I'd like that... Sleeping is the last thing I want right now. I just want to be distracted from it for now. So a game, tv ... something. That and I'd rather not be alone right now either."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

My lovely angel, Siobhan thought to herself and placed a kiss on Galina's forehead. "Ok, sweetie. I'll get the game. Time for me to lose at Monopoly again! We can watch some tv after if it doesn't get too late," she said cheerfully, then got up and, after looking a bit, found the game she wanted and climbed back onto the bed. There was a telly in the room if either of them were in the mood to watch something later.

Regardless, she set up the game, banishing thoughts about anything else from her mind. Tonight was about her daughter and Siobhan was happy to focus on her because she was simply so adorable. Presumably at this point we shall be using the time and tested method of the time skip so that [member="Tempest"] can join again. And so they would have fun playing Monopoly, then end up falling asleep while watching a documentary about Cylixes on TV.


Storm of the Force
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

Tempest managed to involve herself in some ‘games’ which were a bit more adult than Monopoly, though featured surprising similarities otherwise!

Regardless, come morning she untangled herself from Harmony, got dressed, and wandered out to get breakfast, not knowing if she’d meet anyone along the way.

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