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Approved Planet Alpha Mae

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Name: Alpha Mae


Region: Colony Space
System: Unknown
Suns: 1 Yellow Sun
Orbital Position: Habital Zone 4th from the Sun
Moons: 1 moon

System Features:
1. Theopolus
2. Alpha Mae
3. Tenebris
4. Lux

5. Aldera

Coordinates: Below Colla IV
Rotational Period: 10 hour days, 10 hour nights
Orbital Period: 400 days
Class: Terrestrial
Atmosphere: Atmosphere type 1
Climate: Temperate, however during the rain season it is a torrential downpour for one hour that can be seen coming.
Gravity: Standard, Earth-like
Primary Terrain:

Polar Cap 10%
Grasslands 40%
Mountains 20%
Tundra 10%
Forests 20%

Alpha Mae has one ocean - The Tiberius

Native Species: Human
Immigrated Species: Zeltron, Twi'lek, Atrisians, Alderaanian, Corellians
Primary Languages: Basic
Government: A governing Body with a Head of State, and Representatives from each of the districts across Alpha Mae

Human 1 million
Zeltron 10,000
Twi'lek 10,000
Corellian, 20,000
Atrisians 10,000
Alderaanians - 100,000

Demonym: Maeites
Major Imports: Technology, exotic foods, weapons, and some pets
Major Exports: It offers Medical treatment to anyone who can find them. They work offer a safe setting for peace talks, in exchange for the purchase of goods, they seek to be the galaxy headquarters for a multinational force to help refugees.

Affiliation: All, they seek to be neutral

They offer space to anyone who wishes to build an embassy on Alpha Mae to help with the peace process across the galaxy, or to provide a neutral ground to meet upon.

Major Locations:

All buildings are existing structures that are being remodeled to fit the needs of the medical staff, peacekeeping staff, and refugee center -

Headquarters intended to hold any Galactic Conference


Alpha Mae Medical Center

Refugee Center

Culture: Multi Culture to appeal to the many citizens of the galaxy.

Technology: Technology is even with the most developed of planets in the galaxy, however there is room for improvement within the medical community. the focus of the Organa Family, and Clan Ordo will be to bring the medical facilities to the best in the galaxy.


The government of Alpha Mae was multi level. They had forgone their Monarchy during the Great Plague. The Plague had taken many of those that were considered royal, or of noble birth and it presented the opportunity to move into a government Lead by a Head of State, Deputy, and then Representatives from each of the cities across the planet.

During the Gulag Alpha Mae had begun to trade with the other worlds of the Aldera System, and with Aldera itself. Aldera had been building their classes while Alpha Mae was an established system of government.The Gulag left its mark upon the world but it had not been so ingrained that it could not recover slowly to regain their prosperity.

The Netherworld event had taken millions of citizens in a flash, and brought not only the dead back but living who could not speak the language, understand the culture, or find their way back to their own homes.

A world that had already dealt with millions of off worlders, who had rebuilt their society to accommodate the citizens who found themselves in a place they did not recognize.

In today Alpha Mae is a world that is on the brink of change. The ability to adapt to help others, their way of adopting everyone from the Netherworld event make them a unique place within the Galaxy. A uniqueness that needs to be offered to all of the galaxy by renovating old buildings, updating buildings to have the most recent technology, and by offering a neutral place for warring nations to meet.

Notable PCs: House Organa of Alderaan and Aldera, Clan Ordo of Mandalore (Faith Balor-Organa, [member="Alyesa Organa"], [member="Ordo"], Rianna Ark'lim-Organa, Arabella Darkhold, [member="Garith Darkhold JR"]. Theodosis,

Intent: To create a world that is neutral to allow interactions of peaceful intent between warring factions. To provide a cutting edge medical facility that anyone across the galaxy could come to and be treated. To gather the peacekeepers of the Galaxy, and anyone within the medical field who seeks to treat the many denizens of the galaxy. And finally to provide a home, or waiting place for refugees of worlds hit by famine, war, plague, or invasion.
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