Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction All Roads Lead to Tython | (NJO / All Jedi)


Scene II
Rebuild What Was Lost

Cale considered the question for what felt like a long time. There was a lot in the question to answer, in spite of it being such a simple one. Being here left him with a feeling that felt something like melancholy, but he could not say for certain. Part of him felt something akin to peace, the other, dread. He felt both at home and extremely out of place, the boy who'd grown up here still inside him, but the man he'd become didn't seem to belong.

"It hurts, like I'm not supposed to be here, like I wasn't supposed to come back." He answered Aleksandr Stirsea Aleksandr Stirsea with a shrug as he motioned for the boy to help him with erecting the wall of what he imagined would be some kind of community center. It was a massive thing made of heavy materials, and perhaps they could've managed it on their own, but he saw no reason to not draw in others. "I don't think this is home any more kid, hasn't been for some time."

He looked for other Jedi amongst those milling about the slowly forming settlement, still thinking on what to say, what to tell him, what to use this moment to teach. But Cale had nothing, just stories of a time long gone, with people long dead. What was there to teach from the laughter of ghosts? Maybe nothing, maybe it didn't have to teach anything.

"We used to play in the woods when we were younglings. Supervised and all, but after hours and hours of lessons and meditation, they still found some time to let us be kids. Funny stuff." Cale mused, igniting a stimstick and pressing it between his lips, taking a long drag of the smoke before his gaze finally settled on Rhys Halcyon. The kid was younger than Aleks, but not horribly so, but most importantly he didn't seem busy, and that was what mattered at that moment.

"Hey, you!" He called out to the padawan across the crowd. "Get over here and help us with this wall!"


Location: New Kaleth, Town Hall
Equipment: Corellian Outfit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Madison Starr


Madison seemed to be taking her first battle in stride, not many Padawans could handle the rigors of battle. It's one thing to be taught to clear your mind and allow extreme emotions to past through you. It's another to actually do it and many Padawans were broken at the first sight of battle. While Jax didn't have too many fond memories on the battlefield, he was never broken by them. He's still wondering if that made one of the fortunate ones or a person who just craved fighting and killing. "Been fine all things considering," Jax said. "Reinvigorated my love for Podracing by participating in a few events. Even fought with planetary governments to legalize Podracing again."

He leaned forward on the bench. "With regulations of course," he smiled before looking at Madison. "I don't have family per se," Jax said. "But the people I'm close are doing well."

He hadn't spoken to Jairdain Jairdain for a while he'll need to reconnect with her before heading off to do missions again, maybe he can set up another date..... "You look good yourself Madison," Jax said. "I trust your family is doing fine, did you show them the things I've taught you?"

The Jedi Master chuckled, nothing wrong with a little showing off, besides Madison can better protect her family now. "So judging by your look you must be bored out of your mind." Jax continued. "Well thankfully for you so am I, feel the urge to do some Lightsaber sparing. I gotta teach more of the basics of Lightsaber combat."

Jax got up. "So," he said. "You in?"



Issue #3

Dagon Kaze had always been a silent critic of Jedi passivity prior to the war with the Sith Empire but seeing the New Jedi, the battered, war-exhausted, unforgiven New Jedi, finally find a moment of reprieve warmed his heart. So laser-focused was he into the wider picture -- the grand state of the galaxy -- that he often forgot that even the smallest act of help could mean the whole galaxy for someone. Denon had taught him that more than anything else.

In the company of Zaka Zaka , the Jedi Padawan he'd somewhat taken under his wing after the notorious events on Jedha where both had faced the Sith'ari Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis , the two Jedi made their way through the town hall towards the meeting room. He threw a silent glance at Zaka's way as he recalled the last time the Knight was here. A journey with his former padawan Jem to realignemnt with the Force. A journey to settle her back on the path of the Light Side.

That had gone so well that mere months after, Jem had fallen to the Dark Side and joined her father Solipsis.

They had to prevent more Jedi from falling.

"Early as always, huh?" Dagon smirked as he entered the room and looked for a seat to take, "It's good to see you, Val."

"Can't wait for the new batch of bad news to roll." he mumbled underneath his breath. Asog had lifted some of his spirits but it was a mere candle held in a ferocious storm.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Zaka Zaka Henna Ashina Henna Ashina Inosuke Ashina Inosuke Ashina


"True" the boy said, of the tracks and their freshness, feeling perhaps a little silly in the process. "All the better for us and them, though, if it's recent it means they might be okay..." Truly he hoped they were.

Starlin was about to set him on course for another in-the-field lesson when Iris appeared, and for a moment such plans were derailed. Only a moment, though. His Master agreed that she could join them, and he beamed a smile toward the girl. They hadn't worked alongside one another for something Jedi related since, well, before Eliphas was even a Jedi!

This was a first, then. A monumental moment indeed.

Psychometry was apparently the lesson of the day, and the boy raised a curious brow at its mention. Gleaning information from an object? Okay, now that was neat! Definitely sounded like something he wanted to know how to do. And apparently Iris was somewhat familiar with it.

"What sort of colours?" he inquired softly, not even thinking to explain what that meant to Starlin since it had become second nature to him by now. This was simply how Iris was. "You managed to get an impression without even meaning to? That's so cool! I can't do anything without really, really trying first." Well... Outside of a Starship, at least. There was plenty there he could do instinctively.

Okay, time to focus. He glanced back to Starlin, trying not to be quite so sidetracked, and nodded. "Alright, I'll give it a shot," he said, "Like Force Sense, right? Nimdok showed me that one..." Or Telepathy-for-Items. Sometimes the boy needed strange ways to comprehend things before he could really give it a try, though more often that not it just led to him running in confused circles.

Oh well.

He leaned back down and reached a hand out toward the tracks. Drew upon the Force, and focused... Focused... Whatever impressions he was getting they felt very vague, subtle... Hard to grasp at. "I, uh..." Head tilted a little to one side, then he frowned. "Kind of something? But it's all dispersed, like an aerosol. Hey, maybe Iris'll have more luck?"

After all, she had already gained an impression from the arrow.

Besides, the arrival of another drew the boys attention. Someone he didn't know, though he didn't have to be a psychic to realize that Iris did know him. Eliphas saw that flash of displeasure upon her expression, however brief it had been. The boy had really been trying to hone his empathic capabilities ever since Nimdok had introduced him to the idea of it, though he was clutching at straws largely. Figuring it out for himself.

But it helped in moments like these, if only because he was consciously perceptive.

Still she schooled her expression, so for now he let the matter lie and instead rose back up and offered out a hand for the other boy to shake. "Eliphas... Eliphas Dune." This time he waited for Starlin to respond insofar as tagging along was concerned, though.

Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Iris Arani Iris Arani Silas Westgard Silas Westgard


Objective III: The Flesh Raider Threat
Lief Lief Iris Arani Iris Arani Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
And just like that, two became four. Starlin practically had a fething classroom to teach now, if three paddies could constitute such. But hey, it wasn’t so bad… except for the whole, y’know, mission to find potentially dead people that they were supposed to be on.

It looked like Iris didn’t like the latest arrival very much, judging by the way she stiffened in his presence. To be fair, Silas did sort of give off “quiet kid” vibes, but he also was very obviously the youngest of the group. His face still carried the fullness of baby fat.

Alright, if y’all wanna join the raider-hunting club, you gotta answer the question,” Starlin said, his tone very serious. “Which has the better consistency, pudding or jello?

With the ice having been broken, the discussion turned back to psychometry. Iris babbled something about colors and such, which just made Starlin look at her like she was speaking Rodian. Meanwhile Eli took to the task with enthusiasm, only to complain that the energies were too dispersed to get a proper read on them. “It’s a little like Force Sense, yeah,” Starlin agreed. “Only with Sense, you’re looking for living things that are still present. With psychometry, you’re looking for the echoes of life in the past.

Turning to Silas, he asked, “What about you? Got any experience with psychometry? Even if you don’t, go ahead and give it a try. Oh, I’m Starlin, by the way. And you’re fine to come with. Safety in numbers and all that.


The Sword and the Medkit

"Not always bad news," Bernard said as he pushed open the door with his shoulder. He carried a stack of books, precariously balancing them against himself, which kept his hands preoccupied.

He nodded to Master Noble, "Good to see you, Master Noble."

"The GADF is preparing a strike against the Maw, they're gathering forces to liberate another world," he said, a little upbeat in tone, which came somewhat uncharacteristically.

"And I hear your raid on Asog was successful, Dagon," he dropped the honorific Knight Kaze, it felt more appropriate now that they worked together regularly. He didn't feel quite as comfortable doing so with a Jedi who'd attained the rank of Master yet.

A free seat offered itself close to the door with a table beside it. Bernard took it, setting the stack down with a quiet thud.

"The weapon's been destroyed?"

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Issue #8 - Tython
Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Valery Noble Valery Noble Bernard Bernard
Henna Ashina Henna Ashina Inosuke Ashina Inosuke Ashina

Despite the location, the dpeth it was in Alliance Space - he always dressed prepared. Bodysuit, layered over with darker brown layers of robing, Zaka came in with Dagon. He too, passed on his greetings to Master Noble, before he took a seat.

Tython had a calming effect, he noted internally. Scrambling back and forth across the galaxy took a toll, he'd come to realize recently. And coming in from the fringes of Alliance Space, wasn't so bad once in a while. Hands planted neatly in his lap as he sat in the chair, his gaze stalked the Arkanian as he came through the hall.

Side-eyeing Dagon, he took a moment to think on Asog. Wasn't that long ago. He led the younger team into the tunnels, discovered the weapon. His brow furrowed. "No," Zaka answered curtly. "Rather, unknown. One of the Sith I was fighting brought the cavern the weapon was in down on us." There was disappointment in those piercing blue eyes before he added, "If the Alliance attack comes soon enough, it's possible to draw their attention before recovery." It was a failure on his end, he'd accepted. Whether in destroying the weapon, or bringing back confirmation. He knew that Dagon would be glad he came out of it alive, but the young Jedi nevertheless thought otherwise.


Issue #3


"Not always." he repeated, reassuring himself as he drew out a long exhale of relief and leaned back on his chair with hands behind his head. Maybe he needed to start piercing through the thick miasma of gloom. Rest, recover, clear his head.

Dagon watched both Bernard and Zaka exchange words regarding Asog, after which his hands fell next to him and he pulled himself up to sit more normally on the chair, "We're not sure if it's destroyed fully but--" he threw a glance at Zaka. No, they definitely needed to uplift themselves out of this murk, "--I'm certain it's set them back for a very long time."

"Where's the Alliance striking next?" he asked. Information from the Alliance trickled slower to the New Jedi after the discord between the state and the religious order.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Zaka Zaka Henna Ashina Henna Ashina Inosuke Ashina Inosuke Ashina Bernard Bernard

Madison Starr


Jax mentioned his friends were well and that he had a renewed interest in pod-racing. That was good. Everybody needs a hobby. But when other Jedi arrived in the room and began speaking, she quickly held up a hand to shush Jax. There was something here she needed to hear.

And she did.

"Sorry. I just..." She turned back to Jax and dropped her hand, "I didn't come here because I'm bored. I came here because I needed to know Asog had been worth it. That's all. I needed to hear we'd won."

She stood up and brushed herself off. Almost dismissive. A crease of frustration on her forehead.

"Anyway. I'm going to go get something to eat. You however? Well. You should probably stay awhile and go talk with the others over there. Get caught up on current events. Be a part of what comes next. Jedi business. Stuff like that."

She pointed over towards Zaka and Dagon and Bernard. They were putting the word: meeting, into town hall meeting. I suppose.

"I'll probably be free in an hour or so. Come find me down by the landing pads if you still want to train afterwards. No rush. You've probably got bigger fish to fry anyway."

She smiled. They could chat later. She should go. Big names, big talk. She didn't have much to contribute anyway. The cyborg she'd fought back on Asog was little fish. Nothing to see here.

"It was good to see you again Jax. We'll chat soon, yeah."

Taking her leave. She brushed off her fluffy coat and moved to the hall. Anxious to get some food in her belly and plan her next adventure.

Oh. And figure out what "pod racing" was, too. :p

Jax Thio Jax Thio

Location: Tython
Valery: Appearance
Objective: Scene 1
"Early as always, huh?"
Valery blinked as the familiar voice pulled her out of her own thoughts, and she looked up to see Dagon smirking at her. She rolled her eyes a little in response but a smile flashed through when he sat down. "Good to see you as well, Dag, Zaka," she said with a dip of her head that she extended to Zaka Zaka as well. Finally, her eyes were drawn to the door as another Jedi approached.
While she had some contact with Bernard over comms and coordinated Jedi business with him, they hadn't actually met face-to-face yet, as both of them were likely the busy types. Or well, she definitely was at the very least.
"Glad to finally meet you in person," she beamed a warm smile and adjusted her posture a bit, sitting up straight and making her seem a bit more ready for the meeting in the process. A small discussion followed about Asog and while she didn't have much input to offer, considering her business there had been more isolated, she was relieved to hear that the mission was quite successful.
But much like Dagon, she was interested in what came next as well and turned her attention back to Bernard.






Ruto had never in his life seen such extravagant flora. And, unfortunately, neither had his father figure, Rhugo.

There were greens, whites, pinks, purples and blues all in different petals around their new homestead. The foliage around the settlement was gnarled and leafy, but radiant in the daytime. Lush in colour, glowing delicate blue-green patterns over the planet's floor. Trees standing hundreds of feet tall, covered with shaggy blossoms, rose straight as a pillar for the first several feet then spread and stretched out to branches the little boy couldn't wait to climb.
All the things he'd be able to see from up there!

As soon as they'd gone to work helping build New Kaleth, and started to get to know the area, the pair of lost souls had agreed that the boy's mother would have loved it on Tython.

They tried to keep her memory alive and vibrant, remaking amidst themselves how she could have lived here with them. Ruto's imagination was spectacular, and he readily dove into the incarnation of his mother's memory. How she would have picked some of the flowers and worn them in her hair, picked up the smooth and colourful rocks to keep for later, or admonished Ruto for getting grass stains on his clothes. But how would he know the green was such a permanent problem? He'd never seen so much grass on Jedha before!

"I miss her," Ruto admitted when he was unable to maintain the charade any longer.

It was such a raw, abrupt admission, that Rhugo stalled for a minute. His boy's face was sincere and solemn. Painted with emotion that didn't belong on a youth his age. He should have been laughing and smiling, as carelessly as he had seconds ago. The brightest their timeline had been since The Maw destroyed their home.

"I know." His adopted father lamented and crouched to put a hand on the boy's shoulder. They shared a moment of silence, and Rhugo felt that spark of retribution flare within him once more. He spat it out on his thumb and rubbed the saliva against the grass-stained knees of his boy. "I know, buddy."

"Tython is a wonderful world.."
A large voice interrupted the moment. It didn't feel rude, however. Quite the opposite. Despite the speaker's imposing stature, there was a kindness to the interjection that begged further delivery. "Where you can build new memories to honour the ones you already have."

"Master Varobalder."
Rhugo dipped his head, and Ruto beamed. The pair had been incredibly distraught when Prosperity had come to escort them from Jedha – so much so that some of Varobalder's soothing techniques had been required to put them at ease. He'd done it for all the passengers of his praxeum that day, extending harmony through the troubled and distraught minds of those who'd suffered such loss.

"This will be a good home for you. A safe one."

A quiver rippled through the skin around his eyes when he spoke, the golden shimmer of his foresight snapping at something in the distance.

Asmundr frowned. That was disconcerting. Something he would have to meditate on.

He turned his attention back to the refugees, extending his massive arms around the shoulder of the father and a hand on the top of the boy's head, encouraging them to keep walking.
"Now, what progress have you made on your new home's foundation?"

REBUILD WHAT WAS LOST: Cale Gunderson Cale Gunderson | Rhys Halcyon | OPEN



Location: New Kaleth, Town Hall
Equipment: Corellian Outfit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: @ Valery Noble Valery Noble Zaka Zaka Henna Ashina Henna Ashina Inosuke Ashina Inosuke Ashina Bernard Bernard Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze


Jax frowned when Madison Starr signaled him to be quiet, he could feel the gathering of Jedi Masters and veteran Knights not too far from their location. Falling silent, Jax went behind Madison eavesdropping the conversation as well. He couldn't hear much only bits and pieces about Asog being a success with the Jedi strike team able to bury the superweapon. Well that was a relief, it made Jax suffering in the sand trap set by Firrerreo Firrerreo all the worthwhile. But honestly, Jax did not want to go through that ordeal again he did not like sand.

"Wait what?" Jax was lost in thought and it was snapped back to reality when Madison said to get caught up in current. "But I'm not the politic kind of guy Madison. It's not my forte."

Jax despised politics mainly because wars have started because of their incompetence or greed often both. Too many politics attain power and they use it to enrich themselves rather than help the people they're supposed to be serving first. Jedi unfortunately have to be involved in it and Madison seemed bent on leaving. "Fine," Jax sighed. "But I'll meet you at the landing pads."

The Jedi Master lumbered over to the group sighing, he liked most of the people here he just hoped there won't be any politics. "Ladies and gentlemen!" Jax gave a hearty smile. "I've heard Asog was a success, good for us so what are the Brotherhood up to?"

He placed his hands on his belt. "I just hope we won't be talking politics," Jax said.

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Invincible is merely a word.

Door mechanisms whispered a muted hiss, their shrill scream deadened by the wall whence they retreated. Inosuke's image filled the threshold's vacancy, hand still suspended before the control panel. From that same console, Ashina's severe gaze lifted and fell on Henna with unabated phlegmatics. "Good timing," he remarked plainly as he stepped forward, clearing the threshold just short of the door's return to position. Downcast glare broke into a light smile after what bordered on a drawn-out moment. "We will have time later," came a knowing assurance as he began to walk onward. Flat hand pressed briefly against her lower back followed his momentum, inviting her to follow. "Come, lest we make being late together a noticeable trend."

They arrived in no extraordinary fashion, blending congruent to colleagues. Initially, Inosuke gave silent attention to those taking the initiative. Being in attendance had little to no implication toward what one could contribute, and the Watchman of Atrisa was dry on intel. The trembling hand that fed information to the estranged order had taken on demeanor of a fickle shrewd as of late. One that, in particular, had a penchant toward doting on uncertainty. Meetings to cobble together fragments of details and hearsays, what little it put on the proverbial spoon, just to make an informed decision were quickly becoming the new modus operandi. Even the most ideal Jedi of any era would be hard pressed not to succumb to even a slight twinge of frustration with the circumstances.

"The GADF is preparing a strike against the Maw, they're gathering forces to liberate another world."
"Where's the Alliance striking next?"

"One would presume they would allow that much to slip our way unless they were confident they could handle it on their own." Regardless of the GADF's capability, a lack of beseeching wouldn't stop the Jedi from getting involved, but it certainly made it more difficult. "Bernard?" Inosuke passed the query, not able to contribute an answer.
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The Sword and the Medkit

The brief disappointment he caught in the Padawan's eyes resonated. 'No' hadn't been the answer any of them had wanted to hear, but it turned out it also didn't tell the entire story.

"The weapon may have survived, but you managed to stall the Maw's progress. You've bought valuable time. Time the Alliance needed, that allowed them to set up this offensive."

He chose not to ask about casualties. The draw of a cost-benefit spiral of simplified numbers tended to sway moods into more cynical directions than they could afford. He'd request them from Dagon later, in private.

Bernard's attention shifted to the room as a whole, now that more Jedi had trickled in. He turned toward them, sitting perpendicular to the table, and crossed one leg over the other.

"A fleet's linking up with Chiss Remnants. They're looking for a strategic blow against the Brotherhood, take back a former Ascendancy shipyard. I'm not privy to the details, the Chiss are rather, err, clandestine, but I have a hunch the Remnants are looking to do something bigger than a drydock or two."

He had a few possible targets in mind, but the Chiss Ascendancy had prided itself on its fleets, and he lacked the information to eliminate enough possibilities for a definitive one.

"That region of space is close to Ilum. We should make sure we give their offensive our support when the time comes."


Location: Forests of Tython
Objective: Take care of the raider threat
Tags: Starlin Rand Starlin Rand / Iris Arani Iris Arani / Lief Lief

The first person to greet him was the person he knew most out of all of them, Iris. Noticing the small annoyance across her lips, she soon gave him a smile and a dip of her head. Silas did the same with respect, offering her a warm smile "Indeed, they are not to be overestimated. Considering they may be large in number, you'll probably need all the bodies you can get" he said back to his fellow padawan, who still didn't seem to know what to think of him.

Then, another padawan made himself known and extended his hand over to him. Without hesitation, Silas reached over and gave it a firm shake "Good to make your acquaintance Eliphas, the names Silas Westguard" the boy said with a nod. Dune seemed to be an honorable padawan, both of them were sure to get along well on this perilous task.

The last person to themselves known was a knight this time, who instead of introducing himself asked a burning question about which particular food had better consistency. Pudding or Jello? at first, Silas tilted his head to the strange inquiry, but after a few moments he finally gave his verdict


He didn't mind if he was right or wrong, considering it was probably something to break the nerves of their first meeting. Upon hearing his name, he gave the knight a slight bow but this time didn't say his name considering he had already said it out loud "I'm afraid not, but I'll be more than happy to give it a try. Good meet you Rand" the boy said before looking forwards into the dense forest ahead.

"Have you seen any signs of the raiders before we came? if they are close, they may be already watching us..."
Tython was, in many ways, very different from what Aleksandr had expected of it. He had pictured his mentor's old home to be more... archaic, he supposed. He expected sprawling ruins and ancient Jedi strongholds. Something about the idolization of his master had caused his imagination to stretch his conjecture to the point of improbability. In the end it was a planet like any other, at least this one was temperate. Aleksandr was growing tired of polar climates.

"Hey, you!" He called out to the padawan across the crowd. "Get over here and help us with this wall!"

Ah, don’t bully the other padawans,” Aleks chastised his master. “They don’t know you like I do.” His gaze traveled to the younger man that Cale had called to, settling on Rhys Halcyon 's diminutive figure.

We could use a hand though,” He admitted as the pair attempted to raise the wall of the community center. It wasn’t so heavy that they were struggling, but another force user could easily expedite the process. He waited ‘till the other padawan moved to join them before calling out again.

Excuse my old master, he's going senile." He joked with a grin. "I'm Aleks. You got a name, guy?



Objective III: The Flesh Raider Threat
Starlin Rand Starlin Rand | Lief Lief | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

"Hunger, hate, joy. .. They like the hunt to bring fear to the hunted." And now Eli was praising her. She actually blushed, if only because she didn't think it was that special. And she was being hyped up in front of a stranger and someone she still wasn't sure about. She fell quiet, more watching the trio and their colors. Then the colors around. Her gaze lifted as Silas made mention that they could be here, watching them.

It was hard to tell. Too many colors from the plant life, and too much staining from the echoes like the arrow.

"I've only found the arrow here. Not much else."

Rhys Halcyon


Scene II​

New Kaleth, Settlement
Rebuild What Was Lost
Cale Gunderson Cale Gunderson Aleksandr Stirsea Aleksandr Stirsea

"Hey, you!" He called out to the padawan across the crowd. "Get over here and help us with this wall!"

As the voice rung out, Rhys looked around to see where it had come from. There was regularly people shouting over one another all around the village-to-be, so he had to be sure it was him being called to. Conveniently enough, he was one of the few people sitting down, which gave him a good indication. He downed one last swig of water then popped up off the crates.

"I'm comin'" the boy sauntered over to the pair that had called him, a master and apprentice. There were plenty of such duos around, but Rhys didn't have a master of his own. Not since the attack on the Jedi temple.

Rhys pushed that thought out of his mind and instead focused on the heavy construction materials the two were lifting.

Excuse my old master, he's going senile." He joked with a grin. "I'm Aleks. You got a name, guy?

"I'm Rhys." he waved the smoke from his face as the calm breeze made it drift from Cale.

Rhys reached out through the Force and grasped the next piece of the wall to go up. He almost wondered if it would be easier to just put his back into it, since there was no way he would lift this stuff by himself. The upside of sending Padawans on this job was the good experience for them... the downside came when it turned out most of them were useless.

"Y'know I don't think I've seen you guys around."

Truthfully he'd never met at least half the Jedi present in New Kaleth. Between the three main sects of the Order and the countless enclaves his teachers had no time to tell him about there was always some battlefield or mission for Jedi to travel to, making so many of them easy to miss. Rhys wanted to be like that one day. For he supposed he'd just be content with this peaceful job on a peaceful world.
"Call me senile again and you're sleeping in the engine room." Cale cut his eyes at his padawan, but a half-smirk assured his partner that it was all in good fun as he took a drag from the stimstick, letting the newcomer work.

"You wouldn't have, we're uh, new." Cale gave a shrug, and saw that as the easiest way to put things. Not a soul with a modicum of a connection to the force would've bought that Cale was inexperienced in wielding the force, and he knew that, but explaining everything got tedious quickly. So he stuck to the minimum unless he was asked, made his life a lot easier. The kid had moved the wall well enough, and the one-armed knight gave a nod of approval as it was erected.

He supposed it'd only be right to introduce himself as well, and sighed,
"Name's Cale, good to meet you."

More than anything Cale felt like he was proud that he hadn't immediately forgotten the Rhys' name as he was like to do, but soon he began to wonder. Rhys was the right age to be a learner, and clearly had a handle on the force, not to mention a lightsaber of his own, but of all the faces in New Kaleth, he didn't see anyone that looked like a master.

"You just out here with some other padawans? Your master decide not to come?"



Issue #3


Inosuke's remarks carried the implicative tone of a majority of the New Jedi's sentiment toward the Alliance. The Sacking of Coruscant and its prelude was a deep wound still fresh in the consciousness of many Jedi - a wide chasm between the state and the order over which bridges were still tentatively built. Dagon was no stranger to the notion -- the events revolving around the Sacking had sowed a great feeling of distrust towards the political echelon of the Alliance.

But as Jax implied -- today had nothing to do with politics.


"That goes without saying, yeah." he nodded in Bernard's direction. The Alliance still remained the steward of liberty and democracy across the galaxy, a natural heir of the Republic to which every Jedi Order throughout the millennia had sworn to protect.

"Only news I've got are from Denon -- caught a smuggler moving war materials to the South whose handler was a Maw agent I busted a few weeks back. Lots of Maw cronies have been moving stuff towards the Southern System." Dagon shrugged then leaned back comfortably into his chair, hands once more sliding behind his head, "Why -- I don't know. Not yet at least."

Valery Noble Valery Noble Zaka Zaka Henna Ashina Henna Ashina Inosuke Ashina Inosuke Ashina Bernard Bernard Jax Thio Jax Thio

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